Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 4-13-1966 The B-G News April 13, 1966 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News April 13, 1966" (1966). BG News (Student Newspaper). 1959. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/1959 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. m >** Falcons Top Detroit For 7th Win...pg. 8 The B-G News Serving a Growing University Since 1920 Wednesday, April 13, 1966 Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio Vol. 50, No. 92 News Wins * I T --K Base Shelled Top Rating The B-G News was recently By Viet Cong awarded the top "medalist" rat- ing in recent judging by the Columbia Scholastic Press As- dump cast a huge glow that could sociation. SAIGON (AP)-- Two Ameri- The papers entered are rated cans were killed and 34 wounded be seen for miles. in a pre-dawn mortar attack on on a point scale, and then given The airbase is about four miles "place awards." The medalist Saigon's giant Tan Son Nhut air base yesterday. from Saigon. It serves as the rank is granted to first place main air installation for the capi- papers selected for special con- The air base, located just out- tal, handling Vietnamese and U.S. sideration. The B-G News, which side the city, came under attack military aircraft as well as civil- scored high in the first place yesterday afternoon as mortar ian airliners. awards, was ranked high among explosions ripped through the the top 10 per cent of all papers base and destroyed two Vietna- Judged. mese C-47 cargo planes and Maintenance Man The association praised the touched off the field's fuel dump. News color supplements, back- Other planes, American and Viet- to-school issue, and the summer namese, were damaged. Killed In Accident editions. Also cited was "the A witness said the attack vitality which shines through started about a half hour after A University maintenance most issues." midnight. The barrage seemed worker was killed yesterday as The award was announced at to be a spraying attack that took a tractor he was driving on Poe the forty-second annual conven- in various areas of the airbase. Road overturned and crushed him tion of the Columbia Scholastic One U.S. airman reported he to death. The dead man was i- Press Association in New York heard more than 30 explosions. dentified as Billy Binion. 20, of City. The judging covered the Route 2, DunbridgeRoad, Bowling Armed helicopters took to the Green, papers from December, 1965, to air immediately after the first December, 1966. mortal shells struck. They re- According to the police, Binion ported hitting the area where the was driving east on Poe Road Dave Brubeck THE PARKING spaces directly in front of old and new frat- attack was coming from, but and turned south into the golf ernity row had a new look for Bowling Green students when made no estimate of Viet Cong course club house. As he was they returned to campus Monday. Approximately 50 parking casualties. crossing the bridge, he Here Sunday meters have been installed to alleviate the congestion around apparently lost control of the the rows. The meters were recommended by Student Council The resulting fires caused by tractor and he was pinned under- The Celebrity Series will pre- and a special parking committee. The additional space will the mortar attack and subsequent neath. Binion was pronounced sent the internationally famous also provide a much needed fire lane. explosions of the airfield's fuel Dave Brubeck Quartet at 8:15 dead at Wood County Hospital. Sunday evening in the Grand Ball- room. ) w The Quartet will present a con- t-V^-A_»^«-' J^-" ~"^ cert like their recent recital at Reef China Claims Carnegie Hall, which was greeted with widespread critical acclaim. Dave Brubeck and his gifted associates will improvise on a few such standards as Duke Ell- U.S. Plane Downed ington's "A Train" but will de- TOKYO (AP)-- Red China apparently were speaking of the tanker did cross Red Chinese vote most of the evening to new claimed yesterday its air force same plane. territory it probably was due to compositions by the Quartet. shot down an American military The KA3B normally has a crew a navigational error, The Jazz group includes: Dave plane on the Chinese mainland. of three. A second Peking broadcast Brubeck, piano; Paul Desmond, The forecast for today is vari- A broadcast by the official Peking said the plane was shot charged that on April 7 four U.S. alto sax; Joe Morello, drums and able cloudiness with a chance of New China News Agency received down by Communist fighters over planes attacked Chinese fishing Eugene Wright, bass. scattered showers during the af- here described the aircraft as an Kwantung Province, which faces boats in the Gulf of Tonkin, kil- This CelebrltySeries Program ternoon. High 42-52. Mostly A3B attack plane. North Viet Nam across the Gulf ling two fishermen and wounded is sold out. cloudy and mild with scattered In Washington, theDefenseDe- of Tonkin. 15. showers tonight. partment said a U.S. Navy tanker The Pentagon said the tanker plane--a modified A3B known plane left the Phillipines yester- Peking said the strongest pos- as a KA3B--was overdue on a day for the aircraft carrier"Kit- sible protest has been made and Folklorist To Discuss flight from the Phillipines to ty Hawk," which is cruising off also called the sending of "a the South Viet Nam area. South Viet Nam. It did not in- heavy attack plane'' Into air space The Defense Department did dicate whether the tanker was over China's mainland "an open not refer to the Chinese claim armed. violation of China's sovereign Lincoln 'Myth'Tonight but both Peking and Washington Washington sources said if the rights." Francis Lee Utley, a renowed gram sponsored by the folklore folklorist, will speak on "The program, Books and CoffeeClub, Myth of Lincoln" in the Dogwood and the American studies pro- gram. Noted Filmmaker To Show Suite at 8 p.m. tonight in a pro- Dr. Utley, a member of the English Dept. at the Ohio State University, has been awarded Experimental Movies Here three Guggenheim Foundation fellowships. He has recently Internationally - recognized He will lead a discussion April been a Fulbright lecturer in Italy, of Hippolytus to contemporary filmmaker Gregory Markopoulos 30 on six short films which rep- Sweden, England and Finland. life and employs a narrative will present a collection of resent the "New American structure "rather loosely related Dr. Utley will examine Lincoln prize- winning experimental Cinema" movement, according to and the traditions and tales which to the stream-of-consciousness American flms here April 30 and Dr. Edgar P. Daniels, associate technique of James Joyce." are told about him. Using the May L professor of English. criteria formulated by Lord Rag- Mr. Markapoulos won the Sil- The programs will begin at 8 lan in "The Hero," Professor ver A ward for experimental films Dr. Daniels said a 20-minute both nights, with coffee hours at Utley contends that President and the Pioneer Award for over- "sampler" of films by pop ar- 7:30 p.m. Lincoln is only a bit of Ameri- all contribution to the film in- tist Andy Warhol will also be fea- can, and that his traditional dustry at the Chicago Interna- tured. Dr. Daniels said tickets may identity is no more real than tional Film Festival last year. be purchased at the door or in King Arthur, Moses, or other His "Twice A Man" won a top Mr. Markapoulos' "Twice advance from the English De- national-cultural heroes. prize at the International Ex- A Man" will be featured Sunday partment for 25 cents. The pro- Dr. Utley is president of the perimental Film Competition in night, May 1. Dr. Daniels said grams are being sponsored by the American Folklore Soc'ety. Francis Utley Belgium in 1963. the film adapts the Greek legend College of Liberal Arts. page 2 The B-G News, Wednesday, April 13, 1966 News Editorial Page Self-Safety First Mis-Directed Auto safety Is being actively sought by a variety of factions in our nation today. President Johnson, several federal departments, various congressional committees, and the ever-powerful voice of the auto manufacturers are all speaking out for increased safety on the nation's roads and highways. A meaningful comparison that shows the magnitude of the need for safety reforms is the 790,000 persons killed in highway accidents since 1940 compared with the 603,000 persons that have died in all the nation's wars since 1776. In addition to this, millions of others have been seriously injured, and billions of dollars in damages have been lost. The "Big 4" of the automobile industry pressed recently for a voluntary program to Improve vehicle safety design as soon as possible. Their desire was to cooperate with each other for these improvements. The Justice Department, however, warned them against such cooperation on the basis of anti-trust laws. In other wordj, the auto manufacturers must compete against each other to provide the national goal of minimum safety standards.
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