Th e Offi c ia l Pu b l i ca t i o n o f Th e St at e Fi s h a n d G a me Co mmi s s io n O 1 I L N 930 . VOL . II . HE ENA , M TANA , JUNE , NO E M B E R S of the belief that it i s a worth - while cam Commission any matters which he might - w . the State Fish ai n . not . M p g , but Mr Hill explained that have for their attention He stated that a n d G a m e a great deal o f interest has been taken in the cooperative work between the Commission , in ses in this contest the last few years . Mr . University of Montana and the State Ke l l v sion at Helena May moved that the predatory animal Fish and Game Commission , it had been 23 uni v e rsit , transacted busi contest be conducted this year by the the opinion of / officials that ’ a ness of import nce Department , providing the sportsmen s the two appropriations for this at the annual Com clubs show enough interest and desire work fr r the last tw o years were con ti nu ous m i s s i o n meeting , to have it continued ; that the Secretary , and with this in mind they while members of advise the State Sportsmen 's Associa had Spent more than during 19 29 M the ontana Sports tion to this effect , and if they assure but had not exceeded the He ’ m e n s Association the Department that enough interest requested that the university h e al lowed were gathering at , of will be given to the contest it shall the full amount for their work , an 1 their eleventh b e continued for 9 30 . inasmuch as several bills were unpaid . nual session at the On mot on of Mr . Kel y w as made The Chairman called upon Colonel D . i l Placer Hotel . Im available for the payment o f any un G . Stivers of Butte . He explained that mediately after the he was soliciting the cooperation of the paid bills incurred i h the cooperative conclusion of Com Commission in creating a bird refuge at agreement between the University o f m i s s i o n business , Montana and the Department . Red Rock L akes . This area is a natu the board adjourn ed . re R. H . H ill ral nesting place for birds , he said , but Dr Elrod advised that a written to meet with the due to 1OW waters , the marsh lands dr port had been made in detail of the sportsmen . up every year and the ducks are not work o f the scientists employed by the Th e annual meeting of the Commission sta ying there . He suggested that , in university in this cooperative work , w as h e l d at the office of the State Game accordance with the plans of engineers , copies of which had been presented to 2 Warden at Helena , May 3 . Those pres among whom is State Engineer James , the Fish and Game Department . He ent were Thomas N . Marlowe , Chair a dam could be built at the outlet of gave a short report o f the work done man ; E . A . W ilson , G . T . Boyd and J . fi r m i ng at the lake , thus an area of more Flathead L ake . L . Kelly , Commissioners ; Robert H . Hil l , than acres , and providing an ideal Dr . Elrod then requested a continu Secretary ; Field Assistants Treece and bird refuge . The three engineers who ance of this cooperative agreement b e Schofield Col . D . G . Stivers of Butte ; ; made an inspection o f this lake and tween the university and this Depart L . L . A . Smith of ewistown ; Dr M J drew the plans for the dam estimated ment for the ensuing year , suggesting Elrod of t e State University , Missoula . h that the cost for building this dam that studies be made of the Missoula Mr . Marlowe cal led attention to the would be Mr . Stivers assured R iver pollution , and of the waters that co fact that it was the annual meeting , at the Commission that they had the drain into Flathead L ake . Mr . Kelly ’ which time the board was to reorganize operation o i the Butte sportsmen s or suggested that this matter be tabled of . for the coming year . g anizations . On motion Mr Marlowe until later in the meeting , until a ch eck the Commission voted to expend as Mr . Kel ly nominated Mr . Marlowe as could be made of the finances of the much as for the construction and ~ Chairman for the coming year . There Department . It was later voted to dis completion of this dam at Red Rock being no other nominations , the nomi continue the work because of heavy de L ake , as outlined by Colonel Stivers . nations were closed . mands on available funds . Colonel Stivers read a l etter from Mr . Boyd moved that Mr . Marlowe be Ward M . Sackett of the Hamilton of ’ William Carpenter , President the elected Chairman ; seconded by Mr . Sportsmen s Club advised that the Ra ’ Butte Anglers Club , suggesting that a. Kelly , and the election was carried valli county sportsmen wou ld like an 7 00 - foot dam and a headgate be i h unanimously . Mr . Marlowe expressed Open season o n mountain goats this his th anks to the members of the Com stalled i n the old channel of the Big year in the Bitter Root and the open Hole River below Maiden Rock , thereby mission . season was declared o n mountain goats L utilizing this channel for a chain of on M r . Marlowe called upon . A . Smith the west side of the Bitter Root L Rod rearing ponds . He stated that the water of the ewistown and Gun Club , River in Ravalli county , from October Com in this channel does not freeze and 15 to N 1 5 who asked the cooperation of the ovember , both dates inclusive , there is some natural food in the water . 1 9 30 mission in repairing and enlarging the , the limit to be one goat of either ’ The p lan of the Butte Anglers Club is rearing ponds at the state hatchery at sex for each person . to build these rearing ponds and keep L ewistown . They have three rearing Mr . Sackett also requested an open ponds at this hatchery which are beyond approximately fish in the ponds on _ season elk in Ravalli county for each year , the maintenance of which repair , as they were built seven years this year and it was agreed that all ' a would be s2 , o00 year . The Butte club ago . The L ewistown club is willing to that portion of Ravalli county lying _ donate all the labor if the Commission requested the Commission to pay one east of the Bitter Root River be open will furnish the material for enlarging half the expense in the construction to the hunting and shooting of on e elk of these ponds , the Butte club to pay and repairing these ponds , making them of either sex from November 11 to 15 , the rest and fo r the maintenance . The 65 . O o f 19 feet long and concreting them n both dates inclusive , the 30 season . estimated cost i s for the construe motion of Mr . Kelly the request for Warden Hil l advised that he had material to complete and enlarge the tion of a chain of eight ponds . Dr . written the proper officials in accord present rearing ponds at L ewistown was Treece and Mr . Hill were instructed to ance with the wishes of the Commis investigate and report at the next meet granted . sion , relative to the construction of fish i n . g th e Mr Smith asked th e Commission if ladders over dams in the Big Horn , n of f they intended havi g a state predatory Dr . M . J . Elrod the University o Tongue and Yellowstone Rivers , and animal contest this year . He expressed Montana was asked to present to the that there had been some difficulty in 4 M O N T A N A W I L D L I F E finding a suitable fish ladder for th ese Mr . Hill presented a petition from dams . J . S. James , State Engineer , who residents of Poplar , Mont . , asking that R has been assisting Mr . Hill in finding Harris L ake , near Poplar , in oosevelt - ~ suitable fish ladders , joined the meet county , be open to seining for non ing . He explained that he would be game fish . The waters in this lake abl e to inspect these dams and could are shallow and freeze every year , probably assist in finding workable causing al l the fish to die . Deputy plans for ladders in these cases . He Kroe t recommended that this lake be p - al so reported that he had inspected the O ened to seinin g , and that a five dollar recom Re d Rock Lake proposition and seining fee be charged . On motion of mended the b uil ding . of the dam in the Mr . Kelly the petition was granted and L R w as outlet o f the lake . He offered to as Harris ake , in oosevelt county , sist the Commission in drawing up plans opened to seining ; and upon applica . W ar for this dam . M r.
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