E1782 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks September 28, 1996 104th Congress. In fact, my colleagues on the veterans from taking advantage of JTPA serv- this time in international fora as the Former other side of the aisle have talked endlessly ices. Additionally, we are in the midst of a Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia [FYROM], about our national responsibility to support major redesign of our national labor exchange has defied the odds and emerged as a viable and assist veterans in their efforts to obtain and job training programs. My bill would en- state. FYROM has a democratically elected employment and training. However, to quote sure that our country's long-standing commit- government, and with international assistance the Bard, their rhetoric is largely ``much ado ment to providing priority services to veterans seems to have avoided much of the turmoil about nothing,'' and their legislative commit- seeking employment and training assistance that has afflicted the rest of the former Yugo- ment to veterans in no way matches the pas- would be protected and strengthened. H.R. slavia. sion of their words. 3938 would also establish, for the first time, an The United States can justifiably take some For over 50 years the House of Representa- effective appeals process for veterans who be- pride in Macedonia's success. For the past 3 tives deemed veterans' issues as near sa- lieve their rights have been violated under cer- years, American troops have served in the credÐand far too important for partisan bick- tain veterans' employment-related programs. international peacekeeping force that monitors ering and cynicism. Expecting that this biparti- Finally, I introduced H.R. 4080, the Veter- the border with Serbia. Together with Danish san tradition would continue, I introduced ans' Entrepreneurship Promotion Act of 1996. and Swedish troops, these forces have served three bills to protect, strengthen, and expand The purpose of this measure is to promote as an important deterrent to ensure that the employment opportunities for our Nation's vet- and assist the creation, development, and Bosnian conflict did not migrate into the south- erans. Unfortunately, the Republican chairman growth of small businesses owned by disabled ern Balkans. American diplomats helped re- of the Veterans' Affairs Subcommittee on Edu- veterans and other eligible veterans. Under solve, or at least dramatically reduce, the cation, Training, Employment, and Housing, this bill, a Governmentwide procurement pro- longstanding differences the Government of which has jurisdiction over these measures, gram would be established to assist eligible Greece has had with the Skopje government. chose not to act on any of this legislation. veteran-owned small businesses to receive American foreign aid and technical assistance, H.R. 3538, the Veterans' Job Protection Act, Federal Government contracts. For the first including assistance provided by the University H.R. 3938, the Veterans' Training and Em- time, certain veteran-owned small businesses of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Business Ad- ployment Bill of Rights Act of 1996, and H.R. would have a real opportunity to become sup- ministration, has provided an important cata- 4080, the Veterans' Entrepreneurship Pro- pliers of needed goods and services through lyst to develop entrepreneurs in Macedonia. motion Act of 1996, are all significant bills that access to contract award opportunities in the Many obstacles remain. Greeks and Mac- would make significant differences in the lives multi-billion dollar Federal market. Additionally, edonians continue to have a number of dif- of thousands of veterans. These bills are seri- because the availability of adequate capital for ferences, including the final name of the coun- ous businessÐthey are not ``much ado about business startup and expansion can be an ob- try. Ethnic Albanians has serious concerns nothing''Ðand I hope that in the 105th Con- stacle to the development and growth of vet- that their special needs are not always ade- gress they will not fall victim to the hypocrisy eran-owned small businesses, my bill would quately considered. And, there always is the surrounding veterans' matters we have experi- establish a guaranteed loan program for these grave risk that a crisis in Kosovo would spill enced this year. concerns in the Small Business Administration over into Macedonia. It is important that our veterans fully under- [SBA]. H.R. 4080 would also provide eligible These potential problems notwithstanding, stand and appreciate what they have lost as veteran small business owners with entre- Macedonia rightfully deserves praise. As Cord a result of the destruction of the historical bi- preneurial training, counseling, and manage- Meyer noted in a recent editorial, ``For the first partisan support for veterans. Accordingly, I ment assistance. I believe our Government time in many years, it is possible to look with will briefly describe the bills which the Repub- has a responsibility to help the veterans of this some optimism at the future of the southern lican leadership chose not to support. First, I country because of the sacrifices they have Balkans.'' This Member would ask that Mr. introduced H.R. 3538, the Veterans' Job Pro- made in the service of their country. I also be- Meyer's editorial entitled ``Achieving Stability tection Act. This measure responded to a re- lieve that the men and women who have Macedonia's Way'' from the September 26, cent Supreme Court ruling which inadvertently served in our Armed Forces are a valuable 1996, edition of the Washington Times be in- eliminated job protections for veterans and national resource whose skills and abilities cluded in the RECORD. members of the Selected Reserve whose civil- must be absorbed by, and integrated into, the [From the Washington Times, Sept. 26, 1996] ian employment is with a State government. civilian workforce. In order to facilitate this ACHIEVING STABILITY MACEDONIA'S WAY My bill would restore reemployment rights for transfer of talent, however, we must provide these individuals. It would clarify that States (By Cord Meyer) our service members the tools, training, and On September 8, Macedonia celebrated the must abide by the Federal law which requires job protection they need to reenter the non- employers to reestablish veterans in their fifth anniversary of its vote for an Independ- military workplace. Finally, I believe veterans ent and sovereign Macedonia, as opposed to former jobs when they return from military are special and unique members of our Amer- remaining part of the Socialist Federal Re- service. Because H.R. 3538 has not been en- ican family. They have defended us all and public of Yugoslavia. It is the only former acted, members of the Selected Reserve who have protected the freedoms we all value. I member of the Yuguslav Republic that man- were activated for service in Bosnia could hope that in the next Congress we can work aged to declare independence peacefully and have problems when they return home and at- together as Americans, not as Republicans or without bloodshed. Even Slovenia had 10 tempt to reclaim their civilian jobs if they are days of war before it broke free. Democrats, to develop responsible, effective, Having survived an attempt to assassinate State employees. We hope and expect that meaningful policies affecting our Nation's vet- the Selected Reservists now in Bosnia will him last October, the 79-year-old president, erans. Kiro Gligurov, has made an extraordinary re- soon return to the United States. It will be a f covery from his serious wounds, is now back dismal ``welcome home'' if their civilian jobs in full control of the presidency, and presides are not available to them because some in FORMER YUGOSLAVIAN REPUBLIC over a coalition government. Having sur- Congress chose not to protect them. OF MACEDONIA: NATION-BUILD- vived the glancing blow of United Nations Under H.R. 3938, the Veterans' Training ING IN A HOSTILE NEIGHBOR- sanctions aimed at Serbia and a year's em- and Employment Bill of Rights Act of 1996, HOOD bargo on its trade with Greece, the Macedo- disabled veterans and veterans who have nian economy is beginning to feel results served in combat areas would have the oppor- from the rigorous privatization program that HON. DOUG BEREUTER Mr. Gligorov has insisted upon. tunity, for the first time, for the first time, to OF NEBRASKA Mr. Gligoruv can also claim a large share fully participate in all federally funded training IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of the credit for the timely deployment in programs. Too often, veterans have been un- Friday, September 27, 1996 1993 of the U.N. peacekeeping forces in Mac- derserved by these national programs. For ex- edonia's Northern border with Serbia. The ample, although veterans accounted for ap- Mr. BEREUTER. Mr. Speaker, as the 104th assignment of 500 U.S. troops and 600 Nordic proximately 24 percent of all dislocated work- Congress comes to its conclusion, this Mem- forces as an effective tripwire to discourage ers, only 14 percent of those trained under the ber would take a moment to point out a major, aggression remains a classic example of Job Training Partnership Act [JTPA] program unsung success story in American foreign pol- timely preventive diplomacy. It would be a serious mistake to withdraw these forces icy. For 5 years the Former Yugoslav Republic for dislocated workers were veterans. Veter- prematurely, as some of Congress are urging. ans' service organizations have told us that has survived in a fragile and tenuous manner. Another example of effective diplomacy some program managers mistakenly assume Surrounded by adversaries and facing an em- was the agreement reached last September veterans receive similar services from the De- bargo from Greece, the tiny Balkan State of by Macedonia with its southern neighbor, partment of Veterans' Affairs and discourage Macedonia, which is formally recognized at Greece.
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