Distributed Free Each Friday Since 2009 April 13, 2018 www.pcpatriot.com Locally Owned And Operated Middle school project said to be right on schedule By MIKE WILLIAMS phase. The Patriot The school board approved moving on to the construction document phase, the change in tennis Work on the county's new middle school is mov- court plans and an early grading package in which ing ahead right on schedule with grading work tar- grading for the entire school site will be done as geted to begin this summer. opposed to only the building site. Pulaski County's Board of Supervisors and The boards heard a report on school enrollment School Board heard an update on the middle school and attendance from School Superintendent Dr. project Monday evening during a four-hour joint Kevin Siers. meeting that saw a number of topics covered. Siers said enrollment as of March 31 stood at Representatives of RRMM Architects, Gay and 4,003 students - a drop of 105 from last school year. Neel and Skansa updated the boards on the school Declines in enrollment, Siers said, were recorded work. at Pulaski County High School, both Pulaski and The two boards learned several things about the Dublin middle schools, Riverlawn and Snowville project, including the news that it should be known elementary schools. Gains had been seen at both within 30 to 60 days whether a desired traffic signal Pulaski and Dublin elementary schools, and Critzer will be allowed at the Thornspring Road - Route 11 Elementary is holding steady this year compared to intersection at Cougar Express. The signal is key in last year. allowing that intersection to serve as the primary Siers attributed a portion of the decline to a rise entrance to Pulaski County Middle School. in home schooling. He said 20 additional students As design work has progressed, it was noted the are now being home schooled, raising the total in size of the middle school property has fluctuated the county to 186 students. He said that matches a from as much as 58 acres to a "shade under 53 statewide trend seen as more state approved online acres" currently. programs become available. The original school plans called for grading to Siers added there is a total of 341 students not allow for the construction in the future of six tennis included in the school system's average daily mem- WEEKEND WEATHER courts. The ground would be graded and made bership, which puts the county's school-aged popu- "pad ready," but no construction would take place lation at 4,344. SATURDAY SUNDAY for now. Designers, however, recommended elimi- Out of district placements, Siers reported, have nating three of the courts due to terrain issues. declined from 29 students last year to 22 this school Partly sunny, with a high near Showers likely, possibly a thun- Ben Motley of RRMM Architects said his firm year. 73. South wind 8 to 14 mph, derstorm after 5pm. Some of had completed the design development phase of the Siers reported what he calls a "pretty significant" with gusts as high as 23 mph. the storms could produce heavy project and was, with the school board's approval, Saturday Night - A chance of rainfall. High near 67. Chance ready to move into the construction document See SCHOOL, page A2 showers. Mostly cloudy, with a of precipitation is 80%. low around 59. Chance of pre- Sunday Night - Showers likely, cipitation is 30%. low 44, rain chance 90%. Free Clinic announces new dental care initiative Special to The Patriot by Jim Kelly, clots. People with gum disease are nearly twice as President BOD Free Clinic of Pulaski County likely to suffer a fatal heart attack and about three times more likely to suffer a stroke. Most everyone at some point in their lifetime has As more is learned about the connections experienced some type of a problem with either between good dental health and good overall their teeth or gums and possibly both at the same health, the need for increased dental care has time. Dental care can be both expensive and diffi- become a major health concern in Pulaski County, cult to find for those without a regular dentist or the New River Valley and beyond. dental insurance. In the most recent Community The Free Clinic of Pulaski has, for many years, Health Needs Assessment released by the Carilion referred its patients to the dental clinic in NRV Medical Center, area residents identified adult Christiansburg, but as the demand increases then so dental care as "the most difficult service to get in does the wait time for patients to be seen. People the community." As a result, well over one fourth of with dental emergencies are left with few, if any, NRV residents reported that they do not go to a den- options to be treated locally. The Board of Directors tist for regular care and more than half have not vis- of the Free Clinic at its December 2017 meeting ited a dentist within the last year. decided to pursue ways in which the clinic could The Surgeon General of the United States has facilitate treatment for patients with dental emer- indicated in a report on Oral Health in America that gencies. A restricted fund was created by the board clear links exist between oral infections and other to address this situation and has since been aug- health issues including diabetes, heart disease, pregnancy difficulties, clogged arteries, and blood See CLINIC, page A2 Page A2 - The Patriot - Friday, April 13, 2018 School Clinic Continued from page A1 Continued from page A1 increase in attendance this year at school and surrounding property, monthly meeting this past mented by a generous private Area Transit system, will cover county schools. and using the money raised for Tuesday. donor. Dr. Rick Mansell volun- the costs of traveling to and from Average attendance is up by capital improvement needs with- The State Police will be con- teered to establish the framework appointments. nearly a half of a percent. in the school system. ducting similar studies at each for this new board initiative. Dr. After emergency situations are "With 4,000 students and 180 While no decision was made county school by the time school Mansell and wife Dr. Carole addressed, patients can then be school days, half a percent is a Monday night, it appeared mem- starts next fall, Siers said. Pratt both have retired from the referred to the Federally pretty significant increase," Siers bers of both boards and County The assessments are part of an practice of dentistry but are not Qualified Health Care Facility in said. "Typically, your goal for a Administrator Jonathan Sweet effort by the school system to strangers to donating their time Christiansburg for long term year is one tenth of a percent were onboard with the idea of make sure security and plans are and skills to helping many peo- dental care. The FQHCF has increase," he said. liquidating the property and put- up to speed in the school system, ple across Virginia receive much recently opened a satellite office The future of the former ting the money back into the and that all schools are on the needed care. Rick is the immedi- in Dublin but dental services are Claremont School property was school system for capital needs. same page on how to prevent and ate past president of the clinic not yet available. discussed. Siers said the school School safety was also on the address any potential threats to board where he has given many A grant has been applied for to system no longer has a need for meeting agenda. local schools. years of service. establish a dental clinic in the old elementary school and Siers said the Virginia State By personally visiting nine Dublin and the Free Clinic Board would be seeking permission to Police has completed a security Siers said discussions have been held with local law enforce- practicing dentists in Pulaski of Directors has given its support either sell the property or convey assessment at PCHS and the County and discussing the need to the proposal. Both programs, it back to the board of supervi- school board was due to hear the ment agencies and that next year evacuation drills will be conduct- for emergency care, Dr. Mansell even when fully operational, will sors. results of that study during a was able to receive commitments not meet all of the dental care Siers suggested selling the closed session at its regular ed at each school to make sure designated areas are sufficient from all nine to see patients on a needs of the residents of Pulaski for parents to pick up their chil- rotating basis. County who do not have a fami- dren should an incident occur Practitioners at the clinic will ly dentist but these are steps in a that requires an evacuation of make referrals for their patients positive direction. students. when the need to do so is identi- Uninsured adults in Pulaski fied. Mrs. Vickie Jones, LPN County between the ages of 18 Siers said the school system's will coordinate connecting and 64 that are not currently capital needs plan would likely patients with participating den- patients should call Pulaski Free need to be revised based on the tists in order to ensure an even Clinic at 540-980-0922 and set security assessment done by the distribution of cases. up an appointment for eligibility State Police. Initially, each of the nine den- screening. Individuals must be Assistant Superintendent Chris tists will see two patients per patients of the free clinic to par- Stafford also reviewed for the month which can provide up to ticipate in the dental initiative as supervisors the school board's eighteen individuals with emer- outlined.
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