E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 110 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 154 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2008 No. 78 Senate The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was appoint the Honorable JON TESTER, a Sen- A story in newspapers all around the called to order by the Honorable JON ator from the State of Montana, to perform country today, based on an article by TESTER, a Senator from the State of the duties of the Chair. Jon Cowen and Dan Balz in the Wash- Montana. ROBERT C. BYRD, President pro tempore. ington Post, indicates that the Amer- PRAYER Mr. TESTER thereupon assumed the ican people are seeing what is going on. The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- chair as Acting President pro tempore. In polling done by the Post, along fered the following prayer: f with others, the political party in Let us pray. America best able to deal with the Eternal Spirit, the way, the truth, RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY country’s problems: Democrats, by a LEADER and the life, give our lawmakers 21-point advantage. It is obvious why. growth of ethical vision that, with the The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- We are trying to do something about passing of years, they may enter into pore. The majority leader is recog- the problems facing America today. We the fullness of faith. Uphold them in nized. are trying to do something about the their disappointments and make them f patient, even amid the unsolved mys- intractable civil war we are engaged in teries of life’s seasons. Let such robust SCHEDULE in Iraq. We have a situation where we have 50 million people with no health confidence in You shine through their Mr. REID. Mr. President, following insurance. We have the Earth’s tem- lives with such persuasive beauty that leader time, the Senate will resume it will dispel the darkness of fear and consideration of S. 2284, the flood in- perature rising every day. Our Earth doubt. Lift their lives from the battle surance legislation. There will be 60 has a fever. We need to do something zone of combative words to a caring minutes for debate equally divided and legislatively to try to bring down that community, where leaders commu- controlled in the usual form prior to a fever. We have an education system nicate esteem and respect to each series of votes. Senators should expect that is in crumbles. We want to do other. Lord, help them to trust in Your votes to begin shortly after 11, maybe something about educating the troops unfailing love and to rejoice at the un- 11:10 or thereabouts, in relation to the coming back from Iraq. We believe folding of Your merciful providence. following items: The McConnell these troops are just as gallant and he- We pray in the Name of the Prince of amendment on energy with a 60-vote Peace. Amen. roic as the troops who fought in World threshold; Reid amendment on energy War II. When the World War II troops f with a 60-vote threshold; passage of S. came home, they had the ability to go PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2284, the flood insurance legislation; to school and were educated, and it cloture on the motion to proceed to The Honorable JON TESTER led the happened. It changed America forever. H.R. 980, first responders collective Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: We think America could be changed bargaining. As a reminder, the Senate I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the forever again in the new paradigm we will recess from 12:30 until 2:15 today to United States of America, and to the Repub- now face with these men and women lic for which it stands, one nation under God, allow the weekly caucus luncheons to indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. meet. coming back by the tens of thousands and not being able to afford to go to f f school. APPOINTMENT OF ACTING OBSTRUCTIONISM PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE We know that the Presidential can- Mr. REID. Mr. President, we have didate of the Republicans, Senator The PRESIDING OFFICER. The talked now for several months about MCCAIN, says it is too generous. Well, clerk will please read a communication the number of filibusters. Today, this to the Senate from the President pro this piece of legislation, written by JIM will be raised to 71. Comments have WEBB, is generous, but it should be be- tempore (Mr. BYRD). been made by Republican leaders that The assistant legislative clerk read cause these troops returning from Iraq it doesn’t matter; we are just doing the the following letter: deserve our generosity. people’s business; we are only getting U.S. SENATE, done what is important. The Democratic advantage is going PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, The American people know what is to be pronounced come election time. Washington, DC, May 13, 2008. We have tried to work on a cooperative To the Senate: going on. It is obstructionism at its ze- Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, nith, at its best. The American people basis and have been denied that time of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby are beginning clearly to see this issue. after time after time. We know that ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S4047 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:10 May 14, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13MY6.000 S13MYPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with SENATE S4048 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 13, 2008 Bush’s disapproval rating in some polls we supported last year, will increase riod than the cost of gasoline. It goes is around 70 percent. Think about that. our energy independence and help to beyond that, obviously, to diesel fuel We have had a number of stories writ- bring down gas prices in the long term. and jet fuel costs. We see it every day. ten in just the last 10 days that the Some say opening new areas for pro- You drive down the road, and you lowest approval rating of any President duction won’t do anything in the short watch prices going up at the gas sta- in history is the President we are now term. But remember, if President Clin- tion. People ask Senators and Con- dealing with, a person who is a divider, ton had not vetoed legislation to open gressmen: You are supposed to be the not a uniter. The American people see ANWR 13 years ago, more than a mil- bigwigs here. You are supposed to be so this. Eighty-two percent of the Amer- lion barrels of oil would be flowing to influential. Why haven’t you done ican people feel our country is headed American consumers every single day. something; the gas prices are killing in the wrong direction. I would hope I believe it makes more sense for us to us. that during the next few months we produce these additional barrels here And they are. Whether it is a family have left in this legislative session, we at home with American jobs rather member commuting back and forth to can stop the increase in this number than begging OPEC to produce more, as work in downstate Illinois, trying to here and work to try to accomplish some on the other side have advocated. get to the State capitol, whether it is good results for the American people. I urge my colleagues to consider our a an over-the-road trucker spending al- We have so much that needs to be done. long-term energy goals and our need most $1,000 to fill up his rig with diesel We want to work to get this done. If we for increased energy independence and fuel, whether it is the CEO of an airline are able to accomplish things, there is vote in favor of this amendment. who has seen the worst first-quarter credit to go around for everyone, We can’t continue to ignore the No. 1 losses in the history of that airline be- Democrats and Republicans. But, of issue facing American families, and cause of the rise in the cost of jet fuel, course, the obstructionism we face has further delay is not an option that it is hitting everybody. I talked to a made it so that there is no credit to go Americans can afford. Some of our chiropractor over the weekend. She around, period. The American people friends on the other side of the aisle be- told me her practice was dying because have identified this, and rightfully so. lieve we need to ask OPEC to supply people didn’t want to drive 20 miles for f more oil, that we ought to be sending her services. They said: We will see you even more money and jobs to the na- every other week instead of every RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY tions of OPEC. But we take a different week. As you see, it is starting to LEADER approach. Our amendment would in- reach into every single area. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- crease the production right here at So what response do we have from pore. The Republican leader is recog- home in America. While some want to the Republican side? The response is nized. increase OPEC’s control over oil supply predictable and ineffective. Here is f by refusing an increase in American what they say: You know what we ought to do.
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