e Too y: loudy, prinkJe, 44°F (70C) Tonight: loudy, drizzle, 34°F (10C) Tomorrow: loudy, raw, 40°F (5° ) D I pge 2 umber 16 "It h been common practice to p riodically increa e the default The ize of tudent ' Ath na u er quota to try to keep in tep with di k quota wa incre d from 10 current demands," aid y tern megabyte to 12.5 megabyte early Programmer Matthew H. Braun '93, Tuesday mornin . The la t time team leader of Athena erver Oper- space wa increa ed wa in Augu t ation . 1994 when the quota wa doubled U e of application like from five to 10 megabyte . Framemaker and the popularity of The increa e wa made by Di - the World-Wide eb have greatl tributed Computing and etwork increa ed the amount of data torage Service, a divi ion of Information that tudent need, Braun aid. System. While I hope to implement Student' di k pace "alway " mailer quota increa e more fre- gradually increa es," aid Director quently," the next increa e ha not of Academic omputing Gregory yet been cheduled, meaning another A. Jack on. increa e will not likely come before The periodic replacement of the end of the term, Braun aid. older server with larger, more pow- In order to implement the quota erful ones gradually increa ed the increa e, 30 gigabyte ha been amount of online storage that the added to the Athena AF Cell, leav- JIRJ SCHINDLER-THE TECH Institute has available for tudent, Russell Sammon '98 Jostles for the ball with an opponent In MIT's 19-6 win over Curry College. Jackson said. Athena, Page 19 MIT Team Places First Morjopoulos Elected GSCPresiden~' In Design Competition Plans to Lobbyfor Graduate Housing By Kwong H. Yung with a design problem involving an By David D. Hsu "The mi sion of G i to In order to ervice graduates, the STAFF REPORTER oil spill onto the coast of Maine and NEWS EDITOR improve graduate tudent quality of G could create a World-Wide For the third consecutive year, were asked to minimize the environ- The Graduate tudent Council life," Morfopoulo aid. A pre i- Web page that would con olidate an MIT team placed first in the mental damage caused by the spill. elected Con tantine A. Morfopoulo dent, he would be committed to that event of intere t to graduate tu- annual Tau Beta Pi District Design "We were given a list of G a president on Tuesday in its purpo e. dent ,Morfopoulo said. Competition, hosted by the Univer- re ources such as helicopters, tug- only contested election thi year. Hou ing i one of the i ue Morfopoulo ha er ed a a sity of Massachusetts at Lowell la t boats, and oil skimmers with which Maria Eh an (J was elected vice important to graduate tudent, G r pre entative of the Depart- Saturday. UMass Lowell shared first to combat the spill, orne of which president, while Eva Moy G and Morfopoulo aid. "The G ment of i il and nvironmental place with MIT. were located in Portland, Maine, Lawrence D. Barrett G were elected should lobby and fight to keep grad- ngineering and chair of the ocial Salman Khan '98, Michael and others in Boston," Guidry said. secretary and treasurer, respectively. uate student hou ing on campu ," he committee for A hdown Hou e. idry '98, Praveen Ghanta '99, In addition, the leaking oil tanker In the presidential election, Mor- aid. a d arendra Maheshri '99 compet- could not be moved until it was fopoulos ran against Andrew Morfopoulo hope to continue or repre ntation d ired ed in the one-day-long engineering repaired; matters were further com- Rhomberg G. Both candidates gave the GS ' good working relation- Eh an, the vice presidential can- competition, which is open to col- plicated by an impending storm five minute speeches followed by ship with the admini tration, he didate, did not attend the G elec- lege freshmen and sophomores. alert, Guidry said. question from the council. said. That way, in a "crisi situa- tion meeting because of a la t- This year, MIT competed with "Using what we felt were rea- Rhomberg viewed representation tion," the G C can easily approach minute job interview. teams from orwich University, the sonable engineering approxima- as an important part of the GSC. the dean , he said. According to her statement of Univer ity of ew' Hampshire, the tions, we found that the spill could There needs to be a "broader contri- As a way to "get people out of purpo e, Eh an "will work hard to U~iversity of Maine, UMas Low- be completely contained in an 18- bution from students in activities their labs," Morfopoulo would en ure that more department are ell, the Univer ity of Massachusetts hour period." Guidry said. and decisions," he said. ponsor workshop with graduate repre ented at G meetings and at Amher t, and Boston University. The team concluded that even if Morfopoulos plans to increa e department representatives, he aid. that more tudents are informed of u Beta Pi i an engineering hon- ,the incoming storm damaged the participation in the GSC and In this way, the GSC can better our activities." Jr society. improve graduate tudent quality of understand student concerns and Students this year were presented TBP, Page 17 life. enhance graduate cooperation. GSC, Page 15 Train Club Switches omes Spring By May K. Tse track layout to making cenery, and STAFF REPORTER paint cabs and cars. After one last open house tomor- \ Ahead! The club has about 20 active row, the Tech Model Railroad Club Daylight savings time will be say- members, and usually meet every Saturday afternoon and into the begin unday at 2 a.m. DeatulV'o ing good- Don't forget to set your .L' ~ ,{/ bye to its evening. long-time clock one hour ahead before "Approximately half of these are you go to sleep aturday home in Building 20 a it prepare alumni members, some of whom night. to move Its J 000 feet of track to have been in the club for over 30 firmer ground. "We're planning to move year ," ilevitch aid. "The other becau e the Institute is planning to half i divided between student and tear down building 20 within a cou- gue t member from the Bo ton ple of year," aid Daniel M. ile- area." vitch '96, the club' co-governor. The club will likely be setting up lub goal i to ha e fun again in the MIT Mu eum building (Building 52). Most of the club's Today the club's goal is "to current layout - the 600 quare- have fun," he said. "People do pro- foot o-called Tech ickel Plate jects to ee' hat irs' materialize," line, which ha 200 track witches said Co- mor Peter K. Lee '97. and bridge two model cities - will be taken apart. Member will build "Because of the collective nature a new model at the new site. of the club, people are free to focus The move is the fir t one in a on the areas of modeling that they long time for the club, which has enjoy most, without having to worry been in Building 20 since 1948, two about the other areas that are nece - years after it wa founded. Thi last sary to create a believable, function- open hou e will last from 10 a.m. to ing miniature world," ile itch said. 10 p.m. and will be held in Room 20E-214. Becoming a member of the club BRIAN YA DE BOSCH-THE TECH A the name implie , the model is ea y, ilevitch aid. "For people People take to the roof of Building 37 last week to view railroad club focu e n building affiliated with IT in any way, you Comet Hyakutake. The brightest comet In 20 years, Hyaku- and running model railroads. Mem- need only how up and say that you take won't be back for 18,000 years. See tory, page 11. ber design control systems, plan want to join." Page 2 • SEOUL, SOlITH KOREA Thou and of college tudent marched through eoul Thur day in rapidly e calating mas student protests that for the first time are calling for the ouster of Pre ident Kim Young am. The prote t - triggered by the recent heart-attack death of a tu- By lIIam CI lborne be a partially completed pipe communications sent by the dent demonstrator after he was beaten by riot police - could hardly THE WASHINGTON POST bomb." Unabomber over the years. come at a worse time for Kim, whose ruling ew Kore Party is HELENA, MONT. achtleben offered no opinion on Federal agents continued to ~ already expected to lose its parliamentary majority in crucial legisla- urrounded by federal mar hal , whether the paper-wrapped pipe search the cabin Thursday, using X- tive elections next week. Kim has been pre ident ince 1993. Theodore J. Kaczyn ki, a taciturn bomb had been manufactured before ray equipment and other bomb- The sharp turn of campu entiment again t Kim - who in the and bearded hermit identified by or after the Unabomber wrote his detecting devices both as a precau- 1980 was revered by college tudents a a leading fighter for democ- federal agent as the terrorist known exhaustive 35,000-word "mani- tion against possible booby traps racy is widely viewed a damaging to the ruling party, e pecially as the Unabomber, wa brought festo" that wa published last Sep- and to avoid contaminating evi- among younger voter .
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