![The American Legion Weekly [Volume 4, No. 49 (December 8, 1922)]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
/ol. 4, No. 49 DECEMBER 8, 1922 10c. a Copy [T/T^ AM E RI CAN ^EGION Weekly P>]b1i3h«d weekly at New York. N. T. Knt^rd as second (^lasa matter March 24. in2ti. at th» Popt, nffir# st New York. N. Y, um^r qrr of March 3, -1879. Price J2 th^ y.?ar. Afceptanee forlnaailine at sp^ciaj rate of 'provided for in S*»rtfon , postage 1103. Act of October 3. 1917. author- ized Marefa 31. 1921. Up there, you didn't get Jell-0 with your rations. But it wasn't because Jell-0 wouldn't have been at home. It s as much at home in the mountain cabin as in the stately house on the old plantation; it's as much at Jiome on^ the blazed trail as on the cool decks of a yacht. There is no trail so long and cold that it has been thought unnecessary, particularly if there were children at the end of the road. From the Arctic Circle to the Equator, Jell-0 seems to have found its way. cJELL'O is the This fourth of a series drawn especially oAmeYicas Most Famous Dessert for the Genesee Pure Food Company by Herbert M. Stoops, formerly 6th Field AT HOME EVEPvYWHERE Artillery, 1st Division. THE GENESEE PURE FOOD COMPANY Le Roy, N. Y. Bridgeburg, Ont. — ;:; ; ; DECEMBER 8. 1922 PAGE 3 AMERICAN LEGION DIRECTORY FOR 1923 NATIONAL OFFICERS Alvin Owsley, Denton, Texa.s, National Commander Edward J. Barrett, Sheboygan, Wis., Natl. Vice-Comm. Lemuel Bolles, Seattle, Wash., Natl. Adjutant Dr. Robert O. Blood, Concord, N. H., Nail. Vice-Comm. Robert H. Tyndall, Indianapolis, Ind., Natl. Treasurer E. Erle Cocke, Macon, Ga., Nad. Yice-Comm. Rev. William B. O'Connor, Cincinnati, O., Natl. Chaplain Watson B. Miller, Washington, D. C, Natl. Vice-Comm. Eben Putnam, Wellesley Farms, Mass., Natl. Historian Chiles P. Plummer, Casper, Wyo., Natl. Vice-Comm. Robert A. Adams, Indianapolis, Ind., Natl. Judge Advocate Milton J. Foreman, Chicago. 111., Past Natl. Comm. Franklin D'Olier, Philadelphia, Pa., Past Natl. Comm. Henry D. Lindsley, Dallas, Tex., Past Natl. Comm. John G. Emery, Grand Rapid, Mich., Past Natl. Comm. Hanford MacNider, Mason City, la.. Past Natl. Comm. NOTE : National Officers may be addressed at National Headquarters, American Legiont Indianapolis, Indiana. Department Officers may be addressed at their Department Head- quarters, care of the Department Adjutant, whose address is in each Instance given below. DEPARTMENT OFFICERS Alabama—Comm., Robert E. Steincr, Mont- Louisiana—Comm.. Michel Provosty, 721 Ca- North Carolina—Comm.. James A. Lockhart, Natl. bldg.. gomery Adjt., Joe Yates, 738 First rondolet New Orleans ; Adjt., A. R. Charlotte; Adjt,, Robert E. Denny, 'Greens- ; Christovich, sts.. Bank bldpr.. Birmingham : Ex. Comm., Wal- Royal and Conti New Or- boro; Ex. Comm., Cale K. Burgess, Raleigli. ter E. Bare, Birmingham. leans ; Ex. Comm., C. J. Bourg. Thibodaux. North Dakota—Comm., Mack V. Traynor, — Adjt., 315 Alaska Cotimi., A. C. Fisher, Juneau; — Devils Lake : Adjt., Jack Williams, Maine Comm., Perley Ford, Sanford ; Adjt., R. George E. Mann, Juneau ; Ex. Comm., N. James L. Boyle, 108 Main st.. Waterville Broadway, Fargo ; Ex. Comm., Philip R. Walker, Ketchikan. Ex. Comm., Albert Greenlaw. Public Utili- Bangs. Grand Forks. Arizona—Comm., Celora M. Stoddard, Phoenix ; ties Commission. Augusta. Ohio—Comm., Gilbert Bettman. Union Trust Capitol Adjt.. Neri Osborne, Jr., Rm. 408, bldg., Cincinnati ; Adjt., Hugh K. Martin, Maryland—Comm., Arthur Renouf, 211 W. bldg.. Phoenix; Ex. Co>nm., Duane Bird, 335 S. High st.. Columbus ; Ex. Comm., Johnf Madison St.. Baltimore Adjt., Alfred T. Nogales. ; R. McQuigg. 14142 Euclid av.. Cleveland, Truitt. Howard Street Armory. Baltimore Arkansas—Comm., O. L. Bodenhamer, El Do- Oklahoma—Comm., Dudley C. Monk, Ok- Brown, War Memo- Ex. Comm., H. Findley French. 1404 Munsey State rado ; Adjt., Claude A. mulgee ; Adjt., Leon H. Brown, 544 bldg., Baltimore. rial bldg.. Little Rock ; Ex. Comm., Dr. L. J. Capitol, Oklahoma City ; Ex. Comm., Wm. S. Kosminsky, Texarkana. Massachusetts—Comm., 'Wm. H. Doyle. Rm. Keys, Wewoka. — Millington. Jr., 160. State House, Boston Adjt., Californla Comm., Seth ; Leo A. Oregon—Comm., Geo. R. Wilbur, Hood River 270 City Spillane. Rm. 160, State Calusa ; Adjt., Morgan Keaton, House, Boston; Ex. Adjt., Harry N. Nelson, 269 Washington st., Hall, San Francisco ; Ex. Comm., John R. Comm., Wm. H. Doyle. Rm. 160. State Portland Ex.Comm., Chas.W. Erskine, Bend. — ; Quinn, —Richgrove. House. Boston. Panama Comm., Elmer Stctier. Cristobal. C. Comm., Leo P. Kelly, 744 First Na- Z. Adjt., Daly, Cristobal. Z. ; Ex. Colorado Mexico—Comm., John L. Gill. Apartado 62. ; E. J. C. tional Bank bldg.. Pueblo; Adjt., Morton M. Tampico. Tamps. Mexico Adjt., Harry Comm., Fred DeV Sill. Balboa, C. Z. ; W. David. 410 Interstate Trust bldg., Denver; Berdie. Apartado 1356, Tampico, Tamps. Pennsylvanla—Comrii., Wm. B. Healey, Ex. Comm., Wilkie Ham. Las Animas. Mexico; Ex. Comm., Leigh H. Rovzar, P. O. Wilkes Bart-e; Adjt., Gilbert Jacobosky, 931 CONNfx;TIcUT Comm., Edward L. Kelly, 886 Box 1911. Mexico, D. F., Mexico; (Code ad- Chestnut st., Philadelphia; Ex. Comm., Wm. st., Bridgeport ; Adjt., Clarence J. Main dress: Capuchinas 7, Mexico. D. F., Mexico.) B. Healey, Wilkes Barre. Guinan, 171 Church st., P. O. Box 801, New Philippine Islands—Comm., Roy L. Lewis Michigan—Com?n., Robert B. Harkncss, Haven ; Ex. Comm., Justus J. Fennell, 169 (envelopes to be addressed: The American Houghton: Adjt., Lyle D. Tabor. 211 Lin- North St., Stamford. Legion, Dept. of P. I., Box 1736. Manila. —Coinm., Arthur Kipling, 42 Rue coln bldg.. Detroit; E.T.. Comm., Paul A. CoNT. Europe P. I. Code address: Phillegion) ; Adjt., A. Martin. The Evening News. Battle Creek. Ampere, Paris XVIIei France; Adjt., E. Tatton (envelopes to be addressed: The Francis Jaques, flS Rue du Cherche Midi, Minnesota—Comm., Gerald V. Barron, Clo- American Legion. Dept. of P. I., Box 1736. Mundgro Paris) quet : Adjt., Stafford Paris Vie, France (Code: ; King, Old Capitol Manila, P. I. ) ; Ex. Comm., Whipple S. Ex. Comm., R. Emmett Condon, American Bldg., St. Paul; Ex. Comm., Levi M. Hall, Hall, Box 1736. Manila. Tel. and Tel. Co., 195 Broadway, New York 516 New York Life bldg.. Minneapolis. Rhode Island—Comm., T. J. H. Pierce, 31 — sq.. Providence Adjt., P. City. Mississippi Comm., Kenneth G. Price. Mc- Market ; John —Comm., Wm. C. Speakman, 1201 Adjt., ; Ex. Hartigan. 9i8 Turks Head bldg.. Providence; Delaware Comb ; Glen H. Smith. Jackson Delaware av., Wilmington ; Adjt., John J. Comm., AVinfred C. Adams, (jorinth. Ex. Comm., T. J. H. Pierce, 31 Market sq.. Dugan. P. O. Box 632. Wilmington ; Ex. Missouri—Comm., James E. Kinkead. Forn- Providence. Comm., Thos. MiUer, Alien Property Cus- felt; .Adjt., J. K. Noonan, 215 Hall bldg.. South Carolina—Comm., Luther K. Brice. todian, Washington, D. C. 9th and Walnut sts.. Kansas City ; Ex. 5 and 7 Cleveland Law Range, Spartanburg ; District of Columblv—Watson B. Miller, Rm., Comm., Bennett C. Clark. Third National Adjt., Miller C. Foster, Spartanburg; Ex. 402, 1423 New York av., N. W., Washing- Bank. St. Louis. Comm., Thos. R. Spratt, Fort Mill. S. Imirie. 1423 New York — — ton ; Adjt., A. Montana -Comm., Loy J. Molumby, Great South Dakota Comm., J. H. Williams, Get- ; Ex. Comm., Wat- Washington ; Adjt., av.. N. W., Falls ; Adjt., O. C. Lamport. Helena Ex. tysburg ; Douglas Sheldon. Stokes son Miller. Rm. 402, 1423 New York av., Comm., C. Thomas Busha. Jr.. Helena. bldg., Watertown ; Ex. Comm., J. H. Wil- N. W., Washington. Nebraska—Comm., J. Ed. C. Fisher. Beatrice: liams. Gettysburg. Florida—Com7«., Jerome E. Wideman, West Adjt., Frank B. O'Connell, 314 Richards Tennessee—Comyn., Granville S. Ridley. Mur- Palm Beach ; Adjt., Thomas H. Davis. block, Lincoln ; Ex. Comm., Earl M. Cline, freesboro; Adjt., Guy H. May. 310 Holston Tampa Daily Times, Tampa ; Ex. Comm., 703 First— Natl. Bank bldg.. Lincoln. Bank bldg.. Knoxville ; Ex. Comm., L. Jere Dr. Davis Forster, New Smyrna. Nevada Comm., Harold Bellinger, Fallon Cooper.— Dyersburg. Georgia.—Comm., Rodney S. Cohen, Augusta Adjt., Dr. M. C. Horning. Las Vegas ; Ex. Texas Comm.. John C. Townes. Houston Adjt., Spencer L. Hart, Augusta ; Ex. Comm., George W. Malone, Reno. Adjt., G. L. Folbre, Criminal Courts bldg., — ; 'Comm., Comm., M. J. Witman, 714 Georgia Casualty New Hampshire Comm., Dr. Charles S. Dallas— Ex. Charles Ingram. Wliarton. Bldg.. Macon. Walker. Keene ; Adjt., George W. Morrill. Utah Comm., Dr. B. W. Black, 514 Boston Hawaii—Comm., Philip L. Rice, Lihue, Kauai. Concord ; Ex. Comm., Dr. Charles S. Walker. bldg.. Salt Lake City; Adjt., Kirke M. Motsch, American Fac- Keene. Decker. 133 State Capitol bldg.. Salt Lako Hawaii ; Adjt., A. G. tors, Ltd., Honolulu, T. H. Hawaii (Code: New Jersey—Comm.—Alan B. Conlin. 509 City ; Ex. Comm., John E. Booth. Spauish Walter F. Dillingham, Colonial av.. Westfield Adjt., Fred C. Daw- Fort. Amleg) ; Ex. Comm., ; — R. & L. Co.. Honolulu, T. H. son. 203 E. State st., Trenton ; Ex. Comm., Vermont Comm., Allen Fletcher. 127 St. Paul Idaho—Comm., James Harris. Weiser; Adjt., Harry Kramer, 503 Market st., Camden. St.. Burlington; Adjt., John J. Cocklin, 12T Lester F. Albert. Boise; Ex. Comm., E. W. New Mexico—Comm., Jefferson D. Atwood, St. Paul St., Burlington; Ex. Comm., ,^ohn Sinclair. Shoshone. Roswell ; Adjt., Hertnan G. Baca. Santa Fe ; F. Sullivan. Edwards St.. St. Albans. Illinois—Comm., Charles W. Schick. Rm. 500. Ex. Comm., Jos. C. Wallch. Fort Bayard. Virginia—Comm., E. E. Goodwyn, Emporia; 39 La Salle st.. Chicago; Adjt.. Wm. Q. Set- New York—Comm., Albert S. Callan. Chat- Adjt, W. B. Crush, 1030 Mutual bldg.. Rich- liffe, Bloomington ; Ex. Comm., Horatio D. ham ; Adjt., John R. Schwartz, Rm. 302. mond ; Ex. Comm., Dr. J. F. Lynch. Norfolk. Hackett, Holabird & Riche. Monroe bldg., Hall of Records. New York City : Ex.
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