RATHNAVEL SUBRAMANIAM COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE (Autonomous) Sulur, Coimbatore - 641 402 AFFILIATED TO BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY, COIMBATORE Reaccredited with B + + Grade by NAAC AN ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Institution ANNUAL QUALITY ASSURANCE REPORT (AQAR) (2010- 2011) Submitted to NAAC by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) 242, B, Trichy Road, Sulur, Coimbatore – 641 402 Phone No.: 0422- 2687421, 2687603, Fax No: 0422-2687604 Web: www.rvscas.ac.in E.mail: [email protected] 1 ACTIVITIES IMPLEMENTED AS PER ACTION PLAN 2010-2011 A well designed plan of action for this academic journey pertaining to the academic year 2010-2011 was drafted by the IQAC based on the goals and objectives of the institution and keen focus was given to the execution process, all along the year. Meticulous thrusts were given to the infrastructure, academic developments and Research departments. The plan of action chalked out for 2010 – 2011 mainly concentrated on the following aspects. 1. Modification and upgradation of Curriculum. 2. Innovations in teaching learning processes. 3. Encouragement of Research, Consultancy and Extension activities. 4. Expansion of students support activities. 5. Strengthening qualities of Organization, Leadership and Governance. 6. Strengthening Infrastructure development 7. MOUs with various establishments. 8. Promotion of Total Quality Management 9. Improving English Communication Skills. 10. Library upliftment and 11. Inauguration of cricket academy and additional court for Tennis OUTCOME OF THE PLAN: 1. Modification and upgradation of Curriculum: Revamping of syllabus was done thoroughly in the disciplines of MBA, MCA, Tamil and subjects of Hindi, Malayalam and French. Other disciplines resorted to minor changes in their syllabi meanwhile planning for comprehensive revamping during the ensuring academic year. 2. Innovations in teaching learning processes: New teaching methods have been introduced by various departments, apart from the tradition bound chalk and talk method. The learning methods comprise of technology driven pedagogy process like power point presentation, LCD, Virtual labs, webinars and seminars, group discussions, guest lecturers, quiz etc. Each faculty member is advised to adopt atleast two new teaching methods in their lecturers. The method employed for a particular topic is recorded in the register book maintained for the purpose in the department. Industrial visits and industrial trainings have been made mandatory in the syllabi of many disciplines. 2 Another remarkable innovation was the implementation of comprehensive software to maintain a data-bank on the attendance, syllabi, time table, mode of teaching, internal marks, students counseling report and scholarly activities of the faculty members. 3. ENCOURAGEMENT OF RESEARCH, CONSULTANCY AND EXTENSION ACTIVITIES: During the current academic year (2010-2011) Microbiology department has received grants from UGC for two Major Research Projects (MRP). This is in addition to Six UGC Major ongoing projects since 2008-2009 in the departments of Microbiology, Business Management, Commerce, Computer Science, and Tamil. Moreover recently a grant of Rs. 12, 45,000/- has been sanctioned by the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi for the project proposal in Microbiology entitled “A study of prevalence, incidence and drug sensitivity pattern of Bovine mastitis bacterial pathogens among Dairy farms around Coimbatore district” submitted by Mr.R.Dhanabalan (Ref: DST/SSTP/TN/LSR/2010/123 dt: 19.03.2011). A good number of departments have incorporated mandatory mini projects in their syllabi. To encouraging Research activities the college sanctions a minimum of Rs.5000/-n under a scheme styled “college funded projects” to each of those departments coming out with a mini project proposal to be executed within an academic year. CONSULTANCY: Fruitful consultancy services have been offered by MBA, Catering Science, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Electronics and Foods & Nutrition departments. Life science departments have initiated contract consultancy programmes successfully. EXTENSION ACTIVITIES: All the departments have exhibited their passion for involvement in social activities. The spectrum of activities included visiting orphanages/ Old age homes, importing communication skills to school boys, Teaching vocabulary and grammar holding coaching classes to plus 2 students, conducting computer training programme for school students, importing technologies of vermicompost formation / biogas production to rural people and food safety & hygiene awareness programmes to village. 3 4. EXPANSION OF STUDENTS SUPPORT ACTIVITIES: A vast array of multipronged smart stakeholder focused activities were planned and executed through the measures listed below. 1. Godfather Counseling scheme. 2. Special coaching for slow learners. 3. Industrial Training 4. Industrial Visits. 5. Earn While you learn programme (EWYLP) 6. Formation of Anti-ragging and Grievance Cell. 7. Placement assistance. 8. Physical education patronage. 9. Quiz Programmes 10. Competitions. 11. Visit to old age homes. 12. E-magazine. 13. NSS / YRC / YOGA. 14. Financial support and concessions 15. Guest Leatures / Seminar/ Symposia / Conference / Workshop. 16. Personality development programme. 17. Entrepreneurship development programmes. 18. Sophisticated Multi Gymnasium. 19. Alumni Association Meet. 20. Student representation in Board of Studies and Academic council. 21. Social Awareness programmes. 22. Cultural Festivals. 23. COP Courses. 24. Supplimentary examinations. 4 5. STRENGTHENING QUALITIES OF ORGANIZATION, LEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCE. A meticulously devised annual academic strategic plan is in vogue with consistent fine tuning since 2008-2009 to enhance the quality aspects in all respects. The annual academic strategic plan has been bifurcated into a common plan and a department specific plan. The former is concerned with activities common to all the departments. The latter is concerned with activities exclusive to each department. The entire plan is based on the diverse components of NAAC seven cardinal criteria. The Management bestows intense attention to the implementation of the Annual strategic plan. The IQAC monitors the implementation process and a monthly report is sent to the Management, Secretary and Principal. Taking several valid parameters into account an Annual Performance review is scrupulously made to identity recognize and reward the suitable faculty members. The following features will reflect the measures that constitute for strengthening the qualitaties of organization, leadership and governance. Institution is well governed by a team of top Management. In addition to the Vision and Mission of the institution, Discipline –wise Vision / Mission and objectives have been formulated. Institutional group e-mail ids and instant pop messengers for instant communication. Membership in professional associations insisted for faculty members. Tie up with Industries and Foreign Universities forged. Performance Appraisal System involving student evaluation of staff, evaluation among colleagues, evaluation by HODs and evaluation by the Principal leading to identification of best faculties selected for suitable awards and rewards at the hands of academic dignitaries. Faculty Development Programmes. Faculty Organization and Development (FOD) Cell. Workshops for building leadership skills to staff and students. Admission Cell. Admission adhering to Government‟s merit list. 5 Department - wise indents for academic year. Academic College calendar. Idenification and Library Cards. Adoption of ISO policy. Annual Stock verification. Monitoring equipment maintenance. Online Lesson plans and work done report. Centralized e-attendance for students. Round the clock internet facilities for students and staff. Periodical interaction between staff and management. Sanctioning of Additional seats by the University for the academic year 2010-2011 as detailed below M.Sc Biochemistry - 6 (Total 36) M.Sc Applied Electronics - 6 (Total 36) M.Sc Foods & Nutrition - 6 (Total 36) M.Com - 8 (Total 48) Total Additional seats - 130 6. STRENGTHENING INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT: The following Infrastructure development work was carried out during 2010 – 2011. Installation of INFLIBNET facility for PG students and faculty members. Cricket academy inaugurated with laying of a new cricket pitch and a net for practices. An additional tennis court laid up. A lawn in front of the AC Seminar hall. Installation of fire extinguishers in various laboratories (20nos). New granite top tables for Biochemistry/Microbiology and Biotechnology laboratories. 120 dual desks facilitated for class rooms. Setting up 6 LCD projectors in class rooms for online teaching process. Construction of MCA computer laboratory. Construction of new toilets for students. 6 Construction of a new building for additional class rooms, adjoining the MBA block. Construction of Siruvani water tank for hostels. Expansion of hostel mess. Renovation of Microbiology lab with tiles laying and aluminium partitions made. Unit V Girls Hostel: Twenty additional rooms constructed. Construction of new Girls Hostel block with 14 rooms. Construction of an animal room for Biochemistry department. Kitchen solar power provided for cooking in hostel. Aluminium windows installed in commerce block. Storage racks and toilet provision in COE‟s office building. Three modern hostel rooms made for Chinese students.
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