THE OEDWAY NEW EEA. LIVE FIVE YEARS HERE TAKING CARE OF MAN WIFE Americans to Restore YOUR CHANGE AS AND Unbounded Prosperity Ahead ot SOWLAND LITTER Brother and Sister TAke Orphan- i Start Your Western Canada. age Keeper's Word Ttjey j Garden Right K y Send for Meule’a /m Sufficient Protection Must Be Are Not Related. WM MM Belgian of pages moat Jug ,J\ Mm Inn Provided During Months of helpful garden / Mw Famous Beckons Settlers of All M wj Opportunity Spnrtn, Wls.—There is u rule In the information. / «Or'/a V Kinds—“ With the Golden Wake March and April. J Beat the high Stute School for Dependent Children I cost ofc living Jf That Marked the Way the Happy here that’s elastic enough at one end with a Maulr Went” Whitcomb j jiar- Reapers —James but extremely, exact at the other. Chil- . Seeds started thousands Reconstruction the Noble Rose, ‘ of Riley. dren may be admitted when two years* I of new\«rdrin last year—big crops Q WARM BED produced. ii Almost Demolished by German GIVE STRAW FOR old, or fiTur or six or eight—lt makes The war having been brought to a no difference. But when they reach MAULE SEED BOOK « Bombardment, to Be Gift From favorable conclusion more attention the age of fourteen, the school heads Hwere can now be given to the agricultural After Pigs Arrive Nothing Should Be find a Job for them, and out they go. FREE \ and industrial development of Western Given but Supply of Clean Water That’s why u little girl was crying Hotel Men of the United States. j Learn what. when, and how to plant M Canada, which wfcre checked by the —Feed Moderately for the nnd n boy was blinking when they prepare your ground for best re- u past suits. Paper scarcity has limited our |l troublous times of tin* four years. First Few Days. said good-by ten yeurs ago. The boy Send for your copy today. U ure over, the proper Mand1919 issue. Now thnt these INC. Depart* WM. HENRY MAULE. 9 development of the country will bo (Prepared by the United States 148 Arch Straat Philadelphia ment of Agriculture.) H continued. Moult s SceJt Mean Productive Gar dent Many farmers have their sows far- True, much agricultural progress has row during the months of March ant! Crop pro- been made during tills time. April and the early full months In the BZ Increased, the duction has been greatly South. Since weather Is often se- An Embarrassing Moment. of live stock has s’eudlly the number vere In northern sections during March ask me to buy anything foi grown, and with each succeeding year “Never and April, cure should be taken to pro- you again, I was so the dairying mid wool Industries have embarrassed.” the sow from cold. Give her "What happened, my But tect dear?" become more Important. enough straw to make o warm bed, but removing things from my Ibis forward many phases of “While march, not so much ns to allow the little pigs handbag to get the bonduetor his fare, development have been held In check. to get and crushed. The sow I held up your plug of tobacco.”— of farmers, too. have covered The activities should have clean water hut nothing Judge. by shortage of been greatly hampered elso for the first 24 hours after the labor, nnd. under the circumstances, pigs arrive. what they have achieved cun only be described as marvelous. Feed for First Week. TOO WEAK On the second day a bran mash closely al- .thin Excepting those industries nr >kim milk will be relished. Feed TO FIGHT lied lo agriculture, as butter and sin'll moderately for the first week. A mix- cheese manufacture. Industrial activity 4 ture of two purts of corn ynd one ."t The “Come-back' man was really never In the Prairie Provinces Ims been al- down-und out. Hit* weakened condition middlings mny he fed In increasing most at standstill. And even In bi-caiine of overwork, lack of exorcise, im- a until the sow Is eating a full proper eating demands stimula- have been amounts and living these branches extensions feed. If skim milk can be fed In ad- tion to satisfy the cry for a health-giving strictly limited to of urgent ne- appetite nnd the refreshing sleep essential those dition to the grain, there is nothing cessity. Building has been consider- to strength. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil better to make the sow give a full Nationul Remedy of Holland, curtailed, especially in the towns capsules, the ably flow of milk. Another good grain mix- will do the work. They are wonderful. cities, many commodious put anil though ture for the sow at this time Is six Three of these capsules each day will and a man on his feet before he knows it: and up-to-date dwellings, barns parts of corn and one of oil meal. If buildings erected by •‘Some Day I'll Come Back for You." whether his trouble comes from uric acid other have been available, the sow will kidneys, gravel or stone in Indeed, the skim milk Is- poisoning, the f/mas hwj farmers In the country. do well on four pounds of to one was going to Nebraska to work on a the bladder, stomach derangement or other m /rA/wrAMVM3rAf7&e/r building farmers have done "milk that befall the over-zealous Amer- JH£LL£0 3Y C£/?/VXMS amount of of corn. A full grain ration for a day farm. The girl had two years of Spar- ailments Is one of the outward signs of tlielr ican. The best knowt, most reliable rem- never be more than four per ta ahead. edy for these troubles is GOLD MEDAL only about two yards from where the prosperity; but considerably more of ’’ 1 cent of the sow's live weight. If the “I’ll never see you again, walled Haarlem Oil Capsules. This remedy ha* first had entered. It exploded on the ! been done bad not tlie more than 200 It would have sow can be put on alfalfa, clover, blue the girl. “I’llhe nil alone.” stood the test for years ficcond floor, blowing the roof to work of food produc- since its discovery -in the ancient labora- more Important grass, or rape pasture, less corn will “No,” said the boy. “Some day I’ll acts and pieces, nnd the entire gable breaking in the labor tories in Ilollnnd. It directly tion received priority ho required. A corn ration of about come back for you. I’ll make some gives relief at once. Don’t wait until you loose from Its holdings fell into the available. Railway construction work but tnke them two per cent of the sow’s live weight money—nnd—and you and me’ll be nre entirely down and-out, street. has boon almost entirely suspended. today. Your druggist will gladly refund with good pasture mnkos a cheup and married.” not you. All States Represented. available, and the rour money if they do help Ac- With more help adequute supply. Eddie Cpoper kept his promise. It cept for the Mr. Bowman is chairman of the no substitutes. Look name use of the labor-saving devices that took a long ‘time and he hud grown GOLD MEDAL on evfry box, three sizes. committee in charge of this monument Care of Young Pigs. * v A" - have been adopted during the last few Into a stripling Edward Cooper when They are the pure, original, imported Is secretary As soon as the llMle pigs begin to Haarlem Oil Capsule*.—AdV. -- nnd Mrs. Ben S. Allen ... :-,- the agricul- • -.:: \z.r*i*2te*£L</X^ - advances In will do best If fed additional he returned to find his school sweet- ¦ nnd treasurer. The other members Canada eat they as/r tt/vaeBojv&MDriMr tural development of Western heart living as the adopted daughter Auto. r/*£sroaj.F/zos/r, was ' of the committee consist of the dis- slop In a separate pen and away from Over the Alps Via 7 «* might be looked for even If no new of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. L. Haynue in trict chairmen and state hotel chair their mother and the larger pigs. This A Swiss company has spent a large the peace. It Is felt that the time to be- settlers were expected; but the com- Sparta. JHE hotel men of men of the food administration. They cun be done by having a pen or a amount for rontl improvement and ' the gin carrying out the project Is at ing of thousands of prospective set- for- She hadn’t forgotten, either. So, five United States will be are: lot where choice clover or oth<* equipment and pluns to carry passen- hand. The sum required for the tlers who have hitherto been deterred years ago, Edward Cooper and Edna 3 first of any Industry to Frank C. Hall, Massachusetts; age crop Is growing to which the pigs gers over some routes In the Alps in of restoration of the property will be only by the unsettled conditions from access, Cooper—absolutely no relation, the old p undertake the work Thomas D. Green, New York j may have but where the open- electrlc automoblles. in Bel- about fifty thousand dollars. This making their homes In this last great ing Is so small that the larger pigs man who kept the school records had reconstruction Charles H. Consolvo, Maryland; 2 effort in sum will be apportioned among the West will give a considerable Impetus pass through.
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