Recent Publications on Waders 68

Recent Publications on Waders 68

Fraga,R.M. & Amat,J.A. 1996. Biologlade Stadtpark4, D-16303Schwedt, Germany). Waders:Limosa limosa, Numenius arquata ChorlitejosPatinegros (Charadrius and Tringatotanus. PUBLICATIONS:ON alexandrfnus)en una lagunasalada interior. (Breedingbiology of a KentishPlover Marchant,J. & Wilson,A. 1996. Waterways (Charaddusalexandrinus) population in an BirdSurvey: 1994-95 population changes. inlandlareproducci6nsaline lake). deuna Ardeolapoblaci6n43(1): de 69-86. In BTONews 205: 12-14. (BTO,The Nunnery, Spanishwith Engllishsummary. Thetford,Norfolk IP24 2PU, UK). Waders: Haematopusostralegus, Vaneflus vane#us, Gregory,R. & Bashford,R. 1996. Breeding Numeniusarquata, Tringa totanus and Actitis BirdSurvey: 1994-1995 indexreport. BTO hypoleucos. COMPILED News 206: 5-8. (BTO, The Nunnery, HENK KOFFUDEF. G Thetford,Norfolk IP24 2PU, UK). Waders: Noszaly,G., Sz6kely,T. & Hutchinson, Haematopusostralegus, Pluvialis aprica#a, J.M.C. 1995. Brood survival of Kentish Vaneflusvaneflus, Gallinago gallinago, Plovers(Charadrius alexandtfnus) in alkaline Numeniusarquata, Tringatotanus and Actitis grasslandsand drainedfish-ponds. Omis hypoleucos. Hung.5: 15-21. (Behav.Ecol. Res. Grp., In trying to make these lists as Dept.Zool., Kossuth Univ., Pf. 3, Debrecen, complete as possible, and the next Halterlein, B. & S(Jdbeck, P. 1996. H-4010, Hungary). one even more complete and up to Brutbestands-Monitoringvon K(Jstenvdgeln date, your help is most welcome. an der deutschenNordseekaste. (Monitoring Opermanis,O., Strazds, M., Peterhofs, E. & Please send new titles, abstracts, of breedingseabirds and coastalbirds along Strazds,A. 1996. (Recentchanges, reprints,copies, reports,and the GermanNorth Sea coast). Vogelwelt distributionand presentstatus of birdson 117(4-6):277-285. In Germanwith English Latvianseacoast). Putni daba 6(1): 2-14. In (important too!) omissionsor summary.(Landesamt far den Nationalpark Latvianwith English summary. (Mus. Zool., correctionsto: Henk KoffijberR, Schleswig-HolsteinischesWattenmeer, Univ.Latvia, Kronvalda bulv. 4, Riga Glenn Millerwe R 102• 1311 RW Schlossgarten1, D-25832 T0nning, LV-1842,Latvia). Waders: Haematopus Almere• The Netherlands. Germany).Haematopus ostralegus and ostralegus,Charadrius dubius, C. hiaticula. Recurvirostra avosetta showed the most Remember to include, if possible,the markedincrease. Information on breeding Ottens, H.J. &Manen, W. van 1995. numbersand trends of Charadriusdubius, C. Uitkomstsucces van Kievit Vanellus vanellus address of the first author, and hiaticula,C. alexanddnus,Vaneflus vane#us, en ScholeksterHaematopus ostralegus in translations of titles if they are in other Calidrisalpina, Philomachus pugnax, Loon-West.(Nest survivalin Lapwing languages than English. Gallinagogallinago, Limosa limosa, Vane#usvanellus and Oystercatcher Numeniusarquata, Tringa totanus and Haematopusostralegus near Loon-West). For help with this issue I'm very Arenairainterpres. Drentse Vogels8: 21-25. In Dutchwith grateful to D.A. Stroud, I. Bainbridge, Englishsummary. (Gin ningerweg 34, L. Slotta-Bachmayrand G. Olioso. Harrison, F. 1996. An unusual nest of the NL-9738 AB Gmningen, Comb-crestedJacana Irediparra gallinacea. Netherlands). Nest survivalin farmlandarea Stilt29: 37. (4/6 AlbertSt., Cranbmok, QId. Translated titles from languages other in central Drenthe, Netherlands. 4814, Australia). than Englishare bracketed;with Slotta-Bachmayr,L. 1996. round bracketsif the translationis by Kalas,J.A., Fiske, P. & Saether,S.A. 1995. Bestandsentwicklungund Habitatwahl the author(s), square brackets if not. The effectof matingprobability on risktaking: wiesenbr(JtenderVogelarten im an experimentalstudy in lekkingGreat Snipe. Wiesenbr(Jtergebiet"Haarmoos" zwischen N.B. a copy of your paper or Am. Nat. 146(1): 59-71. Gallinagomedia. 1988 und 1992. [Populationdevelopment abstract would be very helpful to and habitatchoice of breedingmeadowbirds Kruk, M., Noordervliet,M.A.W. & Ter Keurs, in the "Haarmoos" area between 1988 and enable me to add some keywords W.J. 1996. Hatchingdates of wadersand 1992]. LaufenerForschungsbericht 2: or give added annotation to the mowingdates in intensivelyexploited 57-88. In German. (Haus der Natur, titles. grasslandareas in differentyears. Biol. Museumplatz5, A-5020 Salzburg,Austria). Conserv.77(2-3): 213-218. (Dept. Breedingwaders: Vanellusvanellus, So far, about 6 000 titles have been Envimrim. Biol.,Leiden Univ., P.O. Box9516, Gallinagogallinago, Numenius arquata, stored in the WSG/RPW database. NL-2300 RA Leiden,Netherlands). Limosalimosa, Tringa totanus, Tringa Keep sending more!! glareolaand Philomachuspugnax. With Kuczynski,L. 1994. [Geographicalvariation discussionon managementmeasures for the of egg size in LapwingVanel/us vanel/us]. area. BREEDING Ptzegl. Ptzyr. 5(2): 46-56. In Polishwith Englishsummary. Sz•kely, T. 1996. Bmoddesertion in Kentish Plover Charadfius alexandrinus: an Exo, K.-M., Becker, P.H., Haltedein, B., Loegering,J.P. & Fraser,J.D. 1995. experimentaltest of parentalquality and H0tker, H., Scheufier, H., Stiefel, A., Stock, Factorsaffecting Piping Plover chick survival rematingoppurtunities. Ibis 138(4):749-755. M. S0dbeck,P. & Thorup,O. 1996. in differentbmod-rearing habitats. J. Wild/. Bruterfolgsmonitoringbei K0stenv0geln. Manage.59: 646-655. Charaddusmelodus. Whitfield, D.P., Brade, J.J., Burton,R.W., (Monitoringbreeding success of coastal Hankinson,K.W. & Young, S. 1996. The birds). Voge/we/t117(4-6): 287-293. In Madlow,W. & Mayr, C. 1996. Die abundanceof breedingKnot Calidris canutus Germanwith Englishsummary. (Inst. Bestandsentwicklungausgewahlter islandica.Bird Study43(3): 290-299. (Scott. Vogelforschung,An der Vogelwade21, geffihrdeterVogelarten in Deutschland- Natl. Heritage,Res. & AdvisoryServ. Dir., 2 D-26386 Wilhelmshaven,Germany). 1990-1994. (Populationtrends of some AndersonPlace, EdinburghEH6 5NP, UK). Waders: Haematopus ostralegus, scarce breedingbirds in Germany1990- The effectiveness of several census methods Recurvirostraavosetta and Ttfngatotanus. 1994). Vogelwelt117(4-6): 249-260. In for breedingKnot are compared,and Germanwith Englishsummary. (Am estimatesof breedingdensity from six sites 17 in west EllesmereIsland (Canada) are phaeopus,N. arquata,Actitis hypoleucos predictinghabitat quality. J. Appl.Ecol. 33: presented.Total breeding population was and Tringatotanus. 279-290. (Dept. Geogr.,Univ. Nottingham, estimatedto be 61 000 pairs, or 304 000 Univ. Park, NottinghamNG7 2RD, UK). individualsin autumn. Accordingto the Fasola,M., Biddau,L. & Borghesio,L. 1993. authors,over-optimistic estimates of breeding Habitatpreferences of residentand McNeil, R. & Rompre,G. 1995. Day and numbersand productivity,however, may Palaearctic water birds at Lake Turkana. In: nightfeeding territoriality in Willets mean that abouthalf of the Knotswintering in Wilson, R.T. (ed.). Birdsand the African Catoptrophorussemipalmatus and Whimbrel Europemay not be C.c. islandica. Environment.Proceedings of the Eighth Numeniusphaeopus during the non-breeding Pan-AfricanOrnithological Congress. seasonin the tropics. Ibis 137:169-176. Winiecki,A. 1992. [Changesof breeding Annales Mus&eRoyal de I'AfriqueCentrale (Dept. Sci. Biol.,Univ. Montreal,C.P. 6128, avifaunaas the effect of drainageof the (Zoologie)268: 539-545. (Dipt. Biol.Anim., Succ. "Centre-ville",Montreal, Quebec, KramskMarshes]. Praca ZakladuBiol. EkoL Univ. Pavia, Pz Botta9, 1-27100Pavia, Italy). Canada H3C 3J7). Ptakow ClAM 1: 83-91. In Polish with Informationon 16 wader species. Use of Englishsummary. Gallinagogallinago no certainshore types and segregationin Meltofte,H. 1996. Are Africanwintering longerbreeding. foraginglocations is described. wadersreally forced south by competition from northerlywintering conspecifics? Ferrand, Y. & Gossmann, F. 1995. La Benefits and constraints of northern versus BEHAVIOUR, ECOLOGY & Becasse des bols. [The Woodcock]. Paris: southernwintering and breedingwaders. EVOLUTION Hatier,164 pp. In French. Breedingbiology, Ardea 84(1/2): 31-44. (DanishPolar Ctr., migration,wintering, population dynamics Strandgade100 H, DK-1401 CopenhagenK, Denmark,e-mail: [email protected]). See Cad6e, N., Piersma, T. & Daan, S. 1996. and aspectsof huntingScolopax rusticola are described, based on the most recent elsewherethis Bulletinfor summaryof paper Endogenouscircannual rhythmicity in a research results. non-passerinemigrant, the KnotCalidris Miller,E.H. 1996. Nuptialvocalizations of canutus. Ardea 84(1/2): 75-84. (Lab. Gill, J.A., Clark, J.A., Clark, N.A. & male Least Seedsnipe:structure and d'Ecol., CNRS URA 258, Univ. Pierre et Sutherland,W.J. 1995. Sex differencesin evolutionarysignificance. Condor 98(2): Marie Curie, Bat. A, 7i•.meetage, 7 quai St. 418-421. Thinocorus rumicivorus. Bernard,Case 237, F-75252 Paris Cedex moultand migrationpatterns of Ruff. Wash 237, France;e-mail: Niels.Cadee Wader RingingGroup Report 1993-94:35- Minton,C.D.T. 1996. The migrationof the 36. (SchoolBiol. Sci., Univ. East Anglia, Norwich,Norfolk, NR4 7JT, UK). Red-necked Stint Calidris ruficollis. Stilt 29: Philomachuspugnax. Clark,N.A. 1995. Oystercatcherstarvation 24-35. (165 DalgettyRd., Beaumarls,Vic. on the Wash - a case of poorfood supplies. 3193, Australia). Analysisof ringing Wash Wader RingingGroup Report Gronstol,G.B. 1996. Aerobiccomponents recoveriesand colourleg-flag sightings marked in the East Asian-Australasian 1993-94: 22-24. (BTO, The Nunnery, in the song-flightdisplay of male Lapwings Vaneflus vanellus as cues in female choice. Flyway. Thetford, Norfolk IP24 2PU, UK). Haematopusostralegus.

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