UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations VOLUME 70 Recueil des Traites Traites et accords internationaux. enregistres ou classes et inscrits au r'pertoire au Secrtariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations I. Nos. 895-905 VOLUME 70 1950 II. Nos. 240-241 TABLE OF CONTENTS I Treaties and international agreements registered Irom 15 August 1950 to 12 September 1950 Page America and China : No. 895. United States of Agreement concerning the transfer of naval vessels and equipment pursuant to United States Public Law 512, 79th Congress of the United States of America (with an exchange of notes). Signed at Nanking, on 8 December 1947 ............................ 3 No. 896. United States of America and Costa Rica : Consular Convention. Signed at San Josd, on 12 January 1948 .... 27 No. 897. United States of America and Guatemala : Exchange of notes constituting an agreement relating to flights of military aircraft between the continental United States and the Panama Canal Zone. Guatemala, 20 December 1949 ......... 71 No. 898. International Labour Organisation : Convention (No. 88) concerning the organization of the employment service. Adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its thirty-first session, San Francisco, 9 July 1948 .............................................. 85 No. 899. Netherlands and France : Agreement concerning the admission of student employees into France and the Netherlands. Signed at Paris, on 2 June 1948 ....... 105 Traites et accords internationaux enregistres ou classes et inscrits au r'pertoire au Secretariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies I. NOO 895-905 VOLUME 70 1950 11. Nos 240-241 TABLE DES MATIERES I Traitds et accords internationauj enregistris du 15 aoit 1950 au 12 septembre 1950 Pages et Chine : No 895. Rtats-Unis d'Amdrique Accord relatif A la cession de navires de guerre et de materiel naval conform~ment A la loi des ]Rtats-Unis no 512, 79 m e Congr~s des Rtats-Unis d'Amdrique (avec dchange de notes). Signd A Nankin, le 8 ddcembre 1947 ........................................ a No 896. lPtats-Unis d'Am~rique et Costa-Rica : Convention consulaire. Signde h San-Josd, le 12 janvier 1948 ........ 27 No 897. ttats-Unis d'Amrique et Guatemala : Echange de notes constituant un accord relatif aux vols effectu~s par des adronefs militaires entre le territoire continental des ]tats- Unis et la zone du canal de Panama. Guatemala, 20 ddcembre 1949 ..................................................... 71 No,898. Organisation internationale du Travail : Convention (no 88) concernant l'organisation du service de l'emploi. Adoptde par la Confdrence gdndrale de l'Organisation internatio- nale du Travail A sa trente et uni~me session, San-Francisco, le 9 juillet 1948 ............................................. 85 No 899. Pays-Bas et France : Accord relatif A l'admission de stagiaires en France et aux Pays-Bas. Signd A Paris, le 2 juin 1948 ................................ 105 IV United Nations - Treaty Series 1950 and Canada : No. 900. United States of America Exchange of notes constituting an interim agreement relating to the establishment of a network of seven weather stations in the Pacific Ocean. Washington, 8 and 22 June 1950 ................... 115 No. 901. Netherlands and United States of America Exchange of notes constituting an agreement concerning the drawing rights to be exercised by the Government of the Netherlands pursuant to the Agreement for Intra-European Payments and Compensation. for 1948-1949, concluded at Paris on 16 October 1948. The Hague, 26 April 1949 Exchange of notes supplementing.the afore-mentioned agreement with reference to the Agreement for Intra-European Payments and Compensation for 1949-1950, concluded at Paris on 7 September 1949. The Hague, 20 February and 4 March 1950 ........... 123 No. 902. Philippines and Spain : Treaty of Friendship. Signed at Manila, on 27 September 1947 ... 133 No. 903. Philippines and Spain: Treaty on civil rights and consular prerogatives. Signed at Manila, on 20 May 1948 ......................................... 143 No. 904. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Burma Treaty regarding the recognition of Burmese independence and related 'matters (with exchange of notes and annex). Signed at London, on 17 October 1947 ....................................... 183 No. 905. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern 'Ireland and Greece Exchange of notes constituting an agreement for the establishment of an air service between Athens and Cairo. Athens, 21 February 194 .................................................. 215 II Treaties and international agreements filed and recorded from 14 August 1950 to 12 September 1950 No. 240. International Labour Organisation and Organization of American States Agreement. Signed on 7 June and 26 July 1950 ................ 223 No. 241. Egypt, Iraq, Transjordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Yemen : Pact of the League of Arab States. Signed at Cairo, on 22 March ,19.45 ..................................................... 287 1950 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traites :V Pages et Canada : No 900. JEtats-Unis d'Amdrique Echange de notes constituant un accord provisoire relatif A,1'6tablis- sement d'un r~seau de sept stations mdtdorologiques dans 1'ocari Pacifique. Washington, 8 et 22 juin 1950 .................... 115 No 901. Pays-Bas et Atats-Unis d'Amdrique Echange de notes constituant un accord relatif A 1'exercice de droits de tirage par les Pays-Bas conformdment b l'Accord de paiements et de compensation entre les pays europdens de 1948 et 1949, conclu A Paris le 16 octobre 1948. La Haye, 26 avril 1949 Echange de notes compltant l'Accord susmentionn6 en ce qui concerne l'Accord de paiements et de compensation entre les pays europdens de 1949 et 1950, conclu A Paris le 7 septembre 1949. La Haye, 20 fdvrier et 4 mars 1950 .............................. .... 123 No 902. Philippines et Espagne Trait6 d'amitid. Sign6 A Manille, le 27 septembre 1947 ......... .... 133 No 903. Philippines et Espagne Trait6 relatif aux droits civils et aux prdrogatives consulaires. Sign6 A Manille, le 20 mai 1948 .................................. 143 No 904. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et Birmanie : Trait6 relatif A la reconnaissance de l'inddpendance de la Birmahie': et A certaines questions connexes (avec dchange de notes et annexe). Signd A Londres, le 17 octobre 1947 ......................... 183 No 905. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et Grace : Echange de notes constituant un accord relatif A l'tablissement d'un service adrien entre Ath6nes et Le Caire. Ath~nes, 21 f~vrier 1947. 215 IT Traitis et accord&internationawv classis et inscrits au rdpertoiredu 14 aoit 1950 au 12 septembre 1950 No 240. Organisation internationale du Travail et Organisa- tion des IEtats amdricains : Accord. Sign6 les 7 juin et 26 juillet 1950 ........................ 223 No 241. I9gypte, Irak, Transjordanie, Liban, Arabie saoudite;, Syrie, Ydmen : Pacte de ]a Ligue des Rtats arabes. Sign6 au Caire, le 22 mars 1945... 237 VI United Nations - Treaty Series 1950 Page ANNEX A. Ratifications, accessions, prorogations, etc., concerning treaties and international agreements registered with the Secretariat oj the United Nations No. 4. Convention on the privileges and immunities of the United Nations. Adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 13 February 1946 : Accession (with reservations) by Turkey ......................... 266- No. 156. Exchange of notes constituting an agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Norway concerning the transmission by post of diplomatic correspondence. Oslo, 23 De- cember 1946 and 15 January 1947 : Exchange of notes constituting an agreement extending the terms of the above-mentioned Agreement to the transmission of diplomatic correspondence by air mail. Oslo, 2 September and 30 October 1947 ..................................................... 268 No. 296. Agreement on most-favoured-nation treatment for areas of Western Germany under military occu- pation. Signed at Geneva, on 14 September 1948 : Acceptance by Union of South Africa ........................... 272 Memorandum of Understanding, signed at Annecy on 13 August 1949, relative to application to the Western sectors of Berlin of the Agreement on most-favoured-nation treatment for areas of Western Germany under military occupation. Signed at Geneva, on 14 September 1948: Acceptance by Union of South Africa ........................... 272 No. 446. Protocol, signed at Lake Success, New York, on 4 May 1949, amending the International Agree- ment for the suppression of the white slave traffic, signed at Paris on 18 May 1904, and the Interna- tional Convention for the suppression of the white slave traffic, signed at Paris on 4 May 1910 Ratification by the United States of America .................... 273 No. 654. Egyptian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement. Signed at Rhodes, on 24 February 1949 : Modus vivendi to the Egyptian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement. Signed at El Auja, on 22 February 1950 .................... 274 1950 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traits VII Pages ANNEXE A. Ratifications, adhisions, prorogations, etc., concernant des traitds et accords internationaux enregistrds au Secritariat
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