
TOUR 1. POND HILL FARM 5. PRIMITIVE IMAGES 0ÀYHPLOHVQRUWK GOOD HART & SOUL TEA ROOM RI+DUERU6SULQJV 0GRZQWRZQ*RRG+DUW 231.526.3276 SRQGKLOOFRP SULPLWLYHLPDJHVFRP 8SLFNIUXLWVLQWKHVXPPHU $UHORFDWHG·VORJFDELQ 7 DOXQFKWLPHFDIpDZRUNLQJ IHDWXUHVUXVWLFIXUQLVKLQJV From Harbor Springs to Cross Village, C66 IDUPPDUNHWDQGZLQHWDVWLQJ MHZHOU\DQGJLIWV$Q Michigan’s Tunnel of Trees boasts 137 curves 8 DUHDOOSDUWRIWKLVGHVWLQDWLRQ DGMRLQLQJWHDURRPRIIHUV CROSS VILLAGE Levering Rd. RYHUGLIIHUHQWWHDVIURP along the 20-mile trek. Notable curves include: 2. TRILLIUM WOODS ANTIQUES DURXQGWKHZRUOGLQVSLUDWLRQDO SURJUDPVDQGRXWGRRU\RJD State Rd. 0WZRPLOHVVRXWK curve 19: 2.9 miles Scenic turn-off RI*RRG+DUW LQDJDUGHQVHWWLQJ RU at Birchwood Farms $QWLTXHVFROOHFWLEOHVDQG 6. A STUDIO curve 21: 4.2 miles Pond Hill Farm SULPLWLYHVLQDQRULJLQDO 0GRZQWRZQ*RRG+DUW *RRG+DUWORJFDELQ curve 21: 5 miles Old School House (QMR\DQHVSUHVVR DVWXGLRVKRSFRP curve 51: 8.3 miles Scenic turn-off 6 ZKLOH\RXWUHDVXUH 7KHUH·VVRPHWKLQJIRUHYHU\RQH 5 C77 KXQW DWWKLVVWXGLRRIIHULQJDOZD\V curve 63: 9.4 miles Horse Shoe Bend 4 GOOD HART HFOHFWLFDQGKLSJLIWLWHPVDW curve 71: 10.4 miles Trillium Woods Antiques C64 3. GOOD HART WKLVIRUPHUWUDGLQJSRVWLQ 3 Robinson Rd. GENERAL STORE GRZQWRZQ*RRG+DUW curve 78: 11 miles Devil’s Elbow highway marker 0GRZQWRZQ curve 83: 11.5 miles Middle Village and *RRG+DUW 7. LEGS INN Middle Village Rd. 231.526.7661 (QGRI0&URVV9LOODJH St. Ignatius Church highway marker State Rd. JRRGKDUWVWRUHFRP Townline Rd. Townline curve 90: 12.5 mile 2 7KLVDXWKHQWLF·V OHJVLQQFRP s downtown Good Hart 7KLVKLVWRULFODQGPDUN curve 96: 14 miles views JHQHUDOVWRUHLVFRPSOHWH of Beaver Island, ZLWKGHOLEDNHU\RULJLQDO GHVWLQDWLRQIHDWXUHVDXWKHQWLF Waugoshance Point, & Isle Aux Galets SRVWRIÀFHDQGUHVLGHQW 3ROLVKFXLVLQH KRXQGGRJ2SHQ\HDUURXQG LQWHUQDWLRQDOZLQHVDQGFUDIW curve 100: 15 miles Island View Cemetery WRWUDYHOHUVIURPQHDUDQGIDU EHHUVDVZHOODVRXWGRRU curve 111: 17 miles O Stutsmanville Rd. 'RQ·WPLVVWKHZRUOGIDPRXV JDUGHQGLQLQJZLWK ld Council Tree SRWSLHV SDQRUDPLFYLHZVRI/DNH highway marker 0LFKLJDQDQGOLJKWKRXVHV Lake Shore Dr. curve 114: 17.4 miles C77 4. GRAHAM REAL ESTATE L’arbor Croche 0GRZQWRZQ*RRG+DUW 8. THREE PINES STUDIO highway marker /HYHULQJ5RDG curve 137: 19.7 miles downtown Cross Village 1 JUDKDPJRRGKDUWFRP &URVV9LOODJH State Rd. 6\QRQ\PRXVZLWKKRQHVW\ DQGLQWHJULW\*UDKDP5HDO WKUHHSLQHVVWXGLRFRP (VWDWHKDVEHHQVHOOLQJPRUH $ZRUNLQJVWXGLRDQG RIWKHQRUWKHUQ0LFKLJDQ JDOOHU\LQWKHDUWVDQG PDUNHWVLQFH6DOHVDQG FUDIWVWUDGLWLRQRIIHULQJ UHQWDOVIRU*RRG+DUW&URVV DQDUUD\RIPHGLD 9LOODJHDQG6WXUJHRQ%D\ FUHDWHGE\ORFDODUWLVWV DORQJZLWKFODVVHV HARBOR SPRINGS DQGZRUNVKRSV One of the most famous stretches of scenic 11.5 miles: ST. IGNATIUS CHURCH HIGHWAY MARKER 15 miles: ISLAND VIEW CEMETERY highway in America, the Tunnel of Trees, Once visible from M-119, this church is now shrouded 17 miles: OLD COUNCIL TREE HIGHWAY MARKER follows M-119 (Lake Shore Drive) and by growing trees along the bluff. Don’t miss a stop at This tree notes the location of former tribal council extends 20 miles from Harbor Springs this former Jesuit Mission church, originally established at Middle Village in 1741. The current white clapboard gatherings. One of the most legendary involved the north to Cross Village, in beautiful Menominee, Chippewa, and Ottawa tribes, after the northern Michigan. Snaking its way VWUXFWXUHZDVEXLOWLQDIWHUÀUHGHVWUR\HG its two predecessors. A Native massacre at Fort Michilimackinac in July of 1763. around the twists and turns of the American burial ground, marked 17.4 miles: L’ARBRE CROCHE HIGHWAY MARKER Lake Michigan shoreline, the Tunnel by small white crosses, is adjacent of Trees offers unparalleled views of to the church, which is accessed 19.7 miles: DOWNTOWN CROSS VILLAGE the coast. Points of interest along the from Lamkin Rd. in downtown 2QFHDWKULYLQJÀVKLQJDQG way include views of Beaver Island Good Hart. lumber town, Cross Village is and area lighthouses, historic one of the oldest settlements in highway markers, and one of a kind 12.5 miles: DOWNTOWN the state of Michigan. The town’s GOOD HART shopping and dining. rich history has strong ties to Old :KHQQDWLYHVÀUVWVHWWOHG World Europe and the local Native Notable curves and mile markers begin in Good Hart, they called it American Odawa population. Early just north of the quaint town of Harbor Springs. “Wau-gaw-naw-ke-ze” (Odawa historical accounts indicate that for “crooked tree”). It was also Father Jacques Marquette, the French 2.9 miles: PHOTO OP, BIRCHWOOD FARMS called “Opit-awe-ing” (halfway), Jesuit who endeared himself to the 8.3 miles: PHOTO OP, LAKE MICHIGAN as it lies midway between Harbor Natives, planted a huge white cross Just north of the intersection of M-119 Springs and Cross Village. It was on the bluff overlooking Lake and Stutsmanville Road, a scenic RIÀFLDOO\named in 1827 for the Michigan, before his death in 1675. turn-off offers a halfway resting point Middle Village chief’s brother, Today, a replica of this cross stands at and panoramic views of Lake Michigan. “Kaw-me-no-te-a,” meaning “good the edge of the bluff, and is visible far offshore. hearted”. Records show a U.S. Post As late as 1787, as many as 20 tribes populated the 9.4 miles: HORSE SHOE BEND 2IÀFHZDVHVWDEOLVKHGLQDQG UHJLRQDQGPHWKHUHDURXQGWULEDOFRXQFLOÀUHV not many years later this became a 11 miles: DEVIL’S ELBOW To early Native Americans, this area was once known thriving resort area. Today, visitors Legend has it that the infamous Devil’s as the “Land of the Cross.” enjoy two public beaches and three Elbow, one of two hairpin turns just eclectic businesses. south of Good Hart, was believed to be the 14 miles: VIEWS OF BEAVER ISLAND, BEACHES home of an evil spirit WAUGOSHANCE POINT, AND Public access to the pristine that haunted the ravine ISLE AUX GALETS (SKILLAGALEE ISLAND) shores of Lake Michigan is during the hours of Just north of Good Hart watch to the enjoyed at St. Ignatius Church darkness. west for views of Beaver Island, and Readmond Township Waugoshance Point to the north, and Isle Park, both on Lamkin Dr. in Aux Galets to the northwest. All have Good Hart, or venture further lights guiding sailors in the night sky. north to Cross Village beach..
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