-A:- 'U ATMWHin™ DAILY CUtCULAnOM fir «• iteMi «C W tB tar/ IMS ^,227 ~ Mr «f Dw Aodn ] ■5 . «f dnolatlOBii. r' iTOL.LL.M O.lli iOUTH llANOHESlSiL COMN; linM B SD WORST BEHIND US Sidelights ki lnsuU Case in Athens ! COOUDGE STATES IRIISR BRinSH Ph I h i hidiM t “As Mh MSURGENTS’PUMT B n i : # ' Orpuuzition Aih| 1A » StTtd CMMtrr Frw i TOGOIOBOOVDt MMBcei Ih t Thej R O le Death a id Thhrtj A n t DimtraiiKfalMedTi h Yeet^y’s Duborb- PteiMcet’s Secretary Writes Honored by Nations AtMn’iGntilik” spite ffis Stand (m P bok. ' ^ aicefr— Q iM Restered At MMw Tortt, O ct M—(APT — OU- H n t Pref. C em rer's Let­ Washington, Qct 12.—(AP) ^1493, and broken to health returned Midinsht B it Treihle ^Mn OooHdge, comlziA from his New New Yoxk, O ct 12.— (A P )—Mrs. Thrust valiantly forward as if aware to Spain to die May 20,1506. glory lay Just a wave ahead, tee sil­ ■ngtend retreat to pralae President ter W l Receire A tten d Rushmore Fattersoii, head of Allied To pay him honor now, the 21 Starts Agam Today— Po­ ver, sails of two dot like) caravels independent Republics that grew up Hoover as a man who saved the Women, of the Allied Forcee for and a pin point fiagship bobbed on to tee world he discovered are seek­ ooun^ from disaster, has signalled Probibititm, announced today that tee Atlantic 440 years ago today New Haven, Oct. 12.—(AP)—Dx- ing to build at Santo Domingor-tee lice Assert the start of the final phase of his she and tee ezaeutlve comsdttoe of Just off the shore of Gimahani first permanent Christian setUeWnt party's campaign. dependent Republican headquarters AlUed Women would vote for PiesL- Isla i^ izrthe new world—a colossal light' A drive which would reach a Buoyed by an imwavertog hope Are RespeisiUe. announced that assurance has been ttet Hoover *htod Allied Women house.' climax in the appearance of the received by Prof. Milton Conover, that w world was roxmd and that Twenty of the 21 carved them­ President here later was started by will do its best toWard his election.” the party’s candidate for Senator, to the' west waited India’s riches, selves from tee vast colonial empire eastern leaders after Mr. Coolidge “While differing from the Presi­ Chris^her Ck)lumbus aboard the Spain built up at ihe end of tee Belfast l;Torteerii Ireland, O ct 13 told a throng in Madison Square from Lawrence Richey, secretary dent’s stand on pre^bitien,” Mrs. Santa Maria fought down tee mutiny route Columbus traveled. Through ■—(AP)—^British Army troops were Garden last night the public welfhre to President Hoover, that the move Patterson said, 'T think that under of his men, swelltog after 36 days at tee Pan American Union to Wash­ requires the re-election of Mr. Hoo­ to have the names of the Republican his administration the dzih and the sea from tee Canary Islands without ington they w e Joining the United rushed to Belfast today after, riot­ ver. presidential electors excluded from wets alike will have fafr treatmmxt; a trace o f land. ing, similar to teat which resulted the Independent ballot Will be States to plans for tee combtoec !tt saving the country from one and with a fair field, I briieve the A lookout raised tee victory cry memorial to the Dominican repuUlc. to one death and more thaw thirty ioipendiag disaster after another brought to the President’s atten­ I the low lying bank thought to tion. I deys can go befbre.the pquabar and Special Colximbus ceremonies were serious injuries yesterday, broke out Movldes any basis for gratitude, win.” . ^.. be clouds off the bow became dis­ tee order of today at tee union here. Richey wrote in reply to a letter again shortly before, noon, Resident Hoover is entitled to T believe tl^at vmler President tinguishable a& land. There on teat A token of esteem for Columbus gratitude” he said. from Prof. Conover in which the lat­ island—probably what is known to­ and to the land of tee discoverer's Quiet was restored bv tee police ter warned of a possible loss of Hoover, the totemateioal situation Worst Troubles Past upon which sd mtikfii o f cur ewn de­ day as Watltog Idand—was the cli­ birthday—Italy—was sent forth by midnight last night after quasi- He dedared the country'“knows votes for the PresideBt if the Re­ max of the voyage which was to military rule was clamped down on publican electors are not placed on pend*, will .fteyitfigp '* <ng sound yesterday by Preddent Hoover to that its worst troubles are probably Itoes. I beUeve under President Hoo­ open a treasure-^hest far richer than the ItaUan-Americana of tee coun­ tee city. The quiet continued past and economic recovery is be­ the Independent ballot India and form tee kqy which un­ throughout tee early, morning imd In reply to a similar letter from ver we shall toeape treasury raids try as part of this nation’s tribute ginning”. Then he attacked Gover­ by those who for a momeht’a need locked tee, western hemisphere to to the great explorer. forenoon until about 11 a. m. when nor Franklin D. Roosevelt on the the Senatorial candidate Henry J. the old world. shooting broke out again to the Allen, publicity director of the Re­ forget the final need, and I believe The annual contribution of Colum­ bonus question, asserting: It was in the Grande Bretagne Hotel, pictured at top, in Athens, There tee Emropean first set foot bus Day, tee President said, “serves Falls area west of tee city. publican National committee that under President Hoover < the A bus was wrecked by the mob “An early and timely word from Greece, that Samuel Insull, bankrupt public utilities magnate, was attest­ constructive financial measures now on the soil of the Americus. not only to commemorate tee the Democratic candidate for Presi­ pressed appreciation to Prof. Con and every available armored car. over for “calling to our attention ed at the request of American authorities. Until the question of his ex­ under way will ’culminate to our fi­ . Found Other Islands achievement of tee great discoverer dent that he would reject the pro­ tradition is decided he will remain technically in the custody' of Colonel nancial benefit . Columbus on teat same voyage but also to remind tee millions of was brought into use by tee poUce. posal to increase the National debt the situatiem that exists in Connec Remantas, lower left, chief of police in Athms. A coded cablegram sent discovered Cuba and Haiti. He The milling crowds retreated be­ ticut” To President his compatriots who have followed hy $3,800,000,000 to pay the bonus to Insull in Athens indicated t^ t the fugitive may have intend^ to'seek made several other trips^to the west him to these shores o f the blessings fore tee charge of aumored cu v would have been a great encourage­ His Second Letter the aid of Sir Basil Zaharoff, lower right, Anglo-Greek financier. T>ur executive committee and I after the triumphant retuj^ to Palos, they have found to this land of hope manned by police, however imd ment to business, reducdl unem­ In a seebnd letter to Richey made will vote for President Hoover, and from the first cruise oh March 15, and opportunity.” quiet was restored again. ployment and gparanteed the In- public today by the Independen : Allied Women will do it* best to­ A detachment of Iniskillen Fusil­ tsi^ty of the National credit. While headquarters Professor Conover ward bis election.” iers waa brought to from the bar­ he remained silent economic re­ wrote: The organisation, of vhlcih Mrs. racks at Holywood amd it waa #ri- covery was immeasureably Imped­ “I sincerely hope that some one Patterson is head, claims an iactive nounced that tee King’s Royal Rifiea ed.” ';cn convince the RepubUota Presi' CAUCUSES membership of 1,500,000 woricers. were due to aurive Friday. The crowd broke Into laughter at dential electorate nomlBMs tta t it Allied Women is launching •IVKTORY1 BY ROOSEVELT Kept- on the Move - only living ex-President's sallies, would be.to their laterest to allow campaign with tee followtog speak- Street cars and buses which i s’ "u‘5ed “No-No" or “Tes-Y«i" their nines to appear on tke ballot ers addressing groups of women discontinued service last night had ^ hia wuestions. of the^Independait Republican STATE SLAH throughput tee counny: Mrs. John begun functioning during the tarty ty. The secretary of state. Dr. “G*- m heU Gal” a man In tbs *- Fsrgura^ president of tee National WOULD m i T RECOVERY forenoon. Mimy people went out to jal? red. • L. aggins, ^>parently has db- CommittM of Federated Church visit the- scenes of yesterday’a riots «eed thn the Independent id On Ttmisiit; " r ten; Mrs. Danlel'A. Poling, wife not of curiosity, but police kiapt {intyti^et Shall appear in the le president of AlUes Forces fbr teem on the move au-well as. idl Zb his s. w deliberate voice, Mr. abcthtfiaiM on the b a ^ t,jmjPCScedeni Mho Cmi^ FtrivelNAllONAL tEAlffiRS Coolidge 'lit at what hs'^alled « iCe ibCtlon; ,11^. 'Vida D. Romans, D echres Tkrif,<R«Ti: g r o t ^ ’of imemployed. beinY given to the Rs^bllcan, mHY DE FOIESF. Wholesale aurrests were made duj> “pending Democratio Treiwi^v Democcatle, Socialist, - fiodal Labor SileclNa W €ai^tes IDs* Fay Banoock and Mra« Ltl- and s$id that, a/viuwipa and ■ itobnaiv^ _ r:*, ^ tog the morning.
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