Vol V — No. 22 Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan Friday, March 13, 1964 'Hill House' To Be Girls' Arts Festival Dorm Only By the Observar Staff Opens Monday Oakland's new six - story "'dormitory, to be completed B) the Observer Staff by fall, will be officially Music, drama and dance presentations of more than known as Hill House, t h e usual artistic merit will be presented in an ambitious and Observer learned this week. delightful week-long student-faculty Fine Arts Festival The name had been suggested by Monday through Sunday. Chancellor Varner and was The Festival, established approved by the Board of Trus- last year, "was so well received tees this week. by everyone that it will be an annual event on the Oakland Contrary to previous consid- campus," Festival co-chairman Roger Bailey announced. erations, Hill House will be a Co-chairman for the event will be John Gillespie. girls' dorm exclusively, leaving John G. Galloway, professor of I Anibal and Fitzgerald houses as art, has been named honorary Being," Sunday at 8:15 p.m. twin men's residences, and Pry- chairman of the Festival in rec- An exhibit of Picasso's works ale the only coed housing unit. ognition of his contributions in will be shown every weekday Explains Changes the area of fine arts. He will pre- from 12 to 5 p.m. in the Art Announcing the news Wednes- side at a reception opening the Gallery, NFH. In addition, there day, Mrs. Alice Haddix, director Festival and at the awards cere- will be another art exhibit in the of residence halls, justified the mony for students who have sub- IM Theatre area nightly from new sex distribution in campus mitted best literary and art 7:30 p.m. housing. works. Galloway will lecture on Wednesday afternoon is taken "Fitzgerald and Anibal House the community of art Tues., at up by presentations from the for- would provide a natural base for 12:30 p.m. in the Gold Room. eign language departments. This competition in academic, social, Tickets for the general public includes Russian folksongs, danc- as well as athletic fields," she are available at the subscription es and poems presented by Helen said. Accommodating all women price of $3 for all performances, Kovach, assistant professor of in one housing unit, Hill House, and $1 for individual perform- Russian. would be "easier administrative- ances. The tickets are available An evening of concerts will be ly," according to Mrs. Haddix. at the information desk and Ac- presented on Thursday. The Mrs. Haddix also said that the OBSERVER PHOTO BY HOWARD COFFIN tivities Center in the O.C. or from Brass Choir will present selec- girls' wing of Pryale House might BEARCAT BEAT—Members of the University any Festival committee member. tions from Rathaus, Hovhaness, have to be closed down, should Baroque and Ensemble, popularly known as the Baroque Bearcats, will Opening the Festival will be Schuller. Filling out the there be a preponderance of the an invitational reception on Mon- evening, the Baroque Bearcats male sex among campus resi- be featured performers in the upcoming Fine Arts Festival, will present their March day, at 7 p.m. interpretations dents. Girls may then have to 16-22. Pictured here are James Haden, professor Highlights of t h e Festival of the works of Johann Sebastian be tripled up in Hill House. of philosophy (viol), Norman Susskind, assistant profes- range from three performances Bach, Telemann, and Vivaldi. Appoint Head Residents sor of French (recorder), and Robert Facko, music in- of the early Strindberg play "The Friday evening is devoted to a Appointments of head resi- structor (piano and harpsichord). The Ensemble will Ghost Sonata" on Monday, Tues- number of concerts given by the dents for the new dorm as well appear in a Thursday evening concert in the IM building day and Wednesday, to W. H. Concert choir of the University as Fitzgerald and possibly Ani- theater. Auden's oratorio "For The Time Chorus and readings by Dolores bal House will be announced in Burdick and Dan Polsby. the near future, Mrs. Haddix dis- Music and dance will be pre- closed. Interviews with candi- Begin Life-Saving sented Saturday night in the IM dates from within and without Theatre followed by the presen- the University community are Course Monday Colombia Dean To Address tation of Literary and Art being conducted now. A senior life-saving course Awards by Galloway. Mr. and Mrs. James Cooper will begin Monday at 6:30 p.m. Honors Banquet Tonight The staged reading of W. H. who are presently head residents in the IM Building. Auden's "For the Time Being" Staff in Fitzgerald House will resign Those interested in the course By the Observer Sunday night at 8:15 will close Jesuit secondary high school in their position at the end of this must register in the office of the Dr. Alfonso out the Festival's repertoire. The Ocampo-Lon- Cali with honors. Special honors semester. IM building by Monday. oratorio, which is directed by dono, dean of studies at the were awarded his M.D. thesis by John Blair, assistant professor University of Valle, Colom- the University of Antioquia. of English, is expected to be one bia, will address the Honors Further graduate work in medi- of the special features of the Banquet tonight at 7 p.m. medical administration Two Oakland Students cine and week's festivities. 2 8 4 awards for academic was taken by Dr. Ocampo at achievement will be present- Harvard University (1948), Cor- Get Wilson Fellowships ed at the banquet. nell University (1953-54), and Ocampo has been on campus Columbia University (1960). By the Observer Staff al and national selection commit- this week getting acquainted Woodrow Wilson National tees, composed of eminent col- with OU kids in preparation for professors, deans and presi- Apply for Fellowship Foundation an- lege establishing an exchange pro- nounced yesterday that two dents. gram between Oakland and the OU in 8th District Oakland students have re- University of Valle. Scholarships a ceived fellowships for fall, Oakland is member of the Wednesday noon he lunched 1964. Eighth District of the competi- with Chancellor Varner and a tion, which included the states By April 1 Over 11,000 college seniors had group of students and Wednesday of Michigan and Ohio. Oberlin ,ftipplied, a n d the foundation afternoon was the guest of the College received 24 fellowships, By the Observer Staff Wawarded fellowships to 1507 dorm social committee at an in- the district high. scholarship students. formal coffee hour in the Fitz- Upper class Honorable Mentions were Michael C. Batinski of Lake gerald House Lounge. applications are now be- awarded to the many "deserving Orion (history) and Mary Finkel- Practicing Surgeon ing accepted in the dean students that the Foundation said stein of Pontiac (French) will Originally a practicing surgeon of students office, it was were qualified but financial re- in Cali, Colombia, Ocampo start- receive full tuition and fees for sources did not permit fellow- announced this week. Can- the first year at the graduate ed his career in education in 1953 didates must have com- ships. Oakland's honorable men- when he became chairman of the school of their choice, as well as tion students were James J. pleted 32 credit hours of a stipend of $1,800 and depen- Department of Surgery at the Biedron of Madison Heights University of Valle. In 1955 he work with a grade point dency allowances. (history) and Carol A. Remer of average of 2.5 or above. College Teachers Tomorrow became Assistant Dean for the for Utica (Russian). Bursments will be awarded "Dedicated to School of medicine. developing col- No Rigid Commitments on the basis of financial need, lege teachers for tomorrow, the Called upon by the national Dr. Hans Rosenhaupt, national government, he served as Minis- scholarship, and leadership po- Woodrow Wilson National Fel- director for the fourdation, said, Alfonso Ocampo tential, Duncan Sells, dean of lowship Foundation is the largest ter of Public Health in 1960 and "Our hope is that students elect- three schools, students, repeated the regula- private source of support for ad- was Minister of National Educa- Besides these ed as Woodrow Wilson Fellows studied or made tions. vanced studies in the liberal arts tion in 1961. In October 1961, Ocampo has also will be college teachers, although to many other Application forms and in- in North America," said Sir Hugh Ocampo returned to the Univer- observation trips the terms of our awards do not universities including formation regarding applica- Taylor, president of the Foun- sity of Valle to assume his pres- American bind them to such rigid commit- of Chicago, Uni- tions may be obtained from dation. ent position as Dean of Studies. the University ments. We request only that our Michigan, Western Re- Mrs. Sylvia Sexton, 140 NFH. Outstanding ability qualifies Marked With Honors versity of Fellows seriously consider ca- Yale, Stanford, M.I.T., Deadline for filing applica- the winners. Candidates are nom- His education has been ex- serve, reers in college teaching." U.C.L.A., and the University of tions is April 1. inated by faculty members and tensive and marked with honors California. are screened carefully by region- (Continued on Page 3) throughout. He graduated a Page 2 THE OAKLAND OBSERVER March 13, 1964 The Oakland Observer Letters to the Editor through the study and perform- FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1964 VOL. V — NO. 22 To the Editor: We all enjoyed ourselves im- I have been irritated, I confess, ance of great works of art); the WEEKLY AT ROCHESTER, MICHIGAN, BY THE mensely and left with a most PUBLISHED by the attempts of some students costs in relation to the possible STUDENTS OF OAKLAND UNIVERSITY benefits, over and above the intra- favorable impression.
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