Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 3-2-1973 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1973). Winona Daily News. 1211. https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews/1211 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Cloudy and mild ¦ ¦ ¦ um sMK; I SOLD] _, * . with chance of ' THAT OLD BUGGY L >* Wilh A Wan. Ad {%]&* shower tonight' ^^ North Terrorists to No problem in fly to US. BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) — The Egyptian dispatch said The Middle East News Agency the guerrillas wanted Foreign said today the Sudanese gov- Minister Mansour Khaled and ernment has agreed to provide Information Minister Omar Haj a plane to ;;:;cM fly Arab guerrillas S-^Mlibfe- #i^y Nousa of Sudan to go along on and their hostages to the the flight to the United States 1 United States from Khartoum. but the government "totally re- By GEORGE ESPER The U.S. statement was is- would not affect the release of The Egyptian the second of 106 American ^^servicemen and agency said ^ sued shortly after in jected" this. (AP) Its dispatch from Khartoum SAIGON - The U.S. two meetings today by the four- two Thais by North Vietnam. that the guerrillas, holding the Two Americans are among delegation announced tonight parly Joint Military Commis- "From the point of view of U.S. ambassador and four other the hostages: Ambassador Cleo North Vietnam has informed it sin's subcommission on prison- the Provisional Revolutionary diplomats, also demanded that A. Noel Jr. and the U.S. charge that 106 American prisoners ers. Spokesmen for both sides Government,, the release of two members of Sudan's Cabi- d'affaires, Curtis G. Moore. will be released in Hanoi on reported no progress in resolv- POWs is blocked by this issue,'* net go with tHem on the flight The reception was in Moore's Sunday, but that the Viet Cong ing the dispute. the spokesman said. He said to the United States. This was honor -because of his imminent apparently have threatened to Another meeting is scheduled this includes American and oth- refused, the agency reported. departure for home. withhold release of 30 U.S. for Saturday, the U.S. spokes- er foreign prisoners of the Viet The dispatch was filed about The others held are Adley el POWs captured in South Viet- man said. Cong as well as Vietnamese. an hour after the deadline set Nasser of Jordan, Guy Eid of nam in a dispute over exchange Of Vietnamese prisoners. Earlier, the Viet Cong delega- He added that efforts were by the guerrillas, members of Belgium , both charges to newsmen the Palestinian Black d'affaires and the Saudi am- tion had announced feeing made to resolve the dis- Septem- , A statement from the U.S. that it would release the 34 per- ber organization, for the execu- bassador. delegation to the four-party pute. iori of their sons captured in South Vietnam U.S. spokesmen were not im- hostages if their The hostages had been held Joint Military Commission said s Gia Lam demands were not met. for 20 hours at the time of the on Sunday at Hanoi' mediately available for com- the Viet Cong notified the. U.S. airport at the same time North Middle East News Agency re- side that the 30 American pris- ment. There was no Immediate ex- port. Vietnam released its 108 prison- planation why the oners previously listed would ers. " • ¦ . ' : guerrillas The French Embassy in be released also in Hanoi but . A dispute over the exchange wanted to come to the United Khartoum informed Eld's of Vietnamese prisoners de- States. refused to give the date of re- Later a communist spokes- brother, George, in Brussels lease. A spokesman said this man said an impasse had de- layed the release of the first After seizing the hostages that the terrorists had put back American POWs handed over meant ¦ the¦ Viet Cong were stall- veloped over Vietnamese pris- Thursday during a reception at their deadline -to 6 p.m., noon ing. ' " ¦/. oner exchanges and threatened by the Viet Cong on Feb. 12. the Saudi Arabian Embassy in EST, and that it expected the to block release of the 30 Amer- Then the delay lasted 12 hours, Khartoum , the guerrillas de- situation would be "cleared up" The U.S. delegation said ar- icans. and the men were delivered at manded the dusk instead of early in the . release of dozens by early evening in Khartoum. rangements for the release of _yo ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Also affected are t Ger- of colleagues held in Jordan «W _WW__»*****#*_I *******»»P»****MBI __I ny ¦*_ II *KO«.**nt*-**jt.i*Ax*w.yim.it*** *— ¦¦__¦ **—* _—_______¦»>: ¦>:« >.¦:¦.*.. .. .•.¦« stt 'Si/fs*w{//MXK/M/&2mm.<^^mm 106 Americans and two Thais morning. The Egyptian dispatch did * mans and two Filipinos on the and freedom for Sirhan B. Sir- not make clear whether . Su- HOME AT LAST . Major Bolstad of by the North Vietnamese over seven years held by the North Vietnamese Earlier today, Bui Tin, the han, convicted assassin of Sen. dan . "will go forward. Viet Cong list of 34 handed to 's refusal to allow its Cabi- Minneapolis heads down the ramp of the ago. Bolstad had earlier been reunited with his " the U.S. delegation to the Joint chief spokesman for the North RobeHt F. Kennedy in 1958 now net ministers to go on the plane Vietnamese delegation said the plane that brought him home into the waiting fiance, before returning to Minneapolis. (AP The Viet Cong had actually Military Commission today. , serving a life term in Califor- had canceled the deal or wheth- handed the United States a list transfer of POWs in Hanoi nia. But they were reported to er the guerrillas still would go arms of his sister, Mrs. FranThompson, Photofax) of 34 prisoners captured in The spokesman indicated the would begin Sunday at 11 a.m., have eased these demands. ahead with the plan. who had not seen him since he was captured South Vietnam, including two dispute between the Saigon gov- Saigon time, or 9 p.m. SST Filipinos arid two Germans. ernment and tie Viet Cong Saturday. Inside former Winona Paris conference H_lllltlf II opp Jf woman has ex- pressed relief at the newB dollar nosedives that her son, who has been By LOUIS NEVTN off the run on the dollar Thurs- a prisoner of war in North ¦ ¦¦ LONDON (AP) — Foreign day. ' ':- ' Vietnam for nearly six agreement signed exchange dealings around the "It's not really a decision- years, will be released this world were halted today after weekend ¦— story, page 3a. By MICHAEL GOLDSMITH nist objections, was invited to the Soviet Union, North and making meeting," British the dollar took a new nose dive. PARIS (AP) - The Paris witness the signing ceremony South Vietnam, the Provisional The governments hoped a long spokesman Donald Maitland conference on Vietnam gave but not .o sign. Revolutionary Government and weekend would cool off the sell- said. s formal approval today to the abor Both sides made concessions the four members of the Inter- ing wave. But his remarks and those of Abortion sS. - peace agreement Henry Kissin- tion laws won the first at the five-day conference to national Cease-fire Commis- Government ministers and Bonn spokesman Ruediger von round in the Minnesota Leg- ger and Le Due Tho negotiated economic leaders met to dis- Wechmar appeared to indicate islature as a House subcom- and established a procedure reach unanimous agreement on sion — Canada, Indonesia, Po- cuss how to cope with the wide- Brandt and Heath were trying mittee voted in favor of a that can be followed when it is the declaration. Canada, South land aid Hungary. Vietnarii and Britain expressed spread¦¦ dumping¦ of U.S. curren- for a common assessment of resolution asking Congress violated. cy. — .- ? the situation which they could to submit a constitutional Secretary of State William P. disappointment that more effec- The declaration provides that amendment to cancel a Su- Prime Minister Ed-ward pass on to other capitals. Rogers and 11 . other foreign tive measures were not the former belligerents or tha preme Court ruling — story, adopted. members of the control com- Heath ot Britain and Chancellor Such an assessment could be page 5a. ministers or their deputies Willy Brandt of West Germany part of multi-national efforts to signed a declaration endorsing Rogers and Soviet Foreign mission can circulate reports were meeting in Bonn, but achieve a solution to the dollar the peace settlement in the Minister Andrei Gromyko ex- on cease-fire violations to tho pressed satisfaction with the signers of the declaration and spokesmen said they would not crisis, observers said. ___ *It_. i Persons wishing same gold - and - gray - paneled decide any new monetary Von Wechmar noted that the Ddllfl I to learn about ballroom of the former Hotel declaration. North Vietnamese to Waldheim. In case of serious moves before conferring with Common Market Ministerial the Baha'i Faith are in- Majestic where the Vietnam Foreign Minister Nguyen Duy violations or the threat of ia other members of the Common Council will hold, a previously vited to attend one of the peace talks droned on for more Trinh and the Viet Cong foreign new Vietnam war, any six sig- meetings held each Wednes- minister, Mrs.
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