THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF THE COLONY AND PROTECTORATE OF KENYA Published under the Authority of His Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya Vol. XXXVIII.—No. 40 NAIROBI, August 4, 1936 Price 50 Cents Registered as a Newspaper at the G P Q Published every Tuesday TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Govt Notice No 470—Arrivals, Depaitures, Appomtments, etc i" Proclamations Nos 54-56—The Diseases of Animals Ordmance 745 Govt Notice No 471—The King’s Afiican Rifles Reserve of Officers Ordinance, 1927—Resigna- tion 746 ys - ,, 472—Asian Clerical Staff Confirmation Lxam:mation 746 - ,, 473—The Crop Production and Live Stock Ordinance—Re Groundnut Crop, South Kavirondo and Central Kavirondo Districts 746 7 - ,, 474—The Prisons Ordinance, 1980—Appointments 746 General Notices Nos 891-914 746 SUPPLEMENT Kenya ProcuaMATions, RuLES AND REGULATIONS (No 30) 144 THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE August 4, 1936 GOVERNMENT Noticr No +470 ARRIVALS N Rank From *¢axeoron! Date of Leaving Date of Date of Arnval ame an | lst Appointment | England Embarkation at Mombasa J Notman Foreman, Public Works Dept Leave 27th June 1936 26th July, 1936 BR S Cmnamond Foreman, Public Woths Dept a} ay I R Gulespie Thstrict Olficer be as Miss R E M Gozzett dtd Operator Customs Depaitment .? os Miss L M Eden Education Officer a3 'Y Miss AE Chase Education Officer +? Led H N Instone Ag Assistant Supdt of Police IPT 33 43 Major K G O’Morchoe Officer Commanding 4th Batta lion King s African Rifles a > Dr M A W Roberts Medical Officer 4th July, 1936 Sth July, 1936 * oF Miss W Shade Nursirg Sister, Medieal Dept > 27th June 1936 a3 A H Daws Laboratory Asst , Medical Dept 28th June 1936 sth July, 1936 . os R J Lathbury Plant Breeder, Agric Dept > 4th July, 1936 bed Lieut R E M Thackeray Company Officer Miltary fst Appomiment 12th July 1936+ 19th July, 1936 t g8 J W McKone Sub Engineer Postal Dept Leave 27th June, 1936 28th July, 1936 || F H Thornham Foreman K U R &H 27th Tune, 1936 26th July, 1936 * Maiseilles + Malta +t Aden || Dar es Salaam §Arrmved at Mombasa per 8 8 ““Malda”’ on 26th July, 1936 and trarshipped to the M V Dumia” 26th July, 1936 APPOINTMENTS Georce BRENTNALL HEBDEN, AMIEE, to be Postmaster Geneial of the combined postal services of Kenya, Uganda and the Tanganyika Teiritory, with effect fiom the 23rd July, 1936 Ernest Wiutram Ferrrett, Postmaster, to be Acting Senioi Postmaster with effect from the 17th June, 1936 Epwarp Henry Ross, Assistant Engineer, Public Works Department, to be Acting Executive Engineer, Nairobi Division, with effect fiom the 30th June, 1936 REVERSION STFPHANUS JOHANNES BoscH 1eve1ts to his substantive rank of Male Mental Nurse, Matha11 Mental Hospital, with effect trom the Ist August, 1986 PRELIMINARY ORAL SWAHILI FXAMINATION Pass W XMPickford, Police Depirtment Miss S B Bennett, Secretaziat G L Krauss, Agricultural Department A Dt V WADE, Colonial Secretary ERRATA tief Govt Notice No 457 DEPAR1 URES Re A P Best, Di EA Tim, Di F P G dea Smidt, Capt G T Howaid, P Collier—Date of De- parture should :ead 20th July, 1936 August 4, 1936 THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE 145 — Colony and Protectorate of Kenya ProcLtaMaTion No 54 THE DISEASES OF ANIMALS ORDINANCE (Chapter 157 of the Revised Edition, Section 4) AND THE INTERPRETATION AND GENERAL CLAUSES ORDINANCE (Chapter I of the Revised Edition, Section 13) GOVERNMENT Notice No 231 or 1919 PROCLAMATION IN EXERCISE of the powers thereunto enabling me, I hereby declare the area defined in the Schedule hereto to be infected with East Coast Fever, and I hereby further declare the said area shall be known as an “‘ Infected Area” for the purposes of Rules under the Diseases of Animals Ordmance Proclamation No 5 dated the 15th day ofJanuary, 1930, 1s hereby amended accordingly Given under my hand at Nairobi this 29th day of July, 1936 R DAUBNEY, Acting Chef Vetermnary Officer SCHEDULE LR or other Description Owner District Pate of Commence- ment of Quarantine LR No 535/1/3 W Taylor, Esq , Molo Nakuru 20th July, 1936 ProcnamatTion No 55 THE DISEASES OF ANIMALS ORDINANCE (Chapter 157 of the Revised Edition, Sectron 4) AND THE INTERPRETATION AND GENERAL CLAUSES ORDINANCE (Chapter I of the Rewsed Edition, Section 13) GovERNMEN?T Notice No 231 or 1919 PROCLAMATION IN EXERCISE of the powers thereunto enabling me, I hereby declare the areas defined in the Schedule hereto to be infected with Kast Coast Fever, and I hereby further declare the said areas shall be known as ‘“‘ Infected Areas’ for the purposes of Rules under the Diseases of Anmmals Ordinance Proclamation No 65 dated the 10th day of July, 1935, 1s hereby amended accordingly Given under my hand at Nairobi this 29th day of July, 1936 R DAUBNEY, Acting Chref Vetermary Officer SCHEDULE LR or other Deseription Owner District Date of Commence- ment of Quarantine LR No 6352 and that por F F Blatherwick, Laikipia 12th July, 1936 tion of the Mam Thom Esq , Thomson’s son’s Falls Nanyuki Road Falls passing through 1t LR No 2684, Mrs G Mackenzie, Nakuru 28th July, 1936 P O Subukia 746 THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE August 4, 1936 PrRociaMaTION No 56 GOVERNMENT Noticn No 473 THE DISEASES OF ANIMALS ORDINANCE THE CROP PRODUCTION AND LIVE STOCK (Chapter 157 of the Revised Edition, section 4) ORDINANCE AND AND THE INTERPRETATION AND GENERAL THE AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE MARKETING CLAUSES ORDINANCE RULES, 1984 (Chapter 1 of the Revised Edition, section 138) IN EXERCISE of the powers thereunto enabling me, I hereby declare that for the purposes of Rule Govirvaurxr Noric) No 231 oF 1919 8 of the Agricultural Produce Marketing Rules, 1934, PROCLAMATION (a) the 16th day of August, 1986, shall be the date before which no produce of the groundnut crop of IN EXERCISE of the powers thereunto enabling 1936 grown in the South Kavuondo District may be me, I hereby declaie the followmg ateas to be sold o1 offered for sale, and (b) the 7th day of infected areas for the purposes of the said Diseases September, 1986, shall be the date before of Animals Ordinance — which no produce of the groundnut crop of 1986 grown in the RINDURPEST ponte Kavirondo Disttict may be sold or offered o1 sale LR No 6819, B H Cury, Esq , Rumuruti, Laikipia District Nairobi, LR No 6810, Capt L T § Bower, Rumutruti, This 28th day of July, 1986 Laikipia District H B WATERS, LR No 2399, J P S Marais, Esq, PO Duector of Agneulture Nanyuki, North NyeDistrict de G Colvile, Ndabibi Farms, LR No 18, P GOVERNMENT Novick No 474 Gilgil, and the main Lake Road passing through the farms Naivasha District THE PRISONS ORDINANCE, 19380 Given under my hand at Nairobi this 29th day of Notic&é July, 1936 IN EXERCISE of the R DAUBNEY, powers conferred upon him by section 22 (1) of the Prisons Ordinance, Acting Chief Veterinary Officer 1930, His Excellency the Governo hag been pleased to appoint-— GOVERNMENT Notice No 471 The IT Class Magistiate, Kakamega, and Mi J W Ford, = THE KING’S AFRICAN RIFLES RESERVE OF as Visiting Justices to Kakamega OFFICERS ORDINANCH, 1927 Prison Natrob, NovicE Dated this 8lst day of July, 1936 The Secretary of State for the Colomies, on the recommendation of His Iixcellency the Governor, A vo V WADE, has been pleased to approve the removal, on resigna- Colomal Secretary tion, of the name of the following office: from the King’s African Rifles Reserve of Officers — GENERAL Notice No 3891 Mr V FE Blad THE WEIGHTS AND MEASURES ORDINANCE Nairobi, This 29th day of July, 1986 Noticr to TrRapers An Inspector of A ve V WADE, Weights and Measures will visit the following places on the dates given below Colonial Secretary All traders must submit then weighing and measuling apparatus to hun for testing and re- GOVERNMENT Notice No 472 stamping ASIAN CLERICAL STAFF CONFIRMATION Kuambu, August 17, 19386 EXAMINATION, SEPTEMBER, 1936 Runu, August 18, 1986 Thika, August 19 & 20, 1986 The above exammation will be held at centres Inmuru, August 21, 19386 throughout the Colony on Wednesday, Thursday and Kyabe, August 24, 1986 Friday, September 281d, 24th and 25th, 1936 Naivasha, August 2) & 26, 1986 2 Entries should be sent to the Director of Gilyil, August 27 & 28, 1986 Education before the 31st August, 1936, on which Thomson’s Falls, August 81, 1936 date the entry hist will be closed Entries should Rumuiuti, September 1, 1986 be made on the proper form Entry forms may be Nyeti, September 2, 8, 4 & 5, 1986 obtained on application to the Education Depart- Nato Motu, September 8, 1936 ment Nanyuki, September 9, 1986 Meru, September 10, 11 & 12, 1936 8 The conditions of the examination ate as pre- Embu, September 14, 1936 scribed in Chapter XXI (page 1538) of the Code of Fort Hall, September 15, 16 & 17, 1986 Regulations R DAVIS, H M GIBSON, for Directo: of Education Deputy Inspector of Weights and Measures August 4, 1936 THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE 747 JERERAL Notice No 892 GENERAL Notice No 895 AIR MAIL NOTICE UASIN GISHU DISTRICT COUNCIL EXO DNSIow oF Larust Timm or Postine LETtToRS Al ELECTION GPO, Narrozsr, ron Norrnzounp Arr Mains Locat GOVERNVENT (District CouncILs) ORDINANCE, The Postmaster Geneial announces that the 1928 atest time of posting letters at the G P O , Nairobi, or the northbound Aw Mail has been extended to NOMINATION OF CANDIDATES TO FILL Casuan jam on Mondays and Fndays, to take effect as VACANCY ror the neat northbound departure on Monday, NOTICE is hereby gtven in terms of section 26 Aucust 3:d, 19386 of the Local Government (District Couneils) Ordin- 8'st July, 1936 ance, 1928, that an election will be held to fill a F § MACKRELL, vacancy on the Council caused by the death of a member for the Soy No 1 Ward Postmastei, Nairobi The clection will take place on Tuesday the 18th August, 1986, and nominations of candidates will be 1eceived by the undersigned at the Soy Hotel, Soy, GENERAL Notice No 893 between the hours of 10 o’clock in the forenoon and 1 o’clock in the afternoon NOTICE I’ 3s notified for general mformation that, as ivery candidate for election must be proposed fron.
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