E1102 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 15, 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION AND Born in Wichita, Kansas in 1934, Jim Lehrer tion of Wisconsin. As president, she was a VETERANS AFFAIRS AND RE- received an A.A. degree from Victoria College strong advocate for women, raising funds for LATED AGENCIES APPROPRIA- and a B.J. in 1956 from the University of Mis- mission work and was quite able of reminding TIONS ACT, 2012 souri before joining the Marine Corps. From men in authority that women kept the church- 1959 to 1966, he was a reporter for The Dal- es going. SPEECH OF las Morning News and then the Dallas Times- Dr. Tatum’s work with the church led her to HON. JOHN D. DINGELL Herald. He was also a political columnist at distant La Hatte, Haiti, where she felt com- the Times-Herald for several years and in pelled to build a new church and school. She OF MICHIGAN 1968 became the city editor. asked her family for money to help build the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Lehrer’s newspaper career led him to public church and school. She contributed money Thursday, June 2, 2011 television, first in Dallas, as KERA–TV’s exec- that she had saved to purchase a car and The House in Committee of the Whole utive director of public affairs, on-air host and family members donated the rest of the need- House on the State of the Union had under editor of a nightly news program. He subse- ed $18,000. consideration the bill (H.R. 2055) making ap- quently moved to Washington, DC to serve as Dr. Tatum was preceded in death by her propriations for military construction, the the public affairs coordinator for PBS, and was husband of 57 years, Earl Tatum. She never Department of Veterans Affairs, and related also a member of PBS’s Journalism Advisory gave birth but raised her late sister’s children agencies for the fiscal year ending Sep- Board and a fellow at the Corporation for Pub- as her own. Survivors include the children she tember 30, 2012, and for other purposes: lic Broadcasting. Lehrer went on to join the raised, David Hollins Sr., Jynette Hamilton, Mr. DINGELL. Mr. Chair, I rise in support of National Public Affairs Center for Television. Pastor Sudie B. Jones, Shirley Owens, Ruthie H.R. 2055, the fiscal year 2012 Military Con- (NPACT) as a correspondent. L. Darrough and James Hollins Jr.; and their struction and Department of Veterans Affairs Lehrer has been honored with numerous children. Instead of flowers, she requested an (VA) Appropriations Act. This legislation, which awards for journalism, including the Chair- offering for home and foreign ministries; there- provides $129.7 billion in funding for the VA, man’s Award at the 2010 National Academy of fore, a collection was taken as people left her is critical for our veterans returning from mul- Television Arts & Sciences News & Documen- service. tiple tours of duty in Iraq, Afghanistan, and tary Emmy Awards, the 1999 National Human- Mr. Speaker, I rise because Dr. Sudie E. around the world, and all those who have so ities Medal, presented by President Bill Clinton Tatum is an example of the best of what Mil- bravely and honorably served our nation in the and First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton and in waukee and the Fourth Congressional District Armed Forces, including the 46,370 veterans October 2011, the National Press Club will has to offer. She will be remembered as a living in the 15th district of Michigan. present him with their top honor, the Fourth woman who packed plenty of life into her 92 There are a number of provisions in this bill Estate Award. In 1999, Lehrer was inducted years and, who took the opportunity to com- with which I am pleased. First, it continues the into the Television Hall of Fame with Robert bine the joys of her life: love of family, edu- Democratic-initiated effort to provide advance MacNeil and into The Silver Circle of the cation, social work, guidance and missionary appropriations for the Veterans Health Admin- Washington, DC Chapter of The National work. istration so the VA may adequately plan for Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. He f our veterans medical needs. Second, it builds has won two Emmys, the Fred Friendly First PERSONAL EXPLANATION on the previous Democratic Congresses’ com- Amendment Award, the George Foster Pea- mitment to our veterans by providing funding body Broadcast Award, and the William Allen to reduce the VA claims backlog, allow for White Foundation Award for Journalistic Merit HON. NIKI TSONGAS quality medical care, and ensure the promise and the University of Missouri School of Jour- OF MASSACHUSETTS of a college education. nalism’s Medal of Honor. In 1991, he was IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I am particularly pleased efforts to weaken elected as a Fellow of the American Academy Wednesday, June 15, 2011 workers’ rights were defeated during consider- of Arts and Sciences. Ms. TSONGAS. Mr. Speaker, I missed ation of this legislation. Both a proposed ban Mr. Speaker, I ask you and my colleagues votes on the evening of June 13, 2011 be- on implementation of Project Labor Agreement to join me in congratulating Jim Lehrer on an cause of pressing matters in my district. Had requirements as well as a proposal to bar VA extraordinary career. This trailblazing journalist I been present, I would have voted for the and the Department of Defense from enforcing has made a lasting impact on his profession. LaTourette Amendment to the FY 2012 Mili- the Davis-Bacon prevailing wage requirement I thank Jim for his important contributions, and tary Construction and VA Appropriations bill to on contracts would have unjustly harmed mid- wish him a happy and healthy retirement. remove language from the bill which rolls back dle class working families and led to poor con- f worker protections by discouraging the use of struction on VA and DoD facilities. Project Labor Agreements. In this fragile fiscal Mr. Chair, this legislation continues the A TRIBUTE TO DR. SUDIE TATUM climate, Congress should be defending our Democrats tradition of caring for our veterans. skilled laborers, whose essential work contrib- This job is never done and at a time when we HON. GWEN MOORE utes to our economic recovery. Restricting ex- are engaged in conflicts around the world, it is OF WISCONSIN isting policies which permit the establishment imperative our current and former military men IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of basic terms and conditions on complex, and women know that their government sup- Wednesday, June 15, 2011 large scale construction projects is harmful for ports them. workers and a distraction from the important I urge my colleagues to join me in sup- Ms. MOORE. Mr. Speaker, I rise to give programs which are funded in the underlying porting our veterans by voting ‘‘yes’’ on H.R. tribute to Dr. Sudie E. Tatum who passed bill. 2055. away on June 1, 2011. On Sunday, June 5, Additionally, I would have voted against the 2011, services were held at Greater Galilee f Amash Amendment, which would have prohib- Missionary Baptist Church. The church had ited compliance with the Davis-Bacon pre- HONORING JIM LEHRER long planned to celebrate her life on this date; vailing wage law. The Davis-Bacon Act has they felt no need to change it and held her fu- been a cornerstone of labor protection for 80 HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON neral as part of ‘‘Dr. Tatum Day.’’ Dr. Tatum was born as Sudie Ethel Ware in years, and I would have proudly voted to up- OF TEXAS hold it. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Harrell, Arkansas and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She was a high school dropout, f Wednesday, June 15, 2011 who became an educator. She graduated from SALUTING SERVICE ACADEMY Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. UW–Milwaukee with qualifications for both STUDENTS—KEVIN CARRINGER Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay tribute to a teacher and social work. Dr. Tatum earned a distinguished journalist. On May 12, 2011, Jim master’s degree in education administration HON. SAM JOHNSON Lehrer announced that he is leaving the and a doctorate in theology. Dr. Tatum taught OF TEXAS ‘‘NewsHour’’ as a regular anchor effective the adult basic education at Milwaukee Area IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES week of June 6, the final step in a carefully Technical College. planned retirement. He said he will still appear She was active in church leadership and for Wednesday, June 15, 2011 many Fridays to moderate an analysis of the 38 years served as president of the Women’s Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Speaker, week’s news. Auxiliary of the General Baptist State Conven- I rise today to honor an extraordinary group of VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:39 Jun 16, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15JN8.016 E15JNPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS.
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