■ % i- I___ % ' WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8,1958 Bloodmobile Visits ^outh Methodist Church Tomorrow^ 1:45-6:30p.m . PAQI TWENTY-FOUt ^n^ning l$(raU> Aimge Dally Net i*reai Run "Africa Today,”- a meeting to Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Barstpw, 490 Tha subject for the Bible study aeph WalletL National Security be held by the Service Bureau Main St., ars attsndlng Uia Erin- period at tha Buckingham Oonjpe- Legion Auxiliaiy chairman, to the National Security Far tke Werii EMod The Weather A b o u t T ow n for Women's Organlsatiigis, 958 rude dealer ealei meeUng at the gstlonsl Church tomorrow at ':30 meeting and dinner'at the Hotel Fob. 4. 19M Forooaat of V. S. Weather Bveou Main St. Hartford, on Feb. 15, Statler Hotel, Boston, today. They p.'m., will be "The C h r i s t i a n Plans Spring Sate Bond, Feb. 20. Til* Wooian’i Mittlonary 8o> from 3 to 4:30 p.m., will feature are also attending the Boston Boat Church According to P4ul.” Choir Mrs. Wilber Little, Americaniem CLEARANCE 11,895’ OrcaoioMl llghy rola eudlng to- ctaty of Emanuel L utheran a talk by Dr. Gwendolen Carter, Show. This la Bsrstow's 23rd year practice la scheduled for A t the meeting of . the American chairmaii, who will be in charge professor of government at Smith selling Evinrude dutboardi. Legion Auxiliary Monday evening of tha program following the meet­ OF - Moaibar at tba Audit iianrlfpfitpr lEupitttm UpraUi alghtrLow 80-85. aoudy, mild Fri­ Caturch wlU meet Friday at 7:30 pjB. In the chapel. Paator C. Hen­ College and an expert'on the cur­ Shirley Harrington, president, In .the Legion Home. Mfs. Ruth ing of the unit, Monday, Feb. 20, Bureau of CIreuUUaa day. High near 4#. ry Anderson will give an Informa­ rent aituation in the Union of The Green Thumb group of the and Eklwmrd Lehan, vice president Hickox, Mrs. David Thomas and announced that the High School M a n c h e U s r - ^ A City, of Village Ch a r m tive talk on the Church Uturgy South Africa and other parts of YWCA regrets any Inconvenience of the First National Buk, are Mrs. FrancU Dwyer were appoint­ Round Table Singerp will sing a Refreshments will be served by a the continent, where she has re­ caused by the cancellation of its in New York today attending a ed members of the nominating' number of patriotic aongs; also WINTER HATS hoateaa committee headed by Mrs cently traveled and studied. The meeUng Monday evening et the conference on New England bankr bommittee. Donations were voted that Miss Emily Smith of Troop 1, Vfliues to 84.98 , VOL. LXXV, NO. 110 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1956 (CDuoiflad Aiveettohif oa Faga IB) Charles VonBorchera. meeting la free and open to the Community Y because of the In­ Ing St the Chase National’ Bank. td ,the Polio and Boy Scout fund Girl Scouts, will tell of the biennial PRICE FIVE CENTS public. clement weather, and hopes' It wll^ drives. trips to Europe by local Girl Scot^ George W. Pfannebecker, 115 be more favorable for the n ex t Mrs. Hssel T. BJorkman, nurse Mrs. Charlea H. Romaiiowaki, and leaders, which help to ipread NOW 50c - $1 and $2 Olcott D r, has been sworn Into the There are still a few openings meeting Monday, March 5. at tha Bowers School, le attending 143 Walker St., invited the mem- friendship and good will among the California Rocked peoples In various countries they U.8. Army Engineers Corps. In the for contestants in the Red Men's the workshop for school nursea, a bera to attend a carij| p arty a t her Miiliiwry Dept.—Second Fkmr Research Department of United Social Club dart tournament ached- Mr. and Mrs. Walter TImmina aeries of 15 Wednesday afternoon home Tuesday, Feb. '21, at 8 p,m., riiit. A brief buaineas meeting at By Severe 'Quakes Aircraft Corp. In East Hartford uled to start Feb. 17. a spokesman Jr. and family have moved from meetings, at Hillyer College. and to notify her a day or two'Hn 8 p.m. will precede this program. Pallotti Claims He Quit and a Polytechnic Institute of for the organising committee said 127 Cooper Hill St. to Inelr, re­ advance if they are able to do so. Legionnaires of Dilworth-Corhell- Brooklyn, N, Y., graduate of the today. Members are urged to sign cently purchased home at i}> Bret- Offiers of Manchester Emblem The date of the spring rummage Qiiey Post. 102, have been In­ E l Centro, COllf., Feb. 9 (Xh— oiaas of IMS, he will assume active-, up soon, however, to avoid being ton Rd. Club, No. 251. will hold a meeting sale hai been changed td Thurs­ vited, also unit members in Rock­ A powerful earthquake centered Soviet left out of the contest. tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the home of day, March IS, at the Legion ville, East Hartford, and Glaston­ south of tha border in Mexico Balloons duty in 1957. He Is taking his-mas­ Rome. bury. Mrs. Henri PessinI will serve mJWIIAUeoiu. rocked aouthern California aa A son wis born at the Hart­ Mrs. Paul Gagne. Box Mt. Rd., ter's degree in aeronautical engi­ far north aa Loa Angeles'today, neering under United Aircraft DAV. No. 17, Auxiliary present­ ford Hospital on Feb. 5 to Mr. and Vernon. President Mrs. Joan Gates It wee voted to send Mrs. Ever­ as chairman of the hoatess com­ MANCNItmi COHM* Unaware of His Rights Mrs. John Talley, 34 Cornell St. urges all officers to attend. ett Mosely, president, and Mrs. Jo- mittee. causing widespresd but minor Corp auspices. ed an American flag yesterday af­ dsm age Iti two counties. ternoon to Brownie Troop No. <r Hartford, Feb. 9 (A*)— Water mains burst, windows The Manchester Association for 372 at M ayberry -Village a t the and p la tte r cracked, snrutll fires the Help of Mentally Retarded Community House In East Hart­ William J. HilUird of Hart­ were started and buildings Children, Inc., will hold Its month­ ford. Mrs. Katherine Miller. Amer­ ford, a career man in state swayed in the border counties — ly meeting tomorrow at 6 p.m. at icanism chairman, made the ‘Brink of War’ San Diego and Imperial. the Bunco Ointcr, Olcott St. Guest presentation. Other members pres­ service, today was named CliISFg cool acting deputy motor vehicles Selamologtata gave the quake's speaker will be Anthony Maglioc- ent were Commander Martha Mil­ magnitude aa 6.8 on a scale co. teacher of the class for men­ ler. Mrs. Phyllis Daddario, Mrs. commissioner to succeed Roc- which rates the largest ever re­ tally retarded at the Talcottville Helen Befbe knd Mildred Dad­ dario, a .Junior member and a Girl co D. Pallotti, who resigned corded a t 8.6. This compares School, eponsored by the Town of with 7.8 for a shock which killed Vernon. Scout In Manchester. under fire. Governor Ribicoff Claim Craft announced the appointment of 14 persons In Tehachapi. Cali­ IN 8IINRIE CRin COTTON fornia, in 1952. and 8.3 for the Hilliard who has served more 1933 Long Beach, Calif., shock, than 35 yeara in the depart­ which killed many more. Shot Aerial ment. IJfo deaths or injuriea were re­ Have You Stopped and Tried' ported from this morning's tem­ blor, heaviest aloqg the border Hartford, Feb, 9 (/Py—Roc- 4n 15 y^ars. Land Films The Automatic Pfaff? lac«-lavish«d n«w co D. Pallotti said today he would not have resigned as Moheow, Feb. 9 (A’) — The With each new machine purchased we will i^ e you deputy motor vehicles com­ op to 5 yds. of material valued at 83.50 so that you may Soviet Union today accused p«tticoat nylons... ^ missioner had lieljeen told of High Supports the United States of carrying start your spring wardrobe immediately. the legal opinion, which said - Your old sewing machine can be repaired or electrified out a “brink of war” policy in lovtiy for Springl he could not be fired without Seen Favored the release of weather bal­ regardless of make. a hearing. loons over Russian air space. He Mid he woe not informed of In a full-acaln news conferanca H A L E ' S ■ ^ 5 th e opinion Governor Ribicoff oh-, By Senate Unit at the Splridonovka Palace. For­ little sister *5.98 talned from Atty. Gen. John J. eign Ministry Press Chitf Loonid The j n K H A L C CORK Bracken, dealing with hia rights to Waahington, Feb. 9 (A5 — A Ilyichev declared that'the bailoona a hearing, until he read it in the majority of the Senate Agricul­ coiTied ai>paratus which dld\fl^ M ancHMTBt Cohn- paper at 4:45 p.m. ture commute was reported today lik a ihAeorologtca) dita blit Was ’ CORNER OF MAIN AND OAK STREETS Pallotti said that ,waa aome to fXvor over-riding President ElV for aerisi reconnaissance, . three houra after he' wrote hia sehhdwe'Hs protest, and restoring He declorad the balloons con> reaignatlon, and more thaaan hour Former Pi-esident Truman pursed hia lips at he pinned the Dia- rigid farm price aupporta. But stltute.d a menace to air navlgaUon. after he handed it to Motor Ve- tinguiahed Service Medal with .fdur Oak'Leaf clustera on GeMeral no decisions were announced after and ground Inhabitonta and added: hlclea Commiaaioner John J. Ty­ M acA rthur a t W ake Island bn Oct.
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