1902. CONGRESSIONAL· RECORDLSENATE. 4703 ~aute Ind.:~avoring the restriction of the immigration of cheap I By Mr. SPERRY: Resolution of board of aldermen of Bridge­ labor from the south and east of Europe-to the Committee on port, Conn., indorsing House b~ll6279, to increase the pay of let- Immigration and Naturalization. ter carriers-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. By Mr.· JACK: Papers of Lieut. J. J. Parsons to accompany By Mr. STARK: Papers in support of House bill12751, grant- House bill No. 13852 , for the restoration of his pension to the ing an increase of pension to Martin L. Pembleton-to the Com- original rate-to the Committee on ~valid Pensions. mittee on Invalid Pen sio~. Also resolutions of R. Foster Robmson Post, No. 36, of Salts- By Mr. STEVENS of Minnesota: ResolutiOns of machinists of burg, Pa., Grand Army of the Republic, fa~oring ~he passage of St. Paul, 1\;finn., for th~ fu~her restriction .of ~migration-to House bill3067-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. the Committee on Imrmgrat10n and NaturaliZation. Also resolutions of Mine Workers' Union No. 79,of Webster, Also, resolutions of the Credit Men's Association of St. Paul, and N~. 1218, of Anita and New Florence, Pa., favoring an edu- Minn., indorsing the Ray bankruptcy bill-to the Committee on cational test for r estriction of immigration-to the Committee on the .Judiciary. Immigration and Naturalization. Also, resolutions of Northwestern Manufacturing Association, By Mr. LASSITER: Resolutions of Business Men's Association of St. Paul, Minn., in favor of the irrigation bill-to the Com­ of Edenton, N. C., urging the improvem ent of the inland water mittee on Inigation of Arid Lands. route from Chesapeake Bay to Beaufort Inlet-to the Committee Also, resolutions of the same association, approving the reor- on Rivers and Harbors. ganization of the consular service-to the Committee on Foreign . By Mr. LAWRENCE: Resolutions of Federal Labor Union of Affairs. Lenox, Mass. , favoring an educational qualification for immi- By Mr. VAN VOORHIS: Resolutions of Barlow Post, No. 434, grants-to the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. Grand Army of the Republic, Barlow, Ohio, favoring the con- By Mr. LINDSAY: Resolutions of the New York Produce Ex- struction of war vessels in the United States navy-yards-to the change, in favor of House bill6279, to increase the pay of letter Committee on Naval Affairs. _ carriers-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. Also, resolutions of Zanesville (Ohio) Lodge, No. 84, Allied By Mr. LONG: Resolutions of Herington Division, No. 257, Metal Mechanics, and Press Feeders' Union No. 10, of Zanesville, Order of Railway Conductors, Caldwell, Kans. and Lodge No. Ohio for the further restriction of immigration-to the Commit- 337, Locomotive Firemen, Wellington, Kans., for the passage of tee on Immigration and Naturalization. House bill 9330, for a further restriction of Chinese immigra- By Mr. WANGER: Petition of Iron and Steel Workers' Union tion-to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. No. !>249, of Pottstown, Pa., for the passage of laws which will Also paper to accompany House bill 13921, for the relief of pre\ent the immigration of persons who can not read-to the E. C. Adams-to the Committee on War Claims. Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. By Mr. MANN: Petitions of citizens of Chicago, ill., favoring By Mr. WARNER: Resolutions of Federation of Labor and Senate bill3057-to the Committee on Inigation of Arid Lands. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, of Champaign, Til., favoring By Mr. McCALL: Petition of North River Presbytery,Pough- an educational restriction on immigration-to the Committee on keepsie, N.Y., favoring improvement of the post exchange as Immigration and Naturalization. relates to buildings, literature, etc.-to the Committee on the By Mr. YOUNG: Petitions of P. P. Mast & ·co., Brainard & Post-Office and Post-Roads. Armstrong, Pioneer Suspender Company, Folwell, Bro. & Co., Also, petition of J. B. Thayer and 3 others, in favor of provi- and Harrison Bros. & Co., all of Philadelphia, Pa., in regard to sion for the collection of statistics relative to marriage and di- the bankruptcy law-to the Committee on the Judiciary. vorce-to the Committee on the Judiciary. Alsv, petition of Rubber Workers' Union No. 8622, of Cam­ bridge, Mass., for the restriction of immigration~ to the Com­ SENATE.- mittee on Immigration and Naturalization. By Mr. MEYER of Louisiana: Resolutions of the Maine State SATURDAY, April 26, 1902. Board of Trade, for the establishment of lobster hatcheries on the Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. W. H. MILBURN, D. D. coast of Maine-to the Committee on the Merchant Marine and 'l;'he Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's pro­ Fisheries. ceedings, when, on request of Mr. PRITCHARD, and by unanimous By Mr. MUDD: Petition of citizens of Galveston, Tex., pro­ consent the further reading was dispensed with. testing against the " Jim Crow" car law-to the Committee on The PRESIDENT pro tempore. _The Journal, without objec­ the Judiciary. tion, will staiJ.d approved. ByMr. NAPHEN: Petition of International Musical Union, for amendnient of the immigration laws-to the Committee on Immi­ SUPREME COURT OF TERRITORY OF OK.LAHOMA.. gration and Naturalization. The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate the amend­ · Also, papers to accompany House bill14009, granting a pension ments of the House of Representatives to the bill (S. 715) to pro­ to Bella McCauley, widow of late Robert McCauley, United States vide for two additional associate justices of the supreme cor-...rt of · Navy-to the Committee on Pensions. · the Territory of Oklahoma, and for other purposes. By Mr. NEVILLE: Petition of citizens of Sheridan County, The amendments of the House of Representatives were, on page N eb:i.·., opposing the leasing of public lands-to the Committee on 1, line 11 , after " court," to insert" who shall have been residents the Public Lands. of said Territory for at least one year and;" on page 1, line 12, By Mr. PALMER: Paper to accompany House bill granting a after "and," to insert "have;" and· on page 2, line 2, to strike pension to Charles M. Blaker-to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ out " five hundred." sions. Mr. FAIR BANKS. I move that the Senate concur in the.., . Also r esolution of Mine Workers' UnionNo. 1159, Pittston, Pa., amendments made by the House of Representatives. · favoring an educational test for restriction of immigration-to The motion was agreed to. the Committee on Immigration and Naturali.z'ation. THE Als ~, r esolutions of Branch No. 385, P olish National Alliance, MESSAGE FROM HOUSE. of Freeland, Pa. favoring the erection of a statue to the late A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. W. J. Brigadier-General Count Pulaski at Washington-to the Com­ BROW.NING, its Chief Clerk, announced that ·the committee of mittee on the Library. conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the By Mr. RODEY: Resolutions of Mine Workers' Union No. amendment of the Senate to the bill (H. R. 13031) to prohibit 1746, of Gallup; Division 446 of Locomotive Engineers, of Albu­ the coming into and to regulate the residence within t h e United querque, and Carpenters' Union, of Cloudcroft, N.Mex., favor­ States, its Territories, and· all territory under its jurisdiction, ing an educational qualification for immigrants-to the Commit­ and the District of Columbia, of Chinese and p~rs ons of Chinese t ee on Immigration and Naturalization. descent had met, and after a full and free conference were un­ By Mr. RUSSELL: P etition of citizens of Third Congressional able to agree; that the House further insists upon its disagree­ district of Connecticut , favoring the new oleomargarin~ bill-to ment to the amendment of the Senate to the bill, asks for a further the Committee on Agriculhue. conference with the Senate on the disagreeing votes of the two By 1\fr. ROBERTS: P etition of James H. Wolff and others, of Houses thereon, and had appointed Mr. HITT, 1\fr. PERKINS, and Massachusetts, in favor of House bill 10793, in opposition to the Mr. CLARK managers at the conference on the part of theHouse. "Jim Crow" law-to the Committee on the Judiciary. The message also announced that the House had passed the fol- By 1\fr. RYAN: Petition of Empire State Lodge of Machinists, lowing bills: - No. 480, Buffalo, N . Y. ,favoringaneducationalqualificationforim­ A bill (S. 234) granting an increase of pension to James Frey; migrants-to the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. A bill (S. 319) granting a pension to Ida M. Wan-en: Also. petjtion of Polish society of Buffalo, N. Y., favoring A bill (S. 324) granting an increase of pension toNellie Loucks; Hou:.;~ bill 16 , for t he erection of an equestrian statue of the late A bill (S. 636) to remove the charge of desertion against David General Pulaski at Washington, D. C.-to the Committee on the A. Lane; Library. · A bill (S. 694) granting a pension to Jane Caton; 4704 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE. APRIL 26, A bill (S. 899) granting an increase of pension to George F. A bill (H. R. 357) for the relief of Levi Maxted · Bowers; A bill (H. R. 665) granting a pension to Lam·a Newman, for­ A bill (S.1321) to restore to the active list of theNavythename merly Laura Mount; of James G. Field; A bill (H. R. 832) granting an increase of pension to William A bill (S. 1363) granting an increase of pension to James A. Clark· McKeehan; A biD (H. R. 1014) granting a pension to Lam·a Levenseler· A bill (S.
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