Selma Harrington, The Politics of Memory: the Face and the Place of the Sarajevo Assassination Prilozi • Contributions, 43, Sarajevo, 2014, 113-139 UDK 725.94(497.6 Sarajevo)“1914“ 7+(32/,7,&62)0(025<7+()$&($1'7+(3/$&( 2)7+(6$5$-(92$66$66,1$7,21 Selma Harrington Trinity College Dublin (Alumni) Abstract: The paper examines the visual memory constructs synonymous with the Sarajevo Assassination in the period since the beginning of the First World War. The attention is given to the transformation of the official commemorations after the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sofia on 28 June 1914, the ideologicaly motivated mythologising of Gavrilo Princip and Mlada Bosna conspirators and subsequent µPXVHXPLILFDWLRQ¶ of their memory in the communist period. Following the chronological alignment of the Assassination visual memory constructs in hundred years to date, it is possible to identify the intervowen pattern of exclusivity, conflict and inclusivity, orchestrated by each consecutive regime in Bosnia-Herzegovina, in periods between three major wars. The exposition and interpretation of this divisive and contentious memory pattern, as suggested in the current Sarajevo ‘Sarajevo 1878-1918’ exhibition, provides an argument in favour of more complex and pluralist approach to the subject of Assassination, in keeping with the contemporary critical heritage discourse which is emerging among the transforming communities in Central and Eastern Europe. :KLOVWPXFKRIWKH)LUVW:RUOG:DUZDVIRXJKWRXWVLGH%RVQLD+HU]HJRYLQD WKHFRXQWU\LVRIWHQVHHQDVLWVV\PEROLFHSLFHQWUHGXHWRWKHZHOONQRZQSROLWLFDO DVVDVVLQDWLRQRID+DEVEXUJ&URZQSULQFHDQGKLVZLIHLQ6DUDMHYRLQ7KLV VLQJOH DFWLRQ HYHQWXDOO\ GUHZ D QXPEHU RI RWKHU FRXQWULHV LQWR PDMRU FRQIOLFW resulting in the deaths of millions of soldiers and civilians across the European continent from 1914 to 1918. 113 Selma Harrington, The Politics of Memory: the Face and the Place of the Sarajevo Assassination Prilozi • Contributions, 43, Sarajevo, 2014, 113-139 7KH$VVDVVLQDWLRQZDVVHHQDVDFDWDVWURSKHE\WKH$XVWUR+XQJDULDQDXWKRULWLHV ZKRUXOHG%RVQLDDWWKDWWLPHZKLOHWKHFDSWXUHGDVVDVVLQDVHOISURFODLPHG<XJRVODY QDWLRQDOLVWDQGVL[RWKHUFRQVSLUDWRUVFODLPHGLWDVDQDFWRIµW\UDQQLFLGH¶LQSURWHVW against the foreign oppression.17KLV\HDU¶VFHQWHQDU\LVPDUNHGE\DORFDOGHEDWH ZKLFKLVTXHVWLRQLQJWKHµRZQHUVKLS¶ of the Assassination, as the commemorations FDQQRWHVFDSHWKHIUHVKPHPRULHVRIWKHODVWZDU WR DQGLWVOHJDF\RI GHVWUXFWLRQDQGSRLQWWRWKHKHDUWRIWKHFRPSOH[LGHQWLW\RI%RVQLDQQDWLRQDOV2 Plate 1: Gavrilo Princip, Franz-Ferdinand and Family, Graveyard for Bosniak soldiers from First World War in Austria (Sarajevo City Archives) 7KHVZDUGHOLEHUDWHO\WDUJHWHGWKHVHOHFWHGV\PEROVRI%RVQLDQFXOWXUDO KHULWDJH DLPLQJ IRU WKH µREOLWHUDWLRQ RI PHPRU\¶ DV FRUUHFWO\ WHUPHG E\ 5REHUW 'RQLD7KLVZDVODWHUFRQWLQXHGLQDIRUPRIWKHµVHJPHQWDWLRQRIPHPRU\µLQZKLFK 6DUDMHYR¶VDUFKLYHVOLEUDULHVDQGPXVHXPVKDYHEHHQHLWKHUGHYDVWDWHGRUDFWLYHO\ QHJOHFWHGE\WKHSRVWZDUSROLWLFDOVWUXFWXUH)XUWKHUPRUHWKHDWWHPSWVWRSK\VLFDOO\ µWULIXUFDWH¶WKHUHFRUGVRIOLEUDULHVDQGFXOWXUDOLQVWLWXWLRQVE\WKHQDWLRQDOLVWV¶SROLWLFDO DSSDUDWXV DOPRVW VXFFHHGHG LQ 'RQLD¶V ZRUGV µWR UHIRUPXODWH¶ WKH IXQGDPHQWDO repository of records and information for future generations. 3 7KH UHFHQW FRQWURYHUVLDO DFFLGHQWDO RU µDFFLGHQWDOµEXUQLQJ RI WKH SDUW RI WKH 1DWLRQDO$UFKLYHVLQWKH3UHVLGHQF\RI%+EXLOGLQJGXULQJWKHFLWL]HQV¶SURWHVWVLQ )HEUXDU\LQ6DUDMHYRLVWKHODWHVWµREOLWHUDWLRQ¶DWWHPSW\HWWREHIXOO\XQGHUVWRRG4 ,QSDUDOOHOVDPHFDQEHVDLGIRUDODUJHVFDOHµSRVWPRGHUQLVWPHPRU\IDEULFDWLRQ¶ 19ODGLPLU'HGLMHUThe Road to Sarajevo /RQGRQ0DFJLEERQ .HH 2 9DKLGLQ3UHOMHYLü´ýLMDMH"2VORERÿHQMH, Pogledi, Sarajevo, 25.05.2013, 30 35REHUW-'RQLD¶6DUDMHYR$UFKLYHVDQG&XOWXUDOPHPRU\XQGHU)LUHGHVWUXFWLRQDQGWKH 3RVWZDUQDWLRQDOLVW7UDQVIRUPDWLRQµLQHistorijski arhiv Bosne I Hercegovine, 2004, <http:// ZZZDUKLYVDEDLFDUREHUWKWPO!>@ 4%RVQLDQPHGLDKDYHZHEHHQWRWKHVDPHSURWHVWV"©=DãWRQHKWWS]DVWRQHEDHQERVQLDQ PHGLDKDYHZHEHHQWRWKHVDPHSURWHVWV 114 Selma Harrington, The Politics of Memory: the Face and the Place of the Sarajevo Assassination Prilozi • Contributions, 43, Sarajevo, 2014, 113-139 LQ (PLU .XVWXULFD¶V$QGULüJUDG ZLWK LWV VSHFLILF DSSURSULDWLRQ RI 0ODGD %RVQD <RXQJ %RVQLD V\PEROLVP DQG WKH VLJQLILFDQW SROLWLFDO VXSSRUW LQ RQH SDUW RI %RVQLD5 (TXDOO\ WKH µFXOWXUH ZDU¶ LV UDJLQJ EHWZHHQ WKH µPRGHUQLVWV¶ ZKR VHHN WR FRQWH[WXDOLVH WKH FHQWHQDU\ FRPPHPRUDWLRQV ZLWKLQ WKH (XURSHDQ )LUVW:RUOG :DUGLVFRXUVHZKLOHWKHµWUDGLWLRQDOVWV¶UHMHFWDQ\UHYLVLRQWKDWPD\DOWHUDVSHFLILF version of an identity-forming narrative. Thus the Sarajevo Assassination persists DVD%RVQLDQPHWDQDUUDWLYHDPHPRU\LQIOX[FRQWLQXRXVO\DVVRFLDWHGZLWKWKH political instrumentalization in the last one hundred years. This paper is a shorter version of the thesis on politics of memory of the $VVDVVLQDWLRQ LQ ZKLFK , DSSOLHG PHWKRGV IURP WKH YLVXDO VWXGLHV VHWWLQJ WR DV IUDPHGE\0LHNH%DOWRµSHHO>@RII«>D@OD\HUDIWHUOD\HURILQWHUZRYHQVLJQV DQGVLJQLILHUVLQRUGHUWRGHFRQVWUXFWLWVPDNHXS¶6,WLVDQRYHUYLHZRIWKHRIILFLDO PHPRU\ YLVXDOLVDWLRQV RQ ORFDWLRQ RI WKH 0XVHXP 6DUDMHYR ZKLFK UHSODFHGWKHIRUPHU0X]HM0ODGD%RVQD <RXQJ%RVQLD0XVHXP DQGLWWUDFHVWKH path of memory-making and the elevation from the place of memory into a museum.7 +RZHYHUWKHPXHVRORJLFDODVSHFWRIFRPPHPRUDWLRQVLVRQO\PDUJLQDOO\GHDOWZLWK KHUHLQFRJQLVDQFHRIWKHEURDGHUFULWLFDOKHULWDJHGLVFRXUVHDVIUDPHGLQ0DWKHZ 5DPSOH\¶VHGLWLRQ 8 &RPPHPRUDWLRQRIWKH9LFWLPVDQGWKH3ODFH0HPRU\PDNLQJ 7KHFRUQHURIIRUPHU)UDQ]-RVHI6WUDVVHDQG$SSHO4XD\DWWKHWLPHRIWKH $QQH[DWLRQRI%RVQLD+HU]HJRYLQDLQWR$XVWULD+XQJDU\VHHQRQDSKRWRJUDSKIURP 1908 has a look of a Central European city street, as suggested by the architectural IRUPVZLWKFODVVLFSLOODUVSHGLPHQWVDQGPHGDOOLRQVEHWZHHQZLQGRZDUFKHVW\SLFDO RIWKHSHULRG 3ODWH $URZRI\RXQJWUHHVSURWHFWHGZLWKWLPEHUJXDUGLQJJURZ along the Appel Quai. The ground floor at the corner of the building houses a pastry 53UHVV2QOLQH5HSXEOLND6USVND$QGULüJUDGNXOWXUQDSUHVWRQLFD6UEDKWWSSUHVVUVED VUYHVWLYHVWLBGDQDVWRU\$QGUL&JUDGNXOWXUQDSUHVWRQ ! >@ 6%DO0LHNHThe Talking museum, in Double Exposures, The subject of cultural analysis, 5XWOHGJH1HZ<RUN /RQGRQ 73DXO%0LOOHUµ&RPSURPLVLQJPHPRU\7KH6LWHRIWKH6DUDMHYR$VVDVVLQDWLRQ((61RRQ Discussion, 10.01.2007, 1-3. 80DWWKHZ5DPSOH\HG ‘Contested Histories: Heritage and/as the Construction of the Past: An Introduction’, in Heritage, Ideology and Identity in Central and Eastern Europe, Con- tested Pasts, Contested Presents :RRGEULGJH7KH%R\GHOO3UHVV 115 Selma Harrington, The Politics of Memory: the Face and the Place of the Sarajevo Assassination Prilozi • Contributions, 43, Sarajevo, 2014, 113-139 VKRSZLWKDQDPHSODWHDERYHWKHHQWUDQFHZLWKDWH[WLQ*HUPDQ0RULW]6FKLOOHU Delicatessen. The frieze above the ground floor carries an advertising board along WKHFRUQHURIWKHEXLOGLQJZLWKLQVFULSWLRQVLQ+HEUHZDQG$UDELF7KHUHDUHIRXU languages and four alphabets on the same façade of the building. Plate 2: Corner of former Appel Quay and Franz Josef Strasse, today Ulica Zelenih beretki and Obala Kulina bana ; 7th December 1908 -Public announcement of the Annexation of Bosnia-Herzegovina by $XVWULD+XQJDU\ )URP %RJLüHYLü 9RMLVODY Sarajevski atentat, Stenogram glavne rasprave, in Sarajevo City Archives A group of people are reading the Public Announcement of the Annexation. The JURXSFRQVLVWVRIWZRVROGLHUVRQHRIWKHP%RVQLDQMXGJLQJE\WKHIH]RQKLVKHDG WZRRWKHUDGXOWVDQGWZR%RVQLDQFKLOGUHQJLUOGUHVVHGLQWUDGLWLRQDOdimije (baggy WURXVHUV $GDQG\LVKORRNLQJ\RXQJSDVVHUE\LQD(XURSHDQFXWVXLWZLWKDIH]LV MRLQLQJWKHFURZGWRUHDGWKHWH[WRQWKHSRVWHULQ%RVQLDQ6HUER&URDWLDQDQGLQ Cyrillic, advising them that Austria-Hungary took formal charge of the country from WKH2WWRPDQ(PSLUHDIWHU\HDUVRIµRFFXSDWLRQ¶DQGLVQRZIXOO\LQVWLWXWLRQDOLVLQJ WKH+DEVEXUJUXOHXQGHUWKHLPSHULDOVHDORIWKH(PSHURU)UDQ]-RVHSK Six years later, the same place became a scene of the infamous political DVVDVVLQDWLRQGXULQJWKHLOOFKRVHQWLPLQJRI$UFKGXNH)UDQ])HUGLQDQG¶VRIILFLDO YLVLWWRRYHUVHHWKHPLOLWDU\PDQRHXYUHVLQ%RVQLDZKLFKZHUHFRLQFLGLQJZLWKWKH %RVQLDQ6HUEV¶QDWLRQDOIHDVWGD\RI9LGRYGDQ6W9LWXV7KHKLVWRULFQDUUDWLYHRI WKH6DUDMHYR$VVDVVLQDWLRQLVZHOONQRZQDQGWKHHYHQWLQZKLFKDVRQRIDSHDVDQW HOLPLQDWHGWKH(XURSHDQ&URZQSULQFHXQOHDVKLQJDKXJHFDWDVWURSKLFFKDLQUHDFWLRQ FDWDSXOWLQJWKHNH\FRQVSLUDWRUVLQWRWKHUHDOPRIV\PEROVDQGOHJHQGVRULQWRGD\¶V terms, into the international celebrity. As a consequence, and after a brief period of 116 Selma Harrington, The Politics of Memory: the Face and the Place of the Sarajevo Assassination Prilozi • Contributions, 43, Sarajevo, 2014, 113-139 FRPPHPRUDWLRQVLQKRQRXURIWKHGHFHDVHG$UFKGXNH)UDQ])HUGLQDQGDQGKLVZLIH 6RILDRQORFDWLRQZLWKWKHGHSDUWXUHRI0RQDUFK\IURP%RVQLDWKHLUPHPRU\ZDV practically obliterated by the radical refocus on commemorating the perpetrator(s) on location of the assassination. The Austria-Hungary officials immediately termed the act and the place of the DVVDVVLQDWLRQDVWKH&DWDVWURSKHWKHHXSKHPLVPWKDWDSSHDUHGLQQHZVSDSHUUHSRUWV 7KHVSDWLDOYLVXDOHOHPHQWVZHUHGHYLVHGWRPDUNWKHVLWHRIPRXUQLQJLQFOXGLQJ memorial stamps and memorial plaque, accompanied by postcards and popular literature and publications (Plate 3). The historic site of assassination began to be, to SDUDSKUDVH3LHUUH1RUDDQµDSSURSULDWLRQE\DFXOWRIGHDWK¶9 Plate 3: Corner of former Franz Joseph Street and Appel Quay, with Moritz Schiller’s pastry shop and the place of the assassination, marked with +, 1914, (Photo : Sarajevo City Archives) 7KHKHDGLQJRQWKHSRVWFDUGDQGWKHFURVVµ¶VLJQDUHSRLQWLQJWRWKHVSRWZKHUH WKH$UFKGXNH¶VFDUZDVKDOWHG7KHJURXQGIORRUVWLOOKRXVHVWKH0RULW]6FKLOOHU¶V SDVWU\VKRSZLWKVRPHYLVLEOHDGYHUWLVLQJHPEHOOLVKPHQWVRQWKHIDoDGHDQGDWH[WLQ /DWLQVFULSWDQG%RVQLDQ6HUER&URDWDGYHUWLVLQJ&URDWLDLQVXUDQFHFRPSDQ\RIILFH
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