Ministry-Wise Nodal Officers

Ministry-Wise Nodal Officers

1 RAJYA SABHA SECRETARIAT ADDRESS & TELEPHONE NOS. OF OFFICERS OF VARIOUS MINISTRIES/DEPARTMENTS DEALING WITH PARLIAMENTARY WORK Taken from the website of Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs updated as on January, 2017 Sl.No. Name & Designation Office Telephone Residence Office Address No. Telephone No. CABINET SECRETARIAT 1 Shri Pradeep Kumar 23016696 23012494 Rashtrapati Sinha 23012095(FAX) Bhavan, New Delhi Cabinet Secretary 2 Shri V.K. Gauba 23018467 24627983 -do- Joint Secretary 3 Shri Nilratan Das 23793211 23230140 -do- Under Secretary 23792281(FAX) 4 Shri P.K. Hira 23015937 9810411351 -do- Section Officer 5 Shri K.K. Singh 23015937 9868885192 -do- Parliament Assistant 23015938 2 Sl.No. Name & Designation Office Telephone Residence Office Address No. Telephone No. PRIME MINISTER’S OFFICE 1 Shri Nripendra Misra 23013040 24671615 148-A, South Block, Principal Secretary New Delhi to Prime Minister 23016857(FAX) 2 Shri Shatrughna Singh 23017676 23016042 50, -do- Addl. Secretary to Prime 23016857(FAX) Minister 3. Shri Tarun Bajaj, 23793308 26111121 48, South Block, New Joint Secretary 23016771 (Fax) Delhi 4. Shri Mehar C. Jhamb 23017530 9013990034 143, (Basement) Director (Parl.) 23034459 9811636163 Parl. House 23034200(FAX) New Delhi 5 Shri Biplab Kumar Roy, -do- 9013990075 143, (Basement) Under Secretary (Parl.) 9868375121 Parl. House New Delhi 6 Shri M.D. Sharma -do- 24628542 143, (Basement) Section Officer (Parl.) Parl. House, ND MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FARMERS WELFARE Department of Agriculture and Cooperation & Farmer Welfare 1 Shri Shobhana K. 23382651 0120-4236161 115, Krishi Pattanayak 23388444 9818518384 Bhawan, N.D. Secretary (A&C) 23386004 (Fax) 2 Shri Rajesh Kr. Singh 23381503 24104483 243-A, Krishi Joint Secretary (Parl.) 23387669 9868861954 Bhawan, N.D. 23387669 3 Shri N.K. Gupta 23384752 22825189 248, Krishi Director (Parl.) 9013966660 Bhawan, N.D. 4 Shri Brajesh Godra 23388453 27017760 29, Krishi Under Secretary (Parl.) 23383709 9810214829 Bhawan, N.D. 5 Sh. K.J. John, 23384554 22133924 23, Krishi Section Officer (Parl.) 9968274631 Bhawan, N.D. Department of Agriculture Research and Education 1 Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra 23382629 105, Krishi Secretary (DARE) & 23386711 Bhawan, N.D. DG (ICAR) 23384773(FAX) 2 Shri Chhabilendra Roul, 23384450 106,Krishi Addl.. Secretary (DARE) 23387705(FAX) Bhawan, N.D. & Secy. (ICAR) 3 Sh. Rajan Agarwal, 23382375 24672212 102, Krishi Bhawan, Director, DARE 23384986 (Fax) N.D 4 Shri Prem Prakash 23382786 9871060145 202, -do- Maurya 23384986 (Fax) Under Secy. (Parl.) 5 Sh. R. K. Sharma 23384986 9868568494 211, -do- Section Officer (TELEFAX) 6 Sh. Vineet Kumar, 23384986 9999216771 211, -do- Parliament Assistant 3 S.No. Name & Designation Office Telephone Residence Office Address No. Telephone No. Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying & Fishries 1 Shri Devendra Chaudhary 23382608 231, Krishi Secretary (ADF) 23388006 Fax. Bhawan, N.D 2 Smt. Rajni Sikri Sibal 23387804 9868800951 245,Krishi Joint Secretary 23386115 Fax Bhawan, N.D 3 Shri Manojit Dev 23388534 Fax 9818041439 398,Krishi Dy. Secretary Bhawan, N.D 4 Shri Subhas Chand Khatri 23383340 Telfax 9910110765 436 A,Krishi Under Secretary Bhawan, N.D 5 Shri S.N. Naskar 23383133 9999470850 533, Krishi Section Officer Bhawan, N.D 6 Shri Rajender Kumar 23383133 - 533, A,Krishi Parliament Assistant Bhawan, N.D Ministry of Ayush 1. Shri Ajit M. Sharan, 24651950 24674845 R.No. 201, Ayush Secretary 24651951 Bhawan, ND 24651937 (Fax) 2. Shri Anurag Srivastava, 24561940 8527137070 R.No. 208, Ayush Joint Secretary 24651954 (Fax) Bhawan, ND 3. Shri Kiranjit S. Nagi, 23061649 25083535 R.No. 304-D, Ayush Adviser (Parl.) 23062311 9818757790 Bhawan, ND 4. Shri S.K. Arya, 23061649 9868791077 R.No. 304-D, Ayush Parliament Assistant 23062311 (Fax) Bhawan, ND MINISTRY OF CHEMICAL AND FERTILIZERS (i) Department of Chemicals & Petrochemicals 1 Shri Anuj Kumar 23384196 26871206 501-A, Wing Bishnoi, Secretary Shastri Bhawan N.D. 2 Shri A.K. Mathu, 23715370 8506048230 301, Janpath Bhawan. DDG (Parl.) 3 Shri Prem Parkash 23382176 9868471353 343 A - Wing , Dy Secretary (Parl) Shastri Bhawan N.D. 4 Shri J. Hari Prasad, 23386013 9818292605 410,A - Wing – do Under Secretary (Parl) 5 Smt. Manju Singh 23389493 9810593192 308-A, - do - Section Officer 6 Shri Suraj Bhan 23389493 9891935537 308-A, - do - Parliament Assistant 23074345 (Fax) 24624686 Email:[email protected] (ii) Department of Fertilizers FAX No. 23382789 1 Shri Bhaathi Sivaswani 23383695 9650117971 217-A,Shastri Sihag, 23381275 Bhawan New Delhi Secretary (F) 2 Shri Heera Lal Samriya 23386800 880893135 111-B,Shastri Joint Secretary (Parl.) Bhawan New Delhi 3 Shri Rakesh Kumar 2338 4889 9810835144 104-B,Shastri Dy. Secy. (Parl.) Bhawan New Delhi 4 S.No. Name & Designation Office Telephone Residence Office Address No. Telephone No 4 Shri Sanjay Srivastava, 23389364 9811379776 205-D,Shastri Under Secretary Bhawan New Delhi 5 Shri S.K. Pandey 23383430 22377709 203-D,Shastri Section Officer 9899107520 Bhawan New Delhi 6 Shri M.S. Rawat, 23382789 26168953 204-D,Shastri Parliament Assistant 9868205002 Bhawan New Delhi (iii) Department of Pharmaceutical 1 Shri Jai Priye Prakash, 23381573 24103869 218-A, Shastri Secretary (Pharma) 23070245 Bhawan N.D. 2 Ms Sunanda Sharma, 23063341 24103390 R.No.514-B, F-Wing, Economic Adv. (Parl) 23061517 9810959758 Udyog Bhawan, ND 3 Shri Devendra Kumar, 23389840 9650807332 346-A Wing, Shastri Dy. Secretary (Parl.) 23389840 Bhawan, ND. 4 Shri A.K. Karn, 23061517 -- R.No.513-B, F-Wing, Under Secretary (Tel/Fax) Udyog Bhawan, ND 5 Shri G. Rajakumar 23061517 9871345467 - do - Section Officer 6 Shri N.K. Parcha 23385473 9650463797 G-25, Shastri Parliament Assistant 23387920 Bhawan N.D. MINISTRY OF CIVIL AVIATION 1 Shri R.N. Choubey, 24610358 23381266 293-B, Block Rajiv Secretary 24610368 Gandhi Bhavan, 24602397(Fax) New Delhi. 2 Shri Anil Srivastava 24610386 26874999 272 – do- Joint Secretary 24655839 (Fax) 3 Shri T.N.Dwivedi, 24610987 9810981076 164, -do- Deputy Secretary 4 Shri Sanjay Singh, 24640215 25250457 -do- Under Secretary 9868150067 6 Shri Phailee Ram Meena, 24640215 9718840356 70 –do- Section Officer (Telefax) MINISTRY OF COAL 1 Shri Susheel Kumar, 23384884 317-A wing, Shastri Secretary 23381678(FAX) Bhawan, N.D 2 Shri Rajiv Sharma 23384887 23384893 (FAX) 321-A, -do- Joint Secretary 23384893(FAX) 3 Shri Prakash Chand 23384431 26231718 323, - do- Deputy Secretary 23384893(FAX) 4 Mrs. Alice Kujur 23388781 350 –do- Under Secretary 23384893(FAX) 5 Shri P.K. Bhatnagar, 23388066 26887929 321, -do- Section Officer (Parl.) 23384893(FAX) 6 Shri M.P.A. Jaganathan 23388066 95120-2880341 34,-do Parliament Assistant 23384893(FAX) 5 S.No. Name & Designation Office Telephone Residence Office Address No. Telephone No. MINISTRY OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (i) Department of Commerce 1 Ms. Rita A. Teaotia, 23061815 R.No 45,Udyog Secretary (IPP) 23061667 Bhavan, 23061596 (Fax) New Delhi. 2 Shri Shatrughna Singh, 23061714 23072404 R.No126A,Udyog Addl. Secretary 23063656 (Fax) Bhavan, New Delhi. 3 Shri L. Ginkhomang 23062651 9953237350 256-A,Udyog Bhavan, Deputy Secretary New Delhi. 4 Shri P.K. Mishra, 23063651 9953151690 417,Udyog Bhavan, Under Secretary New Delhi. 5. Shri Pradeep Toppo, 23061589 9871762930 30B,Udyog Bhavan, Sectioin Officer (Tele/Fax) New Delhi. (ii) Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion 1 Shri Ramesh Abhishek, 23061815 26963298 157, Udyog Secretary (IPP) 23061667 Bhawan, N.D. 23061598(FAX) 2 Shri G.R. Raghavander, 23062972 9811415790 265, -do- Joint Secretary (Tel/Fax) 3 Shri Raman Kant Sood, 23063933 7838967266 319A, -do- Deputy Secretary 4 Shri Rajan Sood, 23063816 9899851850 432, -do- Under Secretary 5 Shri Pradeep Toppo 23062880 9871762930 30-B, -do- Section Officer Tel/Fax 6 Shri Deepak John 23062880 9818621934 -do- D’Cruze Parliament Assistant MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (i) Department of Telecommunications 1 Shri J.S. Deepak 23719898 24102703 R.No.210, Secretary (T) 23036787 Sanchar Bhavan. 23711514 ( Fax) New Delhi 2 Shri N. Sivasailam, 23717300 9448990310 R.No.318 Addl. Secretary (T) 23036785 24103336 Sanchar Bhavan. 23350495 (Fax) New Delhi 3 Shri Rajeev Kumar, 23715145 9910276299 R.No. 704 DDG(Budget & Plan 23036861 - do - Finance) 23372272 (Fax) 4. Shri S.K. Shahi, 23372446 9868133422 R.No. 501 DDG (C&A) 23036881 - do - 23372447 (Fax) 5. Shri Pranab Biswas, 23036094 9013132933 R.No.305, DS (P&A) 23372153 - do - 6 6. Shri S.L. Meena 23372132 9013135424 R.No. 506, Dir. (B&P) 23036016 - do - 23372593 (Fax) 7. Shri Vijay Kumar 23357600 9910880633 R.No. 108-F, Under Secretary (Parl) 23036833 Dak Bhavan, ND 23327057 (Fax) 8. Shri R.K. Jain, 23036477 9868870759 R.No. 108-H, S.O. (Parl.) 23036285 Dak Bhavan, ND 23327057 (Fax) (ii) Department of Posts 1 Shri B.V. Sudhakar, 23096060 23096042 R.No.103, Dak Secretary (Post) 23036670 Bhawan, New Delhi 23096077 (Fax) 2 Ms. Saroj Punhani 23096083 26174744 309, - do - Joint Secretary 9811644460 23096202 (FAX) 3 Dr. N. Vinodkumar, 23096088 9971500296 524, -do- Secy. (PSB) & DDG 23036922 (PMU) 23710050 (Fax) 4 Shri Manish Sinha, 23096096 9910880633 405 - do - DDG (PAF) 23096196 (Fax) 5 Shri Vijay Kumar 23357600 9910880633 108F, Dak Bhawan, Under Secretary (Parl.) 23036833 23327057( FAX) 6 Shri R.K Jain 23036477 9868870759 108-H, - do - Section Officer (Parl.) 23327057(FAX) (iii) Department of Electronics and Information Technology E-mail:[email protected] 1 Dr. Aruna Sharma, 24364041 24103525 R.No.1001, Secretary 24301101 Electronics Niketan , 24363134-Fax 6CGO Complex Lodi Road, N. D. 2 Dr. M.R. Anand 24363135 24104692 4004, - do - Senior Adviser (Parl.) 3 Shri Surender Jeet, 24363092 -- 2060, -do- Deputy Director.(Parl.) 24301260 24364239-(Fax) 4 Shri Vinodpriya 24363092 28522135 2nd Floor, Section Officer (Parl.) 24301735 -do- 24364239-Fax 5 Shri L.S.Rawat - do - - - do - Parliament Assistant 7 S.No. Name & Designation Office Telephone Residence Office Address No. Telephone No. Ministry of Corporate Affairs 1 Shri. Tapan Ray, 23382324 26534849 519-A, Wing Secretary 23384017 Shastri Bhavan 23384257 (FAX) New Delhi 2 Shri Pritam Singh, 23383180 26879391 507A, -do Additional Secretary 23386068 (Fax) 3 Shri Suresh Pal, 23389785 24625562 513-B, -do Joint Secretary 23074212 (FAX) 4 Shri J.S.

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