A publication of Mass Humanities Fall 2013 Mass Humanities Newsletter Goes Green Above & Beyond The print edition of our newsletter will be phased out after this issue. Join Talk of a crisis in the humanities as the most salient criteria for evaluating our work. Mass Humanities in saving paper and spins a woeful web about our chosen The American Academy of Arts & Sciences recently register now for the digital edition at: field, and the headlines have us issued a much-discussed report entitled The Heart masshumanities.org/news_signup caught between plunging budgets and of the Matter that outlines a plan for the humanities sagging numbers of students major- to take a central role in improving the nation. The ing in the humanities. Some numbers, report sets long-term goals for achieving economic though, are going up, including our age—Mass well-being and strengthening civil society and its core In This Issue Humanities marks its 40th anniversary in 2014—and to celebrate, we reviewed our four- decade history. It is remarkable the extent to Letter from the Director page 2 which the grants we made and programs we ran What we found in our history have indisputably enhanced and improved civic Welcome to Our New life in the Commonwealth. illuminates the strengths of the Board Members page 4 humanities, showing that no Since our inception in 1974, Mass Humanities has matter the challenges, we can Heritage and History emphasized the public value of the humanities. in Western Mass. Two decades into our mission, the editorial in the meet and exceed expectations. page 5 newsletter that celebrated our 20th anniversary remarked that the careful balance of commitment, Public Squared collaboration, and community were the “well- Takes Root page 5 springs of our program”—and indeed, they are still. What we found in our history illuminates the rubric for success is meeting future workforce needs. Recent Grants strengths of the humanities, showing that no matter The report is indicative of a trend among humanities page 6 the challenges, we can meet and exceed expectations. scholars who increasingly recognize the value of pub- lic engagement. Scholars glean lessons from outside 10th Annual Fall Today, the focus is largely on job creation and career the academy and equip students of all stripes with the Symposium preparation, evinced by opinion pieces and editori- tools they need to establish, maintain, and succeed in page 8 als in numerous media outlets that emphasize these their careers. Continued on page 7 40th Anniversary Milestones 1992 to 1995 Different People, Different Places Statewide 1986 to 1988 Shifting Gears Statewide On the occasion of the 500th anniversary of Columbus’s “discovery” of the New World, more than 2,000 Massachusetts residents examined the environmental and cultural Our first major statewide project, in partnership with the legacy of the European encounter with the Americas through readings and Heritage State Parks, focused on six once prosperous scholar-led discussions in public libraries. manufacturing communi- ties and provided residents with a powerful record of their hometown memories though the lens of the ever-changing nature of work in Massachusetts. Letter from the Director MASS HUMANITIES 66 Bridge Street Northampton, MA 01060 tel (413) 584-8440 fax (413) 584-8454 Reflections on Mass Humanities’ www.masshumanities.org 40th anniversary year By David Tebaldi STAFF David Tebaldi When people ask me how long I have been Yes, sometimes I feel a little like Moses, 40 years EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR [email protected] Executive Director of Mass Humanities, my reply wandering in the desert in search of the Promised is often met with mild astonishment. It is rare Land. My “desert” is a social, political and cultural Pleun Bouricius DIRECTOR OF PROGRAMS AND GRANTS anymore for someone to stay in the same position environment hostile to the humanities, one in [email protected] with the same organization for 29 years. The 40th which economic values reign supreme, crass com- anniversary of the Massachusetts Foundation for mercialism dominates our culture, and self-regard Carolyn Cushing ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT the Humanities seems like an appropriate occasion takes precedence over the common good. [email protected] to explain why I feel so privileged to have led this Deepika Fernandes organization for nearly three decades. FISCAL OFFICER “ My “Promised Land” is a robust [email protected] Having been professionally trained in the public square where history, literature, Anne Rogers humanities—disciplines, let’s be honest, SYSTEMS MANAGER that are too often written off as useless philosophy, and the other humanities [email protected] and get little respect in the world at large— Rose Sackey-Milligan it does me good to devote my professional disciplines are valued by all” PROGRAM OFFICER [email protected] life to demonstrating the crucial role that the humanities play both in personal development My “Promised Land” is a robust public square David Morgan COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER and in community life. There are of course many where history, literature, philosophy, and the EDITOR OF MASS HUMANITIES different ways of doing this, but none more ef- other humanities disciplines are valued by all— [email protected] fective or personally rewarding as working in the but especially by our political leaders—both for John Sieracki public humanities. themselves and for their ability to illuminate our DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT common concerns and help us imagine a better AND COMMUNICATIONS [email protected] What is unique about the state humanities councils world. It is a place where political disagree- is that they do this through an unusual process ments are resolved through thoughtful reflection Melissa Wheaton ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT AND of collaboration—face-to-face encounters—be- and reasoned discussion, where ideas are more GRANTS ADMINISTRATOR tween the academy and the practical world from important than ideology. It is a place where the [email protected] which both benefit greatly. Our boards themselves complexity and nuance that characterize almost Hayley Wood are such collaborations, consisting as they do of every aspect of human relations are understood SENIOR PROGRAM OFFICER roughly equal numbers of scholars and members of and appreciated. [email protected] the public broadly representative of each state’s di- Mass Humanities promotes the use of versity. Every program we offer and every humani- Needless to say, we are not there yet, but we history, literature, philosophy, and the ties project we support through our grants bring are a lot closer to the Promised Land (here in other humanities disciplines to deepen our understanding of the issues of the scholars and community leaders together to deepen Massachusetts at least) than when we set out day, strengthen our sense of common our understanding of issues that matter to us, as in 1974 on what one of our long ago board purpose, and enrich individual and com- munity life. We take the humanities out individuals and as members of our communities. chairs—a motorcycle riding, poetry-writing of the classroom and into the community. We bring the life of the mind to the turmoil of life. Republican business executive from Orange— Mass Humanities, a private, nonprofit, called “this noble enterprise.” educational organization, receives fund- This work is always interesting and informative. ing from the National Endowment for the Humanities; the Massachusetts Cultural At times it can be revelatory and exhilarating. I’m often asked by those same people who Council, a state agency; and private are curious about my tenure, of the hundreds sources. of projects Mass Humanities has supported 1999 State House Women’s Leadership Sculpture dedicated at State House Boston The contributions of six women to public life in the Commonwealth are commemorated in a permanent work of art commissioned for the Massachusetts State House. The project included a middle school curriculum called Making A Difference used by more than 400 teachers. 2 PHOTOS COURTESY OF GRANTEES or conducted, which is your ize the contributions of six women (Dorothea Dix, Lucy Stone, MASS HUMANITIES favorite? This is kind of annoy- Sarah Parker Remond, Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin, Mary Kenney 66 Bridge Street BOARD OF DIRECTORS Northampton, MA 01060 ing–like being asked to name your O’Sullivan and Florence Luscombe) and the effects of their life’s tel (413) 584-8440 CHAIR favorite book. There are too many work on the laws of the Commonwealth. Even the very best hu- fax (413) 584-8454 Ben Birnbaum BOSTON COLLEGE www.masshumanities.org wonderful possibilities to choose manities programs tend to be ephemeral. They live on, when they VICE CHAIR a favorite. But here are a few proj- do, only in archives or in the memories of those who experienced STAFF Nancy Netzer THE MCMULLEN MUSEUM OF ART ects that have meant a lot to me them first-hand.HEAR US is forever. David Tebaldi TREASURER and helped advance the mission EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR James R. Burke of Mass Humanities in significant, our electronic archive of Massachusetts history, [email protected] HINCKLEY, ALLEN & SNYDER LLP Mass Moments, CLERK and significantly different, ways: was groundbreaking (at least for state humanities councils) when it Pleun Bouricius G. Perry Wu was launched in our 30th anniversary year–combining a rich and DIRECTOR OF PROGRAMS AND GRANTS STAPLES, INC. [email protected] SHIFTING GEARS: The Chang- engaging website, email delivery of each day’s moment available jessie little doe baird by (free) subscription, and an associated series of one-minute radio WÙPAN‚AK LANGUAGE ing Meaning of Work in Massa- Carolyn Cushing RECLAMATION PROJECT was our first spots aired daily on stations across the Commonwealth. An unex- ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT chusetts, 1920-1980 [email protected] Ellen Berkman attempt to have a state-wide impact pected bonus has been the use to which the original research and HARVARD UNIVERSITY with a single project.
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