
Cambridge University Press 0521527201 - The Cambridge Companion to Aphra Behn Edited by Derek Hughes and Janet Todd Index More information INDEX Adis, Henry 187 n. 49 City-Heiress, The 6, 7, 13, 16–17, 22, Alarcon,´ Daniel Cooper 186 n. 37 34, 35, 37, 40–1, 42–3, 74, 75–9, 80, Alleman, Gellert Spencer 28 n. 3 105 Allen, Don Cameron 234 n. 31 ‘Complaint of the Poor Cavaliers, The’ Allestree, Richard 13–14 49 Altaba-Artal, Dolores 202 n. 7 Congratulatory Poem...OntheHappy Arlington, Henry Bennet, Earl of 3, 4, 86, Birth of the Prince of Wales 58–9 174 Congratulatory Poem to her Most Ashcraft, Richard 64 n. 7 Sacred Majesty, A 58 Astell, Mary 27 Congratulatory Poem to her Sacred Athey, Stephanie 186 n. 37, 187 n. 47 Majesty Queen Mary, A 60–1, 68 Covent Garden Drolery 5 Backscheider, Paula R. 133 n. 6 ‘Disappointment, The’ 213–14 Bacon, Nathaniel 93 Discovery of New Worlds, A 224, Baggs, Zachary 8 227–33 Baker, Ernest 172 ‘Dumb Virgin, The’ 189, 190–1, 192, Ballaster, Ros 115–16 n. 1, 117 n. 13, 199–200, 201 149 n. 7, 187 n. 46, 201 n. 1, Dutch Lover, The 5, 7, 30–1 202 n. 13, 202 n. 24, 203 n. 40, Emperor of the Moon, The 18–19, 31 203 n. 42 Epilogue to Romulus and Hersilia 6, 51, Barash, Carol 208, 210, 53, 68 214 ‘Essay on Translated Prose’ 224–5 Barnfield, Richard 220 n. 2 Fair Jilt, The 7, 24, 190, 191, 193, Barry, Elizabeth 23, 36–7, 195–7, 199, 200–1 113 False Count, The 64 n. 12 Bayle, Pierre 228 Feign’d Curtizans, The 5, 18–27, 30, 31, Beal, Peter 10 n. 13, 11 n. 19 34, 35, 69–70, 79–80, 106–7, 125, Behn, Aphra 128–9 Works Forc’d Marriage, The 1, 5, 29, 32, 42, Abdelazer 5, 33, 35, 36, 40, 89–91, 96, 83, 95 202 n. 26 ‘Golden Age, The’ 20, 135, 206, ‘Adventure of the Black Lady, The’ 214–18, 219 14–15, 193, 195, 197–8, 202 n. 21 Histories and Novels 2 Aesop’s Fables 51, 54, 55 History of Oracles, The 223, 227–33 Agnes de Castro 7, 193, 200 History of the Nun, The 192, 193, 194, Amorous Prince, The 5, 32, 33, 38, 83, 195, 198–9, 211 87–9, 92 Love-Letters between a Noble-Man and ‘Cease, cease, Aminta’ his Sister 6, 7, 31, 55, 135 243 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521527201 - The Cambridge Companion to Aphra Behn Edited by Derek Hughes and Janet Todd Index More information index Behn, Aphra (cont.) Sir Patient Fancy 6, 9, 18, 30, 31, 36, ‘Love Letters to a Gentleman’ 145, 192 39, 40, 43, 101, 103–6 Luckey Chance, The 8, 19, 31, 37, 38, ‘Song to a Scotish tune’ (Todd I, 4) 51–2 101, 106, 107–13, 114–15, 207 ‘Song. To a New Scotch Tune’ 53 ‘Lucky Mistake, The ’ 190, 191, 194, ‘To Christopher Duke of Albemarle’ 199, 200, 201 186 n. 38 Lycidus 6 ‘To His Sacred Majesty, King James II’ ‘Memoirs of the Court of the King of 56 Bantam’ 189, 190, 195, 199, 200, ‘To the Fair Clarinda’ 5, 207 202 n. 16, 202 n. 21 ‘To the Unknown Daphnis’ 208, 233 Miscellany 6 n. 3 ‘Nun, The’ 189, 194, 199, 202 n. 18 Town-Fopp, The 5–6, 14, 40, 41–2 ‘Oenone to Paris’ 9, 51 ‘Unfortunate Bride, The’ 189, 191–2, ‘Of Plants. Book VI’ 9, 65 n. 29 193, 194, 198, 199, 200, 202 n. 19 ‘On Desire’ 102, 218–19 ‘Unfortunate Happy Lady, The’ 190, ‘On the Death of Mr. Grinhill 207 191, 193, 195, 200, 201 n. 5, 202 ‘On the Death of the Late Earl of n. 16, 202 n. 18, 202 n. 19 Rochester’ 206 ‘Unhappy Mistake, The’ 191, 195 Oroonoko 2, 3, 7, 8, 31, 151–64, Voyage to the Isle of Love, A 51, 54–5, 166–84, 191–201, 203 n. 34, 229, 232 206, 212, 214–18 ‘Our Cabal’ 5, 207–8 ‘Wandring Beauty, The’ 19–20, 189, ‘Paraphrase of the Lord’s Prayer’ 66 193, 195 n. 48 Widdow Ranter, The 9, 17–18, 44 n. 7, ‘Paraphrase on Oenone to Paris, A’ 55, 93–7, 182 208–10 Younger Brother, The 1, 2, 44 n. 7, 187 ‘Pastoral to Mr Stafford’ 8 n. 55 Pindarick on the Death of Our Late Young King, The 3, 32, 33, 83, 91, 95, Sovereign, A 56 96 Pindarick Poem on the Happy Behn, Mr 1, 3 Coronation of His most Sacred Berkeley, Lady Henrietta 136–7 Majesty 8, 49, 57 Bernbaum, Ernest 202 n. 23 Poem Humbly Dedicated to... Betterton, Mary 29, 36 Catherine Queen Dowager, A 56–7 Betterton, Thomas 35, 44 n. 1, 113 Poem to Sir Roger L’Estrange 8, 55, 62 Bion 204 Poems upon Several Occasions 6 Bonnecorse, Balthasar de 221, 222 Prologue to Romulus and Hersilia 63 Boothby, Frances 29 n. 2 Boyle, Roger, Earl of Orrery 30 Prologue to Valentinian 6 Braudel, Fernand 173 Reflections on Morality or Seneca Briscoe, Samuel 188–9, 190, 201–2 n. 6 Unmasqued 7, 21, 223–4, 225–7 Brown, F. C. 63 n. 2 Revenge, The 28 n. 8, 34, 37, 66 n. 51, Brown, Laura 81–2 n. 13, 155, 170–1, 179 70, 72, 80 n. 4, 91 Brown, Thomas 201 n. 6 Roundheads, The 2, 6, 45 n. 16, 66 Brownley, Martine Watson 179, 202 n. 18 n. 48, 68–9, 70, 95 Buckingham, George Villiers, second Duke Rover, The 2, 6, 18, 22, 24–6, 28 n. 8, of 64 n. 17 31, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38–9, 49, 55, 57, Burke, Edmund 47 71–3, 92, 101, 107, 118–28, 211, 216 Burnet, Gilbert 47, 60, 61–3, 65 n. 44, 73 Second Part of The Rover, The 2, 6, 22, Byam, William 2 23, 24, 28 n. 8, 34, 36, 37, 55, 73–5, 77, 106, 107, 129–33 Calderon´ de la Barca, Pedro 85 Seneca Unmasqued see Reflections on Cameron, W. J. 10 n. 11, 10 n. 13, 64 n. 11, Morality 149 n. 6, 185 n. 19 ‘Silvio’s Complaint’ 54 Canfield, J. Douglas 99, 133 n. 8 244 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521527201 - The Cambridge Companion to Aphra Behn Edited by Derek Hughes and Janet Todd Index More information index Canning, William 233 n. 8 Donnan, Elizabeth 184 n. 2, 186 n. 29, 186 Cantenac, Jean Benech de 213 n. 30 Care, Henry 46–7 Donville, Sir William 233 n. 6 Centlivre, Susanna 190 Dorset, Charles Sackville, Earl of 7 Cervantes, Miguel de 87 Downes, John 87 Chamberlayne, Edward 186 n. 32 Drumlangrig, Earl of 234 n. 30 Charles II 20, 21, 32, 53, 54, 55–6, 174, Dryden, John 5, 7, 8, 9, 30, 32, 52, 63 n. 1, 191 65 n. 26, 66 n. 47, 70–1, 85–6, 87, Charles-Daubert, Franc¸oise 234 n. 31 220 n. 1, 221 Chernaik, Warren 82 n. 13 Duffy, Maureen 9, 10 n. 3, 59, 65 n. 39, 66 Chibka, Robert 180 n. 46, 81 n. 13 Clarendon Code 48 Dunn, Richard S. 185 n. 17, 186 n. 38, 187 Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of 45 n. 19, n. 52 86 Durfey, Thomas 30, 31, 34, 35, 82 n. 19 Clark, T. E. S. 66 n. 56, 66 n. 58, 67 n. 63 Clayton, Tony 67 n. 62 ‘Epistle to Julian, An’ 9 Clifton, Robin 65 n. 31 Etherege, Sir George 7, 33, 34, 35, 99, 103, Codrington, Christopher 183–4 120 Colepepper, Thomas 1 Evelyn, John 51, 55, 58, 65 n. 44 Collier, Jeremy 113 Exclusion Crisis 33, 40 ‘Congratulatory Poem to his Highness, the Prince of Orange, A’ 66 n. 45 Feldwick, Arlen 63 n. 3, 82 n. 21 Congreve, William 102, 194 Ferguson, Margaret 143, 164 n. 2, 180 Conway, Alison 143, 149 n. 3, 149 n. 6 Ferguson, Robert 47, 146 Cooper, Antony Ashley, Earl of Shafteeburg Filmer, Sir Robert 47, 68 52–3, 54, 55, 190 Finch, Anne, Countess of Winchilsea 1, 205, Copeland, Nancy 45 n. 17, 133 n. 17 219 Cordner, Michael 117 n. 17 Finke, Laurie 114 Corman, Brian Fitzmaurice, James 10 n. 10 Corneille, Pierre 29 Fontenelle, Bernard le Bovier de 222, Corney, Thomas 4 227–33 Cottegnies, Line 233 n. 6, 233–4 n. 9 Ford, Lord Grey of Werke 7, 136–7, 142 Cotton, Nancy 81 n. 13 Franceschina, John 82 n. 21 Cowley, Abraham 9, 221 Frank, Marcie 114 Craton, Michael 170, 185 n. 13 Fraser, Antonia 82 n. 14 Creech, Thomas 9 Frohock, Richard 183 Crompton, Virginia 63 n. 3, 67 n. 61 Crowne, John 114 Gallagher, Catherine 44 n. 4, 115 n. 1, 200, Currer, Elizabeth 36 203 n. 31 Cutts of Gowran, Baron 189 Gassendi, Pierre 20 Gilbert, Sandra 154 Dangerfield, Thomas 190 Gildon, Charles 2 Davenant, Mary, Lady 29 Gill, Pat 100 Davenant, Sir William 5 Glanvill, Joseph 233 n. 6 Davies, John, of Kidwelly 233 n. 6 Godfrey, Sir Edmund Berry 59 Day, Robert Adams 194, 201 n. 4, 202 n. 20, Goreau, Angeline 173 203 n. 44 Gould, Robert 2, 9 Dekker, Thomas 5, 90–1 Goveia, Elsa V. 187 n. 54 Denham, Sir John 29 Grammont, Philibert, Count of 51 DeRitter, Jones 81 n. 13, 122, 124 Granville, George, Lord Lansdowne 189, Dhuicq, Bernard 233 n. 9 190 Diamond, Elin 44 n.
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