COUNTY OF LOUTH. GRAND WARRANT FOR SPRING ASSIZES, 1894, CONTAINING AN ABSTRACT OF ALL THE COUNTY PRESENTMENTS. JUDGES: THE RIGHT HON. MR. JUSTICE MURPHY, THE RIGHT HON. MR. JUSTICE HOLMES. HIGH-SHERIFF : E dmond O ’ C onor, Esq., J.P.* Charleville, Dunleer. Louth County ArchivesSUB-SHERIFF: T homas J. B yrne, Esq., Rossmakea, Dund Fiscal Day— Monday, 2&th February, 189 Crown Day— Wednesday, 28th February, GRAND JURY. 1 WILLIAM RUXTON, Esq., J.P.. V.L. (Foreman). 2 L. A. Lee-Norman. Esq., J.P., D.L. 13 Malcolm B. Murray, Esq., J.P. 3 B. R. T. Balfour, Esq., J.P., D.L. 14 John J. E. Bigger, Esq., J.P. 4 John Murphy, Esq., J.P. 15 Colonel Charles Thornhill. 5 Arthur Macan, Esq., J.P., D.L. 16 Henry C. Tisdall, Esq., J.P. 6 W. de Salis Filgate, Esq., J.P., D.L. 17 Alfred H. Wynne, Esq., J.P. 7 Henry Chester, Esq., J.P. 18 Walter S. Butler, Esq., J.P. 8 M.-Gen.O’B.B. Woolsey, J.P., D.L. 19 Richard Quin, Esq., J.P. 9 John R. Garstin, Esq., J.P., D.L. 20 Henry C. Lloyd, Esq., J.P. 10 Ralph Smyth, Esq., J.P. 21 Samuel Bradford, Esq., J.P. 11 William J. O’Reilly, Esq., J.P. 22 Patrick D. Caraher, Esq. 12 Thomas M. Richardson, Esq., J.P. 23 Christopher M. Neary, Esq., J.P. DUNDALK : PRINTED BY WILLIAM TEMPEST. 1894. C o u n t y "l o u t h j LIBRARY S-^VICE \ A cc.N o .... ........< COUNTY OF laOUTH, Clasi No........ — ♦*-.— Invoice No.. / / j Catalogued...I O-r L -f * * 1 Vendor........................... ...... -—1 GRAND WARRANT FOR SPRING ASSIZES, 1894. NEW PRESENTMENTS. —^ — County at Large. W e present the following Suma to be raised off the County at Large, for the several purposes mentioned, and under and by virtue o f the several Acts relating thereto, viz. :— COUNTY OFFICERS. No. £ s d 1 Townley F. Filgate, Secretary of Grand Jury, half-a-year’s salary due him this Assizes. To be Louth Countynow Archivespaid out of the surplus or balance in County Bank, 6 & 7 Wm. 4, chap. 116, sec. 110; and 30 & 31 Vic., chap. 46, 90 16 8 2 P. J. Lynam, County Surveyor, 8 months’ salary due him 1st March, 1894. To be now paid out of the surplus or balance in County Bank. 6 & 7 Wm. 4, chap. 116, sec. 41 ; and 24 & 25 Vic,, chap. 63, sec, 5, . 266 13 4 3 Same, half-a-year’ s expenses of Clerk and office, due him this Assizes. To be now paid out of the surplus or balance in County Bank. 6 & 7 Wm. 4, chap. 116, sec. 43, . 25 0 0 4 James Dromgoole, Surveyor’s Assistant, half- a-year’s salary due him this Assizes. To be now paid out of the surplus or balance in County Bank, Ibid, and 24 & 25 Vic., chap. 63, sec. 7, 40 0 0 Carried over, .. 422 10 0 4 NEW PRESENTMENTS GRANTED SPRING ASSIZES, 1894 NEW PRESENTMENTS GRANTED SPRING ASSIZES, 1894 £ 8 d No. Brought forward, . 422 10 0 £ s d 5 John M. C. Lyons, Surveyor’s Assistant, the Brought forward . 542 10 0 No. like. To be now paid out of the surplus or balance in County Bank. Ibid, .. .» 40 0 0 charge upon the County Rates by payment o f a commutation sum 6 Francis J. Lynam, Surveyor’s Assistant, the from the Treasury to the County, £2 1 8 like. To be now paid out of the surplus or Original proportion payable by balance in County Bank. Ibid, . 37 10 0 County, 36 & 37 Vic., chap. 51, 7 Thomas J. Byrne, Sub-Sheriff, half-a-year’s sec. 4 ; and 40 & 41 Vic., chap. 49, salary due him the 6th February, 1894. To be sec. 32 ; and 41 & 42 Vic., chap. 63, £14 11 8 now paid out of the surplus or balance in County 16 13 4 Bank. 6 & 7 JVtn. 4, chap. 116, sec. 110, .. 23 10 0 14 Henry Noble, late Governor of County Prison, for the like, viz. :— 8 Daniel Hindes, Judge’s Crier, half-a-year’s salary due him this Assizes, To be now paid out Former Treasury Proportion, .. £3 5 6 of the surplus or balance in County Bank. Ibid, 5 0 0 Original County proportion, .. 31 2 10 Ibid, ----------------- 34 8 4 9 Alfred Samuel Leopold, Barrister’s Crier, the 15 Annie Foster, late Matron of O unty Prison, like. To be now paid out of the surplus or for the like, viz.: — balance in County Bank, Ibid, .. 5 0 0 Former Treasury proportion. .. £2 0 8 10 Townley F. Filgate, keeper of the County Original County proportion, .. 5 9 4 Court-house,Louth the like. To be now paid Countyout of the Ibid, Archives----------------- 7 10 0 surplus or balance in County Bank. Ibid, . 5 0 0 16 Hugh Davidson, late a Warder of County 11 Joseph Reilly, keeper of Ardee Quarter Prison, for the like, viz. :— Sessions Court-house, the like. To be now paid Former Treasury proportion, .. £3 3 10 out of the surplus or balance in County Bank. Original County proportion, .. 8 9 6 Section 79, . .. 2 0 0 Ibid, ----------------- 11 13 4 12 The same, as caretaker of Ardee Bridewell, the like. To be now paid out of the surplus or HARBOUR CONSTABLES. balance in County Bank, 40 & 41 V icchap. 49, 17 £13 6s. 8d. to Horatio Chegwin, Harbour sec. 31, . ..200 Constable of Carlingford, 8 months’ salary due him to 1st March, 1894, he having lodged the RETIRING ALLOWANCES. receipts of said Harbour in Bank to the credit of 13 Edward Tipping, late Local Inspector of the County, for 8 months to 1st February, 1894, County Prison, 4 months’ retiring allowance due amount of same, £31 0s. 6d. To be now paid him the 1st July, 1894, v iz .:— out of the surplus or balance in County Bank to Proportion formerly paid by the the credit of said Harbour, but not to be placed Treasury now transferred as a upon the levy. 16 & 17 Vic., chap. 136, sec. 9, Carried over, ,, 542 10 0 Carried over, .. 612 15 0 6 7 NEW PRESENTMENTS GRANTED SPRING ASSIZES, 1S94 NEW PRESENTMENTS GRANTED SPRING^AS,SIZES, 1894 £ 8 d £ e d Brought forward, . 698 2 10 Brought forward, .. 612 15 0 No. No. COUNTY INFIRMARY GRANT. 18 £6 13s. 4d. to James Cumiskey, Harbour 22 Bank of Ireland, Treasurer of the County Constable of Giles’ Quay, for the like. Amount Infirmary, for the use of said Infirmary, for of receipts, £8 13s. 10d. To be now paid out half-a-year. 6&7 Wm. 4, chap. 116, sec, 85, .. 250 0 0 of the burplu9 or balance in County Bank to the credit of said Harbour, but not to be placed COUNTY INFIRMARY SURGEON. upon the levy. Ibid, .. 23 Hercules H. Macdonnell, M.D., Surgeon of the County Infirmary, half-a-year’s salary that 19 £5 Os. 0d. to Patrick Neacy, Harbour will be due him at Summer Assizes, 1894. 6 & 7 Constable of Clogher Head Harbour, for the like. Wm. 4, chap. 116, sec, 86, .. .. 47 0 0 Amount of receipts, £14 3s. 2d. To be now paid out of the surplus or balance in County RICHMOND DISTRICT LUNATIC ASYLUM. Bank to the credit of said Harbour, but not to 24 The Governors of Richmond District Lunatic be placed upon thelevy. Ibid, . •»>,>>> Asylum for Maintenance of the Officers thereof and Patients therein, from 1st April, 1894, to 31st CORONERS. March, 1895. To be advanced from time to time as may be required out of the surplus or balance 20 Dr* Joseph M. Callan, one of the Coroners, in County Bank. 41 & 42 Vic., chap. 24 ; and 1 for the performance of the duties of his office, viz.: 2 Vic., chap. 116, . ..1818 4 7 8 Louthmonths’ salary^ to 1st March, 1894, County£40 0 0 Archives Mileage, .. .. ..280 PRINTING AND STATIONERY. Incidental Expenses, .. .. 1 5 6 25 W illiam Tempest, for certain Printing and Expenses of Medical Witnesses, .. 1111 0 -----------------55 4 6 Stationery, supplied by him, per contract, for half-a-year. 6& 6 Wm. 4, chap, 116, secs. 131 To be now paid out of the surplus or balance in and 142, .. .. 77 8 8 County Bank. 9 & 10 Vic., chap. 37, secs. 25 30; and 44 ^ 45 Vic., chap, 35. 26 Patrick Mathews, for the like. Ibid, 27 13 2 27 William Tempest, to repay him the cost of 21 Dr. Thomas J. Moore, Second Coroner, for distributing the County Books and Documents, the like, viz. :— directed by the Grand Jury to be distributed by 8 months’ salary to 1st March, 1894, £26 13 4 the respective officers of the County. To be Mileage, .. ..180 now paid out of the surplus or balance in County Incidental Expenses, , . ,,,,,, Bank. Secs, 8, 25, and 142, .. .. 2 13 11 Expenses of Medical Witnesses, .. 2 2 0 ----------------- 30 3 4 28 Patrick Mathews, for the like. To be now To be now paid out of the surplus or balance in paid out of the surplus or balance in Coutny Bank. County Bank. Ibid. Ibid, . ..4149 Carried over, .. 698 2 10 Carried over, .. 2925 17 11 9 NEW PRESENTMENTS GRANTED SPRING ASSIZES, 1894 NEW PRESENTMENTS GRANTED SPRING ASSIZES, 1894 £ 8 d £ 8 d Brought forward, . 3011 17 11 Brought forward, . :2925 17 11 No. Forward, .. .. £3 16 11 No. PUBLIC ANALYST. The 9th of 28 half-yearly instal­ ments of £1903 10s, 3d.
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