■ i ■ t ■. Y SATURDAY, MARCH SI, 19 ITHESr Manchester Evening Herald The WeRther Foroeast of 1. S. Weatber Baeaaa not knowing whether you can count a snowstorm by a cat or a Wing Purple Heart T Fire Companies Showers and conllniied mlM t*- bird’s track. Anyway, ws all had nlght, clearing early Tneatoy; >ut Tow n Heatd Along Main Street snow and Ua aplenty pm* vra are ORANGE HALL BINGO ' ( . ^ l y cloudy turning ooldor ^ leo' enJoying the warmth of the sun, Have Long Run day aftornoon; fresh wlada. And on Som dof Manchester's Side'Streets, Too even If some of the crepe-hsngers , M d MW. Arthur 8ween«y ot predict cold weather yet, remem- lUitr itreet hav* M their a s . ' Mring the killing frost of May 18 EVERY MONDAY, 8 P. M. J CueeU, MiM Lorraine L That wandering tribe, the horsef The other OBS managed to get Call Takes Them to Box inav ______. ___ ftniri .Ui.t where rat. last year. - ..r.'Arlini^on. Va., and their players, got a momentary thrill awaer we aro bold. Just where rat­ Far from Scene; Re­ Admission 25e MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, APRIL 2,1945 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE C E ^ >IIM 2-0 Ralph PuKord of the one afternoon this paat week — tlesnakes came from in that sec­ Eroployess of . the Ksge Com­ t o L. Lxnr„ NO. 154 Navy. The engagement of that la, those of them wh6 chanced tion is hard to fathom. pany. toy manufseturara on Elm call A^ter 40 Minutes. ung people waa recently an­ to be in the vicinity of the Center. ■trset, have been vary much In­ 23 iULAR GAMES 7 SPECIALS ted. ^ A big van bearing tettew reading The following reached 1ie rela­ terested in the actions of a pair ■ V "Bataiont Park" pulled up in front tive to the names of some of the of plgeoiw. which have established The alarm turned In from Box Churchill Inspects Wrecked Wisael Bridge ____ chairman Everett Mc- of the Paric Hill Flower Shop, It town's streets and their origin: a home In—o f'a ll place#—a ven- 134 at 2:10 yesterday afternoon PLUS SWEEPSTAKES was recognised aa the type of van Bolton Center, ee Armies Trap ey hastcalled a meeting of the tUator In which a large fan keeps gave tw’o companies of the South Infantry, Marines Jing committee, and chairman used In tranaporUng race howea Manchester, R.FJO., Conn. March 16, 1045. revolving the Uve-long day. Manchester fire department a long dl aub-committeea for Man* from one track to another. How the birds escape having run and the recall waa not aounded Naturally thoseinose whowno saw thelire bigMIS In - recent w«..column of "Heard ler'a United National Clothing their heads chopped off by the until 40 minutes later. paction at the Municipal Build- truck thought that it was carry- | Along Mafn Street, Haynes street 'Mif- Ina horses. Immediately specula- , was referred to as getting its name blades of the fan, seem* a mir­ The call brought No. 1 and No. 4 Land oti Okinawa; V Monday evening at 7:30. acle, but since last fall the birds companies to the box which 1* lo­ / Uon• began. ----------Rumow -------spread■ r— a ^ I from a former’ governor of the German Divisions; have been flying in and out with­ cated on Hartford road opposite idly. Had someone been tipped off state. out coming to any harm. And the Krause greenhouses. The fire, regular meeting o f the that the race tracks were going The t r i ^ of land of wlilch Rus­ it was discovered, wa* not there, n-ABaetrloan Club acheduled to be allowed to operate again? sell and .Haynes streets were a this isn’t all. Early this year the men In the but upon the hill to the south on Going Found Easy i .m orrow, feaater Sunday, haa The story spread around fast, but nsrt. belonged years ago to my poetponed until Monday, at it blew up Just as fast when the grandfather, Russel Eld- room where the pigeon* have their Packard street, Thia made It m, at the clubhouae. side door o f the van was opened 0 ,, and later, to his son, Daniel odd domicile, noticed that the pair necessary for the apparatus <lo Well Past Ruhr Now fS ' and the driver started to move Jines Eldridge, The streeU were were busy constructing a nest and turn around and go back to Bridge' Iven the fam ily names. Through then lo and behold, a pair o f eggs street, along Wetherell street to Push Eastward Toward | P u t p O S e Easter flow ew and plants from ■ v \ i the truck Into the t*ark Hill Flow _ mistake on the part of the town ware laid and the mother bird Pfc. Franeia Dope laud Packaird street. A t the end of LABORERS FOR that street a wood and grass fire Important Nakagusu- j AT I British Threaten to er Shop. officials, or the person who did the started to hatch them out as thg business for the family, the spell father flew in and out with food waa *xtinguished. ku Bay Fleet Anchor-1 Vinson Named H itler Heads Private First Olss* Francis While No. 1 and No. 4 were out I Throw Noose About a Fire Insurance for hi* mate. And lately the Copeland, of 14 Hackmatack O f Invasion Kcorded. tiny pigeons made their appear­ to this fire No. 2 was called to PICKING DEPARTMENT age; Quickly Capture O ff Y o u r street, has been swarded the Pur­ extinguish a grass Are . in the rear Whole Army Group This Is certainly no matter of ance and they are now of a sia# ple Heart after suffering wounds To Take Over List to Pay warm spell la unseeegpbbie. N ^ of the Orange Social Club which T^o Air Field and, vital importance, but the fact* soon to leave their parents’ home Feb. 20. In Germany, it waa re­ Works jyow In ^Holland; Patton^s tore took a very deflws means of may possibly (possibly not) be of waa burning ao faat that for a time FURNItURE telling them. Tw o/ rattlesnakes and find a| home for themselves. vealed today in a letter to hla par­ Interest to some one. It endangered the clubhouse. A Dozen Deserted Towns | were discovered on the roadway The Kage employees hope 12m ents, Mr. and t Mrs. Lawranca Day Shift F o r Crimes Third Army Within And Personal Effects (Mrs. R. Margaret H. Rich. few ahlnglea on the east slda of Byriies’ Post and they dldn’t/dlsplay the leth­ a .) youngsters will pick out a safer We are thankful to Mr*. Rich Copeland. the house were burned beftna th* Seaplanes Based in Ker- T55 Miles o f Berlin We can protect yoa tor as low argy snakes afe supposed to be The local youth is s member of Guam, April 2. — {/P) — ; for this explanation. We had heard spot. ^ ft a e per flA O e tw S years* poMCM^ of/when cofftlnif out of Patton’s Third Army, 80th Divi­ Am waa extingvMied. Apply ama islands Begin­ aomstime and somewhere that Last night No. 2 went to the Old Thousands of U. S. Tenth J Roosevelt Accepts Res­ Chiefs of State to And 198 Miles of Rus- •Uatanam Preadam la s t. hibernation* One of them made as One f tho.'te mysterloso postal sion. He received his wounds while Haynes street derived Its' name 6 Golf Ground* to extinguish a grass Army infantrymen and M a-; if to attack one of the men in the crossing a river In Germany that ning Sea - Air Block­ Have No Immunity, Sian Lines in East. frbm the flrst governor of Connec- “cards reached our desk one day Are and yesterday the North End ignation Today; W ill t call at year hoaio sad neighborhood, but a well-aimed took three days and three nights rines invaded strategic Oki­ I tlcut, John Haynes, who served the this week. I It waa mailed from department extinguished a grass ade o f Japanese. letalle or atone ended the snake’s activity. to accomplish. His boat waa shell­ ^ ALDON nawa—^25 miles from Japan Commission Says in 1 state eight years from 16.19, but Litchfield and addressed simply firs On Alton street. Stay on Job Until Pai’iH, April 2.— (/P)— Tha ed, and fragments hit Pvt. Cope­ tStapbone M40 or S m the above letter puts u* straight. to The Herald. Typed on the proper—Easter morning at Successor Approved. Releasing Five Lists. American First and Ninth back of the card was this nota­ land in the left hand and left am v little cost and found the g(>- Guam, April 2— —With sol­ A kMal young man almost got tion; “ Bert VI Gales’ address is: During the crossing the local lad SPINNING MILLS diers and Marines well across cen­ Armies have trapped 21 divi­ onvoua was under terrific enemy shelling. ing still surprisingly easy as London, April 2— )— Adolf hhur A. Knofla himself a tough Job recently be­ Box 698, Utchfield, Conn." Talcottville, Conn. tral Okinawa Island after a "too Washington, April 2 — UP) — (/P sions of 110,000 first line ene­ •ntbe PSraltaro Fire cause hs dMn‘t know the meaning Just what Importance attbehes When the boet was hit. It over- they pushed eastward today President Roosevelt accepted to­ Hitler heads the roster of war my troops in the Ruhr and tunmd and Pvt.
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