U.8 ./WORI D SPORTS WEATHER U - MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday. May 10. 19«5 (^/(anchester nine Weel<end’s w eather JUST LIKE Gunmen kill politician Grandmother defies Ftr Phytint as bombs rock India Mother’s Day ideal romps over SW wiii be like summer FOR RENT GOLD! ... page 4 ...page 11 ... page 15 ... page 2 MANCHESTER - Room for rant. Complatoiv fur- nlahatf Including atova, The values you can find In rafrloorator and llnana. 850 wookiv plus two /the classified pages. waoks socuritv. t i l 8887. MANCHESTER- Excol- lant furnIsiMd room for oantlomon. Convanlant READ location. $40 waakiv. 848- 4003. THEM TODAYI iianrhrHtpr Ipralb ....... f ^ T Saturdav.Saturday, Mav May 11, 1985 — Single copy: 258 CLEAN, QUIET ROOM - Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm MIddIa aaad working parson prafarrad. Non- smokar. non-drinkar. Rafarancaa raaulrad. 649- Call 1237. MANCHESTER • Excal- Clasaltled Mother faces lant furnishad room for oantlomon. Convanlant location. $48 waakly. 649- 643-2711 4003. {WANTED murder charge APARTMENTS 8 1-C FOR RENT TAG SALES TO BUY 1-4 yn. MANCHESTER — Avoll- MULTI-FAMILY - Satur­ BEER CANS WANTED • obla Immadlotaly. Ona. day, May 11th, 9am to Will buy unusual cans, in baby’s death two ond thraa badroom 1pm. Baby equipment also Intorostod In contort aportmants. $410, $475, and clothes, toys, mater­ with collector. Call Jose 6431392. $525, hoot and hot watar nity wear, household mis- FBI and arrested Donna Richard Includad. J.D. Root Est- collanaous, earogo door PAWTUCKET, R.I. (UPI) - ata, 646-1980. and moral 80, 81 B 115 :The naUonwide search (or a in Bloomington based on an arrest Carriage Drive, Man­ susiiect in the beating, rape and warrant obtained by the Paw- 3’A ROOM APARTMENT chastor. Rain Data, May slaying of a 3month-old Rhode tucket'Police Department, charg­ A MW'iimpIe ilip-on pin- - Privata homo, hoot, 18th. Island girl last (all culminated ing Donna Richard with the afora with pntfy rufflw Court of Probots, District of murder of Jerri Ann Richard,” •Ad matehini; pantiei U a appllancas. Working tln- Manchestsr Friday with the arrest of the gla adult only. No pats, M U LTI-FA M ILY - Soma N O nC t OP NgAMNO child's mother in Indiana, police Pawtucket police said in a brief cool ontAt for the tot’a ESTATE OF: statement about the case — one of playtime. chlldran. Call 643-2880. furniture, ham radio ALICE O. OEEHAN, on said. No. 8181-C with Photo- stuff, port-o-crlb, miscel­ Incopobls person Donna Ricliard, 30, who made a the biggest criminal investigations GaMo ii in Siaee 1 to 8 MANCHESTER - Sacond laneous household Items. Pursuant to an order of Hon. tearful television plea for the in Rhode Island history. yaaia. Siae 2, pinafore, floor oportmant, 2 bad- William E. FItiOerald, Saturday, May 11th, 9am Judoe, dated May I, IfSS a return of her child before she was Mrs. Richard’s husband, Ralph, % yard 48-inch; pantiei, rooms, haot and appllan­ to 3pm. 33 Carter Street, was not arrested. Investigators % yard. heorlns will beheld an an ap- found slain last Nov. 14, was cas Includad, no pats. $500 Bolton. illcatlon praylno for authar- never ruled out either of the fty to sell certain real estate arrested without incident about 5 IS MSU, Mad U.SS hr tnll plus sacurlty. Call 646- p.m. at the home of relativea in a parents as suspects. ' pathn,|MtMt hr puttie m8 3979. situated In the Town of Man­ MULTI-FAMILY TAG chester, County of Hartford suburb south of Bloomington by Mrs. Richard was held without SALE - May 11th, 9om to os In said application on file Indiana State Police detidg on a bond at the Monroe County Jail in TW O A N O THREE 2pm. 69 W ashington more fully appears, at the Bloomington pending an extradi­ <110 Ml. iteiiafaw ROOM APARTMENTS - Street. Furniture, tools, Court of Probate on May M, fugitive warrant from Pawtucket 19SS at 10:00 a.m. tion bearing at 9 a.m. Monday, iriat noM,. eiertM. one iir Haotad, sacurlty. No stereo speakers. Many police. ceal. tonlttnew m t eiw. Johanna M. Bruder, "Officers of the Indiana State state police in Indiana said. pots, no appllancas. 646- lAPARTim TS MISCELLANEOUS H0U8EN0L0 HOME ANO ItemsI Years of Asst. Clerk Now FASHION with 2436,9 - 5 waakdoys. accumulation. 0130S Police accompanied agents of the Pawtucket police called a news Photo-Goide pattama in Ifo r r e n t FOR BENT 60008 OAROEN conference (or Monday to discuss all siie rangoa, haa a O N E BEDROOM the arrest, said Sgt. David Holden. ■pecial Grace Cola CoUae- TAG SALE - Furniture, NOTICS UPI file photos APARTMENT - Haot, OP- MANCHESTER INDUS­ MUST SELL- 27" con­ VARIETY OF HOUSE books, clothing, lawn Jerri Ann disappeared from her UoB for larger alaea; plaa SUMMER STREET • 4 The annual report of the Lu- Jerri Ann died Richard, whose molested and beaten body was found in 2 BONUS Coaponal pllancas. Naor Parkada. rooms, first floor. Avallo- TRIAL SPACE - 5,500 sq. sole, dan or sunroom PLANTS - Special price mowar, snowblower, clen B. 6 Katherine E. Price crib in her parents' Pawtucket Donna Richard, left, charged Friday with murder in the Oldar parsons pratorrad. 50 cants to $3. Need room, Foundation, Inc., Is ayalla- Price . , $2J8 bla Juna 1st. Parking, no ft.-$2.50/81,146 par furniture, bunk bads, and tools, household Items. apartment on Nov. 11, 1984. The death of her four-month-old daughter, pleads last year a Pawtucket, R.I., alley, appears at right. No paH. Avallablo June month, 12,428 sq. ft.- must sail. Excellent con­ ble at this office for Inspec­ parents told police that they were pats. S acurlty. $380 tables, and lamps at ce­ 165 Thompson Rood(W- tion during reoulor business iast November for Information duringatelevision appearance. Jerri Ann 1st. $390. Call 6436803 or monthly. 644-1408. $3.25/$3J66 par month. tera. 649-3539. dition. Private Home, ast Canter to O'Leary to hours by any citizen who re­ sleeping only several feet away 6494205. Lot's talk - Call John at Thompson). 5/11, lOomto quests It within ISO days after Following is a chronology of when tbieir daughter vanished. MANCHESTER - Naw 4V!i 6432414. BEAUTIFUL Plain 03 3pm. 5/12,1 to 3pm. the date of this notice. events leading to Friday's arrest. Her mysterious disappearance MANCHESTER - Quality room, 2 badroom aport- sign Full Length door or FLOWERING BUSHES - EDWARD J. REARDON Nov. 11, 1984 — Jerri Ann touched off a massive search Gndereila 1 and 2 badroom opart- IWANTEO wall mirror. Heavy glass. 50 cants and up. You dig. 096 M AIN ST. mant In duplax. Fully TAG SALE - 70 Central MANCHESTER, CT Richard, 4 months, reported miss­ which ended four days later when mants. Haot, hot watar, opplloncad kitchan. No RENT $45. 34 X 72 Inches. 643 Call 6437406. Avenue, East Hartford, ing from crib in her parents’ the child's badly beaten and raped Coventiy voters reject 1985 budget and all appllancas In­ pats. Ratarancas. $525 May 11th, 10am to 2pm. 021-05 cludad. Quiat busllna, 100 PERENNIALS FOR apartment. body was discovered in an alley plus utllltlas. 649-4003. PROFESSIONAL COU­ Assorted clothing, hous3 Nov. 15, 1984 — Baby’s naked just about a block from her home. tures budget of $125,000, but police department’s budget re­ Idaal for mlddla-ogad and {MISCELLANEOUS SALE - 75 cants to $1.00. hold Items. Court of Probate, District of By Kathy Garmus in it,” hesaid. "We ought to get the PLE NEEDS RENTAL Manchester k body found sexually molested and . A week ago, Ralph Richard Herald Reporter approved a $5.7 million budget for quest of $408,169, and warned of sanlor citizans. Air condl- MANCHESTER - Avalla­ {f or SALE 6433156. full costs and we ought to decide tlonad. $480 and $515. from Juna 15th to October NOTICE OF H8 ARINQ beaten in alley. surrendered to authorities in the Board of EducaUon. impending cuts in service. whether it is enough or it isn’t.” bla Immadlotaly. NIca 1st. Will housa sit, Mon- MULTI-FAMILY - May ESTATE OF: Boulder, Colo, to face kidnapping, 247-5030. ona badroom with goroga MUSICAL 11th, 9am to 4pm. 516 TIMOTHY JOHN MEYER, Dec. 4, 1984 — Police confirm COVENTRY - Over 100 resi­ The $8.5 million spending prop­ "We will prioritize our calls until Barbara DeCew, president of the chastar araa. Call 617-443 SWIMMING POOLSIll deceased baby had been sexually molested aggravated assault and conspi-: osal represented an 8 percent we can get to you,” he said, Coventry Taxpayers Association, In quiat location. $390. Astronomical savings on ITEMS Bush Hill Rood, Man­ dents voted at the annual town MANCHESTER - Ona 3487. ( Pursuant to an order of Hon. and speculate death may have racy charges in connection With a meeting . Friday night to reject increase over the current year's referring to a-shortage of polige' urged voters to reject the budget Boyla Raol Estata 649- chastar. Furniture, William E. FitzGerald, badroom aprwtmant. No the revolutionary 1985 all grug investigation in tliat state. officers. "If you people can live SINGLE PROFES­ new 31' fam ily sized books, plumbing and JudM, doted May 6, 19S5 d result^ from 8100,000 marijnana portions of the proposed $8.5 budget but would have required a because she said it did not fulfill pats, no chlldran. $350 K IM B A Lta^ SW IN G ER hearing will be held on an ap­ swimming pools com­ electrical supplies, tools, deal that went sour. PoUce said the arrest was unre­ miUion budget for the fiscal year tax hike of only .8 mills, in part with it, I certainly can as chief of the requirements of the charter.
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