Ave at: THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE RELATIONS WITH THE NUSANTARA (SPICE ISLANDS) Meirison UIN Imam Bonjol Padang email: [email protected] Zulvia Trinova UIN Imam Bonjol Padang email:[email protected] Yelmi Eri Firdaus UIN Imam Bonjol Padang email:[email protected] Abstract I feel the need to divide that into two categories; formal relationships and informal relationships. In this case, formal relations are based on politics and military, that is, relationships that were built in the 16th century. The farther away the year, the more cryptic the sources will be. But since the 1530s, Acehnese envoys began to appear in Istanbul, and they were involved in Aceh-Ottoman cooperation. They came to ask for military assistance to fight Portuguese colonialism in the region. By conducting literature study, verification, and interpretation, the author returns to the description of a brief history through the sources written when the Ottoman Turks were still standing. In Muhamad Farid Beik's work, which tells the Ottoman Turkish Government sent a complete fleet to the Archipelago complete with the crew and others. This means that formal relations were established before 1530 AD. After that, there had been diplomatic and military relations between the two sultanates. Turkish cannons that were brought to Aceh are still in the Dutch museum. The relationship between the Ottoman Turks and the Nusantara was not only based on benefit but also based on panic Islamism in facing the same enemy, namely the Portuguese colonialists. When Indonesia faced the Dutch, the Ottoman Turks still provided informal assistance through volunteers due to Western pressure, mainly the British. Keywords: Ottoman Relation, Benefit, Islamic Brotherhood Abstrak Saya merasa perlu membagi hal itu menjadi dua kategori; hubungan formal dan hubungan informal. Dalam hal ini, hubungan formal adalah relasi berbasis politik dan militer, yakni hubungan yang dibangun pada abad ke-16. Semakin menjauh tahunnya, maka sumber-sumbernya akan semakin lebih samar. Namun sejak tahun 1530-an, utusan-utusan Aceh mulai terlihat di Istanbul, dan mereka terlibat dalam kerja sama Aceh-Utsmani dan mereka datang untuk meminta bantuan militer untuk melawan kegiatan kolonialisme Portugis di wilayah itu. Dengan melakukan melakukan studi pustaka, verifikasi, serta penafsiran penulis mengulangkembali penjabaran sejarah singkat melalusi sumber-sumber yang ditulis Ketika Ottoman Empire masih berdiri tegak. Dalam karya Muhamad Farid Beik yang mengisahkan Pemerintah Ottoman Empire mengutus armada lengkap ke kepulauan nusantara lengkap bersama para krew dan yang lainnya. Berarti hubungan formal telah dilakukan sebelum tahun 1530, karena sesudah itu telah terjadi hubungan diplomatic dan militer antara kedua kesultanan. Meriam- meriam Turki yang dulu dibawa ke Aceh masih ada di musium belanda. Hubungan Ottoman Empire dan nusantara tidak hanya berdasarkan kemaslahatan akan tetapi juga berdasarkan pan Islamisme dalam menghadapi musuh yang sama yaitu penjajah Portugal. Ketika Indonesia berhadapan dengan Belanda Ottoman Empire masih memberikan bantuan yang tidak formal melalui relawan-relawan akibat tekanan Barat terutama Inggris. Kata Kunci; Ottoman Empire, Kemaslahatan, persaudaraan sesama muslim 140 Meirison dkk 141 INTRODUCTION field of trade politics, which are all related to Islamic The relationship between Aceh and Turkey in Aqidah. the 16th century apparently not just trade relations. Along with the fall of the Malacca government and RESULTS AND DISCUSSION the presence of the Portuguese threat in the Straits of The relationship with the Javanese Kingdom Malacca, the Government of Aceh grew up as a Revealed in the statement of Sri Sultan political force and trade, continue the Pasai position Hamengkubuwono X, and he revealed the and replace the strategic Malacca.1 In 1539 it was relationship between the Ottoman Khilafah and the reported that about 300 Turkish soldiers had been in land of Java. In his speech at the 6th Indonesian Aceh and assisted the kingdom in its conflict with the Muslim Congress (K.U.I.I.) at the Yogyakarta Batak kingdom. According to Goksoy, these Turkish Keraton Pagelaran Sultan Hamengkubowono X troops may have been a fragment of the Turkish stated that "the Sultan of Turkey confirmed Raden troops who had not succeeded in expelling the Patah as Khalifatullah ing Tanah Jawa, representative Portuguese from Diu, Gujarat.2 Aceh itself had been of the Islamic Caliphate (Turkey) for the Land of involved in the pepper trade in the Indian Ocean in Java, by handing over the colored Laa ilaha illallah these years and began to be disturbed by the flag. Blackish-purple made of kiswah Kaaba cloth, and the flag that reads Muhammadarrasulullah is Portuguese presence in the region, which then 5 brought the two of them face to face.3 In its conflict green. The duplicate is stored in the Kraton with the Portuguese and border kingdoms, Aceh Yogyakarta as an heirloom, a marker of the legality chose to forge a more serious relationship with the of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta Hadiningrat. The Ottoman Caliphate in the following years.4 representative of the Turkish Caliphate ", Sri Sultan also mentioned that in 1903 when the Khilafah METHOD congress was held in Jakarta, the Sultan of Turki sent The author conducts a literature study and M Amin Bey, who declared it forbidden for Muslim document collection, which then verifies the rulers to submit to the Dutch. said that at the Sultan's collected documents and books. I did analyze the encouragement, one of the Ngarso dalem servants of content, a new picture, and interpretation of the the Sultan of Jogja later founded the Muhammadiyah relationship between the Ottoman Empire and the organization. "He is KH Ahmad Dahlan!" If Aceh Archipelago was obtained, which could not be since the time of Sultan Alauddin Riayat Syah (1537- separated from the benefit of the socio-cultural and 1571) has sent Husain Affandi to Sultan Sulaiman Al religious economy. The author rewrites the history of Qanuni in Turkey (1520-1566) and the Demak the relationship between the Ottoman Empire based Kingdom has built a strategic alliance with the on books written during the time when the Ottoman 'Aliyah' Utsmaniyah (Sunni) Daulah in Turkey faced Empire was still standing, such as the Daulah Iliyah Portuguese back-up by Daulah Shafawiyah (Shia) in al-Usmaniah, which was written by Farid Beik, which Iran; Sultan Agung Hanyokrokusumo saw the need to tells of the fleet of Sultan Sulaiman al-Qanuni being take further steps to strengthen his kingdom as the sent to the spice islands for a mission to rescue legitimate representative of the Islamic world power countries in the Archipelago. The author also in the Archipelago.6 His Majesty Hanyakrakusuma conducts a study on another entitled Ottoman Empire immediately sent envoys to the Islamic world power compiled by Soraya Faruqi, which tells of the at that time; Ottoman. The ship was sailing from Ottoman treatment of the territories under his control Mataram envoy to Aceh Jepara with stops in and the treatment of European society towards the Palembang. From there, with the permission of Sultan proletariat, especially the slaves. The distinction of Iskandar Thani (1636-1641), we're delighted to this paper refers to the benefits relationship in the receive a gift of friendship Supreme Majesty, with Navy ships more formidable Aceh Mataram 1 A. C. S. Peacock, Annabel Teh Gallop, and British No.1, June 2020 (2020): 109–26, Academy, eds., From Anatolia to Aceh: Ottomans, Turks, https://doi.org/10.21154/justicia. and Southeast Asia, First edition, Proceedings of the 4 Meirison Alizar Sali, Desmadi Saharuddin Saharuddin, British Academy 200 (Oxford: Published for the British and Darni Yusna Darni, “Ottoman Trade Policy and Academy by Oxford University Press, 2015), 59. Activities in Europe and Asia,” AL-FALAH : Journal of 2 Frial Ramadhan Supratman, “Memetakan Relasi Islamic Economics 5, no. 1 (June 9, 2020), Historis Antara Negara Usmani, Turki, Dan Asia https://doi.org/10.29240/alfalah.v5i1.1181. Tenggara,” Lembaran Sejarah 13, no. 1 (February 27, 5 Mahandis Y. Thamrin, Kecamuk Perang Jawa, Dalam 2018): 116, https://doi.org/10.22146/lembaran- National Geographic Indonesia, 8th ed., vol. 10 (Jakarta, sejarah.33526. n.d.), 55. 3 meirison, “THE IMPACT OF FOREIGN 6 Supratman, “Memetakan Relasi Historis Antara Negara CAPITULATION ON ISLAMIC SHARIA IN THE Usmani, Turki, Dan Asia Tenggara.” OTTOMAN EMPIRE,” Justicia Islamica Vol.17, no. Volume 24 No. 2 Edisi Juli-Desember 2020 142 THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE RELATIONS WITH THE NUSANTARA (SPICE ISLANDS) delegation, went along with the message of friendship Turkey in the Archipelago is "Sultan Rum." The term Aceh Darussalam to Turkey. "Rum" is spread to refer to the Ottoman Turkish According to one version, the envoy succeeded Sultanate. From this time on, Roman (Ottoman in facing Malikul Barrain wa Khaqanul Bahrain wa Turkish) political and cultural supremacy spread to Khadimul Haramain, Qaishar Ar Rumi, Khalifatullah various parts of the Muslim World, including the wa Zhilluhu fil Ardhi Al-Ghazi Sultan Murad IV Nusantara. (1623-1640) in the last years of his reign. Another The Story of the Turkish Caliphate Dinar in East version mentions, Murad IV was represented by Java there is an interesting story from a missionary Syarif Makkah, Zaid ibn Muhsin Al Hasyimi (1631- from East Jawa. He lives in Yogyakarta, told that 1666), who received the messenger in the holy city. when he was still a teenager, where his grandfather Bai'at Mataram, as a subordinate power as well was a traditional scholar of Walisongo descent still as the official representative of the Ottoman Empire kept dinars from the Turkish Caliphate. He held and in the Archipelago, was accepted. Therefore, for the weighed the dinar in the Chinese gold shop and see Great Grandfather of Hanyakrakusuma, the title of for yourself that the weight of the dinar is 8.8 grams "Sultan 'Abdullah Muhammad Maulana Jawi or the equivalent of 2 new standard dinars from the Matarami" was presented, accompanied by a tarbusy Islamic Mint Nusantara.
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