inc,luäin4v October 1917 Cr'a..,. - HARRY LAUDER RECORDS Ten-Inch Double-Sided 3/- Stop your tickling, Jock 1 It's just like being at hame 545f (Grafon & Lander) i 6341 (Lauder Er Hargrza ( Sound Advice (Melville & Lauder) t Roaming in the Gloaming (Laud fBreakfast Rising early in the morningHarry 664 in bed (Lauder) Lauder The Message Boy (Lauder) She's my Daisy (Lauder)Hector 689fBonnie Leezie Lindsay (Laird.- Grant The Referee (Lauder) I love lassie (Graftozz ý? Lauder) The Blarney Stone (Lauder) a 8991 The did before 547.( i've loved her baby same as his father since she was a I him (Lauder) (Laude;) rat's nip whan vnn, lnvo a mna lassie We the (Lauder (I parted on shore alid r ä4S, 'that's the reason noo I wear a kilt 9411 Rocked in the the deep (Lauder) cradle of The Wedding of Sandy McNab She's the lass for me (Lauder) 549 (Lauder) ((1117.)A wee hoose'mang the heather When I get back to bonnie Scotland (Lauder & La (Lauder) f Ta-ta my bonnie Maggie darlin' He was very, very, very kind to me 1166 (La ci, 5501 (Lauder) Portobello lass (Lauder' t "rne oounaing oounaer (Lauaer) ,The 804 The lass of Killicrankie (Lauder) Trip to Inverary (Lauder) f Foo the noo (Lauder) 818 1 Tobermory (Lauder) Bonnie Maggie Tamson (Lauder) G.G.18{ Doughie the Baker (Lauder) (1.0.22 ill, love to be a Sailor (Lauder) rvgoing to marry-arry (Lauder) o.0.23 { The lads who fought and won (Lauder) She is my Rosle (Lauder) (Addreu to Boy Scouts Sir Robert Baden-Powell 1841 { The Read to Maresaeld (A. Poyser) l Rol Scouts (Lord Mayor's Own City of London Troop) GRAND OPERA & CELEBRITY RECGIRDS Ten-Inch Double-Sicced 3/- Miserere " 11Trovatore " The Chorale " Faust Miss Alvena Yarrow and Messrs. Peter Dawson; G.O. 1 Mr. Ernest Pike G.O. g Harry Thornton and Chor. In the Combat " Il Trovatore " Duel Scene " Faust " Mme. Violetta & Mr. Ernest Pike Messrs. Ernest Pike, Harry Thornton and J. H. Scotland Home to our Mountains Let me gaze on the form before " Il Trovatore " Faust " Mr. Ernest Ernest Pike me G.O. 2 Mme. Violetta & Mr. G.O. 7 Pike and Miss Alvena Yarrow What bear I ? " 11 Trovatore " Faust Miss Alvena Yarrow, Miss Alvona Yarrow and Messrs.Ern.Pike & PeterDawson Mr. Harry Thornton Hear me, Santuzza " Cavallcria Mesdames 0 Night of Hymen from Rusticana " " Romeo and Juliet " Alvena Yarrow and Violetta Miss Alvena Yarrow and G.O. 8 and Mr. Ernest Pike 0. a Mr. Ernest Pike Stay, Stay, Turlddu " Cavallerla Now to the Hall the Priests Pro- Rusticana " Mdme. Deering coed " Aida " Mdme. Violetta and Mr. Ernest Pike and Mr. Ernest Pike " Carmen 11 Mdme. Violetta Rigoletto Mr. Ernest Pike 0.0 9HabaneraGipsy Song " Carmen " Miss Alvena Yarrow, Miss Amy Mdme. Violetta Augarde, Mr. E. Clifford G.O. The Soldiers' Chorus " Faust " 4 That all the Load of Infamy The Bride of Lammermoor " Rigoletto " 0.0.10 Misses Alvena Yarrow, Amy Miss Alvena Yarrow and Augarde, Messrs. Ernest Pike' Mr. Thorpe Bates Thorpe Bates, L. Stanley and La Donna a Mobile from " Ri;e- Peter Dawson letto " (sung In Italian) La Travlata 6.0.5 Miss Alvena Yarrow, Messrs. Miss Alvena Yarrow and Ernest Pike and Thorpe Bates 0.0.11 Mr. Ernest Pike Caro Nome from " Rigoletto " Ah I fors' a lui " Traviata " " L'Ineognita " (9faglaItalian) "L'Ineogalta" Thu. rseoris are sung in Eiqlish unless otherwise stale& IGRAND OPERA 6 C LE B R iiý ýýý01".-Z- D 3 Ten-l.-,-zc;ýTen-ýýýý D4w.Dmybic-Sided 31- The Tarea,tzrTarea,lzr Song " OsrrasaCIsrrasa " ( Pi$ ! Fag! "Les fiugu^no's" Mr. Fa't-rPat-r Damon fgDGfiF=fgam2= and G.19 j rr. P:oL=r: <<_:ord 0.0.13 $al;ra in C'r+tst'sra " R`tea Fs.B" jjjThe Porter Sere l?arflui at ias5tin7 " gäesars. Kr. flvb rt R ,- Ernest Pike and Peter Dawson Ho I Jolly Jo kia " !vanina " Give m-. thy hand, oh fairest Mr. Rol ert Radford "` Don Qovar-;i " Mr. Peter ä.O.20 Woo thou thy Snowliake D3 a t1d 1is At:tna5ýnrro La Doi ne Messrs. Ernest Fide and Peter Dawson The Shadow Song " Dinorah " Hood " arr. Robert Rac ;Ad (Sang in Italian) Rage, then angry Storm "h (i.0.14{ " L'Ineognita " Gypsy's Warning " The Had Scene " Lce1a diLam- Mr. Robert Radford mermoor 11 " L'Ineognita " Serenade "Faust " (Vuleai's Sang " Philemon and Pur. Robert Radford G0.24 Potion Scene " Romeo 0 S$w'a Mr. Rohort Radford -rd .fl.15{ The Calf of Geld " Faust " Juliet " Mr. Robert Radford Fir. Pobert Radlord Waltz Song "Romeo and Jnf:°t" Serenade " Faust " L ISS Elizabeth Nm:""Id Ur. Robert Radford t3.0.251 Una Voea Poeo fa " 11 Bar,i,,cs 6.0.26 Church Scene " Faust " di Sivialla " Mr. Robert RaAford and Ms Elizabath Newl)old KASSVera Reynolds Osmino's Aria «n 6sr7lio" (O Star of Eve " Tannhanser " Mr. Robert R ; 'iurd M Eiwert Radford G.0.262 Erl tu . ehe m..,cehiava q ':J, v.i 0 Isis " Magie Flute " anima "Un i) Ilo is IIýý 2b ra 1r. Rabort Radiordl Ur. Robert Rad?ord- These Records are sung in English unless otherwise st Pd. BAND SELECTIONS. BAND & HELLS Reddin Bl arch (frith church tells) (Mendel- g 8&9 f Nearer, vry God, to Thee A 3 saoiin) Blick Dianscm-ds Festival Band 1 Pierce ragr+t the Tempest Coronation 111reh, from " Le Prophk e 909 Jerusalem, the Golden l (j1e}erisa) Black Diamonds Festival Band 4 Jesus Christ is risen to-day 932 Rock of Ages VOCAL SOWS & MILITARY BAND I Sovereignty G,,d Save the ring Bass Solo & Military Band ffThe Church's one Foundation (S. i- 853 '' cor,,azti.a )cris Black Diamonds Band I Leid, Kindly Light (C. H. Pwrdy) 1Goa S,ce the King Solo & Chorus $74 I Onward, Christian Soidim t nle iiritaaria Seto & Chorus RockdaleDee} 599- '!""e- Britisi Grenadiers Black Diamcnds Band Im I Razmmy (H. Park" G.1 Liam the Prince of Wales Solo & Chorus T,ascetles (Dwleroe4h) I:oats Qsk Solo & Chorau s 1260{ Bradford (Q s) Corexet ý March Black Diazai+ad" Band Ri®ington (3 rtJw oelk) All 12-Inch Records have the letter A in front of Serial No. 2 R'i'iiLi.fIR¢CJ BAND SELECTIOINS BAND SELECTIONS PELACK DIAMONDS BAND BLACK DIAMONDS BIUIJ-contci, &I-tic", Part I. (LesliA 1 ý I.ý:ic.ujah QLn;A (Handel) The üc::ve;is- are tcllir.g (Haydn) .Florodýýra,"59ýrt) (a7r. by Mr. Reffi3rd)-" Come and Iä32 Ora ta:e {I sckaiko,sky) Coronation Mar:h from "f a Proftete " '" ý Wives " lwlss) ý+ Merry E+I w3Il(1s02 Oý tiiS1Te (tV Shade of the Palm"-" Finaic Te=pe I -- c;:r-i.JUr - U,e_iurc ýacernocmý di Valse." ; .yoice ws:z xe Episodes in s Su:dier's Life I. (Ka}yn) " Pecr Gynt Suite (morning) (Gtsfg) üi:i:;odes in Soldier's Life, ,PartPart IL (K&Pysy) a (a: r. 1,y W. Williams] - tioa, '" Cztznen (Jisd) '" Per. Gynt " Suite (Death (Gri.:;) ý ý-cie-tion,_ _ "Fat*t (Goaaxd) of :fie) , (..:n. ly W. L;'d:iäms) Lomhardi," E:-;ec:ion (Hrtrtmsp) J:aciýth," Sdzctior. (Vnds) "" Peer Gynt " Suite (Anitra s Dance) ((;ri¬S) (arr. by FV. WiUfaus) 95 ; Oa the Erpisýn,s (Li:ukr) { " :venlflg u: "iOleaO (SCM!r.[[fu/,) A 136 11reer Gyut suite (P ce to the IIsi1 of the S,`auatai. Kim.) (Grieg) 46 Gloria," irozir Mozart's 12th Mss (Mesa") Stat:at 3L_tcr," 9elcctian (Rorsiei) (arr. by TV. Willis" Rosunnnde " Overtr:e, Pert L (ScknbsA) 51 ýý L"ar>kr o2 P,eviikc (Rossini) A 139 1 " t;!crezia so.rn;a " (IJnnt.efit) 1 Resarzuude " Overture, Part II. (Sc3.ubssQ Poet Few"mot," Part (Su A 142 art 1. 'p@) 1 " Poet and Pea=ant,' Part U. (Suppf) " C1!iph Zbdid," Overture (RoiMft) 64 of 145{L'ß (Hanle!) Fra Dcwo;o," Overture (Auber) A Moruin Noon and Night Overture (Suppj) Eg F:each Comedy," Overture (P.r!6) LI&&litCavalry , Overture (Ssspp4) The Flying Dutchman," &&ectioa (Wig J -) A 147 m 5::n;'.to Overture (R-') j Cz.r'5.s (Scene " BBol,lrue ") (Nev?7Jt Flux) A 149 A Iiust is the Forest. (A Musico episece) Selý-tion, Part 1. (Vardt) ) (Voiher) Baad of H.M. oval !i Lii Fu L!Ucm Traviata," SLcction, Part 11. (Verd4 A 152 J Fing- --i's Cave, O-.crture (.dlhn) C-Own i owls " Overturc (Am" 1 Ruy Ovcrtnr (M. c-rie sshs) J ", "¬i,;;ýa,"ý S i 7aat I. ( 1 Oheron " Ovelture Miltbgr) 155 ec *, o:rrts) Sc Let oa, Part II. Thor»aa) B7 Crown of India (Eigar) &:il:ea;;i'Ovet is_e (t..",:ic) _ize the Mountain Gnomes (R. Eilmberj) 158) .. rch of ( la 3.ieni raa, Overture iu C'Ssllivan) 9l'trine," ".ida" "arch) (Vtrdej " Co;:utrv Girl," Se:cction, Part L(ifortcklors) de Sala" (1l".rch de Cortege) (Goawod) " Girl," S_lecti'',Part IL(Mo+Kk:o ) "I,oLeay in," Seleclica, Part I. (Wagner) "3_irs HooL of 1Ir!ly.nd,"Partl.(Yau1 Rubess) a .l ' Mies hock of Hellrad," Part II. ditto Lohen"-i.n," Sclcctioa, Part (sr,.11. (I by agrer)-Kappoy) Dfcrry-mi+crs' Dance (from "Nell Gwyn (arr. t y Kapp ry) (German) " Country Dance (from " Nell Gwyn ") dfito 1 Yeomen of the Guard," Selection, Part L Be (SeThvar.) (arr. by C. Godfrey) Morris and Torch Dances tfroea " Henry 163{ Flit.
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