One Dollar the Year Vol. XIV. No. 28 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, J U L Y 1 4 , 1 9 0 6 . DR. M UM ITS EULOGY MUST ASSESS AT THE OCEAN GROVE IS OCEAN GROVE SWINGS INTO FULL VALUE IN FUTURE DR. MUNHALL delivers Funeral Oration Over LIGHT ON A HILL R em ains of Former M ayor FULL TIDE OF SUMMER SEASON New County Board ol Taxes In­ IS BACK AGAIN Dr. A. ©. Baliard officiated at the structs Officials funeral of ex-Mayor Frank L, Teri- , The county board Of tnxes met with LEADER OF GREATEST BIBLE CLASS SO SM S DR. St a n l e y IN s p e a k in g Broeck, of Asbury Park, Saturday af­ "RELIGIOUS MEETINGS WERE NEVER SO LARGELY ATTENDED,” the various township and borough, ternoon. He was assisted by Rev. assessors at. the. court house in'Free­ 11V WORLD WELCOMED OF SABBATH OBSERVANCE John Wesley Sullivan, who read the SAYS DR. J . H. ALDAY hold Monday for the purpose of talk­ scripture lesson, and Dr. C. M. Giflin, ing over the various provisions of the pastor of the First M. E. church, who new tax law and in order that the delivered a-brief address. ■: Dr, H. S. members of the .county board m'isht EPIGRAMMATIC T A L K HITS SUNDAY TRAINS Kinmonth read the resolutions of DAILY DOINGS OF A BUSY WEEK TO COME explain the workings of the 'new act .council. to the assessors. The members of the . Dr. Ballard paid a high tribute to board, ail of Whom were present, are Mr. T«n Broeck, • whom ‘he character­ After an auspicious beginning, point always in mind whatever you Says “ Women Who Study Fash-- BallingtonBooth, Commander of former Jtidge 'W.ililara H. Hoffman, of ized os the “square man” and worthy Ocean Grove has now swung into the do We must be liberal.” 1 •; , Englishtown; John S. Applegate, Jr., ion Plate More Than Children Volunteers of America, Asks to bo trusted. “In the early days of full tide oC4ts summer season and in­ That is one secret of Ocean Grove’s of Red Bank, and William K. Dever-. successful season—its enjoyment here Ocean Grove,” said Dr. Ballard, dications are that this resort will ride eux, of Asbury Park. Cannot Be Chrlst-llke ” — Be­ for One Thousand. Workers for “Frank Ten Broeck established him­ without having a fu ir ppeketbook. Ex-Judge Hoffman, acting as chair­ self In -business there. He gained the on the crest of the wave of popularity Among the important, events of the lieves In Hell Fire Slums In Metropolis from now to ’September, • man, read the law .carefully and ex­ respect of Ocean Grove and I learned next few.days are: plained . it in detail. He said that Dr. J. H. Alday Is authority for the :■ Dr. L. \V. Munhall, the well-known to respect him for his sterling quali­ This (Saturday) evening illustrated while* the constitution anticipated Before large audiences Dr. Fred J. statement that the various. religious Philadelphia evangelist, was wel­ ties. This led to-a personal acquaint­ musicale with moving pictures, or­ that all ^property -should be taxed at meetings conducted under 1 associa­ comed' to Ocean Grove last Su'nday. Stanley and 'Ballington Booth deliver­ ance and personal friendship, never chestral and vocal music. This is to its true value It had never been done ed two excellent sermoifs at the audi­ afterward broken. Though we were tion auspices have never been so take the place of the new cantata, When he took charge .of the Auditori­ within his'experience and the ap­ um Bible Class, which has -been re­ torium Sunday, holddng the thousands sometimes arrayed against each other ’largely attended thus early at any “ The Kingdom of Heaven,” the or­ pointment of 'the present board was .of people throughout the entire ser-* in public affaiars, we had real respect previous season, 'the concerts have chestration of wh ich has not yet ar­ organized by tho election of Bishop a lso’ been liberally patronized. Cot­ for the purpose of seeing that it was FitzGerald as president; Rev. J. R. vices. Dr. Stanley is w*ll known In for each other and when we met never rived. done in the future. If the assessors came into collision. Sometimes we tage colony and beach-front hotels are On Sunday Bishop Stanford will Daniels as vice president; Dr. Mun­ Ocean Grove, having comv Jiere for 21 alike filled almost to their capacity. now fail to assess property at its hall as teacher; Bleecher Stirling as fought on opposing sides, hut there preach at the auditorium morning and value, he said, the boitrd .would re- - years. He is general sec'A iry 6f the The boardwalk crowd recalls the secretary and Tall Esen Morgan as was never an. hour when I was afraid evening. Presiding Elder J. B.; Haines vl§e-''t'he duplicates and raise the val­ American .Sabbath Union. Ballington to trust Frank Ten Broeck. He was palmy days of August; while the les­ will lead the Young Peoplo’s ^meeting musical director. sees of the bathing privileges say they uations. if an assessor persisted in , Musio was ‘ furnished by- a male, Booth is conmander-jn-chlef of the a fair man. • He gave every man a fair all next week. ■ assessing property below true value Volunteers of America and an elo­ deal. He was wont to place himself will make up the deficiencies of for­ Monday night will witness one of quartet, Martin D. Moses, leader,'and mer years. One secret of this is that after being reminded of the fact then the session of the class was preceded quent preacher o£ whose sincerity in other people’s shoes and loolt at a the great concerts-of the season, when it Is within the power of the board Ocean Grove has the best bathing by a ten minutes’ song service. Dr. there is no question. question from the other man’s'stand­ there will be a triple .attraction con­ to have such officer removed by a. The services throughout the day point, but he» never sacrificed his per­ grounds along the coast. The. descent sisting of the National Choir of Swe­ Henry Wheeler 'led in prayer^ after of the beach seaward, both at Ross’ recommendation to the state board. which Dr. Munhail said; day -were appropriate to Sabbath Ob­ sonal conviction. It is something to den, Alma Webster-Powell, Metropol­ He said that it will, of course, be and at Lillagoro’s, is gradual, where­ itan Opera House prima donna, and G. "I am very glad to be with you to­ servance Day find the occasion form­ leave behind to one’s family a refuta­ impossible for th e . county board to tion that my ’husband and -my father as at some competitive grounds, like Aldo Randegger, pianist, supported .by day. I was beyond the- Mississippi ed the theme of.Dr. Stanley’s morning canvass the entire county* and fix val­ rive last Sunday and could not be was a fair man—an honest man. He that at the Casino, .it is quite steep. the Festival chorus and orchestra. No uations in the. time alloted, but if each sermon, his subject being “Signs of The obsolute safety of- the Grove with you. I came here 34 years ago loved the masses. His heart and his •better concert will ’be given during assessor would assess at true valua­ the Times Around the World Today grounds crowds, the surf here when'- when there were no railroads and we purse were open at all time and he the season than that of-Monday night. tions the work of the board would be on the Sabbath Question.” but few are bathing elsewhere. The hatl to.take stages, so you see I know never stopped to consider the worthi­ Tuesday night Isaac H. Meredith materially lightened, but if they as­ “Ocean Grove is a light oh i\ hill on ness of the petitioner at his feet. He booths are (Jbjng a good business, . will lecture on “ Sunday School Music something about Ocean Grove. I have the Sunday question,” said Dr. Stan* while the pavilions are thronged at all sess at but 60, 70 or 80 per. cent., as in a great liking for it because there are was a loving man in his home. He and How to Improve ItT” Wednesday the past in some Instances, the work ley, and told of a railroad engineer was a child again with Ms children. hours of the day. The free concerts right Rev. C. L. Mead will lecture on more good people here than any other who for forty-nine years never ran a cf the board would 'be heavy and place on earth, not even .excepting Only God knows what will be revealed attract many* > -The Black Knight;” Thursday evenr much confusion 'would follow. Sunday train and who distributed Bi­ at the last day, but to the faif man, This place was cited by Mayor At­ lag -the' commencement exercises . of Philadelphia.” t;f$| ... bles among the twenty section fore- kins in his plea to the Asbury Park Announcement was also made that Dr. Munhall spoke feelingly of the. who was just in his lifetime, a square the Ocean Grove Assembly of Sunday the county board would meet again .' inen, through which two of the men deaUwlll be given In the adjustment beach commission-for privileges for School Methods will be. held. There death of Dr. West, an Ocean Grove were converted and the Italians, who the people.
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