[Lbpt] 51-04-27-(Fri

[Lbpt] 51-04-27-(Fri

LONG IEACH (CALIF.) PRESS-TELEGRAM HTSL Cbjuuial 2 KFI Channel t A—6 APRIL 27, 1951 KNBH Chmnn !l 4 KTTV Channel 11 KXI/A. Channel 6 KLAO Channel U TV-1-Year PARTS KECA Chonnal 1 Warranty $4795 RADIO and TELEVISION PROGRAM LISTINGS TELE-TIPS - TONIGHT AII p»rts mm , INFORMATIVE lOiSft-KTSL (2)—Hops Chest Including * * 6:*5-KTLA (5)—Handy Hints , 11:00-KNBH (4)—Broadway All Size Picture Tubes KLAC KFI KMPC KECA KHJ KFWB KNX KFOX KFAC KGER KVOE 8:00-KLAC (13)—Clets, Roberts Open House Plu {2.00 I* »«M«r and World Report DRAMA 570 MO 710 790 930 980 1070 128(1 1280 1390 1430 9-.00-KTTV (ID—Success Story 10:50-KECA (7)—Crusade in 7:00-KECA (7)—Academy W. nirair «ll rnakM. *•• ky Europe . final chapter Theater trilMd »«dmlelwi. 17 yMrt !• Tin «;•«!•« fr*v*i* «• wnplto* fr»r» rt«*rt» armMtd by Hw brarieaten. Ha ritponlblllty uiinitri for lutinhnti triomw which iom»tlm«« pr« modt. VABEETY 8-.0&-KFI (9)—"What Price I. I. wttk OH *f flu flMit TV 8:M£KECA (7)—Twenty Qucs- Crime" B:00-KTLA (8)—"Vogues," Joan PHONE 70-6488 DIAL LITIS — TONIGHT LOOKING AND LISTENING 10:00-KTSL (2)—Star of the Bennett—Warner Baxter Family 9:30-KNBH (4)—Big Story BPOBTS ADVENMJBE 6:30-KMFC—Joe Hernandez 7:00-KHJ—Hidden Truth FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1951 7:00-KE«A—Fights: Dan Buc- 8:00-KECA—Richard Diamond ceronl VB. Dick Wagner Top Peabody Radio Awards 5:00 P. M. 7:15 P. M. Family INFORMATIVE KTSL, (2)-Lucky Pup KTLA (5)-Your Town KNBH (4)-Sporta 11:10-K1!J—Baseball: Boston 6:00-KNX—Capitol Cloakroom KTTV (in-Ntwiral KECA (7)-Penthouse Bravei. vn. N. Y. Giants 1 KNBH (4)-TeIe Comics Party 7:4S-KFI—Science Report KTLA (5>-Neirs, Music 7:25 P. M. KTTV (ID-News DRAMA 8:00-KFWB—News Is Our KECA (7)-Foremaa KNBH (4)-Good Egg for NBC's'Halls of Ivy Phillips 10:20 P. M. 7:00-KN:i-Command Theater Business 7:30 P. M. »:00-KF1-.M-G-M Theater JO:00-KECA—David Colby KFI (9)-Film KTTV (ID Glancin' at By TOM DANSON* KTTV (il)-Rango KTSL «)-News. Sports Anson Rldnrs KNBH; (4)-News. KLAC U3J-A1 Jarvls Weather 10:30 P. M. PRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1951 MONG the top George Foster the orchestra under the direction KTLA (5)-Comedy. 5:15 P. M. KTSL, <2)-Hope Chest A Peabody awards given in ra- of Robert Armbrustsr Bob Charley Chase KNBH (4)-Film. t f. M. KMPC-BaMball 8:15 A. M. KTSL (2)-Ghost Riders KECA (7)-Llfe With KKCA-omt and. Harriet dio. NBC and CBS come through Hope's sponsor has blotied the •'Preface to Life" KLAC-N«»l. Sportr L. A. KMPC-Markets. Sports with winners. The NBC pride KNBH (4)-Gabby Hnyea Llnklctter KTLA (5)-Meet in Today KKWQ.PaurJena Civic KLAC-Havne* ink on a contract renewal for an- KTLAM5)-Police Calls KFI (9}-Homes for Sele Hollywood «v KPl-f>t 1: tittup KClEn-(;uf.<t star KFWB-Blil iJeVden and joy turned out to be "Halls (5.20) KTTV (11)-Pet KECA (75-Crusad« in KMPC-HtlJ Wantld - KKOX-Bwinitlme at Situ KHJ.News other year . The Phil Reagan Exchange KHJ-KVOK-VlarK Trill KHJ-KVOE-Newi KFOX-Bread of Life of Ivy" which stars Ronald and 5:30 P. M. Europe / KLAC (13)-Man From KKCA-Nvni KFAC-C'oncert Mrs. Coleman in a very clean cut (the singing cop) show leaves KTLA (S)-Cowboy Scotland Yard 11 P. M. KFWB-IUf f.ow* 8:30 A. M. Thrills KNX-Zd f:. Murrow college setting format This show NBC and goes to CBS June 3 for KTSL (2)-Peter Potter KFAC-Mrtn«do 9:15 P. M. KLAC-News KFI (9)-News 7:45 P. M. r^^ KFI-Kd McConnell claims its most important vic- KNBH (4)-Howdy KTSL (2)-Perry Como KNBH (4)-Broadway F^r- KGE.t-IUrtUo U9U KGER-t red McCieskr KMPC-Businesa Reporter reasons of additional considera- Open House KFOX- Ml* JOB KHJ-KVOE-F. Lewn ICHJ. KVOE-Hnven tory in the writing, which has Doody KNBH (4)-Roberta KNX-Maugham Theater: been consistently strong and tions and S55S. Quinlan KECA <7)-Champagn9 • CHICAGO $75 »:30 P. M. 5:45 P. M. Party 5:1 C. P. M. "Of Human Bondage" steady, and the very amusing sit- 8 P. M. gCQ KLAC-J*ODOIM (9:20) KGER-Chlna'e voice KLAC (13)-Hltch. Post: KLAC (13)-Ciet« Rob. KECA-Armstroni. B. B. I. KFOX-Blbla Clasa "Feud of the Trail" KTSL (2)-"Hama" crta' World Report • NEW YORK ........ «JIOa KilTC-R. G. Swing KOEK-Brown Scaoolt uation comedy sequences with ON TV ... Tips for the family KNBH (4)-Lee Hogan KFl-Nlws KNX-Beulan KFAC-RoM Room Ronald Coleman as Todhuntor KFI (9) TV University 11:15 P. M. KFOX-UUIIC KHJ-KVOE-Army. Air 8:45 A. M. workshop will be the topic for (5:50) Presents K£CA-Clic*r Divli Sho«- Hall, President of Ivy College, KTLA (5)-H. Owens' KLAC (13)-Movie. • NEW ORLEANS ..„ $75 KQER-Woild Ne«-> KFWB-News KLAC-Rncini: News tonight's "Handy Hints" from 6:00 P. M. Royal Hawallins "Carnival Lady" K^JX-Tom Harmon KMPC-MUSIC .and his wife (Mrs. Coleman) who KNBH (4)-Cru3adtr KECA <7)-20 Questions 9:45 P. M. KFAC-Ur.ltv | always turns up with an un-aca KTLA (5) at 6:45 . Oh, that! Rabbit. Komedy Khib KFI (9)-"What Price 11:30 P. M. • HONOLULU $119 8:30 P. M. KNX-Club 15 KFAVB-News iciemic solution to these academic j g^t Dagmar drops by the fire- KECA (7)-Space Patrol Crlmo" KT'^A (5)-Final Edition KFWB-U. N. KGER-FellowsRIn Plus Tax problems. 6:15 P. M. KTTV (ID-Ellery 10 P. M. involved with! Quren TOMORROW OTHER FARES ON RE9UEST KUPC-Bta-l n( Sons 9 A. M. On the CBS side of the fence, KECA l7)-Tom Corbett, KLAO (13)-Clets KHJ-KVOK-Clyd. Bllttr "Mama" from KTSL (2) nt 8 . Space Cadet Santa KFI-Reporter KLAC-News. Crosby "Hear It Now," written and pro BoDerts World Report APRIL 28 CALL NOW 1ft 7030 KFWB-RK; Row« For raiervoflons Jrv'ff 7wV 100% PURE KEXA-imr: Hunlley KMPC-Dance Time 4:30 P. M. 8:15 P. M. KLAC (131— KNX-Crllf n( I3«nc:oft KNX-lu oTioch v.ire KTSL (2) N. T. G. li:00-Sat. Matinee. KFOX-Nn i KECA-Davld Colby Road to Fame KLAC (13)-Sports Ne'vs "Brothers of tho CALIFORNIA KFAC-Whca Bill KU£K-uay in Uune KNBH (4)-West. Serial. West" KGER-Gotptl Frlindl KHJ-Luve Mystery 8:30 P. M. East West Travel KF\VB-Ofne Norman KGER-Blble Club for reporting of the news goes to "Boots & Saddle" KTSL (2)-Man Asralr.st l:00-"Scattergood 5:4!1 P. M. KFOX-PhamrorX Band KFOX-Pentecoslal 'Hear It Now' of CBS. Here was mental health film will be shown KFI OJ-Armed Forces Crlmo Balnea" 139 WEST OCEAN KVOS-niac and That KVOE-Prourllv Hall on KTSL (2), introduced by Ed- Film KNBH (4>-V!ctor Borge 2:25-Baseball, Sacra- JCmC-S«tr, Bin«r KFAC-News a brilliant application of tape re- KTLA (5)-Beany mento-L. A. KMPC -Top Tupen 10:15 P. M. KECA (7)-Show Time, cording to the purposes of news ward R. Murrow at 9 ... With KECA. (7)-Foreman "Romeo & Juliet" 4:40-"Our Daily Bread" KHJ-Vlcto: Florae (5:55) KLAC-News 9:15 A. M. the strike still on, KFI (9) is still Phillips KKCA-BoD aar:»d KFI-VlrjIl PirhlfV KFOX-Oosnel Jov summary by which thp listener is KTTV (ID-Front Page KTLA (5)— Xri-Elm«r fntrtoa KECA-Ur. F. Bailn KFAC-Music filming, with tonight the "Span- KTTV (ID-Cap. Vldw Delective 10:00-News. Music KNX-Frtn< Oo« privileged to hear the news from 10:30-Tricks and Treats SERVICE WHILE YOU WAIT K>OX-FliMca>tir KHJ-Frank bdwardi 9:30 A. M. ish Hour" showing of "Laclron 6:45 P. M. KLAC (13)-Wrestling PHILCO OWNERS KNX-Bob Bison the very individual who made it. KNBH (4)-SUr!. Elmeri ll:00-5:00-FIlms 2537 AMERICAN AVINU1 KFAC-Mnalc KFI-Marlne Band The accolade in this case ROCS to De Etiquete" at 9:15 . Here's 9 P. M. i P. M. KHJ-To Vets that new character of Bergen's Peterson I KTSL (2)-Road to KECA (7j— KEL'A-let.'in C. Hill. U. 10:30 P. M. KNX-Grand Central the many network stations, to KTLA (51-Handy Hints Reason 10:00-Film, "Rawhide. Call about our special PHONE Wtavtr. KFI-Jonnny Murray KKWB-Kleanor CBS staff members, anil the "Effie" as she appears for the KECA (7)-Faye KNBH (4)-Henry - Romance" KI.AC-Garry Goo.i'\in Roosevelt first. time tonight on KTSL (2) Emerson Morgan ll:00-Falth Baldwin PHILCO pads warranty on 4-4584 flcent MoctaEU KHJ-Lnnesume Gni KCKR-RellHous skilled tape engineers who to- KLAC (13>-Thrilt of Theater XHJ-O. Htaller KE^'A-Lawrfnre Ufik KKOX-Gospel Frlenis cether have edited and macie DOS- at 9:30. • Your Life KT:,A (Si-Film, 11-30-FnuI Whlteman KNX-Carr.o) Cloakroom KNN-Starllcht Salute KLAC-Ton T;:ies "Vogues" your Television Receiver.

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