PORTLAND I MORNING, SEPTEMBER 5, 1877. $8.00 PER IN AL VANCE. TABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862.--YOL. 15. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY ___TERMS ANNUM, entertainments. MISCELLANEOUS _MISCELLANEOUS._ MISCELLANEOUS. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. THE PRESS. Horse Shoeing, WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPT. 5. New Fair. GRAND OPENING SILK HATS. by g. YOUNG A CO., Practical Ilor-f New Fair, England SKjSliFT Shoer*. 70 Pearl St. Price 81.30 per Ht England We do not read anonymous otters ana communi- Black. Brown and Nutria, <fi*Q PIO cations. The name and SPECIAL TIME TABLE tbe Latest for Fall. Booksellers and Stationers. address of the writer are In OF U1 cases HOYT & FOGG, No. 91 Middle Street. indispensable, not necessarily for publication On the Deering Line for Fair Haring jn,t retnrned but as a guaranty of good faith. And your 'Old from market we can Week. We cannot undertake to retarn or com- Silk Hat will buy show you a large variety Book Binders. preserve PROGRAMME. Horse Cars will leave Market Square for tlie Fair FALL AND WINTER lie latest Dun- or Sott and Stiff Hats, WM. A. QUINCY, Room 11, Printer*’ munications that are not used. Grounds during Fair Week as follows: lap Style for Driving Gloves, Canes, Exchange, No. Ill Exchange St. Fad and Winter. Evert Trunks,Bags&cCalland SMALL A No. 33 Plan* regular attache of the Fbess is furnished A M 6.15 A'M 6.30 in 613 examine before purch’s’g. SHACKFORD, 6.45 7. 7.05 Street. with a Card certificate countersigned by Stanley T. 7.40 8. THIRD DAY. 7.20 - Pullen, Editor. All railway, steamboat and hotel 7.40 8. 8.20 Carpenters and Builders. C L-O-T-H-I-N-GJ! managers will confer a favor upon us 8. 8.20 8.40 by demanding 9. THE WHITNEY Ac Pearl credentials of every person to our 8.20 8.40 MEANS, Street, ap- claiming represent 9.20 HATTER, the 8.40 9. MERRY, Park. posite lournal. Wednesday, Sept. 5. 9. 9.20 9.40 087 Middle Street. 9.20 9.40 10. BY eep3 SIGN OF THE GOLD HAT. MW&Ftf Furniture—Wholesale and Betall. 9.40 10. 10.20 REPUBLIC AIT ITOmiTATIOITS. 10. 10.20 10.40 GEORGE A. WHITNEY, No. 30 Ex. 10.20 10.40 11. change Ml. Upholdering of all kinds 10.40 11. 11.20 done to order* FOR GOVERNOR: AT THE PARK. 11. 11.20 11.40 & 11.20 11.40 12. G. D. B. FISK GO, > FURNITURE ! Plumbers. 11.40 12. PM 12 20 The will be to visitors at 8 o’clock a. m. gates open 12. P M 12.20 12.40 JAMES MILLER, No. »1 Federal Slree SELDEN CONNOR p M 12.20 12.40 1. At 9 o’clock A. M-, the Awarding Committees will 12.40 1. 1.20 Beal Estate of Augusta. commence their examinat-ons in all classes on ex- 1. 1.20 1.40 IF ACT S I Agents. hibition at the Perk. 1.20 1.40 2. THE WORLD RENOWNED JOHN C. PROCTER, No. 93 Exckange Street. Exhibitors mnst have their stock in roadiness at 1.40 2. 2.20 Do to Work. 2. 2.20 2.40 the time and place named or it will not he examined All persons in need of Medium or Common FURNITURE, will 2.20 2.40 3. Fine, Watches, Jewelry and Silrer Ware, The few days before the State 2.40 3. 3.20 find our in finish and remaining stock far more Extensive. Superior Styles, J. A. MERRILL A 139 Middle St At 9 o’clock Trained Steers and Pulling Oxen will 3. 3.20 3.40 CO., election should be devoted to hard work by 3.20 3.40 4. quality than at any other Store in and not excelled in New 3, A. MERRILL. A. KEITH. be shown on the grounds. LOW PRICED CLOTHIERS. Portland, the Republicans of Maine. Town 3.40 4. 4.20 England. organiza- 4. 4.20 4.40 tions should be perfected, absent voters got 4.20 4.40 5. Our are more better Warerooms convenient, goods displayed, having home and 4.40 5, 5.20 more HOTELS. arrangements made tor getting the • departments, each novelties not to be found elsewhere AFTERNOON TRIALS OF SPEED 5. 5.20 5.40 containing disabled and the indifferent to the polls. 5.20 5.40 6. AT THEIR PALATIAL STORE in the city. Oar facilities for manufacturing are more complete, we 5.40 6. 6.20 There seems to be a that *■»« No- 3> #*30, 2.38 Clan, 81.25, $«3, general impression 6. 6.20 6.10 produce more goods, employ many more hands than any other UNITED STATES HOTEL, 855, 825. the Democrats are not much ot a 6.20 6.40 7. Furniture Establishment in the State and OUR PRICES ARE, AND making 6.40 7. 7.20 this and that it is not s PORTLAND. ME. tight year, worth while Burrell & Shaw. Somerset Mills, b Somerset 7. 7.20 7.40 SHALL BE AS LOW AS THE LOWEST, with Portland, Knox. 7.20 7.10 8. compared for Republicans to put themselves to much J E Noyes, Portland, br m Nellie Sherman- 7.40 8. 8 30 Boston or New York markets. UNDER THE PREBLE MARKET The best Located House for Business Hen trouble to vote. But C E Mosher, Lawrence, blk g Nigger Baby. 8.40 9. 9 20 HOUSE, SQUARE. Please and appearances are de- Hnfns Bean. blk m examine our extended large] new Factory Uollowell, Lady Young. 10. 10.35 I. Warerooms, 10. HEATBD BY STEAM. ceptive wher9 Democrats are and S W Berry.Biddeford, b s Emery Feamaught. immense concerned, In addition to the above time table extra cars stock of goods before elsewhere, Somerset m Nellie purchasing unless we are on our we have a EGSilWLawrence, Mills, will be run all guard may Knox. in sufficient number to accommodate Terms hereafter will be but $2.00 per day. who desire to reach the Fair Grounds with the On or two and a J Rankins, may Monday, Sept. 3d, 1877, county number of legislative Wolfboro.s'g Honest'Lyon. utmost promptness and sepldtf S ch expedition. WOLCOTT & CO., Proprietors. districts stolen from ns. In some Jennings, Bangor, g Anodyne. At our doors to the sections ot Clark Spaulding, Lawrence, b g Peter. the rising ol the Sun we shall throw open public. deodtf angto_ the state the Democracy are weakened by It the Sun don’t rise we shall open just the same. WALTER COREY & CO., the over the PURSE NO. 4,8300,2.33 Clan, 8150, ADAiVIS HOUSE, quarrel acceptance-letter of their 873, 843. 830. nominee, hut in other sections the dissatis- SO Free TEMPLE HO POSTPONEMENT OM ACCOUNT OF WEATHER. Street, STREET, faction is so trifling that it will not Injure S Witbam, Waterville, b g Ayer. E K Woodman. Gardiner, Dr s Knox Boy. their power lor working mischief. In off D. 8. RICE. • F D Harmon, Gardiner, blk s Black Pivot. PORTLAND J U. HOOPER. iPORTLi-A-JNTD, ME, years they have a way of out E C Mosher, Gardiner, ch g Walter. sept__dtl “coming W H Irish, Portland, blk m Black Bose, Out. l strong.” There is something inexpressibly Geo H Bailey, Portland, blk s Phil Sheridan. Closing WE ARE READY W H Mathews, Searsport, bs Young BuchaDan. E. S. ANNUAL SALE NEW THROUGHOUT. fascinating to them In the opportunity to MERRILL, steal an and ac- OF THE FURNITUBE_ election, they never fail to avail The in must 2 Having completed taking I am horses each class be ready at o’clock Between Preble Iloiise'and U. S. Hotel, pleased to announce that, since leas- themselves of it. p. m. count of we have marked SIXTY THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS ing this well known Hotel, I have re.fnr- Stock, Retail Dealer in nishedit throughout with NEW FURNI- The Republicans of Maine can do much down certain lines of goods to CARPETS and and TURE, BEDDING, work in the few close much below cost. Worth of Elegant Made, New Style, MEN’S, BOY’S and CHILDREN’S ,_ishall hope by strict attention to the comfort days before election. Indeed, Exhibition in the Hall, day and t Fuel and pleasure of my guests to merit a share of public their best work has always been done in the Goods patronage. Evening. YICKERY & LEIGHTON. READY MADE GARMENTS. ALL NEW, ALL HANDSOME, IN PARIS last week of the campaign. If they do their Fancy Dry ALONE, One of the best locniiona In the near city, Now and do not suffer At 9 o’clock committees in City Hall will be called opening Shetland Floss, Shetland and Ger- Banka, Poat Office and principal Whole duty themselves to he be- 431 & 433 Congress Street, ALL PERFECT NEW NEW mantown Wool and Cashmere Yarns in all the aale Ileuaea. Electric Pleaaaut and books of entries will be delivered, and the FITTING, DESIGNS, light Bella, into idleness a ana new shades. trayed by mistaken sense of Awarding Committees will commence their ex- 1,300,ooojbottl.es. Rooms, Comfortable Beda and Excellent Block. Table. wm aminations in all the classes. Farrington NEW COLORS, ALL SIZES, * svvuuuj mcj ic-ciccu v*uvc*uur vuuuur August 23. au21dtf SHAPES, Novelties in Ties and Lace Goods. BOYER S Carriages at all trains. TERMS 8'J.OO PER DAY. by an old-fashioned majority and lea>» th^ Worsteds IS Cts. A. S. ALL GRADES, ALL PRICES, Bergmann’a Zephyr OARMBIiITR ALLEN, Propiietor, enemy no chance to boast even of a per ounce.
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