Wettbcr Distribution Today «ilb K«tUr«d light afternoon or . •nnli| AiinllT-1—i today ta4 REDBANK 17,800 WatowUy. High tmpentur* to- <by'*,.l»*«r at the bcuhti. Low toolglit 70; Ugh tomorrow In MONDAY THHOuourna*r-tn. im SH I-0010 the 8O'«. [noil dulr. UMdiy Uroujn FrldM. town! Cm PciUfa 35c PER WEEK VOL. 83, NO. 243 Paid u Rut Btnk u« U Mdttlou) Mailing omcu. RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1961 7c PER COPY BY CARRIER PAGE ONE Nuclear JMessed-UpMesozoicHousing BanTalk | Ms Fourth Grader Measure Prisoner Exchange SHREWSBURY - To state In Doubt that a trachodon could crawl Okayed ashore followed by a herd of Two Soviet Plans vast dlplodocus, and to go fur- ther and say that the tyranno- Fight on House saur kills the stegosaurus by Group in Havana Are Rejected attacking the latter's unpro- tected belly is stretching things Floor Expected By West about 30 million years too far according to Kenny Kodama, a Next Week fourth grader at Shrewsbury Humanitarian Aim GENEVA (AP) — The fu- School. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. WASHINGTON (AP) — ture erf the stalled nuclear Sidney Kodama, 83 Sunnybank A thumping 64-25 Senate test ban talks was cast in Drive. passage for the $6.14 bil- Stressed by Team deeper doubt today by Rus A letter of constructive criti- lion Housing bill gave en- cism written by Kenny was ia's -insistence that the read to the Boa.rd of Education couragement to theifenne^ MIAMI, Fla. (AP)—The U.S. Traetors-for-Freedonr— West either • accept an in- last night by Howard E. Mat- dy administration today team reached Havana on its prisoner exchange mission »pection veto or transfer nego- teson, principal. In it, Kenny, over the House floor fight ex- at 6:24 a.m. (EST) today. tiations to the impending gen- who said he has been studying pected in a few days. eral arms parley. ' such things since second grade, The group declared its "humanitarian purpose to challenged statements made on The House Rules Committee is The United States and Britain free 1,200 captured invaders by exchanging 500 trac- page 13 of "The Wonderful to meet on the legislation Thurs- rejected both proposals but tors for them. World," by James Fisher, a Kenny Kodama day and is expected to olear it added that the proposal to trans- copy of which was recently for debate starting next week. The arrival time in Havana was reported here by fer Hie talks would be studied placed in his classroom. Coexistence,, peaceful or oth- Fifty-two Democrats and 12 carefully in Washington and Pan American World Air- Backing up his statements erwise, was impossible between Republicans supported the meas- London. ways, with an imposing bibliography, the tyrannosaur and the stego- ure on final passage in the Sen- They' made clear previously Kenny called attention to the saurus for the same reason, he ate yesterday, with 17 Republi- Lineman The four man team of they would never agree to a fact that the first two mon- said. cans and eight Southern Demo- technical experts departed veto over the control machinery. sters mentioned lived iit the Kenny called the information crats opposed. after dawn on the hour's flight Semyon K. Tsarapkin, Soviet Jurassic and Cretaceous peri- "misleading" and said he was This was the heaviest margin to Havana with the avowed hope negotiator.. at the three-power Is Killed of working out a satisfactory, ods, respectively, and that a surprised that no one had cor- piled up in the Senate for any talks qualified his demands yes mere 30 million years separated rected it since 1954, when the of the major items on President tractors for prisoners trade m terday by saying they were not the two. ' book was published. Kennedy's 1961 legislative pro- the next couple of days. to be * considered an ultimatum gram so far. InRaritan A one man protest demonstra- or threat of a walkout. ion greeted the U. S. negotiator* "We are quite'willing to con- Sen. John Sparkman, D-Ala, RARITAN TOWNSHIP - A Raritan To Holm del as they went through final de- tinue meeting here as long as chief sponsor of the bill, told Jersey Central Power and Light parture procedures at Miami In- necessary," Tsarapkin told U.S. reporter he felt that with en- Co. lineman was eleotrocuted yes- ternational Airport. delegate Arthur H. Dean and Sir actment of this measure there terday while working on a utility Cites Logan Act Michael Wright of Britain. Residents Eager would be no need for omnibus pole line. Douglas R. Voorhecs, a local But Tsarapkin said unless t!i»; housing legislation next year and State police, Keyport barracks, real estate man known for his United States and Britain are perhaps for a longer time. identified the man as Divlee vocal advocacy of causes, loudly willing to accept the Soviet pro- For about a decade now Con- Bland. 30, of Rt. 526, Jackson accused the team of going to Cu- posal for a. three-man board in] To Switch Towns gress has been passing big hous-j'j Township (Ocean County). ba to "submit to ransom, to -«harge of the test ban control ing bills almost every year. • The accident occurred at 2:15 blackmail." (See GENEVA. Page 2) By RUSS RAUCH homes and parts of three others Key Programs p.m. He charged that the non-gov- NO MAN'S LAND, N. J. - in the Marc Hill development. But Sparkman pointed out that Police said the man was work- ernmental team of experts was Is it definite?" "When will the Identical Line in the 1961 bill for the first time PRESIDENT ON CRUTCHES — President Kennedy is sur- ing on a pole at the corner of violating the Logan Act which Boy's Toes change be made?" "It's wonder- Mr, Seaman said the boundary Laurel Ave. and Lillian Dr. bars negotiations by private citi- such key programs as urban rounded by aides, officers and Secret Service men who ful!" < line as shown in his survey is renewal, public housing, farm another lineman, and that zens with foreign governments. Are Severed These ""Were some of the re- identical to the one shown on th housing, college dormitories, and shield him as he walks on crutches from plane to wait- parently his ahest touched Voorhees demanded that tha marks heard yesterday by a re- new tax map. veterans' housing are being put ing helicopter at Andrews AFB. He returned from exposed section of a hot wire Dade County (Miami) police ar- Residents surveyed yesterday which had just been transferred rest the U. S. team. The police porter during a survey by The on a long-term basis. Florida stay. Story, page 2. lAPWirephoto) By Mower Register of families who may be all seemed "happy" at the pros- Another Alabaman, Democratic from one section of the pole to instead kept Voorhees to one pect of living in Holmdel. Th another. side of the departing group but RUMSON — An eight-year-old affected by the boundary question Rep. Albert Gains, will serve is only two answers given for thi let him talk on. boy yesterday was admitted to between Holmdcl and Raritan floor manager for the legislation A company spokesman de- feeling were the school situatioi The Kennedy administration, Riverview Hospital, Red Bank, Townships. in the House. The bill approved scribed the transfer operation as and the tax future in Holmdel which supports the Tractors-for- tfter three of his toes on the The families all live on Miller by the House Banking Commit- Applegate Charges routine. Freedom drive, has told the right foot ,w.ere severed by a St., in the Newstead Homes (Har- Said Mrs. Peter. Olson, 28 Mil tee is substantially similar to the The victim was working in a mony Park) development off Rt. let St. Senate version. group it is not violating the Log- rotary type'Fawn mower. crew of seven men. His co-work- an Act. Hospital officials report the 35, It appears that they have been "We're glad!" She was quiclt Gains said he did not expect 9 ers attempted to revive him, but The four experts, who include paying taxes In Raritan while to point out that the Holmde: too much trouble with the new youngster in good condition this 'Conflict of Interest to no avail. three university professors and their property actually is in school system is on single ses moderate income family pro- morning. Dr. Rafael Quezada, Keans- one labor union specialist in Holmdel. sions. She said taxes would b Police said John Ganther, 8, gram which kicked up a big KEYPORT — Mayor Charles "As far as I'm concerned," burg, who pronounced the man lower in th long run in Holmctei agricultural machinery, remained of 9 Park Ave., was riding on This dilemma unfolded Thurs- e Senate row and was knocked out E. Applegate, a Republican, last commented the mayor, "there is dead at the scene, said that He silent except for a pre-departure the mower with John Waasdrop, day night when Otis R. Seaman, The Raritan school system i of the bill temporarily last ThurS' night charged that Democratic a vacancy on the Board of probably died instantly. statement saying: 13, of Ridge Rd. Waasdrop was Holmdel municipal engineer, re- the only one in the state com day. Councilman Hyman Korobow is Health." Company officials reported "We have accepted the as- ported on the basis of an aerial pletely on double sessions, Th But he said a House fight was mowing' the lawn of J.
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