Serving the State The Weather University of Iowa Partl, ea.., •••• ,. Warm .............. Campus and Frida,. Illata....,. U: Ie.. , II....... WeUnd." Iowa City owan '1; I.". n. Est. 1868 - AP Laased Wire - Five Cenla Iowa CI • Iowa. 1'huraday. July 30, 1953 - VoL I¥I, No. 216 Senale Ol's . Workmen Start Student Apartment Construction Foreign Aid UN Team lells Reds' To 'Prove Of $6 Billion, ;,;,: T rllce' WASHINGTON (JP)-The senate Claims Of Violali'ons early today passed a $6.745,318,- 202 forel«n aid bill after Eisen­ , ,Issua Delays hower leaders turned back repeat­ Food Given ed attempts to slice the total. Of this $4,562,683.811 was new To 20d,oOO ca&h while the rest was uncon­ To Speed tracted funds left over from pre­ vious appropriations. The $6,745,- East Germans 318,202 was still some half bil­ BERLIN (IP)- All GerllWl relief lion dollars less than Eisenhower POW~ Exchanae orillna11y reported but about recorda were shattered as 200,000 MUNSAN (Thursday) (JP) - balf a billion more than the house Eastern needy defied Communist Nations members of the voted. police terror and Un~ up at 50 armirilce commission told The chamber rejected 53-35 a CommunJat.s Wednesday to distribution points lor free West­ back up charl@S of eight Allied motion by Sen. Russell Long (0- ern foods In West Berlin Wednes­ vlolatlon.e of the 3-day-old Ko­ La.) to slice the program for the day. truce. curr'lnt, fiscal year by more than Each day the total rises. In all, The commls&ion caUed Its. hal! a bill Ion. third IJIftUna In as many days A long debate produced a dls­ 450,000 food packages ha ve been Thursday at 11 a.m. ( 8 p.m. cussjon of the wisdom of reported distributed to poverty-slricken Wednesday, Iowa time) In the piaDII to build new American jet East Germans this week. weatltered truce conference hut fl&hters In Italy. Arrests. conliscaUons. r a d I 0 Panmun,orn. The Reds aeJ%ed the InIUaUV't! "They plal\ Ip produce In Italy Wednesday by lodglng the tlrst the latest motlel jet we have-the brushed aside in the tr~k complaint of a truce violation. sabre," Sen. Stuart Symington (D- the Soviet sector border. The UN command was charged. Mo.). said. ( Pilei.' '" Bill WUII __•• ) Food tor I! MIlUon witll three \.lnauthorized flights Several senators said the plants WORKMEN DIG HOLES AT THE CORNER ot Riverside drive and Park road In preparation 1(»1' the demilitarized bufler might be used by Soviet Russia If piau tooth1&' tor the first unit of Parklawn, SUI married .tudent hOlRln& project. The workJDea The SI5 million worth of food- and firing 11 artillery the Red armies overran Italy. They are Rolland GlIIlIand, Wa~rloo . crane opera∨ I\laurfce Dean, Iowa City, (Iefl) and 000 Todd, stufLs donated by thc United States and a burst of machlne- also noted the nearness of Italy to Iowa City. for East German reller _ and gun b~llet... possible Soviet bombing attack. f scornfully rejected by Sovict For- The Red4 ~Ialmed three vlola- Chairman Styles Bridges (R- E t· · f P kl 4 Faculty Members elgn Minister Vyacheslav Molotov ~~:d~~nday night and five on N.H.) of the senate appropriations xcava Ion or ar awn -will be given out here to 12 mil- "NothSn& Senoua" committee led off the after-dark T Aft d Ch· lion needy 10 60 days It the pres- Maj. Gen. Blackshear M. Bry- debate with a plea against any ma- O en Icago an, lICnlor AlIled commissioner, jor changes. H· P · t B · ent rate can be sustained, reUef U •. MARINES. Oil the now .lIen' Korean fronl, dismantle ibelr promptly called for additional In- Sen. AI~ert Gore. (O-Tenn.) ouslng rOleC eglns Educatl'onal Meet·lng otliciais said. mortar piece, before movlo& back beyond &be:t ~ mile buller lone : formation. He dismissed the com- made a fuhle attempt to get a de- • All over the Soviet zone the eaUlbJ",he4 1I, A11Ied and COrn.lf1unl & &Mlce oelo&lators. S&aelll 0" plall\t as "notbfng serious." tailed country-by-country break- Construction of Park lawn SUI F S fIb III food rush snowballed. Every East ."eU cutnp. plied near their bunker duront. Indicate the vol..- Bryan disclosed that the Allies • th ltd ' th ' our UI acu ty mem ers w of Ilea",. arWlerr ,,,hUD&' In tbe lal& &wo weekl-'of the war. t to speed up the exchange down 01 e val' ous un 5 m e married student housln project with Iunds obtained through the Guman returning to a home town program which provides more than . g , self-liquidating dormitory financ- attend the annual National Audkl- In the provlncea with arms loaded , than 86,000 AllJed priS- 4\-1 billions of new cash plus au- was begun thJS week. Excavation, ing system. Visual convention In Chicago Ulis with Western fats, flour and other ( .' P S3 JJ BIIII I war including 3,313 thorlty to use more than 2 billions installation of storm sewers and The protect is designed to re- weekend. rare treasures was a signal for 'ong ress. asses , 'I I lon , The blur~::ed~:ns, the UN rif aftO:dmer appropriations not ob- preparation :tor placing Iootlngs place the barracks and trailer Those who wlll attend are Dean more to Bet out lor Berlin. - ..' request whlcn would have starteel g . is underway. units being used now by married Bruce E. Mahan or the extension Red, ArTesl Seor@I D f D rI - B d ."' the prlaonerll homeward tl1rough Bridges explained that some of Concrete will be poured for the students. These units arc tempor- Red pollee llrrested scores of e ense epa men t u ge Freedom. VIllage on Sunday, In- the Questions Gorc asked Involved footings next week, according to ary structurea and must be re- division; Lee W. Cochran, dlrec;tor food-laden Eas\ Germans in the of next Wednesday. c1a.slfled military secrets. He of- Supt. George L. Horner, of the placed. Parklawn is tire partlal of audio-visual Instruction; John Soviet sector of thc city. At least . Be" WeD" Be Bead, fored to show Qqre the secret and division of planning and con- answer to the housing qucstlon R. Hedgc:s. associate director of some were treed later. The polka WASHINGTON lIP) - Speedin, , Gen. Lee Sang Cho. Red Korean top secret data, but .sald It could structlon. Barring complications, Cor SUI's 800 families residing in audio-visual instruction. and Prot. took away the Identity cards 01 toward a weekend adjournment: extenSion, which the senate ap- truce corpmlslioner. said the Com­ Dot be published. Horner said that the first unit of temporary housing on the campus. John Mercer of the television lab- many more. The threat ot trial ~ng:reSll . stamped Its Ipp~oVal proved. The 001,1sc. however, voted munlsla could not 00 teady U\a\ Gore protest" that such facts the married student housing pro- oratory. as a Western spy shadowed each Wednesday on thc year's. blBsest to Increase the taTiU soon. .. should be availabtl' to botb the ject will be ready for occupancy !'our 8l'Oups are meetlltg' to- of the hunll'Y. money biU, which provides mou {rom lilt to seven members, Howe\¥r Allied and Commun- .nate and the publle. by taU of. 19M. Th~ unit. located AI·r Force Orders . gether to form the national con- But the food rush grew beyon'd than $34 billion to r.un the defense the Republicans a numericsl ma- 1st tted eros, ~eaders were meet- on the corner ol Riverside drive venUon: the Education Film Li- all expectations. U the vast pro- department In the fiscal year end- jorlty. In, in PanmunJom today to coord- and Park road, IS being construc- M FI h T brary as oclation too National ject can be completed It wUI have Ing next June 30. 3. A. bill deelarillJ ~ba~ ,he fed- Inate ptlll.ll for inspection of pris- ted by Viggo .M. Jentscn Co .• AI- Audio-Visual assO:CiBUon the In- provided methlng two out of It was tho ninth money bill to eral government has title to sub- Soner cK,mps IThn boith Notlrth ore ig t raining t~r uth ~~d 'Hew York HOspita I $321953.bert Lea ' Mmn ., a a cost ot dustrlal Aud Io-Vlsual assoc' i atton,. every th perSON In the S· ovlet go t9 the White House , leaving. mer.."ed lands exten ding bey., nnd lin0 alf orea,soon as e thenspec plans ons are&IV' , For Junl'or Cadets and the Catholic Audio-Visual Ed- zone's 18 million population. only (Qu r appropriations measures the boundaries of the states-three completed. Allied Red Cross or- Says Taft Is Better Bids on the 53-apartment dwel- ucatlon association. With thousands of tOM of Amer- to be Ironed out before congress miles from ali except Texas and ganlzatlona were refused permis- ling were re~ived earlier this Thc convention will open today Ican food already across the Atlan- can quit for the ye~r. the weat coast ot Florida, where slon to S~ Red prisoner stockades NEW YORK (JP) - Sen . Robert efhcJencymo.nth. The apartments Unlt will containcontalnmg.. 14 WASHINGTON (/P)- The air at the Sherman hotel and will con- tic ' the Bonn government estab- The houseIII 'has approved all 13 the distance I,_s 10 ~ miles. throu.ho.. ....w. the war. A. Taft, rallyin, after Tuesday's one large room a -kItchenette a force issued an ulttmatum Wed- Unue through Aug.
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