Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® WKU Archives Records WKU Archives 12-1-1975 UA19/17/1/2 Basketball Program - WKU vs. Memphis State University WKU Athletic Media Relations Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records Part of the Sports Studies Commons Recommended Citation WKU Athletic Media Relations, "UA19/17/1/2 Basketball Program - WKU vs. Memphis State University" (1975). WKU Archives Records. Paper 2593. http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records/2593 This Other is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in WKU Archives Records by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Official Basketball TABLE OF CONTENTS Program Page Contents 1 1975-76 Western Kentucky University 2 Welcome to Western 3 John Oldham : Athletic Director 4 Jim Richards: Head Coach 5 The Hilltopper Sta ff 6 UNIVERSITY ATH LETIC CO MMITTEE : Dr. John Minton The 1975·76 Hilltoppers 7· 11 (Chairman). Mr, Ben nie Beach, Mr. William Bivin, Dr. Thomas Hilltopper Hotlme 13 Dunn , Dr. Wilburn Jones, Mr. Harry Largen. Dr. Peggy Keck. Mr, Western Kentucky Lineup 14 Owen Lawson, Dr. John Scarborough, Dr. Jack Thacker. MIss VISitors' Lineup 15 Stephanie Mad ison, Mrs. Gretchen Nlva, Dr, Faye Robinson , Mr. Tonlgh ts Opponent 16 Richard Wat son. AII·Time Western Ba sketball Records 17 Alma Mater 18 Hilltopper JV's 19 Hilltopper Basketball 20·21 • Western's AII ·OVC Players 22 Hilitopper Hundred Club 23 HILLTOPPER TIP·OFF : Official Basketball Program for home Hilitopper AII.Americans 24·25 games of Western Kentucky University prepared and edited by Managers and T ramers 26 the Office of Public Affairs and Publ ic Relat ions ; Dee Gibson, ons The " Lady Toppers" Olrector of Pu blic Affairs and Community Relations; Donald L. 27 1975·76 Cheerleaders 28 Armstrong, Director of PubliC Relations ; Pi Ka ppa Alpha, Dlstnbution; Ed Given, Program Manager; Homan Cull, Ass!. Program Manager; Program Cover design by Tom Foster. For championship banking services to fit your needs. phone 781-5000 or stop In your nearest e NB office Bank GROW ' Western Kentucky University Western Kentucky University was established by an act of the Legislature of Kentucky in 1906. Originally created for the sole purpose of training teac hers for the elementary and WEL COME secondary schools of Kentucky , Western has steadily increased the scope of its academic programs to meet the expanding needs of its students, TO Desi gnated as a un iversity by the Kentucky General Assembly on February 6, 1966, Western now consists of seven WESTERN colleges: the Bowling Green College of Bu siness and Public Affair s, the College of Applied Arts and Health , the College of Education , the Ogden College of Science and Technology, the Potter College of Arts and Humanities, the Graduate College, and the Community College , The University now offers six four·yea r undergraduate degrees , three two·year undergraduate degrees , eleve n \\' (' an' plc-as('d 10 lTlak(' our facilit ies available for COn f<'fl'nccs. meetings. and 0\ h('r arth'it les whi{'h providl' u.~ wit h graduate degrees, and partici pates in two doctoral programs , with course offerings lead ing to fifty majors and an opporl unily 10 associ1l\C" ..... it h alumni. friends. and 01 hi'rs ..... ho arf' \'italJ~' in\l'r<'stcd in Western Ke nt ucky Universit)'. fi fty·six minors, Western's en rol lment has been more than 12,000 students for the past two years , That figure does 'J'h('Sl' activiti('s include cultural and education programs and outstanding athletir (>V('OI<; s('h('dull'd throu).:"hout the )'<"Ir. not include students in the Jones·Jaggers Laboratory School or students in extension classes conducted away from It i~ to you ,. .. ho ar£' attendin/{ Ihl" hOIll(, football gaml's during the 1975 s('ason th,1t I (-'xtend a cordi,tI w(-'Icom.' to th(. WI·'t('rn {·ampus. We arf' f{rateful for your pres(-'n(·e here because it demonstrates your interest in Western K"ntuck .\' the campus , l ' niver..-ity. Th{' studc!l\s. fal·ulty, and st ••ff 'HI: g{'nu inc!y proud of the Univcrsity a nd ar{' ,Htf'm pting 10 make it hell.'r and As the 1975·76 academic year opened, Western's physica l plant consisted of more than 60 buildings worth ..-Ironf{l' r each year. We rf·,·ogn ize thc ,l<Tcat hl'r il il ge thaI is Ollrs, and we will ('onstantly seck 10 flrOlcct a nd pn ·S erl'l' ttw more than $94 million with an Environmental Science and Technology Building near com pletion. iOl·als un whio:h Western W,IS founded····To hi' a live schuol and to impart 10 its st udents a burning Zt'a i 10 d o ,Inti 10 hi' son1t'lhing; 10 1('1 the reputation of tIll' school he sustained by real Illerit; and to il',l\i t h.· st udent to understand th at II hroad and li b(·ral .:Ii ucation is eSM'nt ial to Ihl' highest degree of success in a ny end,'avor of lif{' .. ,"Slated hy WI'slern's fi r ~t pr;'~id f' nt, Dr. 11.11 , Cherr,v, t hese ideals conlinue to be a sustaining force in the life of W{' stcrn, The University now has well over 22 ,500 alumni who have received bachelors degrees: more than 5,200 who hold the ma sters degree , We stern's seven libra ries contai n over 500,000 volumes and more tha n 3.100 Journa l On tx'ha]f of the departments and program areas t ha I make up the seven collelo:es of thc University and of all the individuals who are associated with Wester n as 11 part of the University community, I cX lend best wishes and invite you titles, as well as numerou s other ho ldi ngs. to rf'1 urn \0 the c;lInpus on frcllut'nl occasions. W e invile you to call upon us if Western can bc of help 10 you or to tho ,~e in \\ hum ynu havl' a per~onal interest. Western's campus of more tha n 200 acres is recognized as one of the most beautiful in the nation, It is crowned by a commanding hill from which Hilltop per athleti c team s derive their nickname . U affords a view of the Dero G, Downing University from almost any approach to the city of Bowling Green , a co mmunity of approximately 42 ,000 peop le, President You've got something special from the perfection ists at in Bowling Green ... KENTUCKY FARM TH E INSURANCE PROF ESS IONALS ;;::;~:;;'-:...;.=:: __ .....u,*,y ~ . _ _ ....,.,.,~.... --_.. -:.- - =:.~--- _ ..... ,-­ CHARLES M . MOORE INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. KENTUCKY FARM SAUSAGE · 1416 Adam Street. Nashville, Tenn. 37208 100751 Art: SIRI I. I I 501/8H9()5" / HOWLING GRU,v. /-.1. ,'011 ()(.A \ 41/0/ INSURANCE' BONDS - 2- J OHN OLDHAM J IM RICHAR DS T he Athletic Director Head Coach John Oldham is a man who has excelled at nearly every phase of basketball competition and one who is now ma king a The 1975·76 season will be Jim Richard's fifth as head coach of the Hililoppers. He succeeded current We stern Athlet iC Director John Oldham in 1971 alter three yea rs as an assistant coach. He immediately, in the 1971-72 season. led Western to a considerable name for nimself as athletic administrater. An All -Amer ican at Western Ken tucky under the late E. A. Diddle, tie for the Ohio Valley Conference title and a 15- 11 record. Oldham has also performed successfully as a professional player and as a head coach at both the high school and college levels. He and Oldham share a distinction held by no other coach In the history of the ove. since they are the only coaches to Win a Oldham Succeeded Diddle as head coach of the Hilltoppers in 1964. His seven year record with the Hilitoppers before share of the league title in their first years as head coaches. Oldham won hiS Ilrst OVC crown at Tennessee Tech in 1955-56. giving up coaching to become athletic director in July, 1971. wa s phenomenal. He ted Western to four regular season Ohio nine years before coming to Western. Valley championships and one second· place finish; four holiday tournament titles: five trips to national post -season In 1972·73. despite a wave of Injuries that reached almost epidemiC proportions In December. Richards brought the tourna ments; and an overall re<:ord of 146 wins against only 41 losses, Hilitoppers back from an 0·6 league start to win six of their last eight games and finish With a 10· 16 re<:ord. Several of his former Hilltoppers are now in t he pro ranks and more than a score others are In the coaching profession. The follOWing year. another whirlWind finish gave the Hilitoppers an overall 15· 10 re<:ord and fourth place In the tough Counting out a nine-year stay at Tennessee Te<:h before coming to Western. Oldham's overall collegiate coaching re<:ord shows OVC race with an 8-6 mark, The performance won OVC Coach ·of·the-Year honors for Richards by vote of hiS fe llow coaches 264 wins to 124 losses over a 16-year span. Last season. plaYing what may have been the Hilltoppers' toughest schedule ever. hiS team finished second in the league at Since taking over as athletiC director In 1971.
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