LIST 17 21 April 2017 Applications Registered between 17/4/17 – 21/4/17 ST. EDMUNDSBURY BOROUGH COUNCIL PLANNING APPLICATIONS REGISTERED The following applications for Planning Permission, Listed Building, Conservation Area and Advertisement Consent and relating to Tree Preservation Orders and Trees in Conservation Areas have been made to this Council. A copy of the applications and plans accompanying them may be inspected on our website www.westsuffolk.gov.uk . Representations should be made in writing, quoting the application number and emailed to [email protected] to arrive not later than 21 days from the date of this list. Application No. Proposal Location DC/17/0246/FUL Planning Application - Retention of 1no. The Academy Health VALID DATE: portable cabin And Fitness Centre 18.04.2017 Church Farm APPLICANT: Mr Phillip Smith Church Road EXPIRY DATE: Barrow 13.06.2017 IP29 5AX CASE OFFICER: James Claxton WARD: Barrow GRID REF: PARISH: Barrow Cum 575966 264556 Denham DC/17/0725/HH Householder Planning Application - Detached Oldfields VALID DATE: garden/machine storage buliding Main Road 07.04.2017 Bradfield Combust APPLICANT: Mr And Mrs Smith Bury St Edmunds EXPIRY DATE: AGENT: Dean Jay Pearce Architectural Suffolk 02.06.2017 Design And Planning LTD IP30 0LS WARD: Rougham CASE OFFICER: Karen Littlechild GRID REF: PARISH: Bradfield 589053 255615 Combust With Stanningfield DC/17/0734/HH Householder Planning Application - (i) Single 1 Rookwood Farm VALID DATE: storey front and rear extensions (ii) two Cottages 19.04.2017 storey side extension Coldham Hall Lane Stanningfield EXPIRY DATE: APPLICANT: Mr & Mrs Walters IP29 4SB 14.06.2017 AGENT: Medusa Design - Mr Lee French WARD: Rougham CASE OFFICER: Amy Wright GRID REF: 587396 256320 PARISH: Bradfield Combust With Stanningfield DC/17/0736/HH Householder Planning Application - First floor Pantiles VALID DATE: side extension The Green 18.04.2017 Brockley APPLICANT: Mr Kelvin O'Dwyer -Heath IP29 4AP EXPIRY DATE: 13.06.2017 CASE OFFICER: Amy Wright GRID REF: WARD: Cavendish 582579 254718 PARISH: Brockley DC/17/0670/HH Householder Planning Application - (i) Single 53 Bristol Road VALID DATE: storey rear extension, (ii) two storey side Bury St Edmunds 19.04.2017 extension and (iii) single storey rear IP33 2DH extension to garage EXPIRY DATE: 14.06.2017 APPLICANT: Mr & Mrs Hayhoe GRID REF: AGENT: Mr Edward Thuell - Whitworth 584037 263400 WARD: Westgate CASE OFFICER: Matthew Gee PARISH: Bury St Edmunds Town Council (EMAIL) DC/17/0701/FUL Planning Application - Change of use from 1 Tallou Court VALID DATE: retail (Class A1) to hot food takeaway (Class Symonds Road 18.04.2017 A5) Bury St Edmunds IP32 7BF EXPIRY DATE: APPLICANT: Mr N Cooper, Croasdales 13.06.2017 AGENT: Mr Chris Wilkie - REES PRYER ARCHITECTS LLP GRID REF: WARD: Moreton Hall 587259 264271 CASE OFFICER: Britta Heidecke PARISH: Bury St Edmunds Town Council (EMAIL) 2. DC/17/0742/HH Householder Planning Application - (i) Two 44 Prince Charles VALID DATE: storey side extension (following demolition of Avenue 06.04.2017 existing outbuilding) (ii) new front porch Bury St Edmunds Suffolk EXPIRY DATE: APPLICANT: Mr M Stepien IP32 6DU 01.06.2017 AGENT: Mr Eric Tricker WARD: Northgate CASE OFFICER: Jonny Rankin GRID REF: 584263 266283 PARISH: Bury St Edmunds Town Council (EMAIL) DC/17/0741/HH Householder Planning Application - two 1 Andrews Walk VALID DATE: storey side extension Bury St Edmunds 19.04.2017 IP32 6SJ APPLICANT: Mr And Mrs Stevens EXPIRY DATE: AGENT: Stuart Butcher 14.06.2017 GRID REF: CASE OFFICER: Jonny Rankin 583890 265814 WARD: St. Olaves PARISH: Bury St Edmunds Town Council (EMAIL) DC/17/0745/LB Application for Listed Buildings Consent - (i) 73 Guildhall Street VALID DATE: Internal alterations including forming of new Bury St Edmunds 18.04.2017 doorway between Living area and garden IP33 1QD room, (ii) part block existing doorway past EXPIRY DATE: kitchen and (iii) remove additional section of 13.06.2017 wall already approved for removal GRID REF: 585256 263970 WARD: Abbeygate APPLICANT: Mr & Mrs R Huddlestone AGENT: L Thurlow - Thurlow Architects Ltd PARISH: Bury St Edmunds Town Council CASE OFFICER: Debbie Cooper (EMAIL) DC/17/0749/HH Householder Planning Application - (i) 26 Bridewell Street VALID DATE: continuation of fence and (ii) insertion of Clare 10.04.2017 gates CO10 8QD EXPIRY DATE: APPLICANT: Mr & Mrs K Mison 05.06.2017 AGENT: Mr Daniel Aguilar-Agon - Daniel GRID REF: Aguilar-Agon 576979 245913 WARD: Clare CASE OFFICER: Aaron Sands PARISH: Clare Town Council 3. DC/17/0759/ADV Application for Advertisement Consent - 2no. Visitor Centre VALID DATE: Non-Illuminated Notice Board Clare Castle Country 10.04.2017 Park APPLICANT: Mr Derek Blake Clare Castle Malting Lane EXPIRY DATE: Country Park Trust Clare 05.06.2017 Suffolk CO10 8NW WARD: Clare CASE OFFICER: Kerri Cooper PARISH: Clare Town GRID REF: Council 577068 245153 DC/17/0767/HH Householder Planning Application - (i) Quylters VALID DATE: Erection of garden room (ii) relocation of Nethergate Street 21.04.2017 existing bay window Clare Suffolk EXPIRY DATE: APPLICANT: Mr & Mrs Beenham CO10 8NP 16.06.2017 AGENT: Mrs Sara Hullott - Vale Garden Houses WARD: Clare CASE OFFICER: Aaron Sands GRID REF: PARISH: Clare Town 576710 245151 Council DC/17/0797/PMBPA Prior Approval Application under Part 3 of the Heath House VALID DATE: Town and Country Planning (General Norwich Lane 18.04.2017 Permitted Development) (Amendment and Coney Weston Consequential Provisions) (England) Order Suffolk EXPIRY DATE: 2015- (i) Change of use of agricultural IP31 1HL 13.06.2017 building to dwellinghouse (Class C3) to create 1no. dwelling (ii) associated WARD: Bardwell operational development GRID REF: PARISH: Coney Weston APPLICANT: Mr James Bucher 594729 279522 AGENT: John Wojciechowski CASE OFFICER: Matthew Gee DC/17/0735/FUL Planning Application - (i) Installation of The Dream Lodge VALID DATE: electrical substation; data and electrical Group 07.04.2017 distribution housing unit (ii) underground Fornham Park LPG gas supply tanks (iii) bin storage area Fornham St Genevieve EXPIRY DATE: and fencing (iv) extended access road - in Suffolk 02.06.2017 association with holiday lodge development IP28 6TT WARD: Fornham APPLICANT: Mr Moir, Dream Lodge Group AGENT: Nicholas Mannering - RPS PARISH: Fornham St. GRID REF: Martin Cum CASE OFFICER: Britta Heidecke 583830 268831 St.Genevieve 4. DC/17/0811/ELEC Application under The Overhead Lines Land Off VALID DATE: (Exemption) (England and Wales) Mount Road 18.04.2017 Regulations 2009 - Install 2no. new Great Barton supporting poles and associated stay wires Suffolk EXPIRY DATE: (dismantle the existing 11,000 volt overhead 30.05.2017 network) WARD: Great Barton APPLICANT: Mr Craig Nunn - UK POWER GRID REF: NETWORKS 588582 264952 PARISH: Great Barton CASE OFFICER: Britta Heidecke DC/17/0707/FUL Planning Application - Car parking with new Ardex VALID DATE: vehicular access Homefield Road 05.04.2017 Haverhill APPLICANT: Ardex UK Ltd. CB9 8QP EXPIRY DATE: AGENT: Mark Swift - Mark Swift Design Ltd 31.05.2017 CASE OFFICER: Kerri Cooper GRID REF: WARD: Haverhill South 566894 244291 PARISH: Haverhill Town Council (EMAIL) DC/17/0746/HH Householder Planning Application - Single 4 Mill Road VALID DATE: storey rear extension Honington 10.04.2017 IP31 1SB APPLICANT: Mrs P Blundell EXPIRY DATE: AGENT: Mr James Mason - ACADDS (East 05.06.2017 Anglia) Ltd GRID REF: 591420 274516 WARD: Bardwell CASE OFFICER: Aaron Sands PARISH: Honington Cum Sapiston (EMAIL) 5. DC/17/0706/TPO TPO 042 (1977) - Tree Preservation Order - Regnum Cottage VALID DATE: (i) T1 - Horse Chestnut - reduce by 3 metres Sharps Lane 19.04.2017 (ii) T2 - 4 -Horse Chestnut - reduce by 5 Horringer metres and remaining crown reduced and IP29 5PS EXPIRY DATE: shaped by 2 metres (iii) T3 - Horse Chestnut 14.06.2017 - Reduce height by 5 metres and remaining crown reduced and shaped by 3 metres (iv) GRID REF: WARD: Horringer And T4 - Horse Chestnut - reduce by 5 metres (v) 582820 260978 Whelnetham T5 - Horse Chestnut - Fell (vi) T6 - Horse Chestnut - Reduce by 5 metres (viii) T7 - Ash PARISH: Horringer - Reduce by 5 metres and reduce remaining Cum Ickworth crown by up to 3 metres. Reduce low heavy limbs by 2 meters (Other works - T8 - Hazel - Coppice (not part of TPO) APPLICANT: Mr P Grover AGENT: Mr Paul Goldsmith - Green Wood Tree Surgery CASE OFFICER: Jonny Rankin DC/17/0645/HH Householder Planning Application - Single Harvest Cottage VALID DATE: storey rear extension and alterations 20 Dash End Lane 19.04.2017 Kedington APPLICANT: Mr Peter Donoghue Haverhill EXPIRY DATE: Suffolk 14.06.2017 CB9 7QS CASE OFFICER: Savannah Cobbold WARD: Kedington GRID REF: PARISH: Kedington 570913 247024 DC/17/0744/HH Householder Planning Application - Briar House VALID DATE: construction of pool house Bury Road 19.04.2017 Nowton APPLICANT: Mr S Hurst Bury St Edmunds EXPIRY DATE: AGENT: Mr Eric Tricker Suffolk 14.06.2017 IP29 5NB CASE OFFICER: Ed Fosker WARD: Horringer And Whelnetham GRID REF: 586622 260991 PARISH: Nowton 6. DC/17/0747/HH Householder Planning Application - (i) Single Rohan VALID DATE: Storey front and rear extensions (following 6 Manor Garth 07.04.2017 partial demolition and conversion of existing Pakenham garage) and (ii) construction of single garage Bury St Edmunds EXPIRY DATE: Suffolk 02.06.2017 APPLICANT: Mrs Barbara Ciaravella IP31 2LB AGENT: Mr Henry Painter WARD: Pakenham CASE OFFICER: Debbie Cooper GRID REF: PARISH: Pakenham 592309 267458 DC/17/0686/PMBPA Prior Approval
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