A Journal devoted to the interests of Rugby League Football, and containing the only authorised List of Names, Numbers, Colors and Positions of Player•. Publiahed by the N.S. W. Rugby Football League a.t their Office, 165 Phillip Street, Sydney, N.S. W. --~·-~c: Vol. 4-No. 20. (OOPVRIQHT) SYDNEY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1923. Price-Threepenoe Appeals a.nd Protest Committee of the N.S. W. Rugby Football_ League. Mr. E. L. Dermody (Chairman), sides holding his seat on the above Glebe District·s hon. treasurer committee, he also finds time to 'since ' 1916, has a long connection devote to the furtherance of the with football, for he was a 11upil of game by sitting on two other com­ and playe'd centre three-quarter mittees, viz., the Qualifications and for that famous hot-bed of athletes Schools, and although these vari­ -Forest Lodge Superior Public ous positions may not convey School, under the regime of W. much to the outside mind ofttimes Bard 1 y. principal ; during tlle the volume of business calls for a same period Billy Farnsworth, deal of sound deliberation and Newtown and Australasian five- ' considerable judgrnent. eighth, was teaching there. In 1911 In 1922 he was elected a vice­ he wa acting as second-grade president of the St. George district, secretary, appointed assistant retaining that positfon during secretary to Glebe District in 1912, the present season; also being ap­ a position he held with credit till pointed the club's delegate to the 1916, which year saw his excellent head body. A good, solid, forceful services recognised by his asr.eu­ speaker, he makes an excellent re­ dency to the position of treasurer presentative. Mr. Patterson has and delegate to the N.S.W. Rugby done a great deal for football in Football League. He has been the count•ry in an official capacity. chairman of the Appeals and Pro- test Committee since 1916. In 1919 (Continued on Page 7.) MR. E. L. DERMODY. when a Metropolitan team visited Queensland he was joint-manager, also representing the League at a conference on matters affecting the code, held at Bathurst. He also managed the successful Me­ tropolitan team that visited New­ castle in June last. A keen en­ thusiast, he has the full confi­ dence of his district, and puts plenty of energy into his numerous duties, for he is also a member of the Qualifications Committee. Mr. C. W. Patterson, an- other member of the Appeals and Protests Committee, is also a gentleman with an abundant sup­ ply of energy, which is always at the disposal of anybody- or any­ thing which tends to furt:her the MR. C. W. PATTERSON. interests of the League code. ·Be- MR. A. V. MO'VMOW . 1 - THE RUGBY LEAGUE NEWS. September 1. 1923. We · Supply Everything For Every Sport Call an inspect our fine range of New Season's Cricket Requisites ILLUSTRATED PRICE LIST FREE ON RF.QUEST _M"ck3imihons.l!; Australia's Greatest Sports Outfitters Headquarters: 720L Haymarket, Sydney ~Qr iugby 14rugur Nrhts Vol. 4-No. 20 (OOPYRl<IHT) SYDNEY, SEPTEM BER 1, 1923. Price- Threepence TO-DAY'S M ATCHES. 'ti. quite on the cards that they engagements but one since. But will · r ever se the decision of the this, notwithstanding, the promise earlier round. Balmain will be of a great display w ill surely draw With the return of t.he State greatly strengthened by the inclu­ a goodly crowd of entlrn ·iasts to team from their unsuccessful at­ sion of their tourists, but then the match, which is sure to pro­ tempt to regain our lost suprem­ 'Wests will also have their dandy vide plenty of thrills. acy of the Rugby world, all the full-back, McMillan, in the team, :(, clubs will fi eld their strongest and that means much to them- or With Newtown showing a return thirteens, and, together with the any team for that matter. After to their match-winning form, their return to form of several of vVests' brilliant1 victory over Souths meeting with the Shoremen should them . uch as Glebe and New­ in· the first round, their downfall provide some excellent footballr town, the remaining rounds of at the hands of Balmain came as for who that witnessed it will for­ matches promise to be most in­ rather a surprise, but vVests pro­ get the tenseness of the last few teresting. mise to return the surprise this minutes of play in the first roundr time. when the flying Northerners just 'The meeting of Eastern S,-.'-urbs :(, pulled the matich out of the fire and Glebe will perhaps prcvide The 10,000 people who witnessed right on time .. amtclst wild enthu­ the harde:o;t-fong-ltt battle of the the first meeting of South Sydney siasm, and whq will dare say that round, for there can be no deny­ and St. George in t1he first round Newtown will not rise to the oc0 iug the fact that Glebe am a were treated to a brilliant display casion again and fully extend the­ vastly superior team to that which by the Illawarraites who com­ premiers'? As the Blue · playecl succumbed so frequently earlier in pletely outplayed the consistent fine footb~ll last Saturday, and the the season- sometimes apparently Southerners, running out victors Shoremeu the reverse (wit:ihout in without a serious effort- and the by the colossal score of 28 (6 tries any way detracting from Uni.'s: feeling in the district is easily in­ 5 goals) to 5 (1 try 1 goal) , and fine win) , the . meeting of these terpreted in the optimistic remarks those who witnessed the meteoric two teams should be one of the from both players and supporters rise of the Saints predicted great most interesting and exciting alike-that the Reds to-day will things for them in the near future. games of the season, with the come into their own. The infusion These predictions have not borne winners hard to select. of new blood of distinct ability, fruit, in their case, while Souths ¥- acldAd to the reshuffling of their have been successful in all their University will have the bye. backs, have· made the Glebe team a factor to be reckoned with. On the other hand. the Tricolours, fresh from the bye last week, promise to preserve their lengthy sequence of victories, and with the premier­ The ship and City Cup double well within their grasp the promise or a stirring struggle is indeed great. Winning Double _! for the Easterners are also liber­ ally endowed with fresh young players wp.o are just now showing excellent form, and, taking these facts into consideration, if this does not provide, as stated above, a hard-fought battle, then early in­ ''WHITE HORSE" dications are not to be considered in future. The first-rouml meeting resulted in a victory . for Easts after a solid game by 13 (3 tries ALE and STOUT 2 goals) to 3 (1 try). :(, Balmain and Western Suburbs is another match that reads well, for both are in the running for the City Cup. but, despite the fact Either way you that Balmain claimed the victory • in the first meeting by 2 tries 3 W1D on quality goals (12) to 1 try 1 goal (5), the· ·westerners showed by their per­ sistency and speed, opposed to TOOTH & 00., LTD.. KENT BREW!RY, SYDN!V, Souths on each occasion, that they are capable of great things, and THE RUGBY LEAGUE N EWS. September 1, 1923. WEEKE"' HOTEL CAFE .&.nd Bottle Department GO•JrE• KABJCE'l! .AHD 0.&.S 'l!LEltEAGK S'.rBEE'.rS Phone: 2432 City. Annual Inter- Varsity Match T his year the League match be­ t ween the Sydney and Brisbane D. Ponchard, of the Balmain re­ football field. On leaving college Universities is sure to attract a serve-grade team, played a great he went to the University, whom r ecord crowd in the Northern game at full-back against Glebe, he represented for a couple of Oapital to-day, in vJ.ew of the de­ last Saturday. One critic was seasons, also touring New Zealand feat s that have been inflicted on heard to remark: "There you are; with that team. On finishing his the N.S. Wales teams by the Nor­ Ponchard played like a champion course at the 'Varsity he joined up thern League p layers. Sydney and should be given another with Newtown and displayed h ave so far won all three matches chance with the firsts." That cri­ splendid form. One hopes to see p layed, but fans would not be sur­ tic was quite correct in his judg­ this fine young player taking up pr ised to hear of a defeat. as the ment, for Ponchard was a tower the game seriously again at a fu­ t eam that is going North is much of strength to his side. Time after ture date, perhaps to gain horrors. weaker than that of last year. time h e would drive Glebe back H e is a splendid defender, his With Linskey and Evatt with the with his powerful kicking, or, per­ tackling being very sure and er­ State team, they should inspire the haps, as h e did on many occasions, fective. His methods in attack t eam to t.'. phold their laurels, and set the three-quart1er line going. are very pleasing to thP crowd, with such forwards in the He never made one mistake and and in scoring one try last Satur- · team as the Dunworth Bros., was as cool as the proverbial cu- day he ran from half-way, his Munro and Darragh, and Murphy, cumber.
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