![Ill 10000 Nazis Ans Ive Oi^ Blockade Runners](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
X / 'TOURSDAY, FEBRUArW 194< / ff JWELVB Manchester Evening Hera War Bonds... Buy and *%eVs This/War a . Walter n . Olfford. of Mr. ’CCrp. William K. Rico, of Tal- Albert W. Hemingway^ son of T and'Mra. EdwardiBdward/UllUrd, /Ot of - 2S cottviila, waa recently awarded Mr. and Mik. Donald Hentingway Grotijp Studies IER*S 1 X ■ <51 HARD gTARTlNGTv About Town Lilac atreetv ha^ beoi/ pledg^ to the U. 8. Army’a Conduct of 41 Cone stmet. has been pro<^ iT THE BEST AT R Averhge Daily Ckrenlatlon The W caiker. Medal while aerving with a aignal moted to technician Fourth Grade. For the .Montb/of Jaiqiary, 1944 Phi Kappa Pbl at Btown Uhlver- BAKED VIRGINIA RAM 'Foreeaat ot U. S. Westker Bnrenn aity, foUovrin* k tw6-weck ruahlng hekdquartera company on the He is With Uie~ S75th Field. Artil- Seasoii,^s Plans .. SMFD oxUn^tshed a prau period. Thla la tmt of the 16 na­ Mediterranean front, engaged in lery .fiattaUom lOOth Infantry Di­ NATIVE BROILERS^ vision. at tlic comer of |Matn and tional fratenil^a repfeaented oiv Intercepting enemy aircraft under X t e n d e r STEAKS K ABEL'S iw atreete at «K4tJ yeaterday the 12th Fighter Command. Thla F|^, eontinned eoM tonight the BroWn ck^npua. Mr. aifford, a. et the Andit SERVICE STATION idon. I|oi 2 reapondlnp* to graduate of Mancheater High’ medal ia awarded for exemplary- Gontw Chupcb Federa­ OYSTERS AND CLAMS ON THE HALF SHELL end Satnrdny. ' behavior, eghiency and fidelity t6 oF'Clrentottona achool, la'ya^ember of the V-12 To Give Address tion . Also Heap^. o f DINE DANCBTONIGHTI V Vnlt a i^ ia on active aervlce at enliatecV men who have completed Mtmehestei^A of ViUago €horm\ Brown^niveraity. three years qf active Federal Mili­ Education of Youth. tary Service since Aug. 27, 1940, At Beth Sholom Reym and^'s Restanrant y. or one year since Dec. 7, 1041. Advertlatag an |tege IS) MimCHESTEIL C O I^ ITOAY, FEBRUARY 4,194^ lURTEKN P'AGKE)X. PRICE THREE CKI r a n g e a n d _ie eominlttee hMdllng the Members of Center Church Fine Wine8,'1^iquora and Beer VOL. NO. l( \ . Arnold Wallbck, director of the Women’s Federation, which for tdtlroera' Night for Com- Antl-:Defamatton League of New 35-37 Oak Street. Telephone 3 9 2 2 / S#rvfc| All wito • F l ^ p I L ihy No. 1 of the M anche^r Fire Mrs. Robert L. Lathrop, of some time hae held meetlnge in Academy street, has been called to York City, will be the gueat apeak- IK r«{gardlM* •! 1^**^ 381 Center SL Tel. 6563 ile^rtraent, will meet tohiorrow the evening only, gathered yce- evenlpg at 8 o’clock at headquar-. Boston owing the illneaa of her er at the meeting tomorrow eve­ Marshall With Inya9ioW^^aders ■ p o te n t or powowons. Itera. 'All membera gre requtf»(^ brojiher, who is a patient in one of ning at 8 o’clock in Temple Beth terday afternoon in the Federa­ James A. Woo^ the .hospitals there. , Sholom. tion room to diacuas the aeaaon'e ans [ to be preaent. Mr. Wallack will apSeak on the e rica n s work of the league. Rabbi Berthold activities dnd tb transact routine rVARICOSE VEINS? Woythaler will preaide. buBlneaa. Repiorts from aeveral' of A special social will follow the the group leaden indicated that TWO-WAY STRETCH aerVice in charge of the Slater- plana for social and flnancial proj- u r k e 0 ) ecta are well under way,- and the ho<^ with Mrs. Ben Bursack aerv- XI iv e oi^ ihg as chairman. prospect for a succeaaful. year la SHEERTEX O f C o re ■' ■ vtM! t -i "UN Hf-'ns :;<ii TTia aiateriiood of Temple Beth bright MiolCai will meet on Tuesday avc- To Enter Wseton Field B hlng at t o’clock at the home of ICn. A. H. nUng, the president Mrs. William Horowits on East turned the meeting over to Mn. ELASTIC HOSIERY Eugene L«hr, vice chairman of Center street The time will be de­ awn YOB nAWiwuneei, m aw m To 1 ^ Assured of Correct voted to the dlecuaaion of Juvenile tha Mlaalonary committee, who In V .. Prepared For Individuals delinquency. MIee Wilma Dubin, turn presented the guest speaker, Mum. eansT.iAsn towew Roofing—Asbestos FilipfRi *nd for AH I.«Ral De- Hartford social eervice worker Mias Judith Welles of Wetheiii- sow omr at dottions. Exemptions and Re- STARTING MONDAY. FEB. 7th win be the principal speaker. fleld,. a senior at the Hartford Qffensive Aimed at Dririi| Siding and Rode AND EVERY WEEK DAY UNTIL MARCH 15th. SenUnary Foundation, who al­ Fi^liting Men, Tanks Warning Given /fnnds, though a. comparatively young Nazi BoiHber ing ;^ies Back intb] W ool Intiulation CONSULT; AUCBOOFRAM woman is quallfled to preach or And Guns Pour Ashore Blockade Runners HOURS: 6:30 TO 10:30 P. M. (Know Aa <|neea Alice) take charge of a 'parish. Miss Spa and Toiigh RepisU SPIKITCAL MEUIVM To Annihilate Dwindl­ Wins Prw Germans Will j wiiiSiiniiihtp AH work • ROBERT J. BOYCE Welles is A graduate of Mount anee , at Cassind A| dIoM. BoooonoWo Price-' "^ T TOE OFFICE OF Seventh Daughter of n Seventh Son ing Jap Defenders; 9« oMntioa for «i estloiaj • GORDON FOGG Bom With n VeU O f Expert pears to Bp Parts ALLEN & HITCHCOCK Rendinge Dally. Ineindtng Snnday, . Preliminary Reports Defend Rome •WALTER GRUSHA t A. M. to • P.' M. Or By Appoint­ ■ S tra t^ ^ tb Fi HOU^E & HALE BLDG. \ ^ 953 MAIN STREET Tell 'of Amazingly B u r t o n C o . •EVERETT STRANGE ment. b the Servtee el the Pi G. E. WILLIS^SON /INC. ii^ o r d TELEPHONES 3301 and 2-1088 pie for W Yenm. Amer icons Decide New iteuUon Reported Con- of German ye..e h dff Allied Threat MSMMgm V*SW*H1Oxford ow»St'^ ” *“ 166 OharCh Street, Hartford, Conn. Light Losses in In- j Bombcrs Lasli N PkoM Hortlird ;SI-d51S religious conference in Woogt Filled to Cap^Uyl Trbp German ) Army*^ Phone S-XOM Ohio, last sununsr, end i LumberAll Kinds / v a s io n of Marshalls. JV88 Ts Rough mui viRyed to Pope; Pius \ number of the hlghllghta ujlth With Rubber, Tins, T gard to the Education of You Mason SuppRcfs-^Paint-—Hardware Ready and Plane to -No Intention of At Same Area U. S. Pacific Fleet Head­ Fats and Vital Oresi. Allied Headquarters misslona and other aubtects de ^ Balsam Wool Insulation Inspire R e s p e c t L ea^g Eternal Oty. ! taly, Feb. 4.W^I^— Marsli with at that convsnttott. quarters, Pearl Harbor, Feb. rwin Rommely -master Mias WUma Tracy played 4,—(iP) — Fighting men, l^osquitos Hit Washington, Feb. 4 — OP) —. London, Fqb. 4—(ff)—A thinly- Washington, Feb. 4,— don’t get trapiped” tactics*.|j piano aslection from the N< tanks and guns, pouring cracker Suite and A • social be COAL COKE OIL American airmen, having tried veiled warning that the Germans -X-Three German blockade was reported bacl( in Italfij with tea followed. ashore to annihilaw the dwin- intend to defend Rome step by runners laden with war ma-j,^aication G iv e n 2 Main Sl Tel. 5125 out a sample, hhve decided that o f directing Nazi strategy dling forces qf Japanese de­ Germany's new JU88 “is rough step, whatever thh destruction en­ Reviewing the 7th Infantry division, veterans of the Attu Campaign tenqls from Japanese-held day and Allied heidquat fenders, appeared today to be Targets in Preliminary auid ready arid a plane to inspire tailed, Is reported to have been who are now engaged in the Marshall islands'invasion drive, are (left ports have been sunk disclosed that the (k n aaos] on the verge of conquering to right): Maj. Gen. Charles H, Corlett, commander of the 7th; Gen. irican destroyers in t a l l CEDARS respect at any time." conveyed to Pope Plw x n by the j Annoutic^ent of Day* have launch^ their hxpected| all Kwajalein, largest atoll in Naxii, who apj^rently. have been George C. Marahall. chief of ataff of-the U. S. Army; and Ueut. Gen. S^th Atlantic. The One of the twin-engined medium Robert C. Richardson, Jr^. commatKjing Army forces in the Ontral. light Attai^ Today. big offensive agMnst thri, Anri i n a u AA< the MArshallB and core of that en­ bombers came into Allied hands trying for some time to persuade j Navy, amiourncing this to- landing h u d below Roih^ - sup the pontiff to come to Gct Pacific area. / Place and date of this jriioto were not announced by the B I N 6 O emy defense syitem. A* the mo­ last September when a Luftwaffe War department. (AP Wlrephoto from U. S. Army), ( ay, said that the holds of porting their assaults with te mentous Invasion moved through pilot quit his job, took the plane The Ankara radio London, Feb. 4. — (X^\— Great firepower and tank charges. Brought to you oxclusively in this community by speciol orranqomf*<i4 wrlh McCALL 5 MAGAZINE t o m o r r o w NfGHT its fifth day, preliminary reports warning had been handed th'S the enemy ships were filled to ca­ and flew it to the British Island pacity with thwisands of tons of forces of American heavy tiombers Fight In Caasino Ontaklrto AT •O ’CLOCK told of amazingly light American of Cyprus in the eastern Mediter­ by Baron Ernest von Weizae lashed out at Nasi Europe tbt the " On the.
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