to - MANCHESTER HEKALD. Monday. Oct. 7. 1985 IHANCHESTER FOCUS SPORTS WEATHER Fourth-graders take High school class I Forte for Cacace Fair, cool tonight; TAG SALE SIGN state-ordered tests readies 50th reunion 11 is scoring goals warmer Wednesday ... page 3 1 ... page 11 I I ... page 141 ... page 2 Are thinos piling up? Then why h a v e a TAG m E ? SMI The best way to announce it is with a Heraid Tag Saie Ciassified Ad. When you piece your ad. you ii receive ONE TAG SALE SiGN h R Et compiiments of The Heraid. STOP IN AT OUR OFFICE, 1 HERALD SQ., MANCHESTER Manrtealfr______* MrralJiTiiaoHov/ Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Tuesday, Oct. 8, 1985 — Single copy; 25<t MISCELLANEOUS ■71 ICARS/TRUCKS ■ 71 ICARS/TRUCKS FOR SALE I'M for s a l e I BUSINESS A SERVICE DIRECTORY ■'■Ifor s a le Child's Maple Top School Free To Good Home — 8 Desk — Wrought Iron month old Springer Spa­ Residents legs, folding seat. $45. niel mix, great compan­ ion, excellent with child­ PAINTING/ [ ^ j U j U m i G / 1979 Red Honda Accord — Radio monitor Phone 649-7375.0 ___ ren. Call after 6pm, im m PAPERING CONTRACTING 4 door. Air, high mileage, Spring Board for In 646-5160.O 84 Cavalier CS Wagon — runs well. $1,812 or best say plan ground swimming pool. Automatic, Power steer­ offer. 633-2479 between 5- $95. 646-0487 after 6pm.o Free To Good Home — Odd lobs. Trucking. Need) Fixing? Repairs John Deerr ■— Pointing Forrond Remodeling — ing, power brakes, air 7pm.___________________ Golden Retriever mix, Home repolrs. You nome around the hoine? Paint­ contractor. Interior, exte­ Cabinets, roofing, gut­ conditioning, rear defros­ Electric Lawn Mower — ter, low mileage, AM/FM 1976 Lincoln M ark IV — says American great watchdog, very It, we do It. Free esti­ ing or decks buHt? You'll rior, Insured. Quality ters, room additions, ‘ridiculous’ ■ New condition. $99 or best playful. Would make a mates. Insured. 643-0304. find the help you need at work, off season rotes. decks, oil types of remo­ cassette, mint condition. Yellow, reconditioned, offer. Call 643-6091 after great farm dog. Needs p rices you con a ffo rd . Coll Coll 649-3248 otter Spm. deling and repairs. FREE $7,500. 742-5733. new tires, sunroof, air 3:30pm.o______________ room to roam. Call 742- LawAmowers repolred - .Mlork 429-7292, evenings. estimates. Fully Insured. conditioning. $4,500. Call By John F. Kirch 649-0801. llllng Jacket, Large, 8843, keep trying. Free pick up and delivery. BULOMe/ Telephone 643-6017, otter Herald Reporter green, (of course). Good 10 percent senior dis­ Snow Plowing — Com­ CONTRACTING 6pm , 647-8S09. kiiied on iiner condition. $15. 643-1374.Q count. Expert service. mercial only. Dependa­ I CELEBRITY CIPHER Manchester's proposed new Free estimates. Economy ble. Insured. Answering Robert E. Jarvis, Calabrtty CIphar cryptograma ara craatad from quolatkwis by famoua Comprehensive Plan of Develop­ By David Zenlan < shortly afterwards, the gunmen Floor Tile — Tan/white Lawn Mower, 647-3660. Service, Roy Hardy. 646- Leon CleszvnskI Builder Building-Remodeling paopla, pM t and praaant. Eact> lattar In tha dpbar standa for ment has come under tire from 7973. a n o ttta r. Todty'9 etu%: I «qual$ W. United Press International warned Syria not to send any Pebble Pattern. 160 plus — New homes, additions, Specialist. Additions, gar­ residents of the southern part of Howkes Tree Service — by CONNIE WIENER armed men toward the ship. " I f sq.ft. $50 or best offer. remodellna. rec rooms, ages, roofing, siding, kit­ town who say they are gearing up 643-7069.O_____________ Gem Electronic Cord Or­ Bucket Truck & Chipper. BEIRUT. Lebanon — Palesti­ any armed people are among the garages, kitchens remo­ chens, bathrooms, re- to "stop this ridiculous plan." gan — Can be played by Stump Removal. Free Es­ deled, ceilings, both tile, placement “ OCI VEDXAR BKC TYKC nian pirates holding 420 hostages group heading our way we will be Full Length Winter Coat notes or numbers. $50. timates. Special consider­ Hurrlcan4i dormers, roofina. Resi­ windows/doors. 643-6712. Beverly Malone of Prospect aboard a hijacked luxury linersaid forced to carry out our previous — Size 16, beige poplin, Phone 649-7406.O atio n fo r E ld e rly and Han- Damage? dential or commercial. QCBSVDOSP VEBX B Drive has been meeting with today they "executed" an Ameri­ threat to blow up the ship,” the man mode fur collar, dlcopped. 647-7553. 6494291. lining. $17. 649-0632. No cleaning Job Is too neighbors who live just south of can hostage and will kill more message said. R8XKDRC — CJNCUV lECX Interstate 384 to inform them of Delivering rich loom — 5 big or too smell. Call unless Western diplomats agree to Grape grinder, barrel, RECREATIONAL Carpentry and remodel­ HEATMG/ how the new plan will affect their negotiate, radio-monitoring agen­ yards, $65 plus ta x . Sand, Al’e. 647-7368. ing services — Complete bottles, $125. Crocks, ITEMS________ PLUMBING ZYS’KC IBDVDXA OYK VEC property. She said about 400 to 500 cies said. grovel, & stone. 643-9504. home repairs and remo­ THE INCIDENT MONDAY kegs, barrels, spigots. 2-5 i I people have attended various The seven hijackers, who are dellna. Quality work. Ref­ WAS the Middle East’s first gallon carboys, crates. Set of Duck Pin Balls and meetings since June. demanding the release of 50 643-2880._______________ Trees E>own F ro m Storm erences, licensed and In­ Fogarty Brothers — Bo- LDWR VV NYTC EYTC.” — hijacking involving civilians since case. $20. Keep trying. — Free estimates for I^PAMTiNG/ sured. Coll 6464165. throom remodellna; In­ "This is a tremendous area." Palestinians from Israeli jails, June, when Lebanese Shiite Mos­ Live Roosters For Sale — 647-1238.0 wood ond brush. Call stallation water heaters, WYSA PBKRYX. Malone said of southern Manches­ took over the Italian liner Achille lems seized a TWA jet, killed one 5-7 lbs, $2 each. Call days, 649-7757, 742-5947. garbage dls->osols; faucet ter. " I t ’s not like a developer Lauro Monday and headed to Dumas Electric— Having PREVIOUS SOLUTION: "There is always a barrier American and held 39 others 649-7518. __________ repairs. 6494539. Vlso/M- Electrical Problems? between me and any man or woman who does not like requesting a zone change for one Beirut, threatening to kill the hostage for 17 days. Leoves, Leaves, More Nome your own price — Need A lorge or o small osterCord accepted. dogs." — Elign Glasgow. small block. The town seems to hostages one by one. The leader of the hijackers, in a Leaves. Schedule your Father emd son. Fast, Repair? We Specialize In lean In the favor of the developer. I As they crossed the Mediterrean TAG SALES leof Cleon up now. Also radio message monitored by Israel dependable service. Residential Work. Joseph Keep your TV picture don’t know where it's written in the hijackers radioed Syrian au­ glvino snow removal esti­ Pointing, Paperhonglng Radio, said, "The first to pay with Oumos. Fully Licensed. sharp with frequent clean­ stone that Manchester has to thorities to say they would an­ Two Cute Playful Kittens Yard Sale— October 12th, mates. Coll Partners Resi­ & RemovOI. Coll 6465761. Free Estimotes. 6465253. their lives will be the American ing of the screen. Use o grow” . nounce the name of the first hostages " looking for good homes. 7am to 5pm. Contractor dential Services, 644-0415. mild soap with water or o Wefcome back Coll 649-6480 after 11am. moving. Used and new Polntlna and P<n>erhang- Malone said that the town victim. The pirates said they would All types remodtiing or bit of ommonlo In water. Michael Gurdus. a monitor for surplus material. Odd Ing — Exterior and Inte­ repairs — Complete kit­ Planning Department has said Three of the Atlantis crew members talk At left is Robert Stewart, mission continue killing hostages until Be sure to dry thoroughly. Israeli radio, said the hijackers lots. Plywood, lumber, rior, ceilings repolred. chens, baths, goraaes, od- It you hove on extra many times that it wants to and greet friends and family members specialist. Ronald J. Grabe, center, rests U.S., West German and Italian plumbing, doors, roof References, fully insured. dltlons, dormers, ambassadors agreed to negotiate threatened to blow up the ship if it PUPPY television sef no one preserve the rural nature of the as thay arrived at Ellington field in hand on his daughter, Hilary, and crew shingles and .nuch more. Thinking Fence? Think Quality work. Martin porches, decks. No lob watches, why not ex­ area. She said the department is their demand for the release of 50 was approached by other vessels TRAINING MIco. All types, tree esti­ 5 Glen Road,(rear), Mottsson, evenings, 649- too large or small. Coll change for cosh with o contradicting itself by proposing a Houston Monday after successfully commander Karol J. Bobko is next to Palestinians from Israeli jails. or planes. Italian warships were Manchester. mates. Coll 6464226. 4431. W e Feature L o rry , 649-3985. low-cost od In Classified? higher density area for the south­ completing a classified military mission. them. reportedly on the way toward the Puppy Classes start­ PENNZOIL WHITE HOUSE SPOKESMAN ship today, Israel radio said. ing October 10th at ICARS/TRUCKS ern part of town, which is zoned Products mostly Rural Residence and Resi­ LARRY SPEAKES said "perhaps Gurdus said the hijackers, the East Hartford FOR SALE KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE ®by Larry Wright dence AA. Buckland rival files plans a dozen, less than 20 " Americans whose leader identified himself as YWCA.
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