Benton Harbor WKJF -FM -Oct 15, 1961: 92.9 mhz; 100 kw. Ant Michigan Radio 895 ft. Dups AM 75% Stereo. Format: MOR. Spec prog: WAUS(FM)- Licensed to Berrien Springs. See Farm 8 hrs wkly. Rates same as AM. South Bend, Ind. Caro WHFB(AM) -Sept. 22, 1947: 1060 khz; 5 kw -D, 2.5 kw -CH. Box 608 (49022). (616) 927 -3581. Palladium WIDL(FM)- Listing follows WKYO(AM). Publishing Co. Net: ABC /I, Michigan Farm Radio. Rep: PRO Radio, Michigan Spot Sales. Format: Adult con - WKYO(AM) -May 19, 1962: 1360 khz; 1 kw-D, 1 kw- Dearborn temp. Spec progs: Farm 31/2 hrs wkly. Willard J. Ba- N, DA-2. 101 N. James St. (48723). (517) 673 -2136. Radio. Format: nyon, pres; Kent Slocum, gen mgr; Randy Jung, coml Tuscola Bcstg Co. Net: Michigan Farm WHFR(FM) -Not on air, target date unknown: 89.3 hrs mgr; Stan Banyon, prog dir & prom mgr; Steve Messer, MOR. Spec prog: Farm 13 wkly. Robert Benkel- mhz; 18 w. Ant 60 ft. Henry Ford Community College, mgr; Larry Wat- chief engt man, gen mgr; John Lawrence, coml 5101 Evergreen (48128). (313) 271 -2750. Henry Ford son, prog dir; Kevin Larke, chief engt Rates: $9; 8; Community College. Format: Ed. Spec progs: Class 5 WHFB -FM -Oct. 10,1947: 99.9 mhz; 9.2 kw. Ant 250 7. 9; hrs, jazz 5 hrs wkly. Jay B. Korinek, faculty advisor; ft. Stereo. Dups AM 8 %. Format: Btf I mus. Spec progs: Edward Perry Jr., chief engr. Ger 2 hrs wkly. WIDL(FM) -Co -owned with WKYO(AM). Oct 16, Ant ft. Format: AOR, prog. 1974: 104.9 mhz; 3 kw. 300 WNIC(AM) -Dec 29, 1946: 1310 khz; 5 kw -U, DA-2. WSJM(AM) -See St. Joseph. Rates same as AM. 15001 Michigan Ave. (48126). (313) 846 -8500. Communications Inc. (acq 8- 31 -77). WKHQ(FM)- Listing follows WVOY(AM). Renaissance Berrien Springs Group Owner: Josephson International. Rep: RKO. Format: Adult Contemp. Edward Christian, exec VP WAUS(FM)- Licensed to Berrien Springs. See Charlevoix & gen mgr; Lorraine Golden, VP gen sls mgr; Jim South Bend, Ind. Harper, VP prog dir; Breeda Kelly, prom mgr; Denise WVOY(AM) -July 20, 1974: 1270 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -N. Carmona, news dir; Jerry Martin, chief engt. Big Rapids Box 237, 211 Bridge St. (49720). (616) 547 -4454. For- New Bcstg Corp. Net: ABC /D. Rep: PRO Radio. WNIC -FM- December 1946: 100.3 mhz; 50 kw. Ant mat: of your life. Tim Moore, pres; Jim Owen, WAAO(FM) -Not on air, target date unknown: 102.3 Music 400 ft. Dups AM 25 %. Stereo. Format: Adult Contemp. mhz; 1.8 kw. Ant 400 ft. 9541/2 S. Twelfth St., Saginaw prog dir; Bob White, news dir; Marvin Veurink, chief (48601). James J. McCluskey Format: MOR. engt. Rates: $10; 10; 10;10. Detroit WKHO(FM) -owned with WVOY(AM). May 16, WBRN(AM) -Jan. 6, 1953: 1460 khz; 5 kw -D, 2.5 -Co CKJY -FM -See Windsot Ontario, Canada. kw -N, DA -N. 13574 Northland Dr. (49307). (616) 1980: 105.9 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 922 ft. Prog sep from Format: 796 -7684. WBRN Inc. (acq 10- 1 -55). Rep: Michigan AM. Stereo. Net: ABC /C. Adult contemp. CKLW(AM) -See Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Spot Sales. Format: MOR. Spec progs: Farm 6 hrs, Dane Crouse, prom mgr. Rates: $16; 16; 16; 16. C &W 10 hrs wkly John A. White II, pres & gen mgr; WABX(FM) -May 4, 1960: 99.5 6.5 kw. Ant 870 ft. Douglas Wilson, coml mgr; Garnet Zimmerman, chief Charlotte Stereo. 20760 Coolidge (48237). (313) 398 -1100. engr. Rates: $9; 9; 9; 4.50. Century Bcstg Corp. (group owner; acq 2- 16 -66). Net: WOWY(AM) -Aug 25, 1956: 1390 khz: 5 kw -D, DA. NBC's The Source. Rep: Katz. Format: AOR. Howard WBRN -FM- September 1964: 100.9 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 1613 Lawrence Hwy. (48813). (517) 543 -8200. Graf man, pres; Allan Wilson, gen mgr; Judy Rogers, 300 ft. Prog sep from AM. Stereo. Format: Oldies. Sharon Bcstg Co. (acq 7- 7 -80). Net: UPI, Great Lakes. opns mgr; Carey Curelop, prog dir; Joe Badamo, nati Rates: $7; 7; 7; 6.50. Rep: Radio Spot Sls. Format: Contemp Christian. Spec sis mgr; Harriet Lodin, lot sis mgr; J.D. Fort, news dir; progs: Span 3 hrs, farm 13 hrs wkly Fred C. Jacob, Ross Lusk, chief engt Rates: $100; 100; 130; 130. Birmingham gen mgr; Joyce K. Joseph, prog dir; Joe Covello, mus dir; David Wayne, news dir; David Huva, chief engr. WCAR(AM) -See Livonia. WMJC(FM) -Co -owned with WHND(AM) Monroe. Rates: $11; 11; 11; 9.50. Sept 1, 1958: 94.7 mhz; 10 kw. Ant 950 ft. Stereo. One WCXI(AM) -Dec 17, 1939: 1130 khz; 50 kw -D, 10 Radio Plaza, Detroit (48220). (313) 398 -7600. TWX WMMQ(FM) -1965: 92.7 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 ft. kw -N, DA-2. 18900 James Couzens Highway (48235). 810 -232 -5206. Greater Michigan Radio Inc. (acq Stereo. 230 N. Washington Square (48933). (517) (313) 345 -8600. TWX 810- 243 -4002. Golden West 372 -3333. Mid -America Bcstg Co. (group owner). For- 7- 3 -73). Group owner: Greater Media Inc. Net: UPI. Broadcasters Inc. (group owner: acq 6- 1 -77). Net: Rep: Eastman. Format: Contemporary. mat: Adult contemp. Mike Stevens, stn mgr; George MBS. Rep: Torbet. Format: Country. John Risher, VP Clifford, gen sis mgr; Kay Reid, off mgr. & gen mgr; Larry Patton, prog mgr; Mark Thomas, mus Bloomfield Hills dir; Gregory Raab, prom mgr; Mike Freedman, news Cheboygan dir; Phil Rogers, chief engt. Rates: $240; 210: 220; 130. WBFH(FM) -Oct 1, 1976: 88.1 mhz; 10 w. Ant 100 WCBY(AM) -Oct 28, 1954: 1240 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 ft. Stereo. 4200 Andover Rd. (48013). (313) 647 -8510. w -N, DA-1. 1356 Ave. Mackinaw (49721). (616) WCXI(FM) -Dec 8, 1964: 92.3 mhz; 21.5 kw. Ant 740 Bd of Educ of Bloomfield Hills School District. Format: 627 -2341. Fabiano- Strickler Communications Inc. ft. Stereo. Renaissance Center (48243). (313) Div. Pete Bowers, gen mgr. (acq 9- 22 -81). Net: ABC /I. Rep: Mich Spot Sis. Format: 259 -9292. Format: Country. Paul Grzebík, chief engt. C &W. pres; James Fabian, Del Reynolds, gen & Rates same as AM. Boyne City coml mgr & chief engr; Tim Hartley prog & mus dir; Dian Lindke, prom mgr; Earl Schroeder, news dir. WCZY(FM)- Listing follows WLOV(AM). WCLX(FM) -April 10, 1978: 93.5 mhz; 1.2 kw. Ant Rates: 55; 5; 5; 5. 460 ft. Box FM -94 (49712). (616) 582 -6791. WDET -FM -Dec 18, 1948: 101.9 mhz; 79 kw. Ant Charlevoix Bcstg Co. (acq 6- 17 -76). Net: ABC /I. For- WOLZ -FM- Co-owned with WCBY(AM). Aug 15, 450 ft. Stereo. 655 Merrick (48202). (313) 577 -4204. 1968: 105.1 mhz; 25 kw. Ant 105 ft Prog sep from AM. mat: Modern Country. Spec prog: Farm 1 hr wkly. Wayne State U. (acq 5 -52). Net: NPR. Format: Alterna- Net: ABC /FM. Format: Contemp hit. Rates: 56; 6; 6; William E. Gipperich, pres & gen mgr; Sandra L. Gip - tive. 6. perich, VP & stn mgr; James Frank, coml mgr; Bill 1947: 93.1 mhz; 20 kw. (CP: 50 Rich, news & prog dir; Kurt McLain, tech dir. Rates: WDRQ(FM) -July 9, ft. 20300 Civic Center Dr., $7.05; 6; 7.05; 4.50. Clare kw). Ant 500 Stereo. Southfield (48076). (313) 354 -9300. Amaturo Group WRNN -FM- Listing follows WSDM(AM). Inc. (acq 10- 12 -82). Net: RKO. Rep: Selcom.Format: Cadillac Urban Contemp. John Bayliss, pres; Richard WSDM(AM) -Nov 24, 1960: 990 khz; 250 w -D, DA. Desautel, gen mgr, Brian White, prog dir; Deena Rim - WATT(AM)- September 1945: 1240 khz; 1 kw-D, 30200 Telegraph Rd., Suite 230, Birmingham (48010). mer, mus dir; Liz Dilorio, news dir; Pete Walkowiak, 250 w-N. Box 520 (49601). (616) 775 -1263.. Mac- Kelly Communications Inc. (acq 9- 24 -80). chief engr. Rates: $75; 75; 75; 60. Donald Bcstg Co. (group owner). Net: MBS. Rep: Spot Sls. Format: Top -40. Christal Co., Michigan WRNN -FM -Co -owned with WSDM(AM). June 28, WDTR(FM) -Feb 5, 1948: 90.9 mhz; 17 kw. Ant 175 CEO; Ken MacDonald. Kenneth MacDonald, chmn & 1967: 95.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 160 ft. Stereo. ft. 9345 Lawton Ave. (48206). (313) 494 -1570. Board gen mgr; Kirk Glezen, prog pres; Andrew MacDonald, of Education, City of Detroit. Format: Ed. Dr. John & news dir. Coldwater McArthur, gen mgr & prog dir; Clifford Wiehr, chief engr. WITW(FM)-July 7, 1974: 96.7 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 430 ft. WNWN(FM)- Listing follows WTVB(AM). 775 -3443. 457 Pearl St., Box 128 (49601). (616) WOPR(FM) -1961: 107.5 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 360 ft. Corp. Net: ABC /D. Rep: PRO WTVB(AM) 7, 1949: 1590 khz; 5 kw-D, 1 Chief Pontiac Bcstg -Aug kw- 3140 E. Jefferson Ave. (48207). (313) 259 -8862. I mus. Spec progs: Farm 2 hrs wkly. N, -N. Box 1590 Tri Radio. Format: Btf DA (49036). (517) 279 -9767. -State WGPR Inc. (acq 7 -64). Stereo. Rep: R.A. Lazar. Format: I. T. pres; Gary Knapp, gen & coml mgr & Bcstg (acq 4- 1 -72). Net: ABC /I, Michigan Farm. Rep: Wedin, Black. Dr. Wm. V. Banks, pres & gen mgr; Tenicia A. Jim Clark, prom mgr; PRO prog dir; Joe Serefano, mus dir; Radio. Format: MOR (ad contemp). Spec prog: Gregory, VP & stn mgr; James Panagos, VP & sis mgr; Dave Olivier, news dir; Glen Walker, chief engt.
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