April 28, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E463 CONGRATULATING SHERIFF aviation has been critical to our work in IN RECOGNITION OF THE 77TH AN- TYSON STEPHENS ON HIS RE- strengthening, recapitalizing, and building our NIVERSARY OF EXERCISE TIGER TIREMENT Nation’s air and space forces. This moment is bittersweet, as we are deep- HON. EMANUEL CLEAVER HON. RICK W. ALLEN ly saddened to see Matt go. However, we are OF MISSOURI OF GEORGIA excited for what awaits him, wish him luck as IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES he commands his prior unit, and look forward Wednesday, April 28, 2021 Wednesday, April 28, 2021 to seeing what his future holds. Mr. CLEAVER. Madam Speaker, it is with a Mr. ALLEN. Madam Speaker, I rise today to Madam Speaker, on behalf of the U.S. Con- deep and poignant gratitude that I rise today congratulate Sheriff Tyson Stephens, Emanuel gress and a grateful Nation, I extend our to celebrate the American heroes who lost County’s longest-serving sheriff, on his recent deepest appreciation to Lieutenant Colonel their lives seventy-seven years ago during Ex- retirement. Gorsuch for his dedicated service to the U.S. ercise Tiger. Paving the way for the D-Day in- Sheriff Stephens first entered public service Air Force, U.S. House of Representatives, and vasion that would take place on June 6, 1944, in 1982, and has spent his career ensuring the to our Nation. Exercise Tiger, while once kept secret, is now community is a safe place to live, work and regarded as having been both a tragedy and raise a family. He has certainly made an im- f a critically instructive component of the Allies’ pact on Emanuel County, and it will continue mission to end World War II. The lives lost on to be felt for years to come. HONORING THE 175TH ANNIVER- that fateful day were honored by the soldiers I know that his family has made many sac- SARY OF FREDERICKSBURG, who learned from Exercise Tiger and carried rifices over the past three decades, and it is TEXAS their memory into battle during the liberation of time for him to enjoy this next chapter with his France. It is a story we must never allow our- wife, children and grandchildren. I thank Sher- selves to forget. iff Stephens for his service and commitment, HON. CHIP ROY Before the assembled British, Canadian, and American forces could carry out the D- and congratulations on his retirement. OF TEXAS f Day invasion, 4,000 soldiers conducted a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES massive simulated landing to rehearse and RECOGNIZING LIEUTENANT prepare for that immeasurably vital military COLONEL MATTHEW D. GORSUCH Wednesday, April 28, 2021 act. However, what started as a military exer- cise ended as one of the greatest military trag- Mr. ROY. Madam Speaker, I rise today to edies of World War II. The calm, dark night of HON. JOHN GARAMENDI celebrate the 175th anniversary of Fredericks- April 28, 1944, burst into chaos and combat OF CALIFORNIA burg, Texas. Fredericksburg was founded on when German U-boats ambushed the Tank IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES May 8, 1846, by Baron Otfried Hans von Landing Ships (LSTs) transporting American Meusebach as the second prominent German Wednesday, April 28, 2021 soldiers. Almost 750 American servicemen, in- settlement in the Texas Hill Country. Those Mr. GARAMENDI. Madam Speaker, I rise cluding over 200 Missourians, would give their brave settlers established a cordial relation- today to recognize Lieutenant Colonel Mat- last full measure of devotion when their ves- ship with the local Comanche tribes allowing thew D. Gorsuch of the U.S. Air Force, upon sels were either destroyed or severely dam- the town to grow into what it is today. Now his departure from the Department of the Air aged. But Allied forces would not be deterred, many years later, Fredericksburg has grown Force Directorate of Legislative Liaison. As- as the brave soldiers on those vessels banded into the national spotlight for its wonderful at- signed as a Liaison Officer to the U.S. House together to repel enemy attacks and move for- tractions and rich German-Texan culture. of Representatives, Lieutenant Colonel ward with their mission. Even in the face of Gorsuch served as a critical bridge between Sites throughout Fredericksburg are near immense loss, a well-equipped enemy force, key senior leaders within the Department of and dear to my heart. I love to visit and little help from nearby Allied forces, the Defense, to include the Secretary of the Air Luckenbach dance hall with my family and lis- tenacity and determination of the soldiers and Force, Chief of Staff of the Air Force, Chief of ten to local songwriters cover Waylon Jen- sailors involved ensured that the landing oper- Space Operations and 147 assigned Members nings and Willie Nelson. I recommend visiting ations would continue mere hours after the ini- of Congress, to include the Speaker and the fields of bluebonnets and wildflowers in the tial attack. Allied Commanders planning the Chairman of the House Armed Services Com- spring and enjoying some world-famous eventual D-Day invasion learned from Exer- mittee. Over these past two years, he led peaches in the summer. While some of the cise Tiger and incorporated new strategies to international travel for four Speaker congres- buildings and faces have changed in Fred- ensure soldiers would be protected from bar- sional delegations, including bi-lateral engage- ericksburg, the people are still the same hard- rage before landing on the beach. Without the ments with state leaders from the United King- working, friendly Texans who helped mold the bravery of the forces that fought that day, it is dom, France, and Poland, strengthening state. possible that even more American, Canadian, bonds with the North Atlantic Treaty Organiza- Fredericksburg is full of American history. and British lives would have been lost on D- tion. His actions reinforced Federal priorities Giants like Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz Day, and that the invasion of France, which for both the fiscal years 2020 and 2021 Na- call Fredericksburg home. Admiral Nimitz led hinged on secrecy, speed, and synchronicity, tional Defense Authorization Acts. He will be American forces to victory in the battle of Mid- would have failed. It is not hyperbole to say deeply missed after exceptional years of serv- way, regarded as the most important battle in that the soldiers and sailors of Exercise Tiger ice. Naval History. The beautiful National Museum changed the course of world history and that Lieutenant Colonel Gorsuch is a native of of the Pacific War, named in his honor, re- we are forever indebted to their sacrifice. Leoti, Kansas, and is a graduate of Oklahoma sides in downtown Fredericksburg. It is a time-honored tradition in the United State University with a Bachelor’s in Mechan- States for us to gather and celebrate the her- ical Engineering and a Master’s of Business Madam Speaker, it is my distinct honor to oism and sacrifices of the countless fathers, Administration. He is a 2018 graduated De- pay tribute to the many figures who helped mothers, brothers, sisters, and children who fense Legislative Fellow. shape the history of Fredericksburg. I want to have died to protect our nation from foreign Lieutenant Colonel Gorsuch began his ca- extend my thanks to the Mayor and city lead- and domestic threats. On the last Monday of reer in 2003 at Vance Air Force Base, Okla- ership who have worked with me on important May, thousands congregate to quietly observe homa, as a First Assignment Instructor Pilot, issues throughout my first two terms, and to and remember the names found on marble and has since held numerous Special Oper- groups like the Gillespie County Historical So- headstones cascading across Arlington Na- ations assignments, flying the MC–130H Com- ciety who work hard to preserve the history of tional Cemetery. On the fourth day of July, we bat Talon II at Hurlburt Field, Florida, and the region. It is an immense privilege to serve join friends and family for a celebration of our Royal Air Force Mildenhall in the United King- those who will continue to shape the future of nation’s independence. On each November dom. Trusted for his tactical acumen, he was Fredericksburg, Texas for the next 175 years. 11th, we reach out to the veterans in our lives, assigned as a Combat Air Advisor in the 711th I hope my colleagues in the House of Rep- thank them for their service, and if we are Special Operations Squadron, the very same resentatives will join me in congratulating the lucky, listen to their stories of service. Scat- squadron he is departing the Legislative Liai- town of Fredericksburg on this historic occa- tered between these national celebrations are son to Command. His extensive background in sion. memorials hosted in small towns and big cities VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:50 Apr 29, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A28AP8.012 E28APPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with REMARKS.
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