A/CONF.191/CP/34 THIRD UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON THE LEAST DEVELOPED COUNTRIES Brussels, 14-20 May 2001 Country presentation by THE GOVERNMENT OF LESOTHO NOTE The views expressed in this document are those of the Government concerned. The document is reproduced in the form and language in which it has been received. The designations employed and the presentation of the material do not imply expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. A/CONF.191/CP/34 3 December 2000 THIRD UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON THE LEAST DEVELOPED COUNTRIES Brussels, 2001 ACTION PROGRAMME FOR DEVELOPMENT OF LESOTHO 2001-2010 FINAL REPORT 3 December 2000 D.R. Phororo and National Preparatory Committee Ministry of Development Planning Maseru, Lesotho in Collaboration with European Union, Maseru i CONTENTS Paragraph Page ABBREVIATIONS v-vi Preface vii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ix- xxi CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1-4 1 I.A Background I.B Overview of Lesotho’s Constraints and Potentials Socio-Economic Setting 5-9 2 Relevance to Paris Declaration 10-12 3 I.C Programme of Action 13-14 4 PART I CHAPTER II:SOCIO-ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE IN 1990s 5 5 II.A Indicators 16-19 5 II.B Macro-economic Performance Economic Growth 20-24 6 Economic Recession 25-26 7 Regional and International Trading 27-29 7 II.C Progress in the Social Sector Health 30-35 8 Water Supply and Sanitation 36 9 Education 37-42 9 II.D Agriculture, Food Security and Environment 43-50 10 II.E Poverty Reduction and Gender 51-56 12 II.F Good Governance Democracy and Decentralisation 57-59 14 Public Sector Reform 60-61 14 Privatisation and Private Sector Development 62-64 15 II.G Success Stories PART II CHAPTER III: ASSESSMENT OF PERFORMANCE 65 16 III.A International Fora Decisions 66 16 III.A.1 Follow-up to International Development Initiatives III.A.2 Achievements 67 17 ii III.B. Constraints in Policy Implementation 68 18 III.B.1 Domestic Constraints 69-82 19 III.B2 External Constraints 83-88 21 III.C Potential and Opportunities 89-99 22 III.D Vulnerability to Shocks 100-05 25 PART III CHAPTER IV: PROGRAMME OF ACTION (2001-2010) IV.A Challenges 106 26 IV.B Vision Mission Statement 107-08 27 Common Vision Mission 109-11 27 Mission Strategic Objectives 112-15 27 IV.C Policies and Strategies 116-18 29 IV.DImplementation Programme in Institutional 119 30 Context IV.D.1Programme Design Criteria 120 30 IV.D.2 Implementation Inputs for Priority 121 31 Programmes IV.D.2.1 Macro-Economic Stability 122-26 31 IV.D.2.2 Social Stability 127-32 34 IV.D.2.3 Productive Sectors 133-39 36 IV.D.2.4 Natural Resources 140-45 39 IV.D.2.5 Disaster Mitigation and Prevention146-49 41 CHAPTER V: IMPLEMENTATION FRAMEWORK OF PROGRAMME OF ACTION V.A Summary of Implementation Programme 150-52 43 V.B Expected Programme Outputs 153-61 45 V.C Programme Implementation Phasing 162-63 47 Priorities Ranking 164-67 47 Summarised Phased Programme 168 49 V.D Financial Requirements 169 51 Lesotho’s Current Budget 170-71 51 Future Investment Requirements 172-78 52 Fiscal Implications in Implementing the 179-83 54 Programme V.E Monitoring and Evaluation 184-88 55 iii TABLES 1. Summary of Implementation Programme Priorities 44 2. Linking Output with Priority Programmes 47 3. Phased Implementation Framework 50 4. Recurrent and PSIP Budget (2000/02) 51 5. Total PSIP Budget for Priority Programmes 53 ANNEXES 1. Terms of Reference 56 2. Indicators 58 (a) Working Set of Core Indicators 58 (b) Poverty-related Indicators and Targets 59 (c) Comparative Status of Selected Social Indicators in 62 SADC Countries 3. Economic Indicators 63 (a) GDP at Factor Cost 63 (b) Government Budgetary Operations 64 (d) Balance of Payments 65 4. Trends in Trade 66 (a) Merchandise Trade 66 (b) Value of Major Exports 67 (c) Major Destination of Exports and Value 67 5. Trends in Agricultural Production 68 (a) Trends in Crop Production 68 (b) Livestock Population 69 (c) Wool and Mohair Production and Exports 69 6. Status of Public Enterprise Privatization 71 7. Success Stories 72 8. Key Development Strategies 74 9. Detailed Summary of Implementation Programme 75 Priorities 10. PSIP Budget (2000 /01-2002/03 – Immediate Term) 79 Allocations to top 6 Ministries by Source of Funding 11. Projected PSIP Budget for Immediate to Long Term 80 (200/01-2009/10 12. PSIP Budget Breakdown by Ministries and Phases 81 13. References 84 US$ = M7.60 [Dec 2000] iv ABBREVIATIONS AIDS - Acquired Immune Disease Syndrome APCB - Agriculture Policy and Capacity Building BFVS - Basotho Fruit and Vegetable Canners CBO - Community Based Organization CDD - Control of Diarrhoeal Diseases CEDAW - Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women CHAL - Christian Health Association of Lesotho CMA - Common Monetary Area DMA - Disaster Management Unit DRWS - Department of Rural Water Supply ECCD - Early Childhood Care and Development EMLS - Environment and Land Management Sector EPI - Expanded Programme on Immunization EU - European Union FAO - Food and Agricultural Organization FDI - Foreign Direct Investment FIDA - Federation of Women Lawyers FPE - Free Primary Education GDP - Gross Domestic Products GFE - Global Environment Facility GNP - Gross National Products GOL - Government of Lesotho GSP - Generalized System of Performance GST - Government Sales Tax IFAD - Internal Fund for Agricultural Development IFTS - International Freight and Travel Services HIV - Human Immuno-deficiency Virus IMF - International Monetary Fund IMR - Infant Mortality Rate LAC - Lesotho Airways Corporation LCCI - Lesotho Chamber of Commerce and Industry LDC - Least Development Countries LEC - Lesotho Electricity Corporation LHRF - Lesotho Highlands Revenue Fund LHWP - Lesotho Highlands Water Project LNDC - Lesotho National Development Corporation LSPP - Lands Survey and Physical Planning LTC - Lesotho Telecommunications Corporation MACLR - Ministry of Agriculture Cooperatives and Land Reclamation MEGYA - Ministry of Environment, Gender and Youth Affairs MDP - Ministry of Development Planning MLG - Ministry of Local Government MMR - Maternal Mortality Rate MNR - Ministry of Natural Resources MOE - Ministry of Education MOHA - Ministry of Home Affairs v MOHSW - Ministry of Health and Social Welfare MOW - Ministry of Public Works and Transport MITM - Ministry of Industry, Trade and Marketing NAP - National AIDS Prevention NGO - Non-Governmental Organization NRSP - National Rural Sanitation Programme NUL - National University of Lesotho ODA - Official Development Assistance PHC - Primary Health Care PRSP - Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper PU - Privatization Unit RMA - Range Management Area RSA - Republic of South Africa RTC - Round Table Conference SACU - Southern African Customs Union SADC - Southern African Development Community SAP - Structural Adjustment Programme SHD - Sustainable Human Development SNPA - Substantial New Programme of Action STI - Sexually Transmitted Infections TB - Tuberculosis UN - United Nations UNCTAD - United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UNICEF - United Nations Children’s Fund UNFPA - United Nations Family Planning Association UNDP - United Nations Development Programme UNIDO - United Nations Industrial Development Programme USA - United States of America USIT - Urban Sanitation Improvement Programme US$ - United States Dollar VAM - Vulnerability Assessment and Mapping VIP - Ventilated Improved Pit WASA - Water and Sewerage Authority WHO - World Health Organization WSSD - World Summit for Social Development vi Preface This report was financed from the European Development Fund and is presented by Dr D.R. Phororo for the consideration of the Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho. The views expressed in the Report are those of the Consultant and do not necessarily reflect those of the Lesotho Government or of the Commission of the European Union. The report has been prepared in collaboration with the National Preparatory Committee and under the responsibility of the Ministry of Development Planning. The National Preparatory Committee is composed of the following representatives: Ministries/Sectors, Agencies and Civil Society Ministry of Planning and Development – Coordinator, Chair and Focal Point Ministry of Finance Ministry of Trade and Industry, and Marketing, and LNDC Ministry of Agriculture, Cooperatives and Land Reclamation Ministry of Environment, Gender and Youth Affairs Ministry of Education Ministry of Health Ministry of Local Government Ministry of Foreign Affairs Disaster Management Authority (Prime Minister’s Office) Central Bank of Lesotho National University of Lesotho Lesotho Chamber of Commerce and Industry Lesotho Council of NGOs European Union United Nations Development Programme Consultants D.R. Phororo, Team Leader T. Thokoa, Budget Specialist K.S. Phafane, Economist vii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Page INTRODUCTION ix PERFORMANCE AND ASSESSMENT ix Achievements x Disappointments xii Potential and Opportunities xiii Threats and Shocks xiv PROGRAMME OF ACTION xv Rationale xv Challenges xv Vision and Policy Strategies xvi Programme of Action Priorities xvii Implementation Framework and Financial Requirements xix Assumptions and Fiscal Implications xxi CONCLUSIONS xxi viii INTRODUCTION 1. Lesotho’s Programme of Action (2001-2010) is a response to the United Nations Assembly’s invitation to the 42 Least Developed Countries (LDCs) to review progress made in implementing decisions
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