Man Spricht Deutsch lei On Parle Francais Sie musen hierbleiben. THEST^ Je ne comprends pas. Zee mewssen heerblaibun. Juh nuh KAWM-prahng PA. You must stay here. Daily Newspaper of U.S. Armed Forces os^C 'n the European Theater of Operations I don't understand. Vol. 1—No. Ill lFr. New York—PARIS—London lFr. Friday, Nov. 10, 1944 Patton Opens 4 Attacks Late Coilllt^ritfe of Jap Navy Humbled by Bombs Big Pincer Gives FDR Drive On 35 States Near Metz WASHINGTON, Nov. 9 The U.S. Third Army front j Late returns today swept nto roared to life at four points President Roosevelt's column in sleet-drenched Lorraine at least seven states where yesterday—from Luxemburg Thomas E. Dewey had enjoyed to the east of Nancy. an early lead but still in- Lt. Gen. George S. Patton dicated a better showing oy Jr., opened pincer attacks the New York governor than A U.S. Navy dive bomber's mis- north and south of Metz in the late Wendell L. Willkie siles explode near the forward turret of the Japanese battle- a developing offensive behind made in 1940. ship Yamaio during the rout fleets of bombers, while his Missouri. Montana, Nevada, New of the Tokyo fleet, October 25, Wednesday thrust 37 miles south of Hampshire, New Jersey, Oregon in Philippine waters. It's Jap- the ancient fortress city ripped ana Rhode Island counted lor an's newest and fastest warship. three miles through a score of Dewey early in the tabulating, villages toward the Saar basin.' swung over to Roosevelt on later At the same time, Lt. Gen. Court- returns. In Ohio and Michigan, the ney H. Hodges' U.S. First Army Republican candidate's lead was so troops began a local attack in a slim as to leave their final status GOP Loses 21 L .S. Troops to Join French triangle of snow-carpeted woodland in doubt. bounded by three fiercely-contested Popular Vote German villages—Vossenach, Kom- Returns up to 9 AM today (2 PM House Seats; In Armistice Day Programs merschiedt and Schmidt. in the ETO) showed Roosevelt lead- Light Opposition ing in 35 states with 413 electoral 15 Undecided votes; Dewey ahead in 13 states France will celebrate Armistice Day for the first time Front dispatches said that Patton's 36-hour-old offensive was meeting with 118 votes. WASHINGTON, Nov. 9.—Demo- in four years Saturday, with U.S. troops throughout the The popular vote at that time, light opposition in some quarters crats took at least 21 House seats country joining French soldiers and civilians in honoring and virtually no tanks. No counter- from 118,685 of the nation's 130,810 the dead of World War I. * voting units, gave Roosevelt 23,610,- away from the Republicans in Tues- attack had developed up to last night. United Press speculated 587 Dewey 20,743,268, indicating the day's election while losing enly two Wreaths will be placed Saturday morning on the tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the Arc that the German armor in tactical smallest popular majority for a of their own, late returns showed presidential winner since the close de Triomphe. A parade of Allied reserve was s ill up in the Aachen yesterday. And they easily main- soldiers and sailors will follow. area to meet the First Army attack race of 1916, in which Woodrow tained their majority in the Senate. Wilson won re-election over Charles At 11 AM a special mass will be German Mines toward Cologne. One of the notable upsets occur- In Holland, meanwhile, Polish E. Hughes. Roosevelt, however, was red in North Dakota when Sen. conducted at the Suresnes Cemetery not victim to the misfortune which by Chaplain R. P. Grady, of the forces of the First Canadian Army Gerald P. Nye, veteran Republican BoobyTrapped captured Moerdijk, last German befell Wilson when" the Democrats and bitter foe of the Administra- Seine Section. Memorial services lost control of Congress. also will be held at Solers. bridgehead south of the River Maas. tion's international policies, con- The Poles took 200 prisoners and The late Michigan returns para- A new warning that German ceded the election of his Demo- Army Band to Play herded the remaining Nazis back doxically swelled to landslide pro- cratic opponent, John Moses. Tellermines are now being booby- portions the margins by which every The 86-pieee United States Army against the broken masonry of the With six of the 36 Senate races, Band, and French and British trapped to explode upon disarming, Republican on the state ticket swept Maas bridges. These had been still undecided, Democrats definitely military bands will present a con- was issued yesterday by Lt. Col. E. blown by the main body of retreat- (Continued on Page 4) elected 19 to join 36 hold-overs for cert at the Paris Opera House in L. Morris, U.S. Army Engineers, at ing Germans who left the rearguard a total of 55; the Republicans had the afternoon. trapped behind. elected 11 to add to 24 hold-overs Compiegne Forest, site of the Paris. Germans said Patton had massed for a total of 35. In the present signing of the 1918 Armistice, also Previous instructions for removal 1,000 tanks and 500,000 men for the Ike Addresses Senate the lineup stands: 58 Demo- will be the scene of a memorial called for unscrewing the top of attack in Lorraine where his Third crats and 37 Republicans, plus one ceremony, with more than 200 nigh Army has stalled two months before Progressive. the igniter. Now, however, the Allied officials scheduled to take Nazis have installed new igniters the steel-stone forts of Metz. Belgian House 'Singing Cowboy' In part. The Nazis warned that Patton which, Col. Morris reported, ex- 's In Idaho, Glen H. Taylor, Poca- (Continued on Page 4) BRUSSELS, Nov. 9—Gen. Eisen- plode when an attempt is made to tello radio entertainer who bills disarm it. hower, addressing the Belgian Par- himself as "the singing cowboy," liament on an official visit to Brus- finally attained the Senate after Big 3 Parley Mines Best Destroyed V2s Again Hit London, sels today, said that "much remains two previous unsuccessful cam- to be done in order to reach our Simplest treatment, he said, is to Berlin Radio Declares paigns. A Democrat, he defeated destroy the mine in its place. How- common goal, which is the com- Republican Gov. C. A. Bottolfsen. Near-Churchill plete defeat of the enemy." ever, where the tactical situation The Berlin radio told German With 15 House races undecided, requires its removal, he advocated He expressed confidence that the Democrats definitely elected 241, LONDON, Nov. 9.—Prime Minister listeners yesterday that "once again Belgians would continue to help Churchill said today that the pros- that a long rope be used to pull during the night the V2 pounded compared with their present repre- the mine off the crossing. "on the same generous scale as In sentation of 214. Republicans elected pects of another meeting of Presi- London and southern England." If the mine had to be removed the past" and promised that in 177, where they now hold 212 seats. dent Roosevelt, Marshal Stalin and There was no confirmation or by hand to assure no damage to turn "we will do all we can, while Minor parties lost two of their four. himself, "have been vastly improved denial from British authorities on taking account of the necessity of In Illinois, Mrs. Emily Taft Doug- by the results of the presidential such a point as a bridge approach the Nazis' claim that their new annihilating the enemy forces, to las, former actress making her first election in the U.S. for which we or road defile, he recommended a and more potent "secret weapon,' help you in the difficult days that bid for public office, was elected waited so breathlessly." search be made first for booby- reportedly a stratosphere rocket, are to :ome. congresswoman - at - large on the "It is certainly remarkable," traps beneath the mine. was in action. "Pinal victory is certain," he said, Democratic ticket. Churchill said in a luncheon "and the future can be nothing Another former actress, Democrat address, "that all this turmoil of but gleaming." Helen Gahagan, wife of Melvyn the U.S. election should have been 8th AF Armada Blasts Path Eisenhower was accompanied by Douglas, was elected to Congress carried through without any dis- Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur Ted- from California's 14th District over turbing of the ancient, moth-eaten, der, deputy supreme commander. Republican William D. Campbell. threadbare controversies, which are For 3rd Army Attack at Metz to be found in the history books, between Great Britain and her The same thunder which pre- up night Mosquito attacks on Han- American kinsmen, now brothers-in- ceded the St. L6 breakthrough yes- over and other targets in western GOP Loses 5 Governorships arms." Germany. terday morning filled the skies in (Allied air activity over the south- But Unseats 2 Democrats Huge Red Winter Drive the Metz sector when more than ern Reich was indicated by United L300 Eighth Air Force Flying For- Press reports from Zurich, Switzer- WASHINGTON, Nov. 9.—A wave won 13, of which eight were outside On Nazis Ready to Roll tresses and Liberators, escorted by land, stating that American planes had dropped about 20 bombs on of Democratic votes swept Republi- the solid South, and were leading 500 fighters, smashed at targets in the path of the Third Army at- Eglisau, close to the Swiss-German can governors out of five state in three.
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