it 0 if H fhY'M M J LI T J V I? J 11 ;1 iy Li 1:? 3 L;l! t V. I' r KMHhlUtl- -1 1 w Jul' VOL XXX., NO. 529S nONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, .MONDAY, JULY 1MU'. --TWULVK 1'AGKS. riUCK 11 VK CKNTH. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. T. McCANTS STEV;ART. THE SETTLEMENT HI iGHGQCK, J. Q. WOOD. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT gSKSSiPHQF. Law, Progress Block, opposite ATTORNEY AT LAW. HONOLULU Catholic Church, Fort street, Ho- Address: Care of F. D. Greany. nolulu, II. I. Telephone 1122. Bostoa C8 G9 address: Itooms and " Scenes at Annual j Vii:;. ::: N ,.r K.;!v:; a;,:. iCl JUtQ OCirHUSi 1 Smith building, No. 15 Court T. D. lie .:!,y Ual VMtf IMV' t!.: u:,.. Square. BEASLEY. DRAUGHTSMAN. y PLANTATION toe Board ol Healto. !i i:. rM-.- d ! i I if; rs C3 Asa Topographical Maps Special- ;i::4 Fiinfa A. L. C. ATKINSON. and a i i.' i i li iv v lrri- - ' ty. Room 30G, Judd Building, Tel- ':.! f.r r.r l i.r..I !!:..! it U lijr: lara ATTORNEY-AT-LA- W. ephone C33. Ir tf OFFICE: COR-n- er th:. i::v.t y.ivHf. r.:."iy t.ow 1.. j !.;! ir- - j : aut King and Bethel Streets, (up-- iy I; : DR. T0M1Z0 KATSUNUMA. MOLOK&I LEPERS WELL TiiEATED u, '$-- T ,!.x MAUiiA LOVS HEW: . CR3VI5t t.V i ?t J: rf v..tcr. j - '.j . - . ...... DR. C. B, HIGH. VETERINARY SURGEON. SKIN f . j Disease of all kinds a specialty. li Baldwin Eish 5 Vlsltci-Srolh- cr 4 i: !! h.iU on f , :;rrv-:- . DENTIST. PHILADELPHIA DENT-a- Office: Room 11, Spreckels Build- anl llcncs nV!m d. Hl i'.on Carth i f :rry if ! :jJ4inc of l : ;v.-- .r,r 9 j i:: th- - xwrr r College 1892. Masonic Temple. ing. Hours: to 4. Telephone DutDo's Noble WorK-Pri- ics for nor.. Telephone 318. 474. Residence Telephone 1003. :: ::. ;r ln iM iLr?ar 1 :ir::rt Tree PUntinz. lv i::.i:iv 1 I i'.v o':;t;:.'j. !i .f tin n A. C. r.;o-.j:;?-.:- ns't-- : i:r: zrz"." DR. A. GORDON HODGINS. DR. POSEY. i - OFFICE AND RESIDENCE 54S FORT SPECIALIST FOR EYE. EAR. At tvtiiy hour Saturday t v.;i No: .u. Street. Office 9 11; 2 THROAT AND NOSE DISEASES w'-.- o '. -- ' . Hours: to the V. (I. Hall anc!r: on; 1. II. !iit ha .t f D:nr.; ::'.!; ' M li:r;j l.iu I to 4, 7 t9 8. Telephone 953. AND CATARRH. Masonic Temple. st:ur.'r !:. .'!;:. V;wor. to r 1 1 h-- J ;r. : ; . - Hours: S to 12 a. m; 1 to 4 and 7 th' M!ol;ai oast and a nuruhrr of i:: Kov.a. f.r :! :rj' t.,n Uiv.iii f..- .i : twu i'n .tA.!i:!2.r ?.!iy jrylr that -- x :.-- ! IKi.--sen-irs . V..j..!-:.- 1 t ;-a DR. A. C. WALL. DR. E. WALL. to 8 p. m. looked for tli first timfjof r. aj ..ai i.tr? hr.ilih. w.u; ;:: ::tli-- :.::;::. .1 tr. xJ." KIj .i. !!,:; i;..:. v.i:i r.-- 0. .- i" ; v. - -- - - "'.-- 1 upou Mai aupapa. inw th ill.:;:--- f ;:! i atc.uk of ;.!.! ;.- to I !..!;!.- .;t li:;.- !;:::- w.u . it in .?: :t.." v. cm - DENTIST OFFICE HOURS: 8 A. M. DB. T. miTrURA. thf f.ir-r.iui- "d l'pr S!-- inat. 'iV'v-n:- . !1 t::..: t! I lav. .tti :. to ln l!.- :. !i f i . lv- - J tA'tirc if 1 ? ; - to 4 p. m. Love Building, ' - - ''i-- 'i ... , !! fir..- J j.Si.t - J Fort vessel broMi:ht. be;d, s mcrul.er of ;a f f im aUatJ j t. W.SH fM :uiX.. t t.f i'..- i milt Street. CONSULTING ROOMS, 427 NL'UANU . 1 J I'.o.inl cf Health ami their sueMs. ....... .. , .., I:; 1 : S" iru'.u.!.- - t!i" - :j: Street; P. O. Box S 12; telephone ,. - -- 524 about a hundred who had reeolve.! pr- ,iU.r,. e:..:,rt.il.l. :.n.' wiih it .!- - ; M.i.iwii.w In bi. t;t:. M- - E. GROSSMAN, D.D.S. 132; residence, Nwuanu street. t: ' if ii Cottage Hospital, HoO Nuuanu ndts t.i visit affliited relatives in tae'i.i! will s..ii. it I.: i,. ;i. v il. 1 n. fnuil in all parts ' tl. icia:.l! !) ; r.. ---J .1 I ri-- M DENTIST 93 HOTEL STREET, Ho- street. Hours: to 12 a. m. and 7 olony. Their eoiniiv was expi-- ted. ;j H:.o ,t..r:t 0 u-.r.- t j.jb.r to lUl cu.ny 9 9 p. 2 C -- nolulu. Office Hours: a. m. to to m.; Sundays, to p. m. A large eomp.my had assembled h id ! n eruptions (If 4 p. m. toj t!i;e x;do.ie ly The Cttu aiz.l t!ic lUiy welcome them. Tins steamer's boats I which .".t b:me f o!r.uj!r :;: h ! rr (;ct Hurl. MISS F. WASHBURN. -- - K-.a- ii ::-.- were soon lowered, and to musie - S ) A "j ! a out and ! GEO. H. HUDDY, D.D.S. the CP '1 ha.- V.x. A 1 y ;.:id a bi r't!cr omlta- - of the Kalaupapa brass band the u FUBLIC STENOGRAPHER AND r r.-,- an arwidml ttjl nearly strong-arme- DENTIST FORT STREET, OPPO- - Typewriter. Office: Room 202, d rowers I tilled for th' J "On :h r !!e f . Judd :!.' tt-fi- :i life. Tar-- ? r.a:Ive .; lad. boy. fcite Catholic Mission. Hours: Building. Telephone 10S6. rocky shore. Tl.e landing v.-a- !uaib itold th il.irnil Herald, "'il U c;ui:e From 9 a, m. to 4 p. m. Jim K'j!ci. LU l.r.j.c A!a;al oaj V without difficulty. The permits, with- .'ep;rr::.t in lh tho.:gh it I of a lOVv NaJwe !iurtd t for a blcydo WILLIAM SAV1DGE. out which no one is permitted to vi.--it LUVa r lia.S OtOppCG j;tjli,.r , , i ,r th n n lhi side owing l Jrk DR. WALTER HOFFMANN. rbl to IDani.i:! 1 Ilru l e:rd3y aftrr-nj- o. the Settlement, were received by the XF r,M'' 11 1 STOCK AND BOND BROKER. f ral:u "a Vs? cirr;-"- ! u 22 proper officer, and soon those who had for the Present. plain many ami N.ile lMld BERETANTA STREET, OPPOSITE Mclnerny Block, Fort Street. iiu mis calibre r. Vbca Ujo Hawaiian Hotel. Office Hours: 8 come to see relatives were reunited hay i:;v.t!g. thins jdiov.ed that fund.?- - rcvuht tjr 10 a. m.; 1 to 3 p. m.; 7 to 8 p. Troray'n stablf- - th"y vaatwl Cro to with for a day. I ba Is lo sou C. J. FALK. them mental of t!:o bland formation A Gundays: 8 to 10 a. m. Tele- Surveyor ai'Jwla Pc;ort$ Thjt df th t'ioU c.irtrllpe Jimaxl phone 510. O. Box 501. The village, with its white cottages, tic Lr;p ...u :, sab v4..ir. t!.rre w.ia an .1:41 fix P. MEM-be- all the Ij trlel to lu Tbrro STOCK AND BOND BROKER. r -- looked clean and bright in the morn- Xbn IJ;s Ccj$:J-M;C4c::- fis ?i:; Je3Lpb l inip:i'!i which nt ut wjla a hudden and yevang J. Ko-!.t-.x i njtrl Honolulu Stock Exchange. fc!l Sih oIjoto DR. I. MORI. ing sunshine, and the inhabitants not tin- - t I.'.sh in the form of raokcf o fne was ovr a ta!l Juki Room 301 Judd Building. It ai. re- at all like a company of invalids. lit Ik ti:urc. Thia tctlled over the hU heart. A little lower and the :S5 3ERETANIA ST., BETWEEN A. There were many who showed no out- ji.dand years sult would have iKwn fatal. Th J. CAMPBELL. ar.d aftertvard thc5c nucj wounded "vjs tali en to Quwj's Emma and Fort. Telephone 277; ward trace of disease. s the il and nr-d- rarrJci! by the l!r-pit.- a! i'hllHn:-wort- h. P. O. Box 843. Office hours; 9 to STOCK AND BOND BROKER. OF-fi- ce It was a pleasure to note how much l( ; : ; by :!ie Klna-.- i yesterday o:;- - Ibecarv by IV; i:y MrH';..J - i- - 1 . 1 self-sacrifici- ng !wlnd or by bird wen- droprxM m It b::;" r.; and 7 8 p. - Th 12 a. m. and to m.; Sundays, Queen street, opposite Union is being done by people, J';i :n r- ceived e.i.ly la.--t w ti -- -. 3 9 to 12 a. m. Feed Co. r.s well as by the Government, through ' . nil I r.r. r T!:eu r.iirn another th !- 1 I 1 r !'. the Board of Health, for these afflicted . ;! J i..!. i v.. i 'jp .ir.t tn . - o; r- .- - . 1 DR. A. N. SINCLAIR. WM. T. PATY. people. The Bbop Home for Girls, t::e s!i'f :.;.;:: :w. we .. x :"iie. 1 ia..::y ars ;;.; . 101.11::: under the charge of Mother Marianne d. vi.!- -: :.y. v b n t!.i. tiU i da a: tli" Kn? S:s-terhoo- d, v i r.r.-- l ; 413 KING ST., NEXT TO THE OPERA CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. GOOD and assistants of the Franciscan ::e' . ' !!. I. !Vt! vi:; g. e:: th ::! of tlv :.-i- .: 9 10 a.
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