Draft Alphabetical Commodity Index Bhutan Trade Classification, 2017 Department of Revenue & Customs Ministry of Finance Alphabetical Index: Bhutan Trade Classification, 2017 Explanatory Goods HS/BTC Code Notes Abaci, toy 95.03 Abcess needles, dental 90.18 Abietates 38.06 Abietic acids 38.06 Abietyl alcohol 38.06 Abrasion testing machines and appliances 90.24 Abroma augusta (textile fibres) 53.03 Abs copolymers 3903.3 39.03 Absinth (alcoholic aperitive) 22.08 Absolutes (essential oils) 33.01 33.01 Absorptiometers 90.27 Absorption drums, of glass, for hydrochloric acid 70.2 Abutilon avicennae (textile fibres) 53.03 Abutilon hemp (textile fibres) 53.03 Acacia catechu dyeing extract 32.03 Acaricides 38.08 Acaroid 13.01 Accelerometers (air navigational instruments) 90.14 Account books 4820.1 48.2 Accounting machines 84.7 84.7 1 Alphabetical Index: Bhutan Trade Classification, 2017 Explanatory Goods HS/BTC Code Notes Acenaphthene 29.02 Acenaphthenequinone 29.14 Acetaldehyde (ethanal) 2912.12 29.12 Acetaldoxime 29.28 Acetamide 29.24 Acetanhydride (acetic anhydride) 29- (E) List Acetanilide 29.24 Acetate pulp (wood pulp) 47.02 Acetate(s) 29.15 Acetic acid (including commercial) 2915.21 29.15 Acetic anhydride 2915.24 29- Prec. Acetic oxide 29- (E) List Acetification machines used in vinegar-making 84.38 Acetol 29.14 Acetone cyanohydrin 29.26 Acetone sodium bisulphite 29.05 Acetone 2914.11 29- Prec. Acetonylacetone 29.14 Narc.List Acetorphine (inn), acetorphine hydrochloride 2939.19 Acetoxime 29.28 2 Alphabetical Index: Bhutan Trade Classification, 2017 Explanatory Goods HS/BTC Code Notes Acet-p-phenetidide 29.24 29-Narc. Acetyldihydrocodeine, acetyldihydrocodeine hydrochloride List2939.19 Acetylene 29.01 Acetylenic hydrocarbons 29.01 Acetylides 28.49 Narc. Acetylmethadol (inn) List2922.19 Narc. Acetylmorphine, 3-acetylmorphine, 6-acetylmorphine List2939.10 Narc. Acetyl- -methylfentanyl α List2933.39 Aconite leaves and roots 12.11 Aconitine 29.39 Acorns 23.08 Acraldehyde (propenal) 29.12 Acridine and its derivatives (other than those constituting dyestuffs) 29.33 Acrolein (propenal) 29.12 Acrylaldehyde (propenal) 29.12 Acrylic acid and its salts 2916.11 29.16 Acrylic polymers 39.06 39.06 Acrylonitrile 2926.1 29.26 Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (abs) copolymers 3903.3 39.03 Acth (adrenocorticotrophic hormone) 29.37 3 Alphabetical Index: Bhutan Trade Classification, 2017 Explanatory Goods HS/BTC Code Notes Actinium 28-I-Gen28.44 Actinomycins 29.41 Actinotherapy apparatus 90.18 Activated carbons (not being medicaments or put up for retail sale 3802.1 38.02 as deodorisers) Activated natural mineral products (e.g.,activated bauxite, 38.02 38.02 clays,diatomite, earths) Activin 29.37 Actuators, valve, electrical 85.01 Acupuncture needles 90.18 Adapters (laboratory glassware) 70.17 Adapters, cassette shaped 85.22 Adaptor units, for communication in a wired or wireless network 85.17 Address books 48.2 Address plate embossing machines 8472.9 Addressing machines 8472.9 84.72 Aden gum 13.01 Adenosine pyro- or tri-phosphoric acid 29.34 Adermin 29.36 Adipic acid, its esters and salts 2917.12 29.17 Adipoketone (cyclopentanone) 29.14 Adiponitrile 29.26 4 Alphabetical Index: Bhutan Trade Classification, 2017 Explanatory Goods HS/BTC Code Notes Adiposetten n 29- (P) List Adjusters, shelf, base metal 83.02 Adrenal (medulla) hormones 29.37 Adrenal cortical hormones and their derivatives 29.37 Adrenal corticosteroids 29.37 Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (acth) 29.37 Adrenocorticotrophin 29.37 Adrenosterone 29.37 Adzes (base metal hand tools) 82.01 Aeolian harps 92.02 Aerating machinery, for beverages 8422.3 84.22 Aerial(s), radio, etc., and parts for use therewith 8529.1 85.29 Aerological sounding apparatus 90.15 Aeroplanes 8802 88.02 Aerosol therapy apparatus (including generator type) 9019.2 90.19 Aesculetin 29.32 African piassava 14.03 After shave preparations (e.g., after shave lotions) 3307.1 33.07 Agar-agar 1302.31 13.02 Agave fibres prepared for textile use, raw or processed but not 53.05 spun 5 Alphabetical Index: Bhutan Trade Classification, 2017 Explanatory Goods HS/BTC Code Notes Agglomerated dolomite 2518.3 25.18 Agitators, for textile machines 84.48 A-hypophamin (oxytocin (inn)) 29.37 Aids, calfing, mechanical 90.18 Aids, electronic, for the blind 90.21 Aids, hearing (not including parts and accessories) 9021.4 90.21 Ailerons, for aircraft 88.03 Air, liquid or compressed 2853 28Gen28.53 Aircraft (see also aeroplanes) : XVII Gen88 Gen Airers, towel, electric, domestic 85.16 Airwheels, for windmills 84.12 Alachlor (iso) 2924.25 29.24 Alanine and b-alanine 29.22 Album(s) 4820.5 48.2 Albumenometers (laboratory glassware) 70.17 Albumin(s) 35.02 35.02 Alcoholometers 90.25 Alder, black (or alder buckthorn), extract of 13.02 Aldicarb (iso) 2930.8 Aldimines 29.25 6 Alphabetical Index: Bhutan Trade Classification, 2017 Explanatory Goods HS/BTC Code Notes Aldol 29.12 Aldosterone (inn) 29.37 Aldrin (iso) 2903.82 29.03 Alençon lace, textile 58.04 Aleppo galls 14.04 Alfalfa (lucerne) 12.14 12.14 Alfaprostol (inn) 29.37 Alfentanil hydrochloride 2933.33 Narc.List2933.3 Alfentanil (inn) 2933.33 3 Alga spinosa 13.02 Algarobilla pods 14.04 Algerian fibre 14.04 Alginic acid, esters and salts 39.13 39.13 Alidades (surveying instruments), whether or not with a telescope 90.15 Alizarin 32.04 Alkali amides 28.53 Alkali chloroaurates 28.43 Alkali metals 2805.11 28.05 Alkali thiomolybdates 28.42 2805.11 Or Alkaline-earth metals 28.05 2805.19 7 Alphabetical Index: Bhutan Trade Classification, 2017 Explanatory Goods HS/BTC Code Notes Alkaloid tannates 29.39 Alkaloids, natural or reproduced by synthesis, and their salts, ethers, 29.39 29 Gen29.39 esters and other derivatives Alkanet roots 14.04 Alkenna (colouring matter) 32.03 Alkyd resins 3907.5 39.07 Alkylenes, mixed 27.1 Allene (propadiene) 29.01 Psyc. Allobarbital aminophenazone List2933.54 Psyc. Allobarbital (inn) 2933.53 List2933.53 Alloying preparations, for steel-making 38.24 Alluvium 25.3 Allyl alcohol 29.05 Allylene (propyne) 29.01 Allylestrenol (inn) 29Gen29.37 Narc. Allylprodine (inn), allylprodine hydrochloride List2933.39 Aloin 29.38 Alpaca hair 51.02 Alphacetylmethadol (inn), l-alphacetylmethadol, alphacetylmethadol Narc.List2922.1 hydrochloride 9 Narc. Alphameprodine (inn) List2933.39 Narc. Alphamethadol (inn) List2922.19 8 Alphabetical Index: Bhutan Trade Classification, 2017 Explanatory Goods HS/BTC Code Notes Alpha-phenylacetoacetonitrile 2926.4 29.26 Narc. Alphaprodine (inn), alphaprodine hydrochloride List2933.39 Psyc. Alprazolam (inn) 2933.91 List2933.91 Alprostadil (inn) 29.37 Alsatian leaven 21.02 Altars, being furniture of ch. 94 94.03 Altazimuths (telescopes) 90.05 Alu black 32.06 Alum blocks (toilet preparations) 33.07 Alum(s) 2833.3 28-V-Gen28.33 Aluminates, metal 28.41 Aluminosilicates 2842.1 28.42 Alumstone 25.3 Alunite (alumstone) 25.3 Amalgam carriers, mallets and stoppers(dental instruments) 90.18 Amaryllis 6.01 Amatols 36.02 Ambari hemp (textile fibres 53.03 Ambergris 510 5.1 Amblyoscopes (ophthalmic instruments) 90.18 9 Alphabetical Index: Bhutan Trade Classification, 2017 Explanatory Goods HS/BTC Code Notes Ambrette (musk) seeds 12.11 Ambrettolide 29.32 Ambroid (agglomerated amber) 25.3 Americium 28-I-Gen28.44 Psyc. Amfepramone glutamate List2922.42 Psyc. Amfepramone resinate List3003.90 Psyc. Amfepramone (inn), amfepramone hydrochloride 2922.31 List2922.31 Amfetamine acetylsalicylate, adipate, p-chlorophenoxyacetate, Psyc. hydrochloride, hydrogen tartrate (bitartrate), phosphate, sulfate, List2921.46 tartrate Psyc. Amfetamine p-aminophenylacetate, aspartate List2922.49 Psyc. Amfetamine pentobarbiturate List2933.54 Psyc. Amfetamine resinate List3003.90 Psyc. Amfetamine tannate List3201.90 Psyc. Amfetamine (inn) 2921.46 List2921.46 Amides 29-IX-Gen29.24 Amidines 29.25 Amidopyrin 29.33 Amine-function compounds 29.21 Amines 29-IX-Gen29.21 Psyc. Aminorex 2934.91 List2934.91 Ammeters 90.3 10 Alphabetical Index: Bhutan Trade Classification, 2017 Explanatory Goods HS/BTC Code Notes Ammonals 36.02 Ammoniacal gas liquors from coal gas purification 38.24 Ammoniacal nickel nitrates 28.42 Ammonium nitrate fuel oil (anfo) 36.02 Psyc. List3003.9 Amobarbital resinate 0 Amobarbital sodium 2933.53 Psyc. Amobarbital (inn) List2933.53 Amoxillin (inn) 2941.1 29.41 Amperemeters 90.3 29 - (CS) Amphetamine (inn) List29.21 Amphotericin b 29.41 Ampicillin (inn) 2941.1 29.41 Amplifier sets, electric sound 8518.5 85.18 Amplifier tubes and valves, electronic 8540.81 Amplitude meters, for checking balance wheel oscillation 90.31 Ampoules, glass 7010.1 70.1 Amusements, fairground 9508 95.08 Amygdalin 29.38 Amylenes (pentenes) 29.01 Amylogen 35.05 11 Alphabetical Index: Bhutan Trade Classification, 2017 Explanatory Goods HS/BTC Code Notes Amyloglucosidases 35.07 Amylopectin (isolated), obtained by the fractionation of starch 39.13 Amylose (isolated), obtained by the fractionation of starch 39.13 Anacardium 13.01 Anaesthetic ether (diethyl ether) 29 - (E)List Anatase (titanium ore) 26.14 Anchovy paste 16.04 Andalusite, whether or not calcined 25.08 Andouillettes (meat sausages) 16.01 Androgens 29.37 Androst-4-ene-3,11,17-trione 29.37 Androst-4-ene-3,17-dione 29.37 Androst-5-ene-3 b,17 b -diol 29.37 Androst-5-ene-3 b,17 b -diol 29.37 Androstanolone (inn) 29.37 Androstenediols 29.37 Androsterone 29.37 Anemone (bulbous species) 6.01 Anethole 29.09 Aneurine naphthalene-1,5-disulphonate(thiamine-1,5-salt) 29.36 12 Alphabetical Index: Bhutan Trade Classification, 2017 Explanatory Goods HS/BTC Code Notes Aneurine salicylate hydrobromide (thiamine salicylate hydrobromide) 29.36 Aneurine salicylate hydrochloride(thiamine salicylate hydrochloride) 29.36 Aneurine (vitamin b1) 29.36 Aneurine-1,5-salt (thiamine-1,5-salt) 29.36 Anfo (ammonium nitrate fuel oil) 36.02 Angel(s), toy 95.03 Angledozers, self-propelled 84.29 84.29 Anglesite (lead ore) 26.07 Angora hair, of angora goats or rabbits (see also hair, animal) 51.02 Angostura bark 12.11 Angular grit, of iron or steel, graded or not 72.05 Anhydrite 2520.1 25.2 Anileridine dihydrochloride, phosphate 2933.33 Narc.
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