FRIDAY. DECEMBER 80. I960, Jirenge Dailjr Ntt Ptms Ran ilWtldBLVB For the Week Haded ^nrliratrr &t?n!ns li^ralb Dee. 84,1969 Tem{de Odb S^ts 13,331 A b o u | > T o ^ Town Lea^rg Will Speak •f the Andtt New Year’s Party \ M m iehe$tar^4 CUy o f VUIago Charm H h m wU Iw i vMBw Mrvlc« « t At South Church Seminar ■ t J ota ^ VtIUtt inStmaiHi ouiio* Ttia Mr. and Mrs. Club o f Tem­ TO R iN T Ho GllCrtli twHatlPW ot 7:30 pint. ple Beth Sholom -wW sponsor a, VOL. LXXX, Np. 77 (TWELVE PAGES) NANGRIeM r, conn., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1960 (CIMMifldd Advertlataig'On Page 16) Community leaders will partlcl-< iHlgh School,, educatlmi; Judge • WEDDJNOS • B A N Q tsm • OROANIKATIOMB Charles 8. House, delinquency; New Tear's Bve cMebration and' Hmt o c n o m a t the Kiwonla pate in a tsmlnar on the "Family OOMFLETE KEHTAL BISVIGB Mayor Harold A. Turkingtoi^ dance at the Masonic Temple to-: RBASONABUR BATES Gbib on ia a d M te r wOl tw inatolMI, in a tVorld of Rapid Social urbish development, and the Rev. TtNOday noon at Jie Mencheiter morrow. There will be dancing to Before Jan, 18 Change" at S outh Methodist Lawrence Almond, pastor of South the mualo of the Ken Borrup or­ m a n c h e o t e b ammtiy Club. Herman J. Heck will Methodist Church The Church, P eru Cuts StateNews be InatalM aa president There Church on Jan. 30. chestra from 9 to 3, with a catered EAST HARTFORD The program, open to the pub­ Past, Present and Future. buffet dinner served, at 1 1 . WEST HARTFORD wffl also be a discussion of program > Co-chairmen of the committee In ptaiia fo r the new year. lic, will be sponsored by the Chris­ Mr. and Mra. Howard. Gold add' MEN'S aad BOYV WEAR HAMDEN tian Social Relations Committee of charge of arrangements are Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. Myron Schaffer are R e la tio n s Marines Will Invade R o u n d u p Louis F. Champeau and Mias Ethel in charge of decorating. Those op AadetsoB JDtea Auxiliary, VFW, the WSCS of South Church. Afternoon speakers and their Goalee. the ticket committee are Mr. and wm hold a card party tonight at The opening sessiem will be from M ra Bernard Bursack, Mr., and g at the post home. subjects will include Dr. Elmer Diskan, aging; Miss Margaret 3 to 5, followed by dinner Mrs. Sam Diamond, Mr. and Mm. With Cuba Troopers Raid Parker, director of Children’ s from 5:30 to 6:30. There will then Richard Don, Mr. and1 Mrs. Michael Cuba, Castro Claims The Bsv. C. Henry Anderson, Services of Connecticut, employed be a discussion of various phases stein, Mr. and -Mrs. Joe Kopman, p a s t o r o f Emanuel Lutheran of music and how it affects one’s By TBB .ARSOeXATRD PSDBS women. Mr. and Mrs, Leon Kramer, Mr.' Peru broke off diplomatic State JaiL Get Church, will be in charge of radio life, followed by an evening ses­ and Mrs. Milt Leon, Mr. and Mra. broadcasts, sponsored by the Man­ Also, Mrs. Hooks Johnston, re­ Havfina, Dec. 81 — ^Pro-t Uruguay said It Is considering a ligious education director at Cen­ sion from 7:80 to 9:30. Vic Ktqiferberg, Mr. and Mrs. Sey­ K E iP OUT relatiotos with Cuba in a move (IP) €ash, Whiskey chester Ministerial Association, The four-fold purpose of the goveniment newspapers de­ similar break. ter Congregational Church, leisure mour Schneider, Mr. and Mrs, that diplomats say may trig- Venezuela announced It will not Denied by U. S., Reds oyer WINF Sunday at 6:30 pjn. seminar, according to Mrs. <3uun- time; Mrs. Clifford Simpson, di­ Engaged Israel Snyder, Mr. and Mm. Sidney off a mass move by Latin clared today Prime Minister recognize the new Cuban ambassa­ Miti dally next week at 7:15 p.m. Engaged peau, is to provide Information New Haven, Dec. 81 (ff)— rector of the Rhythmic Choir at The engagement of Mlatf Judith Eallent and Mr. and Mm. Milton American governments to iso­ Fidel Castro’s regime has dor. y IM— The engagement of Miss Aldeane Center Congregational Church, and about what is behind social Scores of State Troopers and Knight Ordway to Stanley, W. Silber. late the Castro regime. been informed United States The U.S. embassy has called in Rcnald and Poppy Gerard, son Reed of Mystic, Conn., to Alan B. Mrs. Lawrence Almond, director changes, discussion of etefnal aU U.S. residents of Havana to State Jail officials descended and daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Bennett of M anchester is an­ values and spiritual resource for Klock is announced by her pnr- Ormring anger among leaders of Marines will invade Cuba be­ — of youth choirs at South Metho­ give them "very important news.” on the New Haven State Jail ) John Gerard, 75 Olcott Dr., are nounced by her parents, M r. and dist Church, dinner hour music. times of change, dieextssion o f the ehte, Mr, and Mrs. Dexter F. Qrd- hemispheric neighbors was evident fore Jan, 18. Chief Says ’Hiis apparently alluded to a no­ for a surprise shakedown in­ spending a week skiing in Canada Mrs. Walter G. Reed Jr., 18 Hatch Speakers rand topics at the eve­ relationship of families to diange. way, 110 Cambridge St. - New Year’s Party over the activities of Cuban agents Both the semiofficial Revolucion -Her fiance I9 the son of Mr, and charged with spreading revolu­ tice sent out yesterday by the em­ spection and confiscated con­ as g u e ^ of Mr. and Mrs. Ixiuis St, Mystic. ning session will be Raymond and the needs of churches and Olid the government owned El bassy to representatives of the Hlcbol, Town of Mt. Royal. Her fiance is the son of Mr. and Rogers, principal of Manchester community to meet changes. Mrs. F. S.'Klock, 63 Henry S t At Center Church t io n !^ propaganda among the Mundo said "reliable sources" had traband from inmates. J Mies Ordway Is a 1l960 gradu­ masses. Fair Play for Cuba Ck>mmittee. The “ raldera” reached the jail Mrs, Morris C. Bennett, 98 Bald­ told the government of an invasion 7 Battalions Some of its members and sup­ win Rd. ate of Manchester High School 1 ..C In Havana Prime Minister Fidel plan which they reported was sr- on Whailey Avenue an hour after Ouest ^leaker at a meeting and is a freshman at Weatbrook The Men’s Club of Center CoU' Castri)'hr4nt Ihto an all-night ses­ porters are touring Cuba, aiid an Miss Reed is a senior at Stcm- gregational Church will sponsor j ranged by the Pentagon and the Uie 10 p.m. curfew last night and Tuesday evening-* of the Rotary Junior College, Portland, Maine. sion with his Cabinet. They were embassy spokesman said U.S. of­ ington High School. Mr. Bennett is Microwave System to Relay New Year’s Eve party for Central Intelligence Agency (CIAi made x thorough check of the 241 Club of Manchester will be Joseph Mr. Klock te a 1957 graduate of still meeting at 8 a,m., but no clues ficials would be availaible this inmates and ^ e ir cells. Marching in B. Bmna, secretary, general coun­ a 1958 graduate of Manchester church members tomorrow at 8 They added that It has already High School, and a junior at Uni­ Suffield Academy. He attended came from the ptesidential palace, morning to answer their qu!^tions Sheriffs of five counties took sel and member of the board of p.m. in the pa^sh house. on what was heirqr discussed. been approved by President Elsen­ —and present the U.S. side— on versity of Connecticut at Storrs. Phone Calls Between Towns the University , of Mchlgan for Activities will include dancing hower, who ulll be succeeded by part, in the 3-hour inapeotion, an directom o f the Fuller Brush Co. two years and is now attending They broke off talks brief­ CTuban-American relations. unprecedented action in the state. Bangkcrit, Thailand, Dec. SI Re will discuss labor at the meet­ He is majoring in dairy husbandry. and table and group games for, President-elect John F. Kennedy He is a member of Alpha Gamma the University of Hartford, major­ ly as thousands of demonstra­ Jan. 20. The new . Invasion scare appear­ The inspection force, numbering (/P)— ^The U.S. Embassy at ing at Manchester Country Club. Manchester telephone users^dle a growing volume o f callb. He adults and teen-agers. tors muched on the palace last Rho fraternity and Alpha Zeta ag­ ing in electrical engineering. Television will be provided. A Foreign Minister Raul Roa was ed to derive principally from a about 70, moved in from the noon today said it had no re­ ricultural honorary. next year will be making many of said construction of all towers for No date has been set foir the n lj^ t calling for death penalties atory by the government news Bethany State Police Training The Mary Cheney and Whlton the system will probably start In buffet will, be served at 10:45 by reported to have left for New York ports of alleged troop move­ N'o date has been set for the their calls to nearby points over wedding. fo r anti-government terrorists. agency, Prensa Latina, from Mon- School ih an 18-car caravan.
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