FUSSBALL IST ALLES MOVING TOGETHER VFL WOLFSBURG PROGRESS REPORT 2014 WWW.VFL-WOLFSBURG.DE 2 | A GREAT DEAL HAS HAPPENED ABOUT THIS REPORT Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for people and the en- tion of the core business of VfL Wolfsburg – and focuses on the vironment is firmly rooted in the philosophy of VfL Wolfsburg. impressive sporting success of its two Bundesliga teams. The VfL has the ambition of playing a leading role in professional following five main chapters concentrate on the main aspects football as a responsible participant, nationally and internation- of the primary CSR activities in which the club is engaged: ally. These endeavours are supported by the sustainability and “Strategy and management”, “Employees”, “Environment”, CSR reporting which are key communication instruments. The and “Society”, as well as “Fans and members”. Progress is de- most important stakeholders at which these reports are aimed scribed in these chapters on the basis of selected highlights. include the fans, employees, partners and sponsors of VfL, as Each chapter is also accompanied by an overview highlighting well as Volkswagen AG. In addition, it is also aimed at non-gov- the main milestones achieved during the reporting period: and ernmental organisations and lobbies, as well as representatives an “Outlook” looks forward to planned activities. The informa- of politics, science and research. tion incorporated in these chapters was derived from discus- sions with the responsible employees in each case. In this CSR Progress Report, VfL makes public to its stake- holder groups the progress which was achieved up to July 2014 The introduction to each chapter includes an overview of the in implementing the sustainability programme it adopted in targets published in 2012, and the current status of the target 2012. This report focuses on the most important activities, implementation. The club has adapted its 2014 CSR objectives changes and further developments, as well as the weaknesses to the current developments. New objectives, and the meas- identified in VfL’s handling of its social responsibility. Moreo- ures implemented to achieve them are presented in an updated ver, the report also provides information on VfL’s objectives for CSR programme which follows the main chapters. The report the future reporting periods. This is followed by the CSR Re- concludes with an overview of the most important metrics dur- port which will be published at the end of 2016 in the long de- ing the reporting period. tailed version. To ensure the report can be read more smoothly, groups of per- The reporting period concentrates on the 2012/2013 and sons described in the report are always referred to in the mas- 2013/2014 seasons; later developments have also been taken culine tense, but should always be seen as considering men and into consideration in individual cases if this was feasible women equally in each case. before the editorial closing date. All of the aspects dealt with refer to the whole VfL Wolfsburg-Fußball GmbH. The report is The progress report follows the first report in being oriented to published in a German and an English version. the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) version GRI 3.1, and IÖW/future e.v. Focusing on the progress does The structure of the report is influenced by the first publica- mean, however, that not all of the indicators could be discussed tion of the VfL Sustainability Report in 2012. The structural to the same extent. This is the reason why VfL dispensed with similarities are a deliberate tool to enhance transparency and an examination of the contents by the GRI. make it easier for readers to understand the development steps achieved by the club. More detailed information and up-to-date news can be found at the VfL Wolfsburg website at www.vfl-wolfsburg.de; con- The report starts with an introduction by the management and tent dealing specifically with sustainability can be found at the lord mayor of Wolfsburg, which is followed by the elabora- www.vfl-wolfsburg.de/soziales. 2 | 3 CONTENTS A GREAT DEAL CONTENTS HAS HAPPENED ABOUT THIS REPORT Welcome by Klaus Mohrs, Lord Mayor of Wolfsburg 4 Foreword by Thomas Röttgermann, Managing Director of VfL Wolfsburg-Fußball GmbH 5 Sporting development 6 STRATEGY AND MANAGEMENT 8 Responsible governance EMPLOYEES 12 Bringing togetherness alive ENVIRONMENT 16 Greener football SOCIETY 20 Acting in partnership FANS AND MEMBERS 24 Sharing enthusiasm PROGRAMME 28 SUCCESS IN FIGURES 30 IMPRINT 31 4 | VFL MOVES PEOPLE IN THE REGION LORD MAYOR OF WOLFSBURG KLAUS MOHRS ON THE SOCIAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FOOTBALL Football is thrilling. The World Cup in nificantly towards achieving these goals sportsmen and women for their future Brazil again very clearly underlined the after the 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 sea- matches and competitions. enormous emotional power of this sport, sons, but also that it must still do all it can and how it brings people together – on to maintain its commitment. Yours faithfully, the winning and the losing side. Wolfs- burg as well has always cheered on the The fans are part of the club and we footballers, and celebrated many won- should therefore all do our part to look derful moments and victories last sea- after the environment as well as treat our son with the national team as well as fellow citizens fairly. Doing this can some- with VfL Wolfsburg. times be uncomplicated: with the “Mov- ing Together” campaign day for instance, The clubs, professional players, coaches we have shown how pleasant it is to cycle Ihr Klaus Mohrs, and managers are role models for young to the stadium. Read this report to find out Lord Mayor of the city of Wolfsburg and old sports fans. I am therefore de- what VfL is doing for you and lighted that VfL Wolfsburg not only does your environment, and how the best it can to achieve sporting suc- you can also play a part in this cess, but also has a strong commitment sustainable development! to corporate responsibility in other are- as. Even though the first teams often take On behalf of the council and pride of place, there are many other as- administration of the city of pects in which VfL moves the people in Wolfsburg, as well as all of the region. It does a great deal for socie- the citizens of Wolfsburg, I ty and the environment with its activities warmly thank VfL Wolfsburg and many innovative projects. Under its for the excellent co-operation “Moving Together” slogan, it joins togeth- in creating a forward-looking er with partners to support education, in- lively Wolfsburg. I look for- tegration and health. In addition, VfL has ward to lots more success plans to slash its CO2 emissions by 25 per on the pitch, as well as in its cent by the end of the 2017/2018 season. social and environmental ac- The progress report not only clearly high- tivities, and will keep my fin- lights that VfL Wolfsburg has moved sig- gers crossed on behalf of the 4 | 5 FOREWORD INTERNATIONAL SUCCESS AND REGIONAL ROOTS THOMAS RÖTTGERMANN, MANAGING DIRECTOR OF VFL WOLFSBURG- FUSSBALL GMBH, ON THE SUCCESS AND RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CLUB VfL makes permanent progress – in all pos- attracts attention well beyond the region. you think of the report. I very much look sible fields: following in the footsteps of the One example being when the former Ger- forward to hearing from you. VfL women, the Bundesliga team is now man Minister for Families, Ursula von der also playing at an international level. Qual- Leyen, came along to see pupils working Yours faithfully, ifying for the Europa League gives us an with the VfL-Wiki. opportunity to bring even more attractive matches to Wolfsburg, further strengthen And under the umbrella of its “Wolfs- our media presence and fan loyalty, and burg United” slogan, VfL also does a attract the attention of new partners and great deal at an international level to sponsors. At the same time, this brings us promote co-operation and the exchange closer to our overriding ambition of running of cultures. These endeavours includ- Ihr Thomas Röttgermann, football in such an integrated way that we ed organising a training camp for the Managing Director establish ourselves permanently as one of VfL Football Academy in Mexico. In ad- of VfL Wolfsburg-Fußball GmbH the top international clubs. dition, we also had football academy players from China Success boosts our commercial strength as our guests: an important and attractiveness, and makes us figures enough occasion to attract of admiration. This also enables us to sat- the attention of the Pres- isfy our corporate social responsibility ident of China Xi Jinping, (CSR) even more intensely, and to do so who came along to the Ber- with the incorporation of as many people lin Olympics site to watch the as possible. On our first Volunteers Day for young Chinese team playing instance, we worked together with players our youth squad. We are also and the club office employees to restore the only German club to be- the grounds of TSG Calbe destroyed when come a founder member the Saale river burst its banks. Moreover, of the “European Football we have incorporated CSR objectives in for Development Network” the annual targets agreed with our em- (EFDN). ployees and managers, to work together to achieve more sustainability at VfL. As Transparency and dialogue an event organiser as well, we always think are also integral parts of in terms of society. This includes our con- our ambition to act as a role tinued commitment to inexpensive, af- model on CSR matters. This fordable ticket prices for people from all progress report is intend- sections of society.
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