Winter Scene at ~ichigan State Campus, E;ast Lansing, Michigan THE ARROW OF PI BETA PHI ................................................ , ......... " ...... " ........................................................... 0.00.0 •• " ..............................................._ ............. OFFIOAL ORGAN OP THE ~ PI BETA PHI FRATERNJlY P.... ,J Y J867 STAFF O/fin of P"blirtltioll: 206 National Bank Bldg., Decatur 16. 111. Arrow EJilt,,: AD~LB TAYLOR. MFOID (Mrs. T . N .), 930 Olive Ave., Coronado, Calif. ASlisllZ.1 Editor and B.si.,11 Mana,,,,: GLADYS WAU.RN, :r:>ecatw. Ill .. or 1., Robin· son Ave .. San Diego, Calif. Alllm•• Club Editor: LolTA JOHNSON WBDI. (Mrs. Benjamin). 8" 6th St., (lades· ton, III. Chail" Ulln- EJilor: CANDACB SECOR ARMSTRONG (Mrs. James G.), R.R . I, Box 489. Orlando, Pia. N , ws from lillI. Pi,lO": EUGENIA BROOKS SMITH (Mrs. G . Herbert), 180 S. Winter St.. Salem, Ore. Exchlllll'S tlnd Col/e" NOJ#s : NrrA DAY CAUtAN (Mrs. Ernest), 761 Wilson St., Laguna Beach,. Calif. Prom Pi Phi PltU: MAl,y EI.IZABBTH LAsHEJt, 73 Perry St.• New York City 14, N.Y. Arrow File: Pi Beta Phi Central Office. 206 National Bank Bldg., Decatur 16, 111. A"oUJ COn/ribulors: MARGAR EITA SPENCE DRAKE; FLO LELAND THOMPSON; KATH· ERINE GoEPPINGEl. VOLUME 62 December • 1945 NUMBER 2 1 Y t", Y'•llf S ~rican Girl . .•..... .... 0 •• ••••• •• • • • $ 2.00 S 3.00 $10,000 American H()(De .......................• . 1. ) 0 2.'" American MagariDt ...................... 3.00 '.00 Amc:rica n Mercury . ............ ........ 3.00 ' .00 Allantic Moolhl,. ......... __ . .• . ... ~.OO 9.00 OUR 1945-1946 GOAL Betll~ r Homes and Gardens (3 years) ...... 3.00 Child Life . .. •............ .. ........... 3.00 '.00 Children's Activi ties ..... 3.00 ) . )0 Children 's Playmate .. ... ... 1.~0 2.7) The Pi Beta Phi Magazine Agency has set $10,000 Christian Herald ......... .........•..... 2.00 '.00 as its goal this vear and since our publishers have Collier's Weekly ........... .. ... .. ..... 3.00 ' .00 been releasing such encouraging news, we atc confi­ Coronet . .....................•...•.•..... 3.00 '.00 Cos.olopolitan ........•.•..... • ....• . ...... 3.)0 ' .)0 dent that goal will be reached . Most of the restric­ ' .00 tions have ~n lifted (com our best selling maga­ ~d!re . ::: ::::::::::::: ::::: :::: ::::::::: i : ~ ' .00 Flower Grower .............. .. ...... 2.)0 ' .00 zines . and that, coupled with the [act people Forbe, ................... .. .. ..•.... 4 .00 6.00 want magazines which have been off our price list Fortune .. .............. .... .. 10.00 1).00 Good HOlJsekeeping " 3.)0 ) .)0 for several years and want to help our Settlement ·Harpcr'. Bazaar ... .. , .,... ) .00 7.'0 School, ought to prove an incentive to any good maga­ Harper's Maguine . ... • ..• . 0 •• , •••• '" 4.00 7.00 HOUle and Garden ... ................... ".00 6.00 zine chairman. Then, too, everyone did 50 well last Hyacia ..•...•......... ' . .• •. •.. .. .. 2.)0 ' .00 year . commissions went wa y ovec the $7,000 Jack and Jill ......... __ .. • . ... .. ... 2. )0 '.00 l.adies Home Journal ..................... 2.00 ' .00 mark . .. that an increase of $2.461048 should be Liberty- .... .......... .••.. ' .. .. '" } .)O 6.00 easy. Life . • . ...•...............• . • . ...•.•.... 8.)0 look . ....... ..... .•............ 4 .)0 Mademoiselle .............. , .00 ' .00 The Pi Brta Phi Magazine Agency can sell any Mce.n·s ........... 1.)0 2." 0 Nation . ....... ... ........... '.00 • . 00 ma~azjne at its lowest authorized price. We can National Geograpbtc (l year) ..... ..... '.00 accept renewals as well as new orders; so don't send Nature Magazine . ........ '.00 '.00 Newsweek ...... ' " ............. ..••.... '.00 7.) 0 your renewal slip and check to the publishers . Omniboolc ................. ' .00 7.)0 send them to us and help the Settlement School. The Optn Road for BoY' ......•. ... ... • • • .... 2.00 , .00 convenient order form below, accompanied by a check, Parents' ... ...... ...... ... ... • .•.... 2.00 ' .00 Photopl ay and Movie Mirror .....•.•.•.... 3.20 is all that is necessary to start your order on its way Popullr Meehanin ... ... ................. 2.)0 " .)0 to help your club, satisfy your customer, and benefit Popular Photography •....... ... ••...... ' .00 ' .00 Popular Science ..................•. • ...... 2.)0 '.00 the SettJemmt School. Radio News .•........••.........•.. ..... '.00 ' .00 '.00 ' .00 :;d~' ~ i.~~ ~ .: ::::::::: ::::: ~ : ::: ::::: :: 2. )0 ' .00 Opposite is a representative selection of ma~alines . Saturday Evening Post ....... .. •. , ..... ' .00 6.00 If you can't find the magazine you want, remember Time ..•. ..... , ....... .. • . .. .......... '.00 9. 00 Trlvel ..... ......... .. .. .....•. , .. '.00 7.00 that the Pi Beta Phi Magazine Agency can accept True Comics ..... ,., ...... ....•........ 1.00 subscriptions for all ma~alines published and that it True Story . .......... .. .. .. ••.... 1.80 ' .00 VOlUe .•... ........... ......... ....... 6.00 9.00 ma~aline can meet any legitimate competition. Woman's Home Companion ..... .. ......•.. 1.)0 2. ~0 This is our big opportunity. Let's make the most Your Lire ..... •. .. ... ' .00 ' .00 of it! • Only renewals accepted: no new subscriptio ns . Subscriber's Name: •.......•. _ •. ••....•••.............•.••..•. , .•.•.. ..•.. I ••• I • • • • • •• •• •••• Add ..., M..-z.ines Requested .. ..•...•.. • _ . • .• . ..• • . .• . .•.••. ..... Price S .......... ••••••••••••••••••••••••• _"' 0 " _ •• 10 0 •• ••••• •••• • • • • • •• Price S ........ .......... .. ......... ............ ...................... Price$ .......... (lftdicate if DN' or "new.I, when to besl". l ad bow lOll, to HOd) Total amount of mOlley order or cbcd: made out to Pi Beta Phi Magazine Agency. Decatur 16. Illinois" . .... Sq".d: ................. .................................... ...... ................ .. ....... .. Addna ....... ........ .. .. ..... .... ............ ... ....... .......... ............ .............. SEE PAGE 232 FOR FRATERNITY D IRECTORY Pi .... oend manses of .ddreoo 10 Pi Beta Phi Central 0Ihce, Deatur 16, IU. THE ARR O W OF PI B ETA PHI ..... 01, .............. , .... " ......... " ...... 10 .... """."................ " ..... ,." .... 00" ......."""" ......."' .... " ................ " .... ""...... 1111 ...................." ... " ....... , December 1945 CONTENTS Editorials 149 Convention! ......... 152 Ohio Epsilon Installation 153 Amy Burnham Onken Awards ...•...... .. 161 In the Services .. .. 163 Of Prisoners of War .. 165 Sky Girls 167 Holt House Reminiscen ces .' 170 News from Little Pigeon ............. ... 172 Pi Phi Personalities ... ........ ........ 177 From Pi Phi Pens .. ... 183 Pi Phis Here and There 185 Chapter Letters ..... 194 Alumnre Personals ... 219 In Memoriam ....... 228 Official Calendars 229 Fraternity Directory .. 232 ([,THII Auow i. printed in the month, of September. Deambtr, March, and M ay by Pi Bet,. Phi Fraternity at the prcss of CecIle Bantl Publishin, Company, . ~O Ahn.ip St., Mmasha. Wis. Subscription price is $1. ,0 • year, ,0<: for sin,le copies, .n.oo for life sublCl'iptioo. CI,Smd subscriptions. change o( addfC'ss nolice, and correspondence of a business nature to Pi Beta Phi (eottal Office, Decatur 16, Ill. C.Correspoodence of ao editorial nature is to be addressed to the editor, Mrs. T . N. Alford, 9}o Olive Ave .• Corooado. Cali£. Items for publication should be addrascd to the editor to arrive not later than July 1'. October 10. January n, March ,. «I.Member of Fraternity Magazines AssociatN. All matters pe:rtairun, to nationd advertising should be directed to Fraternity Ma&azines Associatt'd, 1618 Orrington Ave., EVinston, III. «I.En te~ as s«ond·class matter at the post office It OKatur. Ill.} and Menu ha. Wis.• under the let of Much 3. 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate or postaae provided for in the aet of Februlry 28, 192'. AMY BURNHAM ONKEN "Here may fires of friendship and memory ever i This pitt"" fUaJ lak~n fhl Jal 0/ th, JeJirlllioll 0/ ,h, Crall Cenut', ., ,h, S"II,mllll S(hool b, Doroth, M4d,an, GatJillbllrx, ___...' _N........ _._.... _ .... _ .... _____....... · .. _" .............. _ THE ARROW OF PI BETA PHI DECEMBER, 194~ VOLUME 62 NUMBER 2 .... "" .. , .. ,,, .... ,,., ...... ,, .... ,, ... ,, ............ ,,, ............ ,,',, ......... ,, ..................... """"."..... " ..... " .......................... ,, ............... 10" ........... , ......, EDITORIALS At Last, Convention With real pleasure Grand Council announces that Convention will be held the week of June 23, 1946, at the New Ocean House, Swampscott, Massachusetts. Long.postponed because of war conditions, this Convention wiJI be one of the most significant in the history of Pi Beta Phi, bringing as it will a gathering up of threads, a renewing of friendships, an added feeling of unity to the Fraternity. It is hard to realize that more than a four-year generation of college chapter girls has never had the great experience of attending such a gathering and of realizing the real strength and unity of Pi Beta Phi. Matters of great importance will come before the legislative sessions; new chapters will for the first time be represented by delegates and will be more than welcomed; future policies of the Fraternity will be discussed and settled. These are the more serious aspects, hut with them will go fun galore! There will be new friends to be made, old friendships to be recalled. For the better part of a week Pi Phis will work and play together, in the
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