30 Genernl Assembly-Twenty-l!eeond Session Reaffirming that the possibility and advisability of 2306 (XXII). International Education Year proclaiming a charter of development underlying inter­ The General Assembly, national co-operation in the interests of economic, social and cultural development deserve further considera­ Recalling the Secretary-General's appraisal in his • tion, report entitled "United Nations Development Decade at mid-point",30 and in particular his emphasis on the Reaffirming also that it is necessary to look ahead development of human resources as the greatest po-­ to the next decade so that concerted international ac­ tential resource of any country, tion will be taken for the accelerated social and economic development of the developing countries in the light Recalling Economic and Social Council resolution of the experience gained during the present United 1274 (XLIII) of 4 August 1967 on the development Nations Development Decade and with due regard to and utilization of human resources, safeguarding their economic interests, Recognizing the urgent need for a more effective mobili~ation of efforts in education and training as an Stressing the importance of intensifying the prepara­ essential element of a suCC'essful strategy of interna­ tory work for the next decade with a view to having, tional development, before the end of the present decade, a clear and com­ prehensive picture of the specific goals and targets to Rec?gnizing further the fundamental importance of be attained by the international community in a com­ educ~t1on as a means of widening man's horizons, im­ mon endeavour towards the accelerated economic and pro~mg mutual understanding and strengthening- inter­ social development of the developing countries, national peace, Taking into account the fact that the United Nations Convinced that an international education year on Conference on Trade and Development will consider at the basis of appropriate planning would serve through­ its second session the major problems of trade and de­ ?ut the world to mobilize energies and inspire initiatives velopment which will have an important bearing on the m education and training, prep!').rations for the next decade, 1. Decides to observe an International Education Y~ar and provisionally designates the year 1970 for 1. Requests the Secretary-General to expedite the this. purpose, subject to review at the twenty-fourth preparation of the survey requested of him in General sess10n of the (;eneral Assembly, in the light of the Assembly resolution 2218 A (XXI) and to submit the preparatory work ; survey to the Assembly at its twenty-third session through the Economic and Social Council at its forty­ 2. Requests the Secretary-General to consult with fifth session ; the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural ~rganiza!ion and other interested specialized agencies 2. Further requests the Secretary-General, in con­ m preparing a programme of activities to be undertaken sultation w:ith the Committee for Development Planning or initiated by Member States, by the United N8.tions and the organizations in the United Nations system, and _by the spec~alized agencies, particularly the United and on the basis of the results of the second session ~attons Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organiza­ of the United Nations Conference on Trade and De­ !t0n, and by. o~~er interested intergovernmental bodies, velopment, to incorporate suggestions on the appropriate m order to 1mt1ate those world-wide activities in edu­ means of harmonizing measures that could be con­ cation ~hich constitute the purpose of the International sidered by international organizations, on the one hand, Educat10n Year; and br developing and developed countries, on the other, m the preliminary framework of an international 3. Further requests the Secretary-General to submit development strategy being prepared by him in pur­ a J?rogres~ report to the General Assembly at its twenty­ suance of General Assembly resolution 2218 B (XXI) th1r_d session, through the Economic and Social Council for submission to the Assembly at its twenty-third ses­ at ~ts forty-fifth . session, so that the Assembly may sion, with due regard to safeguarding the economic dect~e, on the basis of those preparations, on the procla­ interests of the developing countries ; mation of the International Education Year. 1629th plenary meeting, 3. Urges Member States to consider taking appro­ 13 December 1967. priate steps to intensify national and international ef­ forts to formulate and implement a dynamic interna­ 2317 (XXII). The role of the Economic Com­ tional policy for the economic and social development mission for Europe in the development of of the developing countries to be pursued during the international economic co-operation next decade ; The General Assembly, 4. Stresses. the ~mport~nce of enlisting the support of _wo~ld publtc opinion m favour of the policies and Ref~ng to t~e declaration adopted by the com­ obJechves to be pursued during the next decade and, memorative meetmg of the Economic Commission for towards this end, the desirability for national and inter­ Europe to celebrate the Commission's twentieth anni­ nation~l publjc informat~on media to take the necessary versary,31 in which representatives of the Governments steps m seeking the active co-operation and support of partici~ating in the _wor~ of the Commission expressed the general public in the fulfilment of these objectives; the. belief that the s1t~at~on now presenting itself in the reg10n of that Comm1ss1on called for active work and 5. Decides to consider at its twenty-third session the joint efforts in developing further the co-operation appropriate procedures to be followed for proclaiming ~ithin the Commission's framework which was in the the 1970's as a second United Nations Development mterests of all nations, D~c~de and for approving a programme of action w1thm the framework of an international development so Ibid., Thirty-!'inth Session, Annexes, agenda item 2, docu­ ment E/4071. This report was subsequently issued in English strategy for that decade. as a United Nations publication (Sales No.: 65.1.26). 1629th plenary meeting, 81 Official Records of the Economk and Social C1111ncil 13 December 1967. Forty-third Session, Supplement No. 3 (E/4329), para. 'UIJ'. .
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