To: The Chairman and Members of the Scrutiny Board (Councillors Pickard, Barber, Butcher, Davis, N Dirveiks, Forwood, Fox, Freer, Johnston, Lewis, May, M Moss, Payne, Y Stanley, and Turley) For the information of other Members of the Council For general enquiries please contact Emma Humphreys or Amanda Tonks on 01827 719221 or via e-mail: [email protected] or amandatonks@northwarks .gov.uk For enquiries about specific reports please contact the officer name d in the reports. This document can be made available in large print and electronic accessible formats if requested. SCRUTINY BOARD AGENDA 2 December 2013 The Scrutiny Board will meet in The Chamber at The Council House, South Street, Atherstone on Monday, 2 December 2013 at 6.30pm. AGENDA 1 Evacuation Procedure. 2 Apologies for Absence / Members away on official Council business. 3 Disclosable Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests. 4 Minutes of the Scrutiny Board held on 16 September 2013 (copy herewith) to be approved and signed by the Chairman. PART A – ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION AND DECISION (WHITE PAPERS) 5 Making North Warwickshire A Safer Place 2012/13 – Report of the Chief Executive Summary This report informs Members of the work of the North Warwickshire Community Safety Partnership and provides an update on progress since December 2012. The report also requests Members to identify any areas for further investigation by the Scrutiny Board. The Contact Officer for this report is Robert Beggs (719238). 6 Broadband Provision Update – Report of the Assistant Director (Corporate Services) This report provides an update on the progress being made on the provision of broadband services. Members of the Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire (CWS) Project Team will also present a project update to the Board and take Members questions. The Contact Officer for this report is Linda Bird (719327). 7 Health Scrutiny Update – Verbal Report by the Chairman of the Scrutiny Board. This verbal report seeks to update the Board on the NHS Warwickshire North Clinical Commissioning (CCG) Clinical Strategy. An update will also be provided on a Memorandum of Understanding produced by Warwickshire County Council to clarify the roles between Groups and the recently ratified Protocol developed by the Warwickshire Health Scrutiny Partnership Group. JERRY HUTCHINSON Chief Executive NORTH WARWICKSHIRE BOROUGH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE SCRUTINY BOARD 16 September 2013 Present: Councillor Pickard in the Chair Councillors Barber, Butcher, Davis, N Dirveiks, Forwood, Fox, Freer, Johnston, Lewis, May, M Moss, Y Stanley and Turley. An apology for absence was received from Councillor Payne. 7 Disclosable Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests None were declared at the meeting. 8 Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 10 June 2013, a copy having been previously circulated, were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. 9 Food Premises Inspections The Environmental Health Manager gave a presentation on the Food Premises Inspections carried out by staff in his Division. 10 Progress Report on Achievement of Corporate Plan and Performance Indicator Targets April 2012-March 2013 Members were informed of the progress with the achievement of the Corporate Plan and Performance Indicator targets overall for April 2012 to March 2013. Contextual and comparative information was also provided to assist the Board in determining any requests for further reports on specific service areas. Resolved: That the report be noted. 11 Health Scrutiny Update The Chairman of the Board gave a verbal update on Health Scrutiny. 4/1 12 Future Scrutiny Projects The Assistant Director (Corporate Services) provided a draft plan showing possible items for future Scrutiny Board meetings and sought Members’ views on the plan and their suggestions for further, future topics for the Board. Resolved: a That the draft plan attached as Appendix A to the report of the Assistant Director (Corporate Services) be approved; and b That a report be brought to the next meeting of the Board on the provision of Broadband. D Pickard Chairman 4/2 Agenda Item No 5 Scrutiny Board 2 December 2013 Report of the Chief Executive Making North Warwickshire a Safer Place 2013/14 1 Summary 1.1 This report informs Members of the work of the North Warwickshire Community Safety Partnership and provides an update on progress since December 2012. The report also requests Members to identify any areas for further investigation by the Scrutiny Board. Recommendation to the Board a That Members note the progress with the work areas of the North Warwickshire Community Safety Partnership; and b That Members identify any specific work areas of the partnership for further investigation. 2 Consultation 2.1 The Chairman of the Safer Communities Sub-Committee and the Opposition Spokesperson have been consulted on this report and any comments will be reported at the Scrutiny Board meeting. 3 Introduction 3.1 The Council is required to have a Committee that scrutinises the crime and disorder work of various organisations within the Borough. The Council has decided that this Committee will fulfil that requirement and that a number of additional members will be co-opted onto the Committee. 3.2 As a result therefore the following have been added to the Committee for this item: The Chair of the Safer Communities Sub Committee and the opposition spokesperson. Two representatives from the partner organisations within the Community Safety Partnership. One representative from each of the Area Fora, to represent the Safer Neighbourhoods Police and Communities Together work that takes place at these. 5/1 2013/BR/006789 Two Members from the People’s Panel. A youth representative. 3.3 The Scrutiny Board for this purpose met last in December 2012 and this report provides an update on progress with the work areas of the North Warwickshire Community Safety Partnership. 3.4 Attached at Appendix A is a spreadsheet table recently prepared for the North … Warwickshire Community Safety Partnership on the 7 November 2013. The table provides an overview of the current position against the objectives included in the Partnership Plan prepared by the North Warwickshire Community Safety Partnership. The Partnership has been in place in its current form since 1998 and its primary aim is to Make North Warwickshire a Safer Place. The partnership includes representatives from North Warwickshire Borough Council, Warwickshire County Council, Warwickshire Police, Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service, National Probation Trust (Warwickshire), Warwickshire Drug and Alcohol Action Team and other organisations. The Police and Crime Commissioner is also regularly represented at the partnership meetings. 4 North Warwickshire Overview … 4.1 The table at Appendix A shows the current progress against the objectives included within the partnership plan 2013/14 of the North Warwickshire Community Safety Partnership. Members will recall that previous reports to this Scrutiny Board have highlighted some of the key challenges and issues for North Warwickshire to sustain reductions in crime and disorder. 4.2 The key challenges included reliance on use of area based grant to fund community safety partnership interventions, how best to promote our case as a low crime area competing with demands from higher crime areas, the risk of a disproportionate fear of crime within local communities, the risk from cross border offending, a significant proportion of domestic abuse within our violent crime levels and spikes in domestic burglary often spread across the Borough. 4.3 The success achieved in reducing recorded crime levels has continued in 2012/13 and the current position in 2013/14 is also on track to sustain ongoing reductions. During 2012/13 the following results were achieved: Violent crime 12% lower with 71 less victims Domestic burglary 18% lower with 51 less victims Vehicle crime 8% lower with 51 less victims Anti social behaviour incidents 10% lower with 241 fewer incidents Overall crime 12% lower with 459 less victims 4.3 The North Warwickshire Community Safety Partnership has seen successful reductions in a range of crime types since 2006/07 with only an upturn in the 2011/12 year. In the 2011/12 year North Warwickshire's overall crime 5/2 2013/BR/006789 increased by 236 crimes to 3758, a 6.7% increase. The successful results achieved in 2012/13 have addressed this upturn. 4.4 During April to October 2013/14 recorded crime levels are showing the following position compared to 2012/13: Violent crime 295 total to date down 4% Domestic burglary 130 total to date down 6% Theft from vehicles 215 total to date down 17% Theft of vehicles 55 total to date down 28% Anti social behaviour incidents 1299 total to date down 6% 4.5 The ongoing decreases in recorded crime are very pleasing especially considering the changes in resources experienced by all partners. The partnership is monitoring any emerging trends or spikes to ensure that appropriate interventions are put in place. For example the Borough is susceptible to cross border offenders and spikes in vehicle crime, domestic burglary can occur regularly. The Ward of Fillongley has been identified as a current hot spot area for these crime types in recent analysis prepared for the partnership. 4.6 Crime prevention measures are implemented in the areas that have been identified from analysis as being more at risk and offenders are actively monitored and subject to policing operations whenever possible. 5 Key Initiatives and successes during 2013/14 5.1 The partnership has been working on a number of key initiatives and a number of successes can be highlighted. These include the following: Violent Crime Licensed premises which pose a problem with violent crime are monitored through a multi agency licensing group. This can lead to licensing reviews and enforcement action. Some successful impacts have been made including the revoking of a licence for a premise in Atherstone. This was an outcome of joint work with the Police and Trading Standards which identified positive test results of underage sales.
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