US008600925B2 (12) Ulllted States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 8,600,925 B2 Vickers et a]. (45) Date of Patent: Dec. 3, 2013 (54) OBJECT-RELATIONAL MAPPED DATABASE 7,089,583 B2 8/2006 Mehra etal. INITIALIZATION 7,277,435 B2 * 10/2007 Keller ......................... .. 370/390 7,421,436 B2 9/2008 Salo et a1. (75) Inventors: Arthur John Cerdlc. Vlckers,. Redmond, 7,676,4937,657,505 B2 * 3/20102/2010 PiZJZOHe'lsber et ‘i1’ et al. .... .. 707/999.002 WA (US); Dlego Bernardo Vega, 7,734,659 B2 * 6/2010 Lori ............................ .. 707/802 Sammamish, WA (US); Rowan Miller, 7,788,275 B2 * 8/2010 Warren et a1. .. 707/763 Kirkland’ WA (Us); Andrew “"1 333328125 3%: ‘$315 $6615 6E 21' 383/335 Peters’ Sammamlsh’- WA (Us) 8,438,532, , B2 * 5/2013 FOXee et ea1. a ..................... .. 717/101 2009/0024652 A1 1/2009 Th t l. 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Patent Dec. 3, 2013 Sheet 1 of3 US 8,600,925 B2 DEVICE, E.G., COMPUTER SYSTEM E MEMORY/MEDIAm TOOLS Q, E.G., ‘DE m, DEVELOPER CODE OBJECT-RELATIONAL MAPPER 1 6 E, OBJECTS Q, DATABASE CONNECTION _2 MODEUS) M DATA OONTExT E INSTANOE U l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __1 |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __l I ' I DATABASE 138 I PROCESSOR(S) m i DISPLAY Q :l : SCHEMA i—! i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __. l____________________ i ‘ ‘ i CONFIGURED MEDIUM l USER(S) m INSTRUCTIONS L } 100 NETWORK(S)" m DATA m I, PER|PHERAL(S) m Fig. 1 STORAGE MEDIA l DATABASE INITIALIZATION MONITOR u, |NDEX(ES) m MONITOR CODE M SEED DATA m DATABASE INITIALIZER(S) m E.G., DEFAULT INITIALIZER m, EXISTING CUSTOM INITIALIZER & DATABASE E AND DATA E To WGRATE INITIALIZATION SETTING(S) m MODEL-HASH m, SCHEMA-HASH 2 Fig. 2 US. Patent Dec. 3, 2013 Sheet 2 of3 US 8,600,925 B2 / 300 A DETECT ?ATTEMPTED FIRST RUNTIME USE E V INVOKE @ DATABASE INITIALIZER V CHECK @ WHETHER DATABASE EXISTS V DETERMINE m NO DATABASE EXISTS V GENERATE Q COMPATIBLE DATABASE & SCHEMA V ASCERTAIN u DATABASE — MODEL COMPATIBILITY V SKIP m ASCERTAINING COMPATIBILITY V DELETE m DATABASE & SCHEMA V GENERATE 320 312 REPLACEMENT DATABASE FIND E THAT OBJECT MODEL HAS CHANGED V SEED @ DATA INTO DATABASE V MODIFY E INDEX OF DATABASE V MIGRATE @ DATABASE, RETAIN @ DATA V EXECUTE Q (CUSTOM) INITIALIZATION CODE CONFIGURE E STORAGE MEDIUM Fig. 3 US. Patent Dec. 3, 2013 Sheet 3 of3 US 8,600,925 B2 / 400 T OBTAIN @ DATA CONTEXT INSTANCE _, T‘ SPECIFY % DATABASE CONNECTION DEFINE M OBJECT MODEL OF APPLICATION & _} SUPPLY m CUSTOM DATABASE INITIALIZER _, Al IEMPT Q RUNTIME m USE OF CONNECTION _} ‘ VERIFY m DATABASE INITIALIZED g _, VERIFY m BASED ON INDEX MODIFICATION Q _} = VERIFY m BASED ON DATABASE MIGRATION Q _, T VERIFY m BASED ON DATA SEEDING RESULT % _, T‘ sELECT % INITIALIzATION SETTING ' OVERRIDE % DEFAULT INITIALIZER _, ' SUPPLEMENT @ DEFAULT INITIALIZER _, Fig.
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